12564/Hydra on a Hellicarrier
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Hydra on a Hellicarrier | |
Date of Scene: | 28 August 2022 |
Location: | Flight deck: Helicarrier |
Synopsis: | Hydra attacks S.H.I.E.L.D.'s newestly christened Hellicarrier. They're driven off in a daring mid-air fight by heroic Agents of SHIELD and members of the Avengers! |
Cast of Characters: | Natasha Romanoff, Richard Swift, Detective Chimp, Greer Grant, James Rhodes, Tom McCarthy
- Natasha Romanoff has posed:
S.H.I.E.L.D.'s latest Hellicarrier, fresh out of the docks and her shakedown cruise, was going on her maiden voyage. HIgh, high up in the sky, over the Atlantic Ocean, heading along at more than two hundred knots on her repulsors. Along the flight deck, various personnel were scrambling about while a buffet had been setup to cater to the several hundred individuals present. Everyone in uniform and there was beer an dhard drinks, no wine.
In the back of it all, a man in an eyepatch watching ever so silently.
- Richard Swift has posed:
The shadows were present everywhere, and the man that steps out of them has made a career out of finding them. This was a moment that has been coming for some time, and the Shade was...curious.
Tapping his cane on the deck of the massive helicarrier, Swift pauses before taking a step forward. He sees the man with the eye patch, and knows he sees him. Tapping his cane to his top hat, Shade smiles and blends into the background.
It was one of those moments in time that was important to be a part of, even if it was from the "nosebleeds" so to speak.
The Shade was an observer, nothing more. Unless he had to become involved. Then it had to be dire straits for the heroes. Or the villains. Which side was he on today?
- Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp had stopped by to get looked over. His arm was injured recently and knows the SHIELD med crew has his records on file. It was just been knocked out of the socket, and he had knocked it back himself, but the med guys suggested a sling. So the good detective is wearing his normal jacket and hat with the sling overtop it. Free food and drink and a view, who was he to pass that up. So the chimp has his id badge hanging from the sling as he walks about.
- Greer Grant has posed:
Tigra has been dealing with an...interesting situation. Enchanted by Circe, she's currently a he, and thought someone at SHIELD might have a thought or two on reversing it. It's only one avenue he's pursuing, and in truth, it's only one reason to be here. The other reason is to see this amazing airship. Machine like this almost makes the Avenger think of going to SHIELD, instead. He was crouching near the edge of the deck, watching the ocean beneath, perfectly comfortable with his toe claws holding his perch, but one too many nervous deck crew convinced him to head back towards the main social area, for their sake if not his, and so he makes for the buffet, nodding to the detective as he approaches. "Nice hat," he says in approval.
- James Rhodes has posed:
Rhodes had -almost- been late. The Warmachine alone saved him the embarrassment - though he did arrive late out onto the flight deck in order to throw on a suit and lapel pin while stowing the suit of armor just off the deck near an elevator in a cozy corner. Even as he moved about shaking hands (and wishing someone would ask for a picture, just once) and chatting with some of the fight crew in a familiar manner.
"Yeah, yeah - i'm telling you. This 10 November - Camp Lejeune is going to be the place to be. Got it on good word there's going to be some pretty cool stuff going on -all- day," he enthused. Behind the pleasantries though it was obvious there was a thrill in being part of the moment: his grin was 100% genuine.
- Natasha Romanoff has posed:
There's a swing of various SHIELD personnel enjoying themselves. A few higher rankers, but most of them purely rank and file ones along for the ride. The group was made up of much of the crew that would be assigned to her - it was an event for them as well.
Clay Quartermain, logistics, would go to hold up a cup of plastic, warm water. "I don't get it." He would be speaking to Greer - or past her. "I thought you looked different."
- Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp looks over to Greer and nods his head "Thanks." He says and pauses a bit, he keeps a semi track of most of the animal folk about and does not think he has met a male felinoid specially not one in shield who looks like that. He will offer his hand to Greer and says "Detective Chimp, consultant and reserve agent." He say to introduce himself.
- James Rhodes has posed:
Indulging in a beer, James waved himself away from some of the enlisted personnel to move and join the detective and Greer. "They'll let -anyone- on here huh?" he joked, laughing as he politely sipped at his drink. "You here on work or pleasure?" he asked politely with only a passing familiarity before offering a nod to the others in the general vicinity.
