14042/Vamps and Scamps

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Vamps and Scamps
Date of Scene: 05 February 2023
Location: The Public House - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: Goth, Peppy, Snark, and Debonair talk in the Club.
Cast of Characters: Blake Riviere, Monet St. Croix, Phoebe Beacon, Richard Swift

Blake Riviere has posed:
A night out, or perhaps a night in depending on how one saw it. Whatever the fact may be Blake was here in the public house tonight, her form wrapped in a figure hugging black backless dress and her hair complimented by a pair of deep red ribbons as she moved through the crowd.

Eyes sweeping over those gathered, the raven-haired beauty currently nursed a glass of wine in one hand...but it didn't seem to have been touched all that much.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix is entering into the area, giving a sniff of disdain while glancing about. Moving to look frosty while crossing her arms and then going to head over towards a table. Coincidentally near where Blake was, M going to settle in tot eh table right ahead of a couple who were going to be tkaen there with a 'get out of my way' expression on her face.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    This was not how it was supposed to go. It was supposed to be a stop in at a Porshe dealer. She was supposed to inquire about a specialized color. She was supposed to then get back on the subway, to the HyperLoop, go back to Gotham and then meet up for patrols, but NO.

    Someone had wandered in and recognized one of the younger adopted Wayne siblings, and Phoebe had been dragged out with encouragement to view the Hellfire Club, which yes she was *technically* a legacy member now that she was Bruce Waynes legal child, but she had only ever been in Club Purgatory once, on its opening day, as a guest of Tim Drake's.

    And now she was being shown around by someone in a smart black suit, while wearing designer denim in peach, a pair of red mary jane style heels, a rose-colored headwrap and a matching peach jacket over a black camisole. PErfect for showing class and still peddling the 'blue collar daughter' presentation.

Richard Swift has posed:
The shadows coalsce into a man. Tall, dapper, top hat, shades, sharp suit and cane. All in black. A crimson red kerchief matches the ensemble in his breast pocket as the Shade arrives.

Looking at the people present, Swift doesn't bat an eye, and moves forward, as if he was meant to be there.

Blake Riviere has posed:
Monet was scowly, Phoebe was bright and perfect...Blake herself was probably neither of those things. Between looks and air alike she was a temptress, a beauty and...bored from the looks of it.

Even Richard's dramatic arrival seems to have brought little more than a raise of her eyebrow while she made her way forwards.

Monet at least was a face she knew, the other woman earning a little nod of her head.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would give a little nod back over at Blake, and then over at Phoebe. "What brings the Wayne heir to a locale such as this?" Well, the spare heir at least depending on how far it went up the family tree. Wayne did seem to have a desperation to get some of them after all.

Richard would be given a lazy glance and a switch of her posture that would be the equivalent of an eyeroll.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    At the moment, Phoebe certainly didn't match the motif of the Hellfire Club, stepping smartly behind her equally dark and serious guide, and she can just... *feel* the hair on the back of her neck stand up as she walks into the Pub, and she gives a friendly smile to Monet, her eyes drifting to Blake first, and then the dapper man with the shades all in black. The young woman gives a small smile to MOnet.

    "Miss St. Croix, so nice to be recognized outside my city." she greets her in a friendly fashion. "Here I thought the pinks would lend me some bit of disguise, but it appears I'm still outstanding." she offerrs as a mild joke.

Richard Swift has posed:
A step. A wave. A drink. A tall, large cabernet glass with the finest sauvignon the Public house had to offer. Richard sniffs, frowns, takes a sip, and almost smiles. Not too bad. Next, a drink, and a slight sigh. It was...good.

Looking at those present, the Shade offers a small nod of his head towards Monet. His eyes follow her for a few seconds and his right eyebrow raises in understanding. Respect.

Next was Phoebe. Now a mystery that was. A tap of his cane to his top hat salutes her in respect. Someone to find out about indeed.

Last was Blake. Interesting. There was something there, something...deadly. Now that, he could understand. A nod and a tap once more. A group worthy of song.

