13864/I said DANCE

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I said DANCE
Date of Scene: 17 January 2023
Location: Sion - Lounge
Synopsis: Some drinking and recapping and some of the New Mutants making sure others don't make a mess at Betsy's club.
Cast of Characters: Tabitha Smith, Roberto da Costa, Illyana Rasputina

Tabitha Smith has posed:
There aren't that many clubs that let Tabby into their VIP room. Even if she is blonde, easy on the eyes, and fills a little dress. This one is red leather, halternecked and low cut.

Thankfully Sion is one of those clubes where she not only can get in a VIP room withh her friends but doesn't have to bribe anyone.

The rest of the outfit in shades if yellow, spiky belt half slug at her waist and hip. collar and wrist cuffs. The boots are red in a lace upm knee high stule with yellow laces. The only change in color are her stockings in black that disappear under the mid thigh hem of her dress.

The dance floor is always fun but even Tabby needs to boom her butt to somewhere slightly less crowded to share a drink with friends.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa for once isn't out on the dance floor or being the center of attention. He is seated on on one of the luxiury couches casually looking at his phone texting with someone. He is of course dressed in a black suit, with a yellow vest and yellow tie. Black dress shirt and a yellow pocket square.

    He can of course get into any VIP roon in the city, the world. Probably this arm of the galaxy but you can't beat hanging with friends so he's here tonight. Tapping his foot to the beat. He looks up from his phone. "Time for another round?"

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
Tabitha has an easier time getting in than the Demon Queen of Limbo. The Demon Queen has work to do that usually precludes a Monday night out on the town.

Thanks to Betsy though, they have a haunt that even someone who periodically suffers infernal rages or digitigrade legs. Things happen! Here they understand.

It's too cold for hotpants or skimpy sheer nets that supposedly act as clothes. So something sparkly and vividly pink will do for her to alarm the masses, a long-sleeved dress that stops somewhere high on the thighs and would normally make those perilous platform shoes a really bad choice. Less of an issue here. For one, no cobblestones. Two, she can just sidestep the spilled drink and stare down a few bothered patrons arguing over who will mop it up on her way to the VIP room.

The question follows behind Illyana: "Why doesn't /she/ clean it--"

The door shuts before she gives an answer, sealing the comfort of Roberto, Tabitha, and every other VIP. Props to the luxury benefits of befriending Psylocke.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The explosive blonde works very part time and has only a few duties at the school to not look like a moocher too much. Hard to tell some nights but when Illyana gets nights off, those are a treat!

Tabby and Illyana clearly seem to have a blast with occasionally being mistaken for the other. That much pink is usually the Boomie's bag.

Somewhere out there a White Queen is mentally screaming. And Tabby has never considered hooves a deal breaker.

The spilled drink and the argument gets a grin and a glowing flash of blue eyes as suddenly both parties start apologizing to the other and scrambling to find napkins and paper towels to clean things up.

"You know I think either Emma is way more an influence on me these days or I am on her. If they weren't mutants I'd make them use their clothes." she states wickedly as she joins Illyana and Roberto.

There's more grins and a snappoint at the idea of more drinks. "Roberto hon, you are always thinking ahead!" she states and nods her head.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa smiles and slips his phone into his inside breast pocket. "Yeah, you're sounding like Raven." He nods at the confirmation, "Don't tell the adults. It will ruin my frivolous image." Berto grins and offers Yana an air kiss on his way to the bar to get drinks for everyone. He manages to catch the bartenders eye and order. He even flirts half heartedly with another patron.

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
Blondes wear pink well. Not as well as brunettes, but nearly, and the shock of sunset rose adhering to the constructed, architectural lines of that minidress could be a second sun. Illyana isn't imitating Aphrodite, but if she were, they might share a scary similarity in remoteness.

She clicks those platform heels loudly for a moment. No other way to get up stairs! Tabitha might do it for fun, Illyana does it by necessity.

"We are bad to each other. I would have them lick it off the ground rather than waste it." Heathen Russian, not letting liquor go to waste! She upnods a greeting. "Once." But good influences and all that. "Using their skin is good for them. What other use do they have for it?"

Before Mr. Sinister somewhere gets too excited, she clicks her way closer to Roberto. She tilts her cheek - kiss caught - and smirks at him. Then she asides to Tabby, "Heartbroken? His dates stand him up?"