- Greer Grant has posed:
Greer gets himself a soda at the table, nodding politely to Quartermain, tail giving a brief flick as he ponders how to answer it. Flippant? Let it be irritating? Well, no sense burning bridges that might be needed. "I did look different. Something of a long story." He takes the Chimp's hand in a friendly grip. "Your fame proceeds you," he says to the chimp with a nod. "I'm Tigra. Same one who normally wears a bikini, yes. As I was just saying to Clay here, it's a long story." A good natured smirk at James as he wanders up. "Funny, I was just thinking that when I noticed you were here," he drawls.
- Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Clay Quartermain would go to lowly chuckle at Greer, "Sorry on that, and.. I don't think it's a story I want to hear."
Another Agent would be going to speak over in the direction of Detective Chimp good naturedly, "Sure you ar--"
Right as there would be a large explosion along one of the repulsors of the Hellicarrier, sending a massive shake through the deck and agents, food, and drinks flying everywhere! Fire going up and over from the repulsor as it would go into emergency shutdown.
"I'm guessing we didn't run into something.." Clay Quartermain would be on his ass.
Then there would be flares in the air. Dozens and dozens of flares. Revealing themselves to be small fighters, drones, and dozens upon dozens of green and yellow clad Hydra agents wielding heavy weapons.
- Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp was starting to ask Greer something and then there is a boom. "Well &#@" He says at the Hydra folks are coming into land "Didn't they have an 80s cartoon that started like this?" He asks, and will move to one of the beer coolers, and opens it pulling out a can of bear, and starts chucking them at some of the intakes of the drones "One for you, one for you, one for you." He calls out as he tosses them with a force most humans would have an issue copying.
- Tom McCarthy has posed:
While he was familiar with jumping out of aircraft, this was actually the first time Agent McCarthy had been on the Helicarier. It was quite the rush, truth be told. An aircraft carrier that flew? This was amazing!
Of course, Hydra would have to try to ruin all the fun.
Boltling to where the boarders seemed to be oncoming, Tom drew out his trusty sidearm. "Don't suppose we have enough parachutes for everyone?" He muses. "In case things go terribly south?" A shot is fired, clipping one of the Hydra goons in the shoulder and spinning him down to the deck.
- James Rhodes has posed:
"Well, I had to bribe a couple folks, but I would't miss this for the wor-" Rhodes began to respond before the scene was rocked by explosions. A fall was turned into a last minute roll as he sought for some kind of weapon while trying to make his way toward the hangar doors. "Can you spare some of the beer so we can -celebrate-?! James quipped with a shake of his head as he popped above an overturned table to hurl a glass crockpot lid like a frisbee at the heads of one of the foot soldiers.
Jokes aside, Rhodey licked his lips as the familiar rush overtook him and he was moving toward the bay doors while trying to usher unarmed flight crew ahead of him. "Go! Get below decks! Where is the -security- team?!" he snapped.
- Natasha Romanoff has posed:
As the Hellicarrier stabilizes, the SHIELD agents scramble for any weapon available. The tilt makes immediate launching of fighters impossible. Dozens of Hydra agents are landing on the deck, Hydra fighters are strafing along, missiles impacting all over the flight deck! Personnel scatter as they start returning fire, throwing up anything they can for cover!
Through the chaos of it goes the man in the eyepatch. Calmly going to draw a pistol, shooting two men charging at him through the head.
"All personnel, repel boarders."
- Greer Grant has posed:
A quick, toothy grin at Clay's reaction to his answer from Tigra. It's a cat thing, enjoying other people's discomfort. Not enjoyed is the explosion that rocks the massive ship. "You said it," he says to Detective Chimp while maintaining his feet easily. "I hate these guys. I really do. And it's okay, the good stuff is probably below decks."
He finds himself in the unfamiliar position of being the heavy hitter on deck, at least until Rhodey can suit up, and so he dashes forward towards the nearest Hydra agents, moving low to keep out of the way of beercans. "Just trying to have some fun! Maybe get a lead!" he snarls, leaping forward and over an agent, grabbing his shoulders as he does so, hitting the deck behind him and hurling him towards another group landing. "And you just have to butt in!"
- Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp will continue with the cans till he has emptied this cooler, luckily it is not the only cooler as Chimp would never leave a party without booze, well unless he drank all they had but that's different. He sees the man in the eyepatch and heads to one of the guys who he shot to grab a weapon "Thanks." He calls to the man, and reaches into his jacket, and pulls two cigars out putting one in his mouth and offering the man with the patch the other.
- Tom McCarthy has posed:
Seems everyone has come to play - including Fury. Damn! Tom fires off round after round, making sure his shots are lined up before pulling the trigger. No spray and pray, no wasted ammo. "How'd they even find us? Aren't we in recon mode?" He wonders, keeping near cover. No super armor, no super powers - he's not wanting to take a bullet today.
