14053/You Break, We Fix (And I Steal)

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You Break, We Fix (And I Steal)
Date of Scene: 06 February 2023
Location: Midtown
Synopsis: June's attempt to make off with the goods is foiled, Joan rebuilds the Pham's place Phamtastically, and Ward punches out at the end of the day.
Cast of Characters: Grant Ward, Joan Wright, June Connor

Grant Ward has posed:
Those damn aliens. Always causing trouble, and somehow, it always ends up being New York. Why is it always New York? There has to be something about it.

SHIELD Agent Grant Ward is standing with his hands on his hips staring down at the crater that _used_ to be a lovely noodle shop. Maybe the aliens were just floating around in outer space and just decided to say what the pho, and came down to cause trouble out of sheer boredom. There was no real motive that anyone could discern, but that was why SHIELD sent Ward to the scene. That, and because he is still convinced that someone is angry at him for shooting Santa Claus.

He looks up and peers around. He was told that Damage Control was en route now that the alien threat had been tended to by some of New York's more colorful heroes. The capes are gone, of course, when it is time to clean-up, leaving it to the actual hard working folks.

And of course, there are quite a few lookiloos who are lingering around, trying to scope out the site. Maybe they think another alien is going to pop out, since the crowd has not fully dispersed. But Ward leaves the "nothing to see here, move along, move along" to the NYPD. He has to keep his eyes on far more pressing things.

Like the small bits of alien technology still strewn about the scene that would almost certainly be dangerous if they were to fall into the wrong hands.

Joan Wright has posed:

Grant wasn't lied to. Once the assurances that they wouldn't be horribly slaughtered by what SHIELD was fighting came through, the teams that had been waiting on the outskirts proceeded in. The first wave that came in were heavily dressed in radiation suits and had their own devices for detecting...'bad stuff'. And once said 'bad stuff' was not detected, more teams came in. Recovery and Inspections were next. As some scan the wreckage for signs of people who might need pulling out, another figure dressed in the high visibility construction colors of yellow, green stripes, and a white hard hat strides through. It is a visual assault for sure. But one can't argue they didn't see the woman. Safety glasses, heavy set boots, gloves, toolbelt, and pockets- so, SO MANY pockets- finish the look.

In Joan's hands, she holds a clipboard. As she walks by Ward to hear his usual statement, there's the slight sniff of one trying to hold back a laugh.

Yes. There IS something to see here.

June Connor has posed:
    Lookiloo June is reporting for duty. When there's weird stuff happening, there's usually weird stuff that someone is happy to buy. The slightly warmer weather has gotten her in just a light black denim jacket over a pale Fratelli's shirt, and shredded black jeans to match. Her hair today is dyed a fire engine red, a sloppy undercut pixie style says that she's a bit intense, with a stray purple stripe hanging at her forehead.

    She wears a knapsack on her shoulders, and a fanny pack on her hip as she watches the NYPD shoo people off. It's easy enough for her to sneak past them to get access to the area. Look like you belong, that's the game she usually plays. Except that most of the people here have less piercings than she does. She casually saunters once she's in the range of the investigation taking her first peek down into the crater.

Grant Ward has posed:
As Joan walks up to take command, Ward inclines his head towards her. "Welcome," he says to her. "I assume you got the briefing. If not, I can give the details. Gang of bored aliens, blew some stuff up, suits chased them away." He points out a few spots along the crater. "Some things that probably need contained there. And Mr. and Mrs. Pham would really appreciate having their shop back." He nods to an elderly couple standing a bit down the sidewalk, holding each other for support in the chilly winter air.

For the moment, going through the briefing, he is focused on Joan. There are supposed to be SHIELD agents securing the perimeter, along with the NYPD, so someone should be attending to that. Not him.

Joan Wright has posed:
Getting a sense that Ward was about to speak to her, Joan turns her head to look up at the agent. She gives a slight nod as he goes through a summary of what's going on. As he points out the areas that need containment she makes note of some differently attired persons making their way over there.

The Pham's situation causes for her to look back over them, giving an assessing look. Seeing the name of the restaurant, she frowns. "Residential space above the store?" She asks, her expression hinting that she may have an idea already.

