12290/Visiting Old Friends

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Visiting Old Friends
Date of Scene: 04 August 2022
Location: Blake House
Synopsis: Gabby goes to visit Thomas. Runs into Megan and Mike as well. It's almost like old times.
Cast of Characters: Thomas Blake, Gabby Kinney, Megan Gwynn, Michael Hannigan

Thomas Blake has posed:
It is a scene of quiet bliss in Blake House. Thomas is sleeping on his bed, still in the living room. Other rooms are still waiting on electricity. Rasputin the tiger is eating a large bag of cat food he'd ripped open. After a moment the big cat walks over to the sleeping man. Sitting on his haunches he stares for a moment, then starts licking the man's massive shoulder.

A chuckle escapes the sleeper.

"Stop it Pix..."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
The nightmares lately had been too much for her not to seek out some kind of comfort. It had been awhile since she visited Thomas, since he had told her to keep her distance so that she could ensure no other heroes went hunting after him. But she needed to see the faces of people she cared about right now, needed to check on them, and needed to remind herself that this world wasn't that nightmare she'd been entrenched in for what felt like weeks.

No heroes here, though. Which is why when she reaches his door she pauses. And inhales deeply. With eyes narrowing in a curiously suspicious way.

Lifting her hand she knocks on the door in the fashion she always did: Shave and a haircut.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn had been making a habit of just posting straight into his house and probably scaring the crap out of him..A lot. Which she does again today, but at least she didn't pop in on him in his room, possibly in the middle of him getting dressed or something.

She hears the knock at the door and twirls around all grinning, "Ooh I'll get it!" she calls, swinging the door open with a bright smile, not even looking at first whose there. "Hi!" she says cheerfully.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Pixie manages to scare the tiger at least. Thomas remains asleep till the tiger bites just a little, by accident. Thomas yelps and sits up, pushing Rasputin away. He does catch the shimmer of wings running away and reaches for his shorts. "It's okay. It was the little fairy, not the big scary demon.

He does note the tiger listening, the door opening. Rasputin's ears go flat and Thomas Grabs his weapon belt and slips into it. He takes a catarang and waits to see Rasputin's reaction, ready to bolt towards Pixie. then the ears go back up and Rasputin pads towards the door.

Thomas relaxes. Looks for a shirt.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Tumbling, yelping, jumping. The sounds through the door earn a grin from Gabby as she listens. Leaning her shoulder into the doorframe she pauses a moment waiting until it sounds as if he were at least getting dressed before raising her hand to knock again.

Pixie's blurting about getting the door though. THAT causes her eyebrows to shoot upward as she *knows* that voice. Amused, arms crossing over her chest, she waits for it to open to give Pixie a very friendly. "Hello! Tell Thomas he's a really bad hypocrite telling ME to stay away." Leaning to the side she calls out a bit so that she can be heard (not that she was being quiet before) "Hiiii Rasputin! Whosagoodkitty?"

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike is a little late to the forming party. After the mis-steak at the diner, Thomas had left his copy of the script behind. So, being that the co-star noticed the issue, Mike took it upon himself to return the lost tome of bad writing. As he comes up the walkway, his steps slow as he sees Gabby and Pixie at the doorway. "...Did I come at a bad time?" The musician inquires.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn pauses as she sees who it is, suddenly looking very self conscious. "Gabby! What're you doing here? Me? Oh I err...Was Just in the neighbourhood and..Err.." she reddens a bit, hoping she doesn't start judging her or something.

And then Thomas is there and she turns even redder, knowing she just popped in on him without warning. "Thomas! err, surprise?" she smiles sheepishly. "Ohhyou two know each other? heh, small world..!"

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake is not having any misconceptions about Megan's place here. He loops an arm around her under her neck and rubs his chin on top of her head. Hopefully that will calm her. He fancies he is feeling the heat of her blush on his arm. He blinks in the sunlight as the tiger pushes past to Gabrielle.

"Hypocrite? What are you talking about? I never had a problem with the X-Men and you. Hello Megan. Hello Mike."

"Why am I a hypocrite, exactly?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney glances over to see Mike with an eyebrow rising a bit. What was this, a reunion? "Hey Mike," she greets before looking back to Pixie to offer the obviously nervous woman a grin. "Relax. I know Thomas dates a lot. I kind of expected to find someone here, just didn't expect you."