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"Woe be unto the world that realises that we aren't Imbos and that we're totally just operating on a vastly different level of thought than even Reed Richards or Lex Luthor!" Tabitha playfully hypes up the man getting the two blondes their drinks.

"Ehh, ruined dresses seem better than licking the mess up. But then..." Tabitha scrunches her face up and there might be some bad memories. There's worse things. "Five second rule." she states and tries to deflect that.

"I dunno about heart broken, but his Mom was in town again, there was a thing in Gotham we fought ninjas. So maybe he's in a needing to chill mode?" she guesses and grins. "We just gotta pretend to be the dates while actually being bros." the explosive one ponders and head to where Roberto was seated, guiding Illyana to join them and sit so neither of them have to deal with their shoes doing wonky things to their feet.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa returns with the drinks, a bourbon on the rocks for himself and, well, he probably knows both ladies well enough to have ordered somethjng they would enjoy. A good vintage of champagne for Yana or some intricate vodka drink? And something that is akin to a long island iced tea but more metropolitan for Tabs. Maybe infused with cannabis? Anyway, he comes back and seed that his seat has been taken, quirking his head good naturedly as he hands them their drinks, "Betsy must make a mint with this place." He is used to women and their footwear woes, I mean not yielding your seat to them means they might start wearing sensible shoes and that would be the greater tragedy, so he stands and looks around. "What brings you out Yana? Slow night on the highed planes? Lower planes? How does plansr geography work?"

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
Parental problems go right over Illyana's head, as might be expected by a girl pretty much without any. The two donors who made her and Piotr still exist somewhere in Russia, but it's no secret among the New Mutants that they deny their daughter's continued existence. Certainly not as a young adult of some kind.

"I am sorry for his loss," she says, grasping for the right words. "Wingmen. Girlfriends. Da, we can do that." She might just tug on Tabby's hair for good cause then.

Plopping down on a chair is impossible. The dress is simply too structured. She has to flow onto that stool, sliding atop it. Vodka will do for her; but really, she drinks nearly anything. Beggars and choosers. "Someone murdered a god. Slavic, so not a big one like Odin or Yama Kings. Still -- in my backyard. I am displeased. Very rude, da? We were going to drop in, see who is so stupid, but noooo." She jerks a thumb at the door. "It is raining, da? Bad for landings in Tupolevs. IL-96s barely land at best of times. Not best of times when people commit deicide. So, a Monday. I prefer ninjas and your company."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The 'Iced Tea' is accepted with a big smile and a "Thanks 'Berto!" There's some creaking of her dress. A flex of back muscles and a few of the scant scars from rougher times in her life. a few new ones too since Illyana last saw them. Let alone when hair was last pulled.

"Best I done was Frost Giants, solo any way. Nothing we can't handle. But still..." she takes a sip of her potent drink from the straw set in it.

"Something that can do in gods. Think it's like local beefing? Slavic mythical Crips and Bloods stuff?" she asks. Powerful as a lot of gods are, they're still people.

"We can steal the Blackbird. Get some of that VTOL goodness. Park just far enough to be safe. Port in or just drive?" she ponders a plan.

"The Ninjas were pretty fun. Sam got Berto's mom out safe." she says with a fair bit of releif for the woman's safety. "It's Gotham though so who knows why ninjas though. Just as easily beef with the company as much as just trying to piss off Bats." she ponders with a smile to Sunspot. "Hopefully I didn't balls up the plan we had for dealing with everyone." Impersonating assassins and faking a hit on Roberto. Plasma and flame wielding is hopefully common enough she can manage it.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa smiles, "Yeah, I did a lawyer specializing in Fae contracts, so still working out the details about my Dad and Mephisto but their confident." He sips the bourbon. "Not a recent loss, Stephanie and Dick got engaged ages ago. I'm still figuring things out." He tilts his head, "You have the most interesting adventures. I got stuck shlepping a Sentinel around to big brains. I do want totalj with Captain America about our staregy. How do you tell a living legend he's doing it wrong?" Berto shrugs, "Far as I can tell it's a turf beef. Apparently the hand is moving in on Gotham because a rival ninja clan, the foot of all things has been picking turf in New York. So, we were a target of opportunity that went sideways, thanks to Black Panther, the Brotherhood and the best friends ever."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
There's totally glasses raised to that and maybe some loud straw work derspite the mustic playing.

But best friends is a pretty apt term for the New Mutants family.