13071/Round Two

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Round Two
Date of Scene: 14 October 2022
Location: Staten Island
Synopsis: Juggernaut vs. Shazam and an abandoned factory suffers till Pixie brings the fight to a halt.
Cast of Characters: Billy Batson, Cain Marko, Megan Gwynn

Billy Batson has posed:
Indestructibelle has been showing Shazam up in the rescues department. Thus we find the World's Mightiest Mortal rescuing a cat from a tree. This totally counts as a rescue. This still has her leading him 7-4. Shazam drops down, and gives the tabby to a little girl. He sends her on her way and then ponders, more patrol, or a break for ice cream? He can almost taste that ice cream. He pondrs this question. Nice day for ice cream.

Cain Marko has posed:
    Elsewhere in the area, Cain Marko is just passing through. The massive merc is in civilian clothes, just going from A to B. A flash of red out of the corner of his eye draws his attention, and he peers in that direction. Hey. Isn't that... a scowl descends on his features, and he glances around. There's some work being done on the street nearby, a cement mixer parked. He walks over to it, his armor appearing on him with a crimson flash and his size billowing. Gripping the machine with both hands, he lifts it up and turns in the direction of Shazam. Then he heaves it through the air towards him. His aim is decent, and it'll suddenly start to get dark for Billy as it descends towards him. The Unstoppable Juggernaut breaks into a full run towards him as it does, building up speed over the distance between them. He won't make it before the truck, but he should get there soon after. "Hey! Asshole! We have unfinished business!"

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson turns at the salutation. "What did you c..." That is when the cement truck hits him. Instead of ice cream, Shazam gets a mouthful of cement. The body of the truck s mangled, a total wreck, the drum survives somewhat. Shazam picks up the drum, one hand gouging finger holes in it. He wipes cement out of his face and sees the wrath of Cyttorak a half second before he hits. "Oh sh..." He wasn't saying Shazam, in all likelihood.


Cain Marko has posed:
Pretty much as son as Billy sees him, Cain hits. A full body check at high speed, shoulder dropped, thrust towards his belly and lifted. The majority of people on the planet would simply be dead at this point. Even for Shazam, it probably stings. Launching the off-guard superhero into the air like he was shot out of a cannon, a boom like a bomb going off sounding through the area. He slows down some after the hit, peering into the distance and judging around where he's likely to land. The he adjusts his coursed and speeds up again. He's been looking for this guy ever since that incident with the bank!

Billy Batson has posed:
Sometimes, the Stamina of Atlas can be a b-word. It doesn't let you pass out, no matter how hard you take a hit, you'r at least partly present mentally. You feel it. Shazam's stomach does indeed hurt. Falling into a 50 meter landfill hurts too. All this serves to make him angry. He's hurt worse after one bully or another got through with him. But... so far the huge mound with the hole silhouetting Shazam remains unmoved. The hole he dug is faintly lit by flickers of lightning.

Cain Marko has posed:
There's a thundering pounding coming from the direction Billy flew away from. Before too long, the angry red titan in the dome helmet comes into view, spotting the hole in the landfill. He skids to a stop, feet digging trenches in the ground. His nose wrinkles slightly at the pile of trash. Well, that was bad luck. He looks around, then walks over to the fence around said landfill. Grabbing oen of the posts the chainlink is attached to, he rips it out of the ground. Hefting it thoughtfully a few times, he aims for where the lightening is sparking out, and throws it like a spear. It's not durable, or sharp, enough to really hurt him. But he should at least notice it. "Dig the coffee grounds outta your ears and come fight me!"

Billy Batson has posed:
Nothing can stop the Juggernaut. This doesn't mean he's impossible to move. Shazam erupts from the ground, almost under his feet and throws an uppercut that surely has the angry titan's helmet and ears ringing. Juggernaut flies into the air. Shazam, for his part, flies even faster, greeting the giant with a two handed sledge that sets cars on their way to the Outerbridge Crossing wobbling. Juggernaut falls towards a ribbon of green parkland and Billy streaks after him. "My ears work fine, old man!!"

Cain Marko has posed:
Cain is caught off guard when the ground under him suddenly bursts and a big red cheese comes out of it, catching a blow on the helmet and lifting off the ground. Dammit, it's always a pain ending up airborne against flying guys! He grunts again, louder, when he's hammer fisted towards the ground. He curses loudly at Shazam as he drops, hitting the ground with another loud boom and creating a crater in the grass. Quickly clambering to his feet, he pops his neck, then glances around. Realizing they're in the middle of a park, he looks up at Shazam, who presumably is hurtling towards him to continue the fight, and raises a big hand. "Wait!" then he gestures around them. "They can't rebuild trees and shit. Lets move somewhere else." Is that a weird thing to say in the middle of a fight you started? Maybe.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson comes streaking at Cain and... pulls up short ten feet away. "... fair enough, there's a deserted fuel refinery over there. I'll meet you in a couple minutes. On the ground. Scout's honor." He flashes away and flies up to sit on a smoke stack to watch the Juggernaut's next move. He waves in a way he hopes Cain will find annoying then fires off a quick text to Sunny <<Fiting Jggn8. Love you.>> Too much. <<Fiting Jggn8. <3<3>> Perfect!

