14221/Big Game Hunters

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Big Game Hunters
Date of Scene: 23 February 2023
Location: Island in the Pacific
Synopsis: It has been done
Cast of Characters: Barbara-Ann Minerva, Victor Creed, T'Challa, Talia al Ghul

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
Time 10:00 P.M.
The Place - A small Island of the Pacific.
The Moon is Full.
A little write upon on the island first for our guest and possible party crashers is that it has a small little stretch of jungle in it, enough for animals to lose themselves and on a small peak overlooking the jungle is Elizabeth Swans villa. There is a nice dock with path leading up to the manor and a small helipad with its own helicopter. The house has two stories, kind of built like the manor from clue if you want dimensions.

Right now the party is in full swing various hunters and their entourage have shown up and gathered in the grand ball room where a band plays and a delicious spread of food has been laid out, expensive food mind you. The type rich people enjoy. The really attractions however are however sitting in a small out of the way place. Two adult tigers on one side and a pair of snow leopards on another. No chains, no collars, nothing to control them but they are as well behaved as house cats rather funny that. The hosted Ms. Swan is dressed in a fight fur coat and dress with a elegant white hat, most of her body entirely covered as she makes her rounds about the party, talking with the guest and making sure everyone is having a delightful time. And of course there is the help, obvious security guards with everyone's favorite gun the P-90. Of course people who come with the required money offering have their name taken and then put on a ticket for the raffle. What happens to the money, well no one knows except the host.

Victor Creed has posed:
Ah, the rich and the super rich have come out to play. Why is Victor Creed there? Because the rich and the super rich generally have more money than they know what to do with (hence being here to buy stolen kitties), and parties are as good a place as any to part thei fools with their money. He circulates and mingles, dressed in surprisingly formal attire, although it does little to hide his tall physique, and his somewhat feline features. Or the fact that he is a known assassin and mercenary.

And yes, there are some folks in the room who recognize him, and despeately hope that no one notices their recognizing him.

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa was rich, like one has a high-tech kingdom behind them rich, so sometimes... he hears about these things though he would remember the person who told him about this, as he looks around a bit as this was not his crowd. This doesn't mean he doesn't fit in, the dark purple suit, that looked like it was made for these kind of occastions. He looks around and spots Miss Swan, but more eyes the leopards that were free and seeming behaving with a small smile as it reminded him of his time alone at home though they were not usally white

He is sipping on some water, as he had learned long ago if you didn't have something someone will ask you about it, and is currently standing alone quietly looking at the others in the room.

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
Elizabeth makes her rounds and then stops and just, stares at the cat nip. Stares maybe for a bit to long before she shakes her head and then fans herself. She helps herself to another drink of champagne and then begins to make her way to the center stage to address the crowd. She make a beckoning noise and the people who had been admiring the tigers and leopards all get surprised as the cats suddenly animate and begin to pad towards the sage and jump up on the stage and then begin to sit at attention.

"Ladies and gentleman thank you for showing up. Now I know we are all eager to get the hunt but a few words. We all know the most dangerous game is the beast the walks on two legs and feigns civility but we aren't legally allowed to hunt them." A good natured laugh goes up amongs the crowd. "I want to talk about a little known gas too, its call iocane gas. Odorless, invisible and for people who breath it in without a antidote...Causes dizziness and makes one pass out if you inhale to much of it."

People in the crowd start to drop, falling over. "People like you...I'm afraid there is going to be a very different hunt scheduled.."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Creed is not exactly subtle. And Talia is not one of those that pretends not to recgonize him. "Victor, so good to see you! Haveyou increased your kill count? Last time we met I think you were hoping to get into the four digit range.. I do hope you've had luck in regards to that! Practice makes perfet." Pleasantries. It's only polite when talking to one of the world's most prolific serial killers after all.

She would go to turn over to the crowd, idly as the announcement starts over of the gas coming out.

Her physiology altered by the Lazarus Pit and her decades spent playing with poisons and alchemical treats give her some degree of resistance.. But not enough over to resist something that's been going on for full long. She had thought she was here among friends after all.. The Daughter of the Demon's eyes go to roll up into her head.. And she would slump

Victor Creed has posed:
"Never need luck," mutters Creed as Talia approaches. "But yeah, you could say that. Added a few the other day." He glances around for a moment. "Almost added an X-woman, but the damn Juggernaut got in the way. Can you imagine?" He laughs and grins toothily as he watches her.

And waits.

And while he might have had something else to do, some other task, he cannot help but reach out to collect the Daughter of the Demon as she begins to fall to the floor. "Some people just can't hold their booze."

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa turns and listens he takes a sip, moving forward with everyone to get a good hear of what is to come he smiles a bit, and even chuckles as he gets the joke. Of course you could, but they needed to be Nazi's so it was funny. T'Challa never got why people did not think he had a sense of humor. Then as she continues about the gas T'Challa sighs as cats, walking around some place that was mysterious that the people say is tough, but it isn't as that was the trap.

Not panicing he slows his breathing as it was just a matter of focus, he pulled a phone and started to stare at Cheetah. He doesn't speak, at least until he is sure what she said was true. When people drop it still does not fully convince him either way as suggested symptoms and stress will knock out some of the wealthy. Internally T'Challa considers if he could get her to give him said antidote and it might be easier to find out the hard way so looks around at the people with guns, and starts considering.

Though for now he will just wait patiently as he starts streching a little bit the suit ripping as whatever what was going to come up he knew it was better the make sure he was ready.

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
Once people start dropping Cheetah pulls off that hat, it covers a pair of cheetah ears and red hair with a blonde wing. She tosses it and then does then kicks off those shoes. "God those heels hurt!" She complains and then shift a bit as her tail unwinds from herself and comes out. She takes a moment to look herself over and sighs. "Always trouble finding a dress in my size..." She then takes note of Talia and frowns. "We don't want trouble with her." She takes a moment to stop at the catnip. "Brought nice party favors too.." She then snaps her fingers and the security begin to start gathering the hunters up. Cheetah goes over to one of the guest and takes their arm and bites them. The person groans and eyes open up and they look cat like for a moment before passing back out. The guard then starts to take them below. She moves to another one and takes their arm and prepares to bite this one too. "Victor if you could give Talia one of the antidotes, I'll talk to her...Once I'm done..."

Victor Creed has posed:
Does Victor look disappointed in Cheetah's order? Not really. He drags Talia off in a somewhat careless fashion and props her up into a chair. He does take a moment or two to check her out and see if she has anything interesting secreted on her body, but after