763/Superheroing 101 - A Sense of Identity

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Superheroing 101 - A Sense of Identity
Date of Scene: 26 March 2020
Location: 763-King's Landing Scrap Yard, Brooklyn, NY
Synopsis: Spider-Man and Supergirl meet up with Naomi at his favorite training field and try to help Naomi acclimate to the heroing life.
Cast of Characters: Peter Parker, Naomi McDuffie, Kara Danvers

Peter Parker has posed:
King's Landing Scrap Yard is not a Game of Thrones reference. It is near a marina, and the owner of the place was Robert King. Was because he had disappeared along with his wife, Sarah, and their son, Carl, the primary reason Peter Parker dreaded school.

But since their disappearance, the place was in legal limbo...so no one cared what happened there. Which made it useful in many ways.

Spider-Man was already there. After the disappearance of the Kings, he had appropriated this place as part of his own training regimen. He was looking forward to introducing it to Naomi. She had called and asked for help, but didn't say what kind of help. So, Spidey had given her the location, and told her to come by any time.
He had moved a few things around, so right now he was waiting for Naomi...and someone else...

Naomi McDuffie has posed:
Arriving at the scrapyard, Naomi had opted on taking the subway to get here. A really new and weird experience for her. Very...very weird. She had got in via transforming briefly and then leaping over a fence before transforming back and keeping walking. She could transform fairly easily. That part was actually kinda easy. It was other stuff htat was rough. Either way, in her casual clothes she walks toward him with a wave and smiles.

"Hey there, Spider-Man." She nods her haed, "Nice place you got here." She looks around casually, "You usually bring all your new friends here?" She asks and tilts her head.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man chuckles. "When I got the gifts I had, I didn't get an instruction manual. I had to learn, through trial and error, through experimentation, and through training. Training supercedes instinct, that's what it's there for." He raises one arm to show her the yard. "This is my gym, my lab, my shooting range. This place is where I learned how to do better at what I can do. So it is very important to me." He looked back to Naomi. "Someone else will be joining us shortly. I think you might be able to relate to her more than me in some ways."

Naomi McDuffie has posed:
A look around and she nods, "Well, I suppose any port in a storm." She grins, "Though I bet Dee would like this place." She nods and then looks to him, "He's a mechanic and sorta friend of the family." She considers, "It's really hard to tell with my family." She shrugs and then she looks back to Spider-Man, "Though, that's cool. Not the only reason I called you up though. You see, I got other problems." She nods her head and gestures at herself, "You can see what I'm wearing." She nods her head, "I know, decent threads and all but I could do better. Not the point." She smirks.

"The point is, when I transform..." She shrugs and she clenches her fists and there's a bright flash of light before suddenly, she's in that same super suit Spider-Man would remember, complete with armor, "I don't really get a choice in outfits. This is it." She gestures, "I really don't know why but..." She gestures up to her face, "Also no mask."

Peter Parker has posed:
It is an impressive flash of light, and he can see the same outfit she was wearing before. It was impressive, but he could also see what she was worried about. Her face hadn't changed at all.

"So, you're worried someone will recognize you. You want some way to...conceal your real face?"

Naomi McDuffie has posed:
"Well, I tried to use a bandana sort of thing earlier and...I felt really dumb. I mean, it was...impressively stupid." She states simply enough and gestures to her face, "And besides, it really isn't me. I mean...I know you cover your face and have a mask and all that but..." She shrugs, "It's not for me to do that. At the same time though, my parents put me into Happy Harbor as they stated it'd be a good spot for me and I should have a normal high school experience if I'm going to stay over here." She sighs and shrugs, "I am just really lost."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man points to a nearby wrought-iron bench. "Let's have a seat, okay?" He unshoulders the backpack, then opens it to reveal a small plastic container. He fishes out a fork from another container and uncovers the first one.

Granny apples, spun sugar, flaky crust, warmth and love. A wide wedge of apple pie, the best in New York.

"Here. Have this. I'd like to ask some questions."

Naomi McDuffie has posed:
A blink as she looks at the thing he is pulling out, Naomi walks over and stares at the food only to start to speak, "Wow, that lo-"

And then she flashes with a bright light, power and light flaring up around her like a small explosion of energy escaping her mouth, eyes and even around the edges of her armor before she seems to pull it back and gasps.

Then a moment later she is back into her civilian clothes and then shakes her head, "Sorry, I...can't really relax when I'm in that mode." She then nods to him, "Anyway, thanks." She sits down and takes the pie.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Better late than never, right? Supergirl descends from the sky as she sees a flash of light, and a girl with pie.