Cain Marko has posed:
Cain grunts in annoyance at the kid. Well, he sees him as a kid. And isn't aware how much of a kid he really is. He tromps towards the refinery, muttering to himself as he goes. Once he reaches the place, he walks into the middle of the biggest open area and gestures towards Shazam. "Alright you little shit, lets do this." It wasn't every day he took a time out in the middle of a fight like it was a game of stickball or something.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson jumps off the smokestack, plummeting towards Cain. He said he'd meet him on the ground, promise kept. One fist is cocked backward and his eyes are opened wide as he hurtles downward, letting gravity give him a little more oomph. He feels distinctly hampered by not cursing. Instead he lets loose with a 'Rahr!!" It needs work.

Cain Marko has posed:
Cain rolls his neck, preparing himself as Shazam drops down towards him. Not bothering to try and dodge, he just cocks back his own fist and prepares to trade blows. Launching his strike in time so they both connect at the same time. There's another pair of sounds like thunderclaps, and Cain braces himself to keep from being knocked backwards. Taking that hit from the Big Red Cheese a second time puts a noticeable crack in his helmet. His own fist landing on the jaw of the likewise magically endowed human. He'll proceed to launch more heavy strikes afterwards, apparently determined to get in a slugfest with his foe. Endurance was his thing, or one of this things, so that's how he likes to do it. "I'm gonna mash your face into mush, you red and yellow buttplug!"

Billy Batson has posed:
Atlas supported the heavens. Shazam is no slouch in endurance. Straight up slugfests were not his thing. He'd had a single big one and it was with this guy. However going toe to toe, doesn't mean being a punching bag. He takes a hit, then another. and then sidesteps, trying to throw heat under the bigger man's punch and get in close. He aims for his stomach.

Cain Marko has posed:
Cain throws the blows awfully fast for his size, huge fists hurtling towards Shazam. But he doesn't actually have super speed, so he CAN be dodged. Missing the third in his combo of strikes, he lets out a loud grunt when a fist is planted in his belly, briefly doubling over. He raises both fists and brings them down towards the shoulders of his opponent. Anybody within a mile or so of there might think there's demolition happening. Or, accurately, that there's another super fight happening. This IS New York after all. They're pretty common.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson gets driven to his knees. Only then he realizes, that fight with the Rat Demon might have left him slightly off his game. He head butts Cain again in the stomach. Lightning would be good right now except... he's going to finish this fight man to man. Okay legally he's still a minor, you get the idea. He lifts the giant up and runs at a building wall. "Knock me down all you want! I can go all day!" The wall explodes under the force of their bodies.

Cain Marko has posed:
Lifted off the ground, Cain rains blows down on the head and back of Shazam as he slams them both into a wall. The stone and metal obliterated by their weight and momentum. Eventually he grips the black hair of the other fighter, and tries to angle his knee to slam it into his face. "Lets see if you can back that up!" He picked this fight because, well. He was still annoyed that Billy interrupted him stealing that bank. But now his blood is up, and he just wants to crush his enemy. It's been a while since he had a serious fight. Or any fight, really. Attempted muggings didn't count.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson gets the knee in his face and tastes blood. He lets it carry him up, then he spins rapidly, hoping to use centrifugal force to make Cain release his hand hold. Simultaneously he grabs, Cains pinky and attempts to bend it back, to loosen his grip. "Pulling hair hunh? Big man!" He spits blood t the side and he spins, becoming a blur.

Cain Marko has posed:
Cain Marko tightens his grip on the hair as he's spun, growling. His finger bends back to an extent but fights against the motion. However, the hair is slowly slipping through his hand. Finally he loses his grip and goes flying off like a cannonball, impacting another wall and knocking a hole through it while roaring out, "Bastard!" A few moments later he bursts through again, grabbing chunks of the wall with either hand and flinging them hard at the flying hero. "C'mon down here you big red pigeon!"

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson comes down. He hadn't risen that far. he smashes the chunks of wall before they hit him, the blows sounding like thunder and shaking the whole building. Chunks of the ceiling begin to fall and before Shazam can attempt another attack the building collapses. there is an explosion of lightning as he hurls wreckage away from him peering through the dust. He grabs a girder and hefts it. "C'mon out ya bog monkey... or would you rather fight Supergirl? Sorry I take that back. Supergirl is great. Gods you make me mad!" He swings the girder around.

Cain Marko has posed:
Cain looks up as the ceiling comes down and curses, then is buried. There's silence from him for a time after Billy frees himself, then he suddenly bursts out from under him. Using the same trick the hero did before, launching a full bodied blow at the belly of the other red clad mystically empowered meta. Hmm, they actually have a lot in common. Seeing the girder the guy is wielding as a club, he grabs one himself. "Bog monkey? What the hell kind of insult is that?" He swings the girder at him while adding, "Sure, send Supergirl. Maybe she can actually fight!" This likely leads to an impromptu 'swordfight' between the two, their respective weapons deforming against one another.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson tanks the hit then drops the girder to hammer Cain with the sledge fist again. Cain winds up in debris up to his knees and Billy starts peppering him with blows at lightning speed. "No need to get personal. You started this! Why don't you give it up before the Justice League shows up and kicks your butt." No joke, the East Coast may be getting earthquake warning from seismographs right now. Shazam steps in for his best punch, to Cain's stomach.