His eyes go towards the edge, of course - making sure none of the friendlies wind up going over the side. Always Pararescue, is Tom.
- James Rhodes has posed:
"Would have gotten asked for a picture if I just kept you on," Rhodey mused to himself as he threw himself through the doors behind some more of the flight crew just as a hail of gunfire pinged off the gunmetal above his head. There was a pregnant pause as his suit opened and he began to seal himself in the various systems online.
"Bridge, this is Rhodes, uh - lemme see what I can do to get some of these birds off our back huh? Try to keep an eye out for me if you get those guns online," he suggested pointedly as he exited back out onto the flight deck guns blazing, one of his shoulder mounted guns scything across the far side of the flight deck as the other started scanning for the closest jet as his flight systems kicked on to propel him skyward.
- Natasha Romanoff has posed:
For some of those present, this might be old hat. For others, it might be their first time. For many, it was something they were used to. Or at least trained to not be afraid. Bullets, laers, and rockets would fly back and forth. Clay Quartermain would go to run for a jet pack, then move to toss one over to Tom, "Come on, we can't let them have all the fun."
Going to pass over by Chimp, Nick Fury would smile, "Thanks." One hand pulling it up to inhale, then going to shoot another Hydra agent through the head.
"Clear the decks of everyone that's a party crasher."
- Greer Grant has posed:
Tigra's a whirl of fur and claws, leaping from the back of one Hydra agent onto the front of another, knocking them prone, then lashing out with a kick that sends a third sprawling. From there he backflips over an agent trying to sneak up on him, and drops him with a chop to the neck. Looks like he's had some time to practice with the new center of gravity. he draws the attention of a Hydra fighter which sets up a strafing run and he leaps to the side, tucks and rolls to get out of the line of fire.
- Richard Swift has posed:
"Now this is fun." Shade steps to the side, watching the whole time. "Fascinating." His eyes look at each and every person on the deck, including those he never expected to see. Chimp. Greer. What was expected, of course, was Hydra. "Party poopers." Shade almost smiles. The sighs as he sidesteps something that would have eviscerated a normal bloke.
"Repel boarders indeed."
- Tom McCarthy has posed:
Jetpack? Jetpack! This is new! Tom ducks behind a bulkhead door to don the jetpack, strapping himself to it securly. A quick reload, then he's back out onto the deck for a brief moment. The forty-five rings out again and again, each shot downing a Hydra goon. He'll have to sort out how to help against the Hydra-jets, likely.
"Off we go." He says, leaping into the air, the jetpack burning to life and blasting him into the sky. This was nothing he was expecting today - but that's the joy of the job!
- Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp will puff on his own cigar, and says "No problem, after we should catch up." He says but then he heading towards one of the access tot he lower decks. He motions any non combatants towards the exit, as he is popping shots now and again. Chimp may not carry a gun normally, but he was shield and wand trained. If anyone hesitates to move they get a monkey kick to the rear and told to move it.
- Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Clay Quartermain goes to jet pack up into the air, somehow managing to land over on the nose of one of the small Hydra fighters. He goes to yell at Tom, while stumbling over and nearly taking a tumble over, dangling over the side, "Little help here!"
the Director of SHIELD, Nick Fury, calmly walks through the melee. Pistol going up. Shooting. Reloading. The calm in the center of the storm.
- James Rhodes has posed:
Straight to work, Rhodes is all business as he trails after one of the Hydra jets. Both gatling guns rage as he tries to draw a bead on his present target in the maelstrom about the Helicarrier. A ping alerts him to missiles starting to lock on to him from behind that is quickly confirmed with a visual on the fighter's wingman. "Big mistake, pal," he mutters to himself.
What happened next took just a few seconds - a few bright pulses of light flared about his midsection as propulsor mines were deployed and the Warmachine dove to reverse direction, skirting the underside of the Helicarrier as he sought another plane.
- Tom McCarthy has posed:
"Can you fly that thing?" Tom shouts over to Clay, managing to touch down on the other side of the fighter. Regardless of the answer, a pair of quick shots to the canopy of the jet and the top is cracked open. Tom reaches in, yanking at the pilot to dislodge him and toss him over the side.
Either he'll hit the deck - or the water. Neither is a good option.
- Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp will take a moment once he has the people down below decks. He knows there are a lot of tactical minds, here but a lot on the other side as well. He tosses the empty gun and grabs another off a downed Hydra agent, before he starts to head towards the command tower, and even with just three limbs he climbs better than most anyone around. He makes his way up towards the top to get a view. He wants to make sure the attack is not a distraction for something else.
