12116/Meanwhile, in Outsiderland

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Meanwhile, in Outsiderland
Date of Scene: 22 July 2022
Location: Level 4 - Kitchen and Dining - The Roost
Synopsis: A evening meeting of Outsiders at the Roost. Rose is back. Laura sneaks. Phoebe is hurt.
Cast of Characters: Conner Kent, Rose Wilson, Laura Kinney, Gabby Kinney, Phoebe Beacon

Conner Kent has posed:
Friday evening at last. It is a hot summer day outside, which means it is -too- hot, because Gotham can't have nice weather. Too hot and pollution makes air quality abysmal. Yes, typical Gotham.

But at least one member of the Outsiders is okay with the weather. It is sunny. Or it would be if you can fly a few miles over the city. And he is not bothered by the heat. Conner gets into the Roost through one of the 'secret' rooftop entrances. Suddenly it is cool and dark-ish. "Damn, the AC is on overdrive, I'd hate to be the one that has to pay the power bill," he comments to nowhere in particular.

Well, he knows a few someones can hear him despite being in other floors. Anyway, going towards the kitchen area, the Roost most visited room. "Hey, is Tim around? Hello?"

Rose Wilson has posed:
The voice that comes back isn't Tim's. Instead, it's the occasionally-there, often-gone member of the team, the silver-haired Ravager. "Not that I've seen him." Rose takes a couple steps closer, out of the dark, in dramatic fashion. "How are you, Connor?"

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura is known to drop into places from time to time. Entering the floor via the elevator shaft, without help from the elevator, or exploring her way through one of the Roosts hidden passages and just appearing out of seemingly thin air.

Today she enters from a ceiling tile.

Dropping down delicately and shrugging. How long as she been up there? Who can tell.

"Haven't seen him."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"There is no Tim. Only Zuul."

The voice comes from the fridge. Oh no. Is the place haunted? Naw. Gabby stands in front of the fridge with the freezer open, and her head stuck inside. Maybe a bit too long. She was going for some popcicles or icecream but MAN the cold air felt SO good just blowing on her face. A/C aside, she was still a bit hot from being outside herself.

Hearing the voices of the others she leans back to blink at them all pausing as she reaches up to pluck out a few frozen treats. They're held aloft in offering to everyone. "Popcicle?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe pauses at the dark kitchen... and hearing voices within she just... turns on the light, leaning into the room and looking at everyone, and then giving a shrug, wrinking her nose and scrunching her eyes in inquiry to everyone -- whatis everyone doing in the dark? Why didn't anyone turn on the light?

    She looks around to the assembled, not really expecting any answer.

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner is hard to sneak upon, given his enhanced senses, but not that hard to surprise, because he wasn't expecting Rose. "Oh, hey... so you are still in the city!" He gives the one-eyed girl a careful glance. "What have you been up to?"

Laura ninja entrance is actually normal, and unsurprising. There is always someone sneaking around the sneaky places (so many sneaky places in a bat-build building). If it is not Laura, it would be Cass. Or Hope.

"Laura, Gabby," he greets to the Kinneys. "And Phoebe," actually a big crowd for the Roost considering the sun is still up there. "No Tim? I have not seen him in a couple weeks, is he alright?"

Rose Wilson has posed:
"Back in the city." Rose admits. She's in her Ravager ensemble at the moment, full costume and all, swords on her back. "Business. Work. Girl has to keep busy. How about you? How have things been here?" She asks Connor, and then looks over to Laura and Gabby.

"Hey, it's the Doublemint Twins. How're you two doing?" She holds out a hand at Gabby's offer of a popsicle, waiting for it to be handed over.

She looks at Phoebe last, and says, in amusement. "Oh, sure. Ruin a totally good dark and brooding room."

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura Kinney shakes her head. "Haven't heard from him," she admits. "He's probably doing something deep cover." Then again that's her first go-to whenever anyone is absent for a little while. Deep cover assignment or covert surveillance. Tim having taken personal time or a vacation is so far down her list it may as well not be on there.

