14064/Where Nobody Speaks Your Name

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Where Nobody Speaks Your Name
Date of Scene: 07 February 2023
Location: Bar With No Name
Synopsis: Jinx sneaks away to the Bar with No Name for a cold one and runs in to <redacted> and <redacted> where they share some gossip and a drink.
Cast of Characters: Jinx, Talia al Ghul, Felicia Hardy

Jinx has posed:
Jinx eyes the simulacrom up and down. A ghostly figure, copy of herself. It won't last for too many hours - but enough that she can hang her T-com on it and slip away from the Titans for some -ME- time. That Me time means a beer at a very exclusive bar with no name.

The secret knock opens up the door way and she enters a place where nobody speaks your name. It's important for the civility of a bar that caters exclusively to naredowells, evil doers, villains. These aren't names they'd ever give to themselves because everyone is a hero in their own story.

Jinx sits down at the bar and cracks her knuckles. Her vibrantly British accent rings out, "Barkeep, one beer. Thanks luv." A frosty golden beverage in a tall glass is placed in front of her and she wraps her fingers about it.

Sweet ambrosia touches her lips and she relaxes, finally, after a harrowing week of trying to avoid being thrown in jail by a bunch of goodie goodie two shoes heroes who are far more chaotic internally than she ever imagined. The bloody Titans.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
There are rules over at the bar. No capes. No fighting. No tiffs from the outside world. It's where you go at the end of the workday to decompress, crash down, and throw back some things. So long as the cops are after you, SHIELD wants you dead or alive, and the Avengers want to ask you some questions.

Talia Al Ghul is there, casually nursing a drink on something too sweet and that's made from several different poisons that she's taking small sips indulgently. She would glance over at Jinx.

"Hello." Talia would raise her glass in a salute. "YOu did excellent work. Rather unexpected.. But excellent work."

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    Much like heroes, costumed villains also enjoy the duality of living a double life. Heroic enough to hang out at the Avengers pool by daylight, master thief by moonlight, the Black Cat slinks into the bar poured into her trademark bodysuit. She's zipped up, though, given the winter chill outside, the fur lining her gloves more than just for show. She spots a familiar face or two, or maybe not, as she makes her way up to place her order.

    She has care to not touch the bartop itself, conscious of its storied history and ... bouquet. "...a flute of the gold, if you would, darling..." she orders a glass of champagne with a smile, lips painted ruby red under that black mask and those clear, aqua eyes.

Jinx has posed:
Jinx gulps down some beer and then hears a familiar voice. Lowering the glass, she wipes across her mouth and peers over at Talia. With a grin and a shrug of her shoulders she admits, "Things were cursed before I even got on the plane. Some extra dimensional twat called the Music Meister decided to fuck with me and my business."

Snap point to Talia with a finger, "Things would have gone better if he hadn't shown up. But I managed to tilt things in your favor I hope. Pay cheque was nice for sure."

Why must life get so complicated? she just wanted to go to an international football competition and ruin things for a very large pay cheque. Now she just wants to tear down the evil organisation that wants her dead and instead she gets saddled with the weight of the Titans on her back.

"Hey, either of you ever done the whole take down a cult that wants you dead thing?" She includes Felicia in the question since she's also near by. The beer returns to her mouth. "It's like, I feel duty bound to not just stop them from killing me, of course, but to just utterly crush them in to dust and stomp on the ashes."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
The platinum blonde that hangs over with the Avengers gets a glance from Talia Al Ghul, "Did you have a particularly decent score?" SHe would inquire. Knowing Felicia at best through reputation of the mercurial feline. She would look over at Jinx wiht sympathy.

"I can only imagine. But despite the end result of things you pulled it off. Not every scheme goes the way that we would like. All that matters in the end is that you get them next time. STrangle him so he can't carry a tune."

She's not caught up on Jinx staying with the Titans, nor would she particularly care given her own indulgences from time to time. "Ah.." Well, in fairness she's moreso the one that's a member of such a cult. Gesturing. "Go on."

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    Felicia takes a moment to savor a long, slow draw of bubbly while questions slip her way. She seems content to let the other girls talk before she adds her own sultry voice to the mix. "...cult? No. I've had to break up rather insistent and peculiar.... fan clubs.... based on my likeness once or twice.... but that's as far as I've been..." she muses aloud, chuckling.

    Then with a low purr, she winks at Talia and nods, "Oh the score of the century, darling. But I'd rather not divulge too much, lest the parties involved find themselves under... scrutiny..." she winks. Parties?

Jinx has posed:
Jinx psshes, "Great. Well - let's just say there's a cult out there who is particularly good at mind control crap. They've been making bigger moves lately. And, let's just say I used to be part of this cult and decided I was sick of their gaslighting bullshit."