- Richard Swift has posed:
A Flash. A shot. Missiles, explosions, people...dying. This was entirely distasteful and exhilirating. If the Shade was vulnerable to such emotional outbursts. Right now, he was leaning on his cane, and watching what could be a massive disaster for SHIELD. It was impressive the allies that they had to defend this metallic monstrosity of a flying city. Each were heroic in their own way. As it was, he was just a passenger. A witness.
- James Rhodes has posed:
The detonation of the mines sends a rain of sharpnel tumbling down through the clouds as the second fighter goes down, eliciting Rhodes first bogey to wingover in an attempt to check out what happeend and track him down. Unfortunately for him, James finds him first. Warmachine hurtles up from beneath the Helicarrier to impact the bottom of the plane. The pilot may only be aware of the threat for just a second before a blade shears off one of his wings and the former Marine kicked himself off the spiraling craft to land back atop the Helicarrier's flight deck to join the melee.
- Greer Grant has posed:
For his part, Tigra will continue to scream and leap from agent to agent on the flight deck. Grabbing one here, hurling him at a friend over there. Slashing through the uniform of a third, and then kicking a fourth in the groin, which causes him to wince. "Probably not supposed to do that like this," he mutters to himself, before back handing another mook trying to sneak up on someone who could hear him a mile away. Almost literally.
- Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Clay Quartermain would bark a laugh, "Guess we're going to find out!" He goes to let himself be reeled up and over . "Okay, okay. UP.." He goe sto pull on the throttle, and the craft pictched downwards. "Okay, forget that those are reversed.." HE would quip.
Then go to spin the fighter around, firing gatling guns. Hopefully both him and Tom in it now.
The pilot being flung off over the side, screaming, and vanishing into the air. I twas a long drop.
Explosions, fire, and energy weaons go everywhere. SHIELD Agents scramble for cover, tend to their wounded, and pop up to engage the boarders whenever possible.
Nick Fury runs out of ammo in his pistol, then snaps it over the skull of a charging Hydra agent.
Director Fury would kick him away with a -CRUNCH-.
"Get these MOther-Fucking SNAKES off my mother-fucking Hellicarrier. And put that on the record as an ORDER!"
- Tom McCarthy has posed:
Indeed! Once Clay is in the pilot chair, the other chair is cleared by Tom as well. Poor Hydra. As he belts in to the seat, systems are checked and confirmed as operational. The radio is tuned in, clicking over to the correct frequency. "Hellicarrier, this is Agent Tom McCarthy - this jet has been commandiered from the enemy. Do your best to not blast us, yeah?" He calls out over the headset.
He's spotting for Clay, alerting him to any enemies on their six. "Keep sharp - I don't think they know we're the enemy yet."
- Richard Swift has posed:
Suddenly, it happens. Shade spots a young man and a young woman. Pinned down by fire. They were going to die. It was inevitable. Surrounded, with no hope, the glee in the eyes of their enemies unmistakeable.
Shade sighs. Concentrates, and with an influx of smoke and darkness, he is suddenly there, beside the two young Agents of SHIELD.
Moving lightning fast and tapping them both with his cane, Shade kneels, concentrates, and envelopes them in darkness before they can cry out.
The silence was enveloping and all encompassing as the two Agents were engulfed in darkness. It is an unnerving experience...
...then , they were back into the light, 17 feet from Fury. Their mouths wide open, their eyes full of the unending darkness. But they were alive.
"You owe me two Fury." Then the Shade was gone. Back into the Darkness.
- Natasha Romanoff has posed:
As the Shade goes and appears close to Fury, the Director would give a low nod, "We'll be in touch." The pistol rings out with another shot as some of the heavy AA turrets on the Hellicarrier's deck open fire, personnel loading them and shooting them manually.
Clay goes, "Acknowledged. Do you think.." He would go to fiddle over the comm system, "Let Hydra be as lazy as AIM is.." He rapidly switches receivers.
And the two are getting an earful of the back and forth chatter over the Hydra secure commnet.
- James Rhodes has posed:
There wasn't much art to Rhodes style of fighting. Not that he needed it in the present situation. Arm blades scythed through the air to dispatch red (green?) shirts this way and that as he fought his way toward Fury and the expanding perimeter of S.H.I.E.L.D agents. The heavy artillery was left largely unused - this was -their- flight deck after all - but that didn't preclude the use of an excessive amount of small arms fire that would eclipse a USMC rifle squad as he tried to interpose himself between some of the heavier strings of Hydra gunfire.
- Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp sees nothing more than what it appears to be so, he will start taking shots at some more of the hydra agents. Those using cover are normally more concerned about those in front of them, not as many think about those above them. It would work better with a sniper rifle, but he uses his advantage till the gun clicks empty and he needs to go look for another one.
- Greer Grant has posed:
A shot from the detective takes out an agent near Tigra, and he glances up, realizing what the detective is doing. Seeing the guy's empty, he picks up one from the fallen mook. "Head's up!" he calls to the chimp. "Stay HYDRAted," he says, lofting the gun in the way of his fellow animal themed hero. He turns around to see another agent looking at him with some disbelief. "Yes, I went there, okay?" he says of the pun before slamming the guy in the face.
- Tom McCarthy has posed:
Tom is... baffled. "This is rediculous." He plucks a Post-It note from the rear dash. "They put their password right here..." Tapping in, he links up with the Hydra network. Over the SHIELD comms, the password is relayed, let the techs run amok with their enemy.
"I got this." A smirk spreads over his face. "Let's see how they like Skrillex. At max volume." A few keystrokes, and Bangarang is disrupting their comms - and likely causing pain to their eardrums.
- Natasha Romanoff has posed:
A warning is sent along to anyonee lse on the SHIELD network. And thene very single Hydra Agent and jet seems to stumble as their comm systems are disrupted. SEveral of them are yanking thier earpieces out at the sudden noise over. Then realizin ghtat in the midst of the chaos and the fire that's a bad idea. Some of the Hydra jets up in thea ir crash into one another or lose control.
Greer is seemingly having the time of his life. Several other agents are hooting and hollering and giving him and Chimp cheres while they would help put up suppressive fire. The battle is starting to tilt heavily in favor in one direction as Hydra agents are trying to rapidlys witch comm frequencies.. Totally unaware that they are being broadcast by one of their own!
Clay Quartermain laughs madly, "I like your style."
- Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp once he is close enough to the ground Chimp will jump into a group of Hydra agents. Have you seen what a chimpanzee can do to a human man in close quarters. It is not pretty and even just one armed, he is not someone you want to fight. As the fighting is close quarters, he will play a card he knows freaks a lot of people out. He bites through the hood of one agent and bites his nose off, and spits it at another agent, and screams the roar of his kind and the others in the group realize being in close quarters is not a bright move and they bolt. Once they are bolting Chimp is spitting to get the blood out of his mouth "Blah blah." HE says pulling his flask to wash his mouth out with the first swig, and drink the next swig before reaching for weapons that were left behind.
- Greer Grant has posed:
It's a bit strange to have an audience. Well, he's gotten hoots and hollers before, but that was when Tigra was in a bikini, and filling it out better than he would right now. Still, it's always nice to be appreciated. No need for weapons for him, not with his strength and speed, plus the claws. He does scoop up a pistol at one point, flinging it at a mook, bouncing it off his skull. Another comes, reluctantly, charging his way, and on a whim, Tigra grabs his shoulders and headbutts him, sending hims taggering. He grimaces, rubbing his forehead lightly. "Okay, let's not do that again."
- Tom McCarthy has posed:
"Thanks... we should be able to mop the jets up, yeah? This bird has some air-to-air missles too." He comments, making sure the ordinance was un-damaged in the hostile take over. "Get us lined up and we'll pop off the shot. We need to get clear of the helicarier though - don't want any more collateral damage."
Tom keeps his eyes peeled - making sure he's taking note of each of the opposing jets. "They look a bit distracted." He jokes.
- Natasha Romanoff has posed:
There are fires going on and explosives as the remaining Hydra agents are in a poor state. There's yelling. Then enough dancing through the comms for someone ot finally get out an order. "Hydra, retreat! Retreat!" The remaining mobile enemy forces are leaping away on jet packs, turning to fly in the other direction, and withdrawing under a withering barrage of fire from the Hellicarrier deck personnel!
"Don't come back!" Nick Fury would let out a mocking laugh, "Look at them, running home with their tail between their legs. Good job everyone." Giving a second for the personnel to break into cheers.
"now back to work. I want this deck cleared and damage control getting that repulsor back online."
Met with groans.
- Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp as the Hydra agents run he does shoot at their feet to get them to run faster, shooting someone in the back is not his thing. He starts to walk over towards Fury. He is flexing the arm in the sling a bit and wiping the blood off his face. He is a sight to see for sure.
- Greer Grant has posed:
Tigra doesn't feel obligated to do clean up duty, but gathering up the incapacitated and disabled enemy agents doesn't count as 'clean up' for him, so he gets to work with that, keeping them and their weapons separated, getting each to the custody of SHIELD agents.