Cain Marko has posed:
Ending up in the ground, Cain raises both arms to block the rain of blows from Shazam. "You can take your Justice League and shove it up your ass! And you started this when you interfered with my business!" He drags himself up out of the ground, and reaches out to grab the front of Billy's uniform, launching a couple blows to the belly of the beast, then finishing with a straight right in the face, the force of several trains slamming into him hard enough to send him hurtling through another wall, then several more, and out of the refinery entirely. He lets out a roar, and starts to stomp forward.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn strolls down the street, initially oblivious to all else around her as she sings along to the music on her phone earplugs in her ears and turned up high. Turning the corner, it's hard to miss sight of the Juggernaut, beating the pulp out of..Who is that guy? Oh yeah she's probably seen him on the news or something. "Hey! Hey. you two, knock it off!" she jumps into the air, hovering above them, and starts to sprinkle some fairy dust their way, not a lot, just enough to take the edge off, get them to calm down if she can..Shazam looks like he can take every blow Juggs deals him, but still, a fight between two heavy hitters could get pretty destructive, drawing innocent into their tiff.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson flies through the wall and then stops, in midair. He feels his eye start to swell. Shazam grimaces and extends his feet to the ground, then runs to meet Cain. "You were stealing a bank you sociopath! And as for shoving the Justice League up there, I won't do it. Prepare to eat lightning you bog gorilla!" He isn't sure if that is a step up or down from bog monkey, or even what a bog monkey was. Truth be told Cain hit him pretty hard. He encounters the dust and stops. "Poppies? to put us to sleep. Oh hiya Sunny... you too. Yeah I been hitting the gym... " He suddenly seems oblivious to Cain.

Cain Marko has posed:
Cain starts to charge forward at Shazam, then he hears the familiar voice and sees that he's running into a cloud of dust. He snorts in surprise, getting a lungful of magical LSD, and then gets a confused look on his face. "Huh? Dad? What are you... wait, what are those? Fuck!" He gets a paniced expression on his face, and turns to run. He is calmer, but that's a relative thing.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn peers between the two of them, still hovering in the air, positioning herself between them both. "Hey, that's better..So like, what the heck is this all about? You know innocent bystanders will get hurt if two big heavy weights are trashing stuff in public."

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson sits down on a pile of rubble. He makes room for another to sit. "Yeeeeah I like the new costume... a little revealing, it..." He shakes his head violently and his vision clears. "What's it about? That's the Juggernaut!! He threw a cement truck at me. Hit me in the HEAD. Stand clear. No one's in this old factory. We're finishing! Uhm... is he going to be alright? I'm not hitting him if he's loopy. He may be a bad guy but I have standards... and he's actually pretty cool." He waves a hand in front of Cain.

Cain Marko has posed:
It doesn't take long for Cain to stop, just sort of staring into the distance for a while. He doesn't blink when Billy waves his hand in front of his face. It's about the time that Billy is complimenting him that he suddenly punches him. Pulling back his fist and doing an uppercut... right between the legs. Giving him a shot in the 'ol lightning bolt. Then he blinks a few times. "Huh?" He looks around, then up at the floating mutant fairy. "Pixie? What are you doing here?" He gives his head a shake. "Ugh. Dammit. I lost it. Well, I guess we'll finish this another time."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks, darting back as Juggy uppercuts Shazam, seemingly ignoring her warnings. Well at least he didn't just flick her to the side while he was at it! "Heeey!" she narrows her eyes, hands clenched and glowing pink, "Don't make me put you both on ice..Whatever your differences, I'm sure you can sort them out peacefully." okay, so she doesn't pack a mean lunch and could easily be swatted away like a fly..But at least she's fast and can zip out of the way if things get heated. "What started all of this?" even with Billy's claims, she knows Juggy is a friend of Thomas, and is at least trying not to be evil..Or so she heard. "Maybe I can help."

Cain Marko has posed:
Cain peers after the departed Shazam. "It's... well. It's just continuing a fight from a while back. Don't worry about it. You can teleport, right? Lets get out of here before he comes back."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks at Juggy, considering checking on Shazam but..He looks like he can take care of himself, and maybe Thomas can help calm Juggy down away from the subject of his ire. "Alrught then..Hold on..Sihal Novarum Chinoth!" she's getting better at portaling, creating a pink glowy portal beneath their feet which swallows them in a column of light, depositing them both in front of the Blake house moments before Shazam can return..

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson is holding onto his 'lightning bolt' and groaning, as he is sent hurtling out over the Atlantic Ocean. A lone red eyed rat drifting on a moldy cooler watches him go and laughs its ass off. He's feeling better when he hits the water and skips another thirty miles. He stops his fall and flies back, barely making mach one due to the last blow he received. He flies over the scene of their battle and stops in awe of the destruction they dealt out. He can barely see the surface through the dust. He lands and peers around.

"It always ends this way!" He hollers.