Speaking of Thomas, her finger points at him to jab with her tongue sticking out. "YOU told me to keep my distance because you didn't want to risk getting on the Outsider's radar." To make her point she gestures from herself, to Pixie, and clears her throat. With a bright teasing grin she states, "Hello fellow Outsider teammate, Pixie."

The little taunting is brushed off with a shrug, and she nods to Pixie's question finally, belatedly. "I've known him for years, used to live with him in the other house for awhile. Now can we all go inside instead of standing out here like a bunch of dorks?"

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"Yeah, Pix was a bit of a surprise at first." Mike agrees, giving a nod to the group. "And yet...not. Hey Thomas. Hey Gabby. Hey Megan."

He looks between the three, holding the script in hand, and then towards Megan. "Just how many teams are you on?"

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn arches a brow at Gabby, peering back at Thomas, but dyes to protest when he steps in behind her, leaning instinctively against him.

"Dates a lot huh.." but probably no one quite as young or naieve as her. Her other comment however causes her to grimace. "Wait, you told her that? I mean, you know I'm an outsider too right?" well..She never really said though it might have slipped out at one point or other.

As Mike pipes up, she smiles faintly, nodding to him. "Heya, what's up?"

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake turns Megan around to face him, getting a wing across the face. He has to watch those things. After he looks at her for a moment he relaxes and his demeanor softens. A side of Thomas few saw. Gabby did. The Ex- didn't. That was self defense. He puts his hand on her cheek.

"No, baby. I don't believe you did... or I'd have stopped at our first meeting. But I didn't know aaaaaaand, screw it. I want to keep us as a thing. Any birds or bats give you grief, I'll talk to them. I'm going to be as legit as a banker. It doesn't matter."

He leans down to give her a kiss, then grabs her in a hug. That's so she doesn't see him stick his tongue out at Gabby.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney claps her hands together a single time then POINTS at Megan as she gets the point about the whole Outsider thing. Her hands drop though as she instead goes to reach for Rasputin giving him some loving ear scritches and rough scratches down the back.

"Ah huh, he did," she agrees only to stick her tongue back out at Thomas when he makes the gesture at her. "Well, a lot more than me. I don't really have a lot of luck there. Anyway, I'm not getting into that converstaion again."

She pauses here. Actually pauses just staring at Rasputin as she pets him with her lips pressed together and a difficult to read expression. "Glad you found someone though. I just wanted to ... Hell, some stuff's been happening. I just wanted to check on everyone."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
In response to Megan's question, Mike lifts up the script in display. "Right now just dropping off something." He turns his head to look over to Thomas. He watches the interaction between the newly made couple, expression set to a well practiced neutral expression. When Megan's facing away, he waves the script, "You left this at the diner."

He looks over to Gabby, considering the hint to problems in Gabbyville. He takes a moment to consider past events, "Are you referring to your sister's thing or something else entirely?"

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn pouts a bit. "Really? How come you don't want to get involved with Outsiders? I didn't know.." well it's meant to be a secret too but..

Still it's hard to feel anxious as he snuggles up to her, causing her to giggle, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Careful you don't poke an eye out, these wings are kinda sharp.."

Gabby is given a curious glance as she says that. "Everything ok..?" Mike is just given a distracted nod.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Further tiger scritches are cut short as Thomas reaches an arm and drags Gabby into the hug. She is ensconced in wings and muscles. He easts his head atop Gabby's saying nothing. Pretty sure, Megan will not begrudge her friend. "Nice try, slick. I told Megan I was a Mimbo. She knows I have a record. As for you... male heroes are dicks. Bag yourself a normal. You spend one afternoon with us and we'll show you how to get any guy you want. You need to relax, Gabrielle." He reaches around to rub her head with one hand, similarly to the way he cured Megan's brain freeze.

The tiger notes the movement of the script and starts walking towards Mike.

"I'd let him have that or at least drop it. Small loss."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney makes a little noise as she's pulled in to hug. A little noise of surprise, but one she rolls with easily as she does hug the pair not caring much about who it was she was hugging. They were both friends after all even if she did have more of a history with Thomas.

"Ftt, what're you talking about, I was just in bed two two demons, I'm totally good."

"Granted they were trying to possess me pretty sure but I told them off and now I'm here and..." And her breath is catching in her throat. She just holds her breath a long moment letting Thomas rub the back of her head in that familiar way before exhaling.