"There's more than enough work to keep everyone busy." She gives Gabby a yes nod. Holding her hand out as if expecting one to be thrown.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney grins a bit at everyone here. "Hey Conner," she greets in turn right before offeirng out one of the popcicles to Rose. It was impossible to tell what flavor it was until the wrapper came off. Another is offered out to Laura, and Conner, before she tips her head questioningly at Phoebe. "Want one?"

"I heard he's taking some time off to deal with some personal stuff," Gabby explains simply with a light clearing of her throat. "I think he's hanging out at Lonnie's."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe raises her eyebrows as she looks at the Ravager, at the Kinneys and at Conner... and then turns out the light again. There's two soft clicks, and then in the darkness O FORTUNA starts playing tinnily from a phone. Phoebe's illuminated by a rose-gold light, trailing dramatically from her fingertips and eyes as a cool wind whips around the room.

    And then she turns the light back on, with a smile, and holds up her hand in a 'gimmie' fashion to Gabby.

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner frowns at Rose's mention of 'work'. That is probably bad. But he has a popsicle now, that is something. "Things have been..." he considers, "mostly quiet. College keeps me busy. With giant mechanical wheels rampaging through the streets to make sure it is never dull."

And suddenly, Carl Orff blasts off. "And Phoebe got hurt the other day," no details, because he is still trying to find out the how and why himself. No comments about the Tim theories. But he suspects any version of a 'time off' or 'vacations' theory to be very fantastic.

Rose Wilson has posed:
Rose's work usually ends up with someone dead, tis true. The Ravager, however, tugs off her mask with one hand, tucking it into her belt, before tearing open the popsicle. After all, you might be an ice-cold killer, but everyone loves popsicles. She pops it into her mouth, taking a long pull on it before she looks back to everyone.

"Sounds like we don't have much in the way of coordinated information. Not that I'm too surprised. Was never the strong suit."

Laura Kinney has posed:
"Lot of other commitments to juggle," Laura offers with a shrug. "I was helping fend off Purifiers the other week. Mutant hating bigots. Nothing major enough to call for backup. But it meant a little time off grid ensuring no-one was backtracing me."

Besides she trusts everyone on the team enough to leave them their space.

Besides. It's best she gives people space so she doesn't find out if/when Gabby is dating. For some reason it always causes complications when she finds out....

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney offers out the popcicle to Phoebe as well before taking one for herself. The wiggle of fingers from Laura earns a popcicle, too, and then one for Phoebe. Having distributed them seh turns to her own.

And she was currently not dating anyone so no odd smells to catch a whiff of there.

"There's been a lot going on with the JLD, but Tim isn't involved at the moment. Probably for the best. They were trying to push me out of it, too," she admits with a little shrug as she peels off the wrapper to her own popcicle to find an orange. It was acceptable. "I admit I've been spending a bit much time there as it is. It's easier on my senses being out of the city. I'm working on getting used to it, though," she adds quickly with a wary glance cast toward Laura.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe shifts her weight a moment at the 'got hurt' thing, annd she tilts her head back, and undoes the wide choker-collar she's been wearing to show off the gauze bandages. 'Hurt' was maybe an understatement. She does accept the popscicle though, pushing it open and finding -- jackpot! -- cherry! She gives a nomf of it, keeping all her thoughts to herself as she sits on a handy counter, stuffing her collar into her pocket.

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner disapproval for Rose's line of work is well-known. They (mostly Tim and him) have tried to talk Rose out of following his father bad example many times. But the only time they succeeded didn't last long. It was easier when she was a teenager and no one would take her too seriously.

Now, Conner keeps quiet for a minute, hearing the others and unwrapping his Popsicle. It is blue. And for some reason it tastes to watermelon. Which is fine, really, but -why- blue?

"The coordination guy is Tim," notes Conner. He usually does a good job when he is around. Which is not now. "Hmm, you got enhanced senses now, Gabby? What happened?"

Rose Wilson has posed:
Of all the conversations, it's the one about Phoebe being hurt that seems to catch Rose's attention the most. She scowls, and starts over towards Phoebe, looking at the bandaged wound. "Who hurt you?" Rose asks. The unspoken corollary being that it's not going to be a good idea to be that person.