"Yeah, I have that same reaction," she quips dryly to Naomi, as she touches down lightly several feet away. Her cape is aflutter, as is her hair, which promptly flies in her face. "Ptuh...Well, THAT was graceful."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man is about to speak when he sees Supergirl. He smiles under the mask and stands up. "Hey! Supergirl...I'd like you to meet someone." He indicates Naomi with a wave of his hand. "Naomi McDuffie, I'd like you to meet one of the premier superheroines I know, and I have heard of a LOT of them...SUPERGIRL."

He looks to Supergirl, then says, "This is Naomi McDuffie. She's a fairly powerful person, but seems to be having a few issues. Two heads are better than one, and you have insights I wouldn't."

Naomi McDuffie has posed:
A blink as she takes a bite and nearly spits it out. She swallows quickly and then lets out a, "Whoa!" She shifts some, "I mean, the pie is good but this is Supergirl." She then blinks, "I mean, you...you are Supergirl." She then laughs a little and sets aside the plastic dish for a moment and brushes off her hands, "Yeah, what he said. Hi." She then looks over to Spider-Man and then back at Supergirl, "Wasn't what I expected or exactly what I came here for but yeah." She grins.

Kara Danvers has posed:
"Pleasure to meet you...What sort of trouble are you having?" Supergirl asks, approaching Spidey and Naomi. "And...what WERE you expecting?" She grins.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man speaks up. "Well, her first issue was that she is concerned about how recognizable she is in her costumed form. It's very impressive, but I believe she is worried about being recognized."

Naomi McDuffie has posed:
A smile and she shrugs as she looks over at Spider-Man and gestures at him, "Spider-Man." She states, "I mean, he's pretty cool but..." She leans toward Spider-man, "...no offense..." and she stands back up straight, "...Supergirl!" She gestures and then she blinks and nods to Spider-Man, "And yeah...I really don't want to be recognized. That and, I should probably learn to fly better."

Kara Danvers has posed:
"Hm...well, for starters, are you able to change your civilian clothes? Or are they always the same?" It seems someone's super hearing preceded her arrival. "Because you may not need to disguise your hero self, if you can disguise your civilian self."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man blinks. "Hey, YEAH. If you have control over your civilian mode, you can alter that to hide your natural features. So when you change, you look nothing like your civilian mode." He looked to Supergirl. "...okay, that might have occurred to me...after awhile...maybe." He looks back to Naomi. "Contact lenses, loose clothing, different hairstyle..."

Naomi McDuffie has posed:
A blink as she looks at Supergirl and she hmms, "That's...not a bad idea." She nods her head before looking carefully at Spider-Man, "One, I'm not changing my hair. Two, my hair stays the same when I change so I don't think changing my hair style will help." She shakes her head before she considers, "I already wear pretty loose clothes so that's kinda dealt with." She hmms, "I mean, I don't know if just changing my eye color helps a whole lot."

Kara Danvers has posed:
"What about glasses? Makeup? A...um...pros...thetic nose?" Supergirl looks flummoxed. "Or maybe you don't care much if you're recognized?" She shrugs somewhat helplessly.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man takes a tablet from the backpack, resorting to Google for this situation. "Let's see...sunglasses. Clothing style to hide your body shape...because your costume tends to reveal your body outline..." He looks thoughtful. "Even lipstick color and shading can alter the way your face looks."

Naomi McDuffie has posed:
A blink as she looks at Supergirl, "Glasses?" She asks and then considers, "Makeup...that might work." She looks over at Spider-Man as he starts looking things up, "That might be a good choice." She then looks up at Supergirl, "I kinda have to. I'm Happy Harbor...if I don't hide my identity then." She shrugs, "I can't really be at Happy Harbor." She then frowns and looks down, "I mean, what if something bad happens in front of me and I can't help because, well." She gestures, "I don't wanna get kicked out of school?"

Kara Danvers has posed:
Supergirl nods slowly and thoughtfully. "Then what you need is for your two alter egoes to be seen in the same place, at the same time, by as many people as possible. AND you need to learn to control the flashy-flashy like...yesterday."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man nods. "She's got a point. If you can get away with 'copying' your alter-ego's look, that can be explained away. Speaking of which...have you thought of a name to go with your powers and credo? Not everyone can have an immediately-identifiable code name like yours truly. And Supergirl can use that easily, because she lives up to the name."