"Yeah something like that, Mike. Needed... just needed to visit people."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Thomas's warning draws Mike's attention towards the only other male that could be referenced in the house. Ah. Rasputin. Giving a sigh he drops the script on the floor. Thomas does have a point. The script was crap. "We really need to get ahold of the scripts that got tossed." He points out to Thomas.

Gabby's mention of being in bed with two demons does get a glance. But the realization that was meant as a joke makes it a bit easier to get to the confirmation of Gabby's troubles being somewhat related to Rein's. "Ah." Thoughts of the time on the boat in the Astral Plane come to Mike's mind, "Good idea. Some things you shouldn't deal with on your own."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn smirks, "Well, there are some good heroic guys..But none as cool as you. You still don't strike me as a villain though.."

She smirks but nods, bringing in Gabby for a group hug. "Thanks for not judging me for dating an ex villain whose way older than me.."

Then she talks about being in bed with two demons and she blinks. "Huh..What?!"

Mike is given a curious arch of the brow. "So what's the deal with these scripts?"

Thomas Blake has posed:
Unfortunately for Gabby's tale of woe, Thomas keeps rubbing her head. In fact he releases Pixie to do a thorough job with both hands. "Where's your rhetoric spouting big sister when demons are in bed with you? You should have told Megan. I'm sure she'd make you her priority. She becoming a fantastic magic trouble shooter. Come in everyone. I'll make us something to eat, unless Pixie wants to do some of her omelets. Gabrielle needs to lie down. WIth the tiger for a bit." He propels the Honey Badger inside, towards the bed.

He takes Megan by the hand and leads her and Mike in after Gabby. The tiger, hearing omelets loses interest in the pile of dead tree.

At the remark about being way older he gives Pixie a swat on the behind. "Watch it."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney ftts a bit at that part about judging Megan, and she returns the hug with a chuckle. "Of course not. He's my friend. Besides, have you seen the record of heroes who date not-so-legal sorts? It's pretty hefty." Batman. Tim. Probably some others. She's about to say more but double-head-scritches ensue. Even if she did a good job of being all 'adult' lately that was such a good feeling she just kind of melts a little until he stops and urges them further in.

"Mike's working on some TV project right? I remember you mentioning that to me when I told you about my audition and run in with Clayface." Ugh. Pompous.

"Rien was recently kind of compromised herself. She's getting better. I need to check on her too." Soon. But she had Robbie as well so it wasn't as if the two weren't shacked up again rekindling their own relationship after such an issue. "Omelettes?" She states, hopefully, while reaching up to run her hands over her face a time or two.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"Well, I wouldn't say he's OLD. He's only got a couple years on me." Mike looks over to Megan as she asks about the scripts. But Gabby more or less provides the answer. "Yeah Tom and I are in the same show together." He answers, "We were going over the new scripts during lunch and he forgot to take home his copy."

Mike doesn't offer much further explanation to Rien's situation beyond what Gabby offers. He was somewhat familiar with the situation, considering he was part of the group that went to get her. And considering what some of those creatures looked like- "I'm guessing she's glad to be home." He comments, looking to Gabby, as he ends up following the group into the kitchen area for the promised meal to be served, "Speaking of the matter, how's that type of stuff affecting your sleep?"

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn smirks at Thomas, "Okay not *that* old but..Hey at least you look young(ish)?" she giggles and winks at him before being ushered into the kitchen. "Yes! let me make omelettes and Welsh rarebit! I love cooking!" when she's not burning stuff!

As she heads for the grudge to grab stuff she pouts at Gabby, "Oh, yeah how's Rien doing? hope she's okay.." to Mike she just nods and smiles, "Ooh, didn't know Thomas was an actor too?"

Thomas Blake has posed:
"You don't know the half of it," Thomas wants to say. "You never saw our show? Theme of the Crime? It's mildly brilliant. I play myself. We miiiight get Clayface to play himself. It's like rehabilitation for super villains. Now are you cooking or am I? Obviously Gabrielle needs a really good omelet. And a comb. And I ad no idea you were a what is it Outsider? Anything else I oughta know?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney pauses a moment at all the questions being sent her way, only to give a shake of her head. "I don't know. She and Robbie are catching up again after all that's happened. I didn't want to interfere." It's shrugged off as she moves to find a place to plop down and sit. Could be a couch, could be a spot on the floor. It didn't much matter to her.

"I'm doing all right now. I guess I'd been having some dreams for a few weeks but didn't realize. I just woke up kind of... stressed? Couldn't remember anything till this last one. I should be fine now though," she assures with a too-toothy grin offered up.