June Connor has posed:
    June purses her lips, walking up behind Grat and Joan, far from hiding specifically. As he describes what needs containment, she walks right past hopping down into the crater and sliding into the dirt. "I'll take care of A3," she informs the other two, having selected the piece of electronic...something. Mad scientists pay good for electronics. She casually unslings the backpack and unzips it, starting to reach for the piece.

Grant Ward has posed:
Watching Joan regard the Phams, Ward nods. "Isn't it always?" As the Phams look his way with an expression of sadness mixed with hope, he nods to them. It is not exactly the response they were looking for. Ward is aware of their plight, and their need. He might even care about it (although unlikely). Certainly his face does not seem to convey sympathy or compassion. Which might be why he keeps finding himself on assignments like this.

Any further commentary is interrupted by his glance towards the definitely NOT SHIELD or Damage Control dressed person sliding into the crater. "Hey!" he says. "No tourists!"

Joan Wright has posed:
Joan nods with a slight smile to the response. She lifts up the clipboard, bringing a pen to it. "Residence AND a supplier of goods." Joan comments, "Sounds like a higher priority structure in the rebuilding process. If we get them taken care of that can cover the warm food aspect while we work on the other buildings..." The pen clicks closed, "Once we're sure there's no one in the wreckage that needs fishing out,recovery's concluded on this side of the grid, and we clear the nearby area of people, we'll get started on their place and the higher populated residential buildings."

Hearing the mention of 'A3', Joan blinks, turning her head to look over towards June, "...Wh-"

And then Grant's on the ball, calling June out. The architect stares for a moment before she shifts to the side, reaching into a pocket to fish out a phone that looks like it could take an alien attack and survive. "I'll let you deal with that. I need to coordinate some things."

June Connor has posed:
    June stops when she's called out to, then picks up the piece of electronic equipment, bagging it casually. "Tourist?" she echoes with a little incredulity. She zips the bag closed, shouldering it again. "M'not a tourist," she says, "RFDET. Cara Michaels. And you are?" she starts to casually climb back up the side of the crater.

Grant Ward has posed:
"Seems sensible," says Grant quietly, his attention already drifting over to other areas of the crater. He knows that Damage Control will figure out the best way to manage the situation. He does not want to get involved with their decision making. And so he focuses instead of what is within his domain - keeping the alien stuff out of the hands of everyone else.

Case in point - Cara Michaels.

By the time the bag is zipped closed, a SHIELD issued pistol loaded with an ICER (hopefully) is in Ward's hand and trained at June's forehead. "The agent in charge of this clean-up. And we didn't call for any "RFDET" or any Cara Michaels. So try again before we have this conversation in decidedly smaller confines."

Ward does not have to order the other SHIELD against to pay attention. They do not move for their weapons, but they are focused on the situation at hand. One, towards the back, starts fingering a small device, getting it at the ready. Just in case.

June Connor has posed:
    "Whoa whoa!" June holds up her hands. "I got ID," she declares. "Jeez, you're a tightass. I see why you get put on jobs like this." She carefully turns so he can see her fanny pack, and unzips it slowly, reaching in to pull a small card that is about the right size for your standard ID.
    She starts walking up the loose dirt with a little difficulty, slightly unbalanced. A little too far to quite reach. She reaches out her hand to Grant as if asking for help to get up the rest of the way.

Joan Wright has posed:
As the stand off is going on between the so called Cara Michaels and the agent, Joan moves off to the side. There's no need to be standing anywhere near the expected path of any fire exchange. That is certain. A few calls are made conveying what is needed and a general advisement of the situation.

Eventually one of the teams in charge of checking for persons in the wreckage shows up. A bot is set down and scoots in.

Humming to herself, she starts to bring out the local maps for the area to determine the locations where the residential buildings once stood. Seemingly tracing out a path with her finger on the screen.

Grant Ward has posed:
"Damn straight," replies Ward, not smiling as he regards June. "If you've got ID, it'll all be fine, and you can complain about my people skills to my superiors. They'll add it to my file."

He slowly moves closer towards June, keeping the firearm trained at her, arms outstretched with proper form. He does not get close enough to possibly tumble into the crater. Nor without range of her hands. If she is having trouble walking out of the pit she ran into, that is her problem.