Naomi McDuffie has posed:
A sigh and she shakes her head, "Not really, no." She states simply enough, "I really hadn't thought about that." She then looks over with a blink at Supergirl and looks at her, "Like...yesterday?" She asks and tilts her head as she looks at her before looking to the side a moment and then back, "You weren't...there yesterday. How do you know about that?" She asks and tilts her head as she shifts in her spot a little uncomfortably.

Kara Danvers has posed:
"No, no...I meant...like faster than immediately. What happened yesterday?" Supergirl asks with narrowed eyes. "I just meant you have to learn to control it now before it flares in front of your school, if that is your concern."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man nods to Supergirl's statement. "If you want, Naomi, we can see what could trigger it, and then develop ways to control yourself if one of these trigger events happens near you."

Naomi McDuffie has posed:
A look to Supergirl and Naomi blinks, "Nothing at all embarrassing and why are we talking about yesterday at all?" She smiles a little and then looks over to Spider-Man, "Yes, lets move on to that and also...I think I kinda know what triggers it. It's just, hard to control." She nods her head, "It's kinda like opening up a valve and if I don't pay attention I can open it too far." She shrugs, "Or something like that." She hmms, "I think just...being distracted is what triggeres it." She concentrates a moment and then clenches her fists and then there's another burst of light and she is once more transformed, "See, like now I'm focused on it. Concentrating on being like this. If I let go, which I'm not gonna do it kinda...is like the valve opens all the way up or something. Like turning a hose on full blast."

Kara Danvers has posed:
"Have you tried meditation to harness your focus and keep it directed properly?" Supergirl asks quietly. It may not be the answer you seek, but for many, it helps greatly in focusing on when and how powers can manifest."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man nods. "I can understand learning control. Nothing I have against it. I had to learn physical control to keep from killing some poor schmuck who made some poor choices. My path was through analysis, not meditation. If you have an analytical mind, maybe it will help you."

Naomi McDuffie has posed:
A look to Supergirl and then Spider-Man and she hmms, "Well, I'm gonna try meditation I guess." She states, "I've had these powers for like...a week." She nods her head, "Not even a week." She shrugs, "I've really not tried a whole lot but I know I can uppercut a bad guy hard enough to send him flying like a rocket." She nods her head, "And that I sometimes explode when I'm not paying attention. I'll go for that meditation though."

Kara Danvers has posed:
"I may be able to help you," Supergirl replies with a nod. "Or it may be that you mesh with someone else more, and want to focus your energy there. I think it is a very good place to start, though. Or some combination of analytical and meditative intervention. Everyone is different."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man smiles. "And if you want someplace to get rid of some excess energy...or frustration...you can come here. The cars on the side of the lot nearest the water could be melted down, or crushed, without worrying about the parts they might hold. No skin off my nose if you do decide to compact a few of them."

Naomi McDuffie has posed:
A look over at Supergirl and she smiles, "I'm fine with any help you can give." She nods her head before she looks over at Spider-man and grins, "Thanks." She considers, "I really ought to see how strong I am." She nods her head, "I'd really hate to rip someone's head off or something when I just mean to knock them out." She smiles awkwardly before shrugging, "You two have been pretty awesome. I just...need to get a handle on this and also not get kicked out of school.

Kara Danvers has posed:
"Your determination seems strong," Supergirl replies with a smile. "I feel like you've got this. As long as you keep trying. You're gonna get a handle on it in no time. I have every faith in you."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man nods and points to the south side of the lot, where there are three heavy bags. "The one on the left is a regular heavy punching bag. Consider it your baseline for hitting a human being. The middle one is filled with lead shot. Use that for tougher opponents. The one on the right is filled with slats of sheet steel. Good for testing against the much-stronger opponents. This way you can regulate how much power you use." He smiles under the mask. "They went a long way towards helping me control my strength."

Naomi McDuffie has posed:
A smile and a little turn of her head and she's chuckling, "Gonna make me blush, Supergirl." She grins and looks back at her, "Thanks." She smiles brightly before looking to Spider-Man and nodding, "That sounds good." She states, "I'll...try not to break them or anything. I really don't know how much I can do, all I know is...well, I can make my punches stronger if I focus." She nods her head and raises her hands up as they glow, "And I can fire off beams of energy. I got that much." She shrugs before she considers, "Anyway, I'll practice here for now and try to meditate some...and maybe pick up some fake glasses."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey nods, then says, "Use the energy srtuff on the wrecks in the back. No one is going to miss them." He looks around, then says, "Take all trhe time you need. I have to bolt. Bank heist."

He salutes, then fires a webline. In the next second, he's off and running. The Working-Class Superhero.