"I only need a comb because you messed up my hair!" She shoots back in that friendly bickering way that old friends sometimes had. She wasn't exactly protesting it happening after all.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike gives a concerned look as it turns out it's not Thomas that will be doing the cooking. And then Thomas mentions Clayface possibly being on the show. "Huh... How do you think he'll react after seeing one of those scripts?"

The talk of dreams does get his interest. "Dreams?" Mike repeats, "Regular run of the mill dreams or nightmares? How often?"

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn nods, grabbing some eggs and cheese and inions and potatoes, the works. "Hmm Spanish omelette, allow me! I can do this.."

Shes already cracking and chopping and mixing and doing too many things at once as she listens. "Hmm, I dunno either that well but would like to. I should check in on them. I guess I would like to know all of them a bit better, maybe find someone who can teach me magic.."

She chuckles at Thomas, "Villain rehab show, sounds fun! Clayface too huh?' she chuckles, shaking her head. "Hmm, let's see, I'm an Xmen in training, Outsuder, and new recruit to Justice League Dark. Not a seasoned member of either. How-come you're wary of Outsiders?"

Gabby's mention of dreams cause her pause but that's more Mike's department.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake shrugs and gets coffee going. "Because there is interaction between the Outsiders and at least one Robin. Robins report to the Bat. I don't want him making trouble -for either of you. We might come to blows then. But this Reyes... you didn't want to be in the way? Did you have feelings for him and get cut out? Well screw him. We'll see how demons fit into Rien's theories of evolution I guess. She turned me right off with that 'Mutants are the next step in human evolution' line. I'm glad you two don't buy that racist crap... though Megan seems to think I might be Metahuman. Nope. 100% human."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Fuck. Clayface." Gabby states this with a deadpan lack of emotion that could only come from having been really, really pissed off at one point. "He killed me. I mean. Sure I didn't DIE but that shot would have been lethal on anyone else and he didn't know who I was at the time, so, my point stands. Fuck Clayface." With that she nods curtly, and resumes her rough pettings of Rasputin.

"I don't know, Mike, I just became aware of them last night. Can we not talk about it right now? I know I need to address it soon. Just not this moment."

... Then Thomas speaks up and she jerks her head up turning red. "THOMAS! Dammit shut up!" Apparently he hit the nail on the head there.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike gives a reluctant nod to Gabby's request. "Ok. I'll let it drop. But, if it's nightmares and it persists, let me know. I might be able to do something that gives you a break from it for a few nights."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn turns to the oven, busily frying an omelette, carefully adding i gradients tho she's no pro. Hopefully she doesn't burn them this time! She frowns slightly as she listens to Gabby talk about her dreams but doesn't comment.

When Tho,as makes that comment, her frown deepens. "Hmm, to be honest I never thought about it like that, never even met the Bat and he's spearheading the whole organization. I doubt it'd ever get back to him that were involved. But I'll keep a low profile around the others all the same.." she arches a surprised brow, "Wait Rien said that? I mean, we're not superior, just different. A lot of mutations are deleterious and not pretty at all..Just ask the Morlocks.."

She shrugs and chuckles at Thomas, "I mean at the very least you're like extremely well disciplined and toned..You could probably go toe to tie with Batman..But doesn't he believe in redemption?"

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn turns to the oven, busily frying an omelette, carefully adding ingredients, tho she's no pro. Hopefully she doesn't burn them this time! She frowns slightly as she listens to Gabby talk about her dreams but doesn't comment.

When Tho,as makes that comment, her frown deepens. "Hmm, to be honest I never thought about it like that, never even met the Bat and he's spearheading the whole organization. I doubt it'd ever get back to him that were involved. But I'll keep a low profile around the others all the same.." she arches a surprised brow, "Wait Rien said that? I mean, we're not superior, just different. A lot of mutations are deleterious and not pretty at all..Just ask the Morlocks.."

She shrugs and chuckles at Thomas, "I mean at the very least you're like extremely well disciplined and toned..You could probably go toe to tie with Batman..But doesn't he believe in redemption?"

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn turns to the oven, busily frying an omelette, carefully adding i gradients tho she's no pro. Hopefully she doesn't burn them this time! She frowns slightly as she listens to Gabby talk about her dreams but doesn't comment.