Behind the other side of the pit, the agent lifts that small device, pointing it squarely at the baggie. June is not a target, but what she is trying to smuggle out definitely is.

June Connor has posed:
    June gives a stink eye when Grant doesn't take her hand to help her out, and she stumbles as she gets close to the edge. On hands and knees she pulls herself over the edge of the crater, and the card drops back onto the slope below. "Aw shit," she grumbles, looking back at the card.

    She slaps the ground, revealing that there was a second thing she pulled out of the fanny pack. A smoke bomb. It explodes around herself and Grant, and she immediately bursts into movement, trying to escape the scene before anyone can collect their thoughts enough to follow.

Grant Ward has posed:
Already suspicious of the agent for the unfamiliar agency, Ward watches as she stumbles, continuing to keep his firearm aimed at her. When she slaps the ground, he is prepared for there to be SOMETHING, but certainly not what that something is.

He fires two shots of the ICER in rapid succession as he leaps back from the smoke to try to get clear. Not that he necessarily expects them to hit the target, but one never knows.

"Got the O-8-4!" calls the other agent from the back of the crater. Nodding in response, Ward pivots on his feet, firearm out, wheeling around to see where June may have gotten off to.

As the smoke dissipates, he walks over towards where she was standing and peers down at the baggie, tethered to the ground from the anchor-gun fired by the other agent. As the other agents scramble Ward shakes his head. "Stand down. We kept it here. Let her go, I don't think she was affiliated."

With the theft foiled, the last thing Ward wanted to do was send any agents out in chase, in case she was a lure. Securing the alien technology was paramount. The thief would slip up somewhere else eventually. And she was not his problem.

Joan Wright has posed:
Hearing the proclamation that Grant recovered the O84 from the intruder. Joan doesn't even glance up. She's heard the term plenty of times before and is aware of the instances where the term is even used. Although different departments have different terminology.

Most of her coworkers just call it 'weird shit'.

"Good for you." Joan replies, still outlining a path.

"Area's clear!"

Joan looks away from the phone over to the wreckage of the noodle restaurant. "Good! What about the perimeter?"

"Working on it."

Joan nods, looking back to her phone and then glancing over to the area another residential building stood.

Grant Ward has posed:
As a brief survey of the scene reveals that June is gone and the smoke has fully dissipated, Grant runs his finger around in circles in the area. "Alright, hurry up. Bag it and tag it, and let's get out of the way of the fine folks at Damage Control so they can do what they do best."

He steps back from the crater and heads over towards Joan. "Our team should have most of the sensitive debris removed within a few minutes. Once that's done, I'm happy to leave a few Agents here if you'd like. Otherwise, we can all pull out and leave you to it."

Joan Wright has posed:
Joan looks up from the phone as Grant comes back over to her. Despite the mass evidence of destruction and chaos, she gives a bright smile. "Thank you. Once you remove temptation we should be good to go. We've got some- special procedures we need to enact to do a quick build. So we're probably better off with those already versed in it. But- if any of them want to help keep civilians out of the outermost perimeter so we can work freely without worrying about impaling someone, that'd be great."

Grant Ward has posed:
There is a quick nod from Ward. "The NYPD can handle that," he says. He does not _mean_ to sound rude or brush off Joan, or suggest that keeping civvies out of the crater is beneath SHIELD's attention. But once the alien tech is out of there, the only threat is injury to someone who shouldn't be where they are, and the NYPD is well equipped to be baby sitters.

"I have to go file a report on the alleged Ms. Michaels and see if she matches anyone in our database." He nods towards the rest of his team who start ushering towards the black van parked down the street, carrying a few crates between them of the materials collected after the aliens. "Let me know if you need anything else from me." Not that he leave her with any specific means of direct communication, but presumably her people can call his people and get a message through.

He walks past Mr. and Mrs. Pham as Mrs. Pham reaches out with an arm to try to thank him for his help. He does not even slow his step before disappearing into the black van.

Joan Wright has posed:
"Suit yourself." Joan replies, voice still a bit chipper if not laced with a hint of knowing to the tone. "Have a good day."

Joan gives Grant a few moments of glancing before she looks over to Mr. and Mrs. Pham.

Well, might as well speak with them regarding their shop while waiting for the next step to finish.