"Good evening." His voice seems to come from the shadows, cold, dark, emotionless. Meant for everyone.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
M's respect goes up just a little bit at being remembered from a random meeting more than half a year ago with the girl. Not that one could tell by the look on her face. "I hope that all has been well with you." She doesn't say 'with your family'. Seh doesn't particularly give the Waynes any particular credit in things.

Besides, the news keeps up a constant enough flow of infromation to keep the wrold updated.

Richard would be given a look, "Don't you have something vaudeville to get back to? The performances are saved for other floors here and you don't match the decor."

Blake Riviere has posed:
Certainly, having drifted nearby to Monet when she poses her question towards Phoebe there's a soft chuckle from Blake, her French-accented tones bringing with them a little humor as she spoke up. "Ahhh, so this is the new one? It's easy to lose track sometimes. A please to meet you Ms. Beacon..."

Of course, one might wonder how she knew the name if she was truely ignorant, but Blake simply waves it off lightly as she looks up towards Richard and his arrival, tilting her head to the side with a light curiousity still carried in her gaze.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Getting better all the time." Phoebe responds with an honest smile; you can tell she wasn't raised moneyed -- though she's very polite about it. She holds her purse in front of her as she takes a breath and lets it out, and gives a bright smile to Blake.

    "One of the two." she explains, "though I often get to be the show-off at social events." she gives a smile. "I don't believe I've had the pleasure of meeting your acquaintence, miss...?" she questions, eyebrows rising at Blake.

    ANd she gives a small smile, looking back to Monet.

    "I certainly feel very underdressed now, though, don't I?"

Richard Swift has posed:
Finishing his drink, the Shade pauses for a moment, before placing the glass on the bar. Turning back to the room, Swift looks at Monet "deadpan" and replies, "Always my dear. Vaudeville is more entertaining than anything you could imagine. As for the decor, all of the Hellfire Club is dark. Shades of black, indeed." His voice sounds...amused.

A sideways look at Blake reveals..what...amusement in the dark eyes of the Shade? Yes. Amused at Monet and her words, and something else.

With a bit of a bow to the room, and towards Phoebe, Shade says, "I take it from the emotions present, perhaps discretion is the better part of valour. We may meet again ladies. It has been...interesting." With that, the Shade takes one step back, and is gone, enveloped by the shadows.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would give a glance over at Blake and a motion that might almost be an invitation to join her. Before her attention is back over on Phoebe. "No luck with having one of those ahead of you in the inheritance list vanish under mysterious circumstances?" That was more of a European nobility thing in fairness. But then again with the real rich families that were close enough..

Richard is given an irritated look. "So are you a stand in for Gentleman Ghost then?" She would lightly glare over at the departing Shade as if in a challenge to taunt him out of hiding.

Blake Riviere has posed:
A nod from Blake and was headed towards the offered space, a little giggle from Blake from the comment about the act before she looks back towards the comment on the Hellfire club. Certainly the Inner Circle wasn't much different, but the vampiress couldn't really share such thoughts with the others, instead sipping at her glass with a little chuckle.

"Truely Mr Beacon, you should expect a little 'Sass' as they say, amongst a crowd like this."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "I wouldn't want any of them to go missing; that means I would have to be shown off at even more social events, and the eldest is much prettier than I am." Phoebe gives a placid smile regarding Dick Grayson, and she takes a seat as if she were invited as well.

    "Did... the fancy gentleman decide to make an exit?" she questions, though she knows he had disappeared into the shadows.

    Drama she can understand; she IS from Gotham.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would shrug, "Yes, it rather fits with the atmosphere." She would tsk over then in agreement with Blake. "And yes, he had to be rather dramatic about it. All's the more the shame. IF he's going to perform he should at least do some sort of routine to it."

Blake Riviere has posed:
A soft little 'Ah' from Blake and the comment about disappearing heirs...well, it -was- a little close to home for the girl who technically -was- European nobility...although the rest of her family was long dead to her knowledge. Phoebe's comment however brings a little grin as she settles in and sighs with a stretch. "Well, stick with us Ms Beacon, and we may just protect you from the pains of such events."