When Tho,as makes that comment, her frown deepens. "Hmm, to be honest I never thought about it like that, never even met the Bat and he's spearheading the whole organization. I doubt it'd ever get back to him that were involved. But I'll keep a low profile around the others all the same.." she arches a surprised brow, "Wait Rien said that? I mean, we're not superior, just different. A lot of mutations are deleterious and not pretty at all..Just ask the Morlocks.."

She shrugs and chuckles at Thomas, "I mean at the very least you're like extremely well disciplined and toned..You could probably go toe to tie with Batman..But doesn't he believe in redemption?"

Thomas Blake has posed:
<WHAM!> Suddenly a very large kitchen knife is slammed through the wooden counter. Thomas regards Gabby coldly. "Fuck redemption. I will have to tell Pete, the producer, Hagen is out. I'll deliver that news to Mr. Hagen myself." He spares Pixie a glance, a reluctant glance.

"I will cut Hagen into fifty pieces and mail him to every fucking state. I will make him forget about Batman. That one trick, walking turd is only a blip on the Bat's radar because of his shapeshifting. That worthless hack." His green eyes glitter coldly and Rasputin sensing the mood, lays his ears back, waiting for a target to be pointed out.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney runs a hand down Rasputin's back careful to stay away from the sharp pointies. It's the only soothing motion she offers to the tiger before she gets to her feet. Mike is given an apologetic glance while she moves to the kitchen. Another look is given to Pixie, a small nod, before she sneaks a hug from behind on Thomas.

"Don't do anything to ruin your show. I survived. He's just a giant turd face." Still. She gives a squeeze at that, and steps away to start working the knife out of the counter. Or TRYING to. It was really in there.

"Tell you what, just get him to stop wearing my face with D-cups and that'll be enough."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike blinks. "...Clayface is pretending to be you?" He's getting the general sense that Gabby did not share much detail when they were talking about the incident in the Velvet Room. "Trust me. If anyone ruins the show it won't be Tom. Pete's doing a hell of a job on his own. Perils of having multiple people controlling the production." He looks over to Thomas, "Not that you need my approval but I'm perfectly fine with Hagen not appearing on the show too."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn flinches at Thomas' anger, knowing she probably pushed a button with the whole redemption thing. Finally she finishes and turns around, sliding omelettes on four plates, setting them out on the table. She remains quiet for now, wings slightly droopy and darkish blue..

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake goes to the antique wardrobe and presses a button in its side. It lifts up to reveal a costume: clawed gloves, equipment belt, a metal cat mask and a familiar battered cape. He begins putting it on, shucking his shorts with no qualms or modesty. "Oh he won't be seen -period, when I am done with him..." Thomas leaves the mask off and shrugs into a long coat. "If you can look in on Rasputin for a while, I'd appreciate it. I'll be back." He grabs a small bag.

He stops to give Megan a hug. "You tried. But there's no changing some things. I'm sorry."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney glances over at Mike a Thomas stalks off to nod at him. "Caught him do it at least once after our fight. Went around yelling some pretty unflattering things about me, in my voice, with just..." Her hands move in front of her to estimate the ridiculous size of things he'd made.

"Ah, come on, Thomas. If you're gonna go gung-ho on someone for my sake at least let me actually ask you to do it. Because if that's the case I've got a few names." It's her joking attempt to calm him down again though she just claps her hand over her face.

"Well you know technically since you'd be going after a bad guy it's not REALLY breaking your redemption thing." Looking over to Pixie she shrugs. ... And reaches for a plate. "Sorry. I'll get going soon."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn bliiinks, as Thomas runs off to grab his catsuit before even finishing breakfast. "Wait what..Right now? But..But you haven't finished breakfast.." she sighs, hugging him tightly, "I don't care what you did in the past, or how others see you..It doesn't change how I feel about you.."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike watches as Thomas moves over to collect his costume and starts to get stuff together. He can probably guess what Thomas means with his statements about Hagen's future visibility status. Something to be concerned about if Hagen's ability didn't already help with such a thing on a regular basis.

"How long are you thinking of being out?" Mike asks, completely skirting over the earlier implications. "Is Rasputin going to need us to get any food for him or is he covered on that?"

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake gets hugged. After another moment he hugs back. "What am I doing? It's 11 in the morning. I can't go out like this? I'll get picked up by the first cop who trips over me. I... need to deal with the tiger -call his handler. I also got this Pixie girl hanging onto me. All right. I can do breakfast at the very least. Make some plans."

Thomas lifts Megan off the floor.