12281/A Harmony in C

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A Harmony in C
Date of Scene: 04 August 2022
Location: VIP Lounge - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: Trouble awaits.
Cast of Characters: Selina Kyle, Sebastian Shaw, Blake Riviere

Selina Kyle has posed:
Rich people can be very stuffy and irritating on the whole. Money is a sick muse, and the collection of well-heeled businessmen seated around a table deserve almost no consideration.

A recent arrival, Selina sits at the bar a reasonable distance from those other VIPs whose primary assets are their bank accounts and complete lack of ethics. She certainly doesn't listen to them with anything close to rapt interest, not on the surface. It might have been wiser to use a private room for the conversation topic about moving certain items this way or that. I girl can't be held responsible for what happens afterward; should that very nice collection of emeralds plucked from the war-torn reaches of southern Venezuela never make it to their greasy hands? But that's a story for another night.

As it is, drinking at this hour could be deemed a sin elsewhere. Eyebrow-raising here. How lucky the philanthropist works night shift. She doesn't go for anything hard, still settling in. Cocktails are right out when casing company, especially the louches congratulating themselves or that one person in the corner scurrilously wasting his time on playing some game on his phone. "2017 Domaine Jeannin-Naltet Clos Des Grands Voyens." The discreet request comes at a sotto voce pitch, ripe with promise. She rests her heel against the stool that elevates her from the ground, hardly convinced to stay perched there for long. The flex of a knee would catapult her back into the lounge at a moment's notice.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
For Sebastian Shaw, there is no hour at which drinking is a sin. Frankly, there is not much which would be considered a sin at all. At least in his eyes. Although at least for the moment he is bereft of alcohol, emerging into the VIP Lounge with empty hands as he glances around at those gathered in his domain. He walks with an even and controlled gait, hands resting behind his back, carrying himself over towards the bar. Dressed as typical of him, a Victorian era top coat over a white shirt replace with lace, he does somewhat resemble a dandy of the era even if he moves with the predatory confidence of a tiger.

Sliding up to the bar, he offers a nod towards Selina as she maintains her perch, and his gaze drifts out and over the various gentlemen having an overly loud conversation. Those sorts of things often happen within the Hellfire Club, and he often wonders if the scoundrels that are members think that they are truly the only scoundrels within.

Blake Riviere has posed:
Blake Riviere herself wasn't particularly a unknown face around the club anymore, well enough known to be recognizable with her hair down and her lips dark from the makeup. While her own attire in this room wasn't quite the standard 'uniform' of the club just yet, at least until she moved into the inner court. Her form was wrapped instead in a black designer gown, backless and form-flattering.

Spotting Sebastian and Selina alike, her steps bring her closer with a smile on those lips.

Selina Kyle has posed:
Life is an act, the moment a performance for Selina who takes the glass of red wine when presented. If they don't have her preferred burgundy then she will satisfy her tastes with something else adjacent, though a sniff and a quick taste confirm if it's fit for vinegar or not. Blame a woman with access to the Wayne cellars for modulating her tastes. This is at least somewhere she can expect to match.

The glass is poised to her mouth, painted and stained plum. The slight beginning of a smile starts to show before she swallows the slightly bitter, earthy kick of the burgundy in all its berried complexities. Her attire splits the difference between sophisticated and just this side of celebrity, cutouts and split seams to her mini-flared trousers on point with whatever designers acclaim on the runway. That makes Sebastian a good deal different from her. She arches her eyebrows ever so slightly in an unspoken question, but lowers the wine glass just slightly. "Custom design?" she asks Blake. "They've done credit to you."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Pausing as Selina glances his way, Sebastian returns her expression with a seemingly warm smile. He leans his head forward, as if preparing to answer whatever question may or may not be coming forth, but then turns his attention towards Blake as she arrives, and is the actual recipient of the question. She he favors with an authentic smile, although he similarly remains silent for the moment.

Blake Riviere has posed:
A little soft 'Ah' of acknowledgement and Blake turns as she's addressed by Selina, the dark-haired woman moving to look at the other woman, grinning a little and turning on the spot for a moment. "Mmm, I'm quite fond of it," she offers, clear amusement on her lips with the praise reaching her. Making to settle herself near the bar there's a beckoning to draw the tender and seeking a beverage of her own.

"You wear your own choice well," she speaks before grinning. "It is a pleasure to see you again after all."

Selina Kyle has posed:
The swirl of the wine and the light tip of the glass gives a mildly calm, languid air around Selina. She blots her lips, a generous press bringing a light gloss under the light. "Given how much any designer worth looking at twice charges, I hope that it does." The woes of fashion, they never cease. Her grin mirrors Blake's, quick as can be. "Though I've found a distinct lack of inspiring designs. Pity. What's going to stir them up, I don't know."

She eases herself back against the bar slightly more, surveying all that's within the collective domain rather dispassionately before turning back to where the action is at; the bar.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"It may come as some shock to you, but I do find a hard time obtaining designers interested in fresh takes on two hundred year old fashion." Sebastian Shaw chuckles softly, glancing over the fine dresses of the two women as he indicates his own particular style. "Sadly, I am chained to the confines of tradition." His tone does not seem to indicate true sadness with this, of course. He could always change the rules if he felt like it.

"But I must say that both of you are simply ravishing, so clearly you were both able to find compelling visionaries."

Blake Riviere has posed:
Of course, technically Blake could use her abilities to shape her attire when she changed form, but for now she chuckles lightly and then leans forwards lightly. "I mean, perhaps they need to work with a little inspiration?" Blake muses, her own glass delivered and raised to her lips with a little sigh at the taste. Not exactly her 'favorite', but it would have to do for now.

Sebastian's comment brings a laugh, a little shrug before she smiles. "Well, we know tradition has its place..."

Selina Kyle has posed:
Selina sips that wine, the glass murmuring with a throaty laugh that hasn't done much to become audible. Her eyes half-close in delight. "They do. How ever to convince them to chase the muse? It can't be the dazzle of a full bank account, else they'd all be soaring to the high heavens instead of making the same mesh everything." Her nails tap lightly on the wine glass and she leans in, lapping up the attention. Or good conversation. Why not both?

"Old world manners and fashion go hand in hand. You'd be shocked how often it's a signal for excellent," the teeniest of pauses, "upbringing. But enough of that. Are there any sumptuous and decadent parties to look forward to, something that might entice the unmotivated artists around here to excel in their craft?"

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Nodding slowly in consideration, Sebastian smiles at the compliments. Spoken if not intended, at least. At the suggestion from Selina, he rubs at his chin. "That does sound like an interesting idea. Perhaps the Hellfire Club ought to sponsor some kind of fashion show." He glances to Blake. "Perhaps the prize may be the privilege of crafting an outfit for the King or one of the Queens."

He glances over towards the bartender and issues a nod, before turning his attention back to Selina and Blake.