"It sounds like we could use some group activities. Like beating the hell out of whoever hurt Phoebe."

Laura Kinney has posed:
"Don't worry," Laura says, giving Gabby a narrow smile. "I won't force extra nose training on you this week. Consider it time off for my birthday."

There's a narrow shrug. Like it's no particular deal. Then again to her it really isn't. She wasn't really born as such and the exact date doesn't mean as much to her.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney steps over to give Laura a hug regardless of whether it was important to her or not. "Happy birthday, sis," she offers up with a broad grin. Only to step away again knowing that Laura did like her personal space.

Glancing back toward Rose and Phoebe she clears her throat a little. "Uh, demon situation kinda." Yes, that works. Phoebe is given a weak smile as she tries to gloss things over without giving much detail. The rest would be up to her.

Conner's question earns a larger grin. "Remember when I kept dying due to Alchemax? Best as we can figure it sent my healing factor into over-drive and kick started the enhanced senses once things leveled out. Been working with it for awhile now," she states reaching up to tap her nose. "Helps taking breaks from the city now and then."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe looks to Gabby, and then she gives another cronch of her popscicle before she shrugs at the explaination. Good enough.

    THe magical Outsider shifts her weight a bit before she takes out her phone, unlocks the screen with her dog on it, and then uses the 'draw' app to write '100% right. Demon ripped my throat out.' on it, and then gives a 'whaddaya gonna do?' shrug

Conner Kent has posed:
    Wait, Laura has a real birthday? Conner, of course, doesn't. Because he was made in test tube and grew up in a clone tank. "We should celebrate," he decides, "with a party. And cake." No, he doesn't ask Laura about it, because he knows she is just going to glare at him for the idea. Some mistakes need to be made.
    Nothing is a better partykiller as a story of demons ripping throats, though. "But..." he looks at Phoebe. "You are going to heal, right?" He has to ask.

Rose Wilson has posed:
"Fuck." Rose comments, as Phoebe writes down about a demon. She can't get any good revenge on anyone killing a demon. Magic stuff is not her expertise. "Connor's got the right idea. Or do we need to get someone with cyber or magic or something to patch you up? I'd imagine your own stuff isn't so good if you can't talk?" At least as far as she guesses.

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura Kinney raises an eyebrow at Conner. "I have several," she notes. "Most of them on fake documentation."

A shrug.

"I've already planned a party." Well it wouldn't be Laura if she did parties the normal way. Letter other people plan them on her behalf. "People will receive invites shortly."

She takes a bite of the popsicle. "I should make a spicy variation of these.." Balm gets a nod of support. She's already volunteered to get involved in any mayhem that needs to happen. After all a lack of magical experience isn't something X-23 will allow to be in the way of her snikting something.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney crunches into her own popcicle letting her gaze flit around to everyone here. The popcicle was a good enough excuse to stop sticking her foot in her mouth in regards to telling people about Phoebe's condition. The whole thing left her feeling uncomfortable in many ways, though not because she disliked Phoebe or anything. Quite the opposite. It WAS a tense situation they had all been through.

"Mm, I'll keep an eye out for it then," she agrees only to shrug. "The one I picked for myself is next month sometime. I need to remind myself when." A grin is cast toward Conner and she adds, "We should at least have a 'Gotcha Day' for you. Maybe to celebrate when everyone met you."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    'Yes. Fuck. No trachea = no Latin.' Phoebe scribbles on her phone, and she looks to Conner. She looks down to her phone again, and she slowly gives a shrug. She was sure before. Now? Eeeeh, not so much. 'Maybe' is what she puts into her phone.

    But at the idea of assigning Conner a birthday, she gives a nod, and then signs 'YES' with an enthusiastic nod. 'WITH CAKE'

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner stares at Laura when she says she 'planned a party'. No way. "Where is the real Laura Kinney and what did you do to her?" He asks her.

Wait... what is this about his birthday now. "I actually had a couple birthday parties. Which were pretty much when it felt like celebrating, true, but it works." He smirks, reading Phoebe's last line. "Next month, this one is Laura's. And... don't you feel that putting her in charge of the party is a good idea? Me neither. Gabby, I have a mission for you."