The beer is drunk to half empty and she places it down to continue, "And now the fuckers want my head because they don't know how to take no for an answer. You know, the usual piece of trash ex-boyfriend except in this case ex-cult."

She waggles a finger, "No judging. I didn't join a cult willingly, it just happened and that's that okay. Point is, they and the team I used to run with now want me dead and as a result, I'm going to have to be the asshole who destroys them."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would lean back and listen, "Ordinarily I'd speak up on the point of outside business.." Which normally stayed out of the bar as it was possible that said cult might have members present. "But you've caught my attention. Do go on. Does this cult have a name or not if you know it?"

She would shrug over with the continuing explanation, while glancing at Felicia. "So you were paid to do a job, stole the thing, then robbed teh ones that hired you for said job?" Amused.

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    A scoff mixed with a laugh comes from Felicia in response to Talia and she just shakes her head, "..nothing of the sort... but wouldn't you like to know, lovely?" she winks and grins, idly circling her gloved finger around the rim of her champagne flute. She sighs and moves to situate herself closer to the other two girls, looking between them but now focusing on Jinx.

    "...if you need someone to do a little sneak work and grab information or items from them, you can certainly commission me before you burn the house down... it sounds like it's good for a thrill... of course, if you want do it all yourself since it's personal, I won't press.." Felicia swirls her glass before taking another drink. "Always looking for a little fun though, and the fighting part isn't so much up my alley.'

Jinx has posed:
Jinx lets out a noise like 'yeeesh' and says, "I'm not naming them because then I'd be crossing that outside business line. I can vent and let off some steam though yeah." She lifts up her beer and takes another sip. "But I've been saddled with a load of bagged suddenly."

A long sigh, "And now I have to drag them around, win their trust, win them over, yadda yadda yadda. They want me to be someone I'm not and don't realise how dirty they might have to get their hands - but they'll be helping me because they're nosy sods like that. Again.. not naming names, but bloody heck I can't catch a break lately."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would nod over at Jinx, "Well enough." Venting seems to be generally fine, as far as the ninja assassin is concerned. Then glancing over at Felicia, "I don't particularly care." She would deadpan. "We're here to enjoy ourslves and occasionally gossip and trade stories."

Taking another swig of the drink. "I suppose her services are available if you go out." She would glance over at the duo. "Sounds like you've fallen in with a bad crowd." By 'bad crowd' we meant 'goody goodies'

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    "Oh I'm sure you would if you knew... but what happens in Gotham stays in Gotham... usually..." Felicia chuckles softly. Thens he shrugs, shaking her head. "So you're stuck in deep cover and dealing with the worst kind of ex? Sounds like absolute disaster... I'm sorry to hear it. But it's nice to have a little backup sometimes? Unless they get mind-controlled by the cult and turn on you or something.." she tsks softly.

Jinx has posed:
Jinx smirks at the idea of the Titans falling prey to HIVE. But she doubts that's what is going to happen. HIVE will try and stay as hidden as possible so that they can't be moved against. "Yeah. Pretty much." On all accounts - bad crowd and worst kind of ex.

"Anyway. I'm kinda under house arrest. Well, tracked anyway. Took the thing off with some magic and it's given me enough time to come out and catch a pint." She finishes off the glass and places it on the bar top. "Enough time to enjoy myself before I have to get back."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would glance over at Felicia, "Therea re always risks involved. And sometimes it's good to have your own assistance present." Or at least more bodies to throw in front of you. The tactic of having meatshields is as old as henchmen when it comes to the traditions and tactics of supervillainy.

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    Felicia tosses back her glass and finishes it, letting the cool, bubbly beverage slide down her throat. Gingerly, the champagne flute is settled onto the bartop. She starts to saunter towards the door, used to heads turning as she does so. "I'm glad my... compatriots don't keep tabs on me. Tough luck, darling..." she tsks quietly. "Love those escape artist tricks, though. Wish I could be in two places at once sometimes..." she laughs.

    The a kiss is blown Talia's way, "Speaking of prizes, mine is waiting for me.. back at her place..." she winks, letting the cat out of the bag -just- enough to be a tease. "Have a lovely night, ladies. Don't forget to look me up if you need something placed in your 'lost and found' bin."

Jinx has posed:
Jinx checks her wrist watch. The timer is ticking down. She does the calculations quickly in her head of how long it'll take her to get back to the Titan's Tower from here. HERE being a coveted secret of course. She sighs, "Okay, well, time for me to split too."

"And you know kitty kat, my services are usually for hire - but with the heat on me right now I might have to be more discrete if you want to be in two places at once." She rises from the bar and finger guns to Talia again, "Love your money, be doin' business with you again some time." Then heads out the doors.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would glance over at Felicia and then nod over at Jinx, "If i have something again that I require your services for, I'll make inquiries on the matter. And good day ladies. Misfortune be with you." Her wiggling her fingers as they would retreat.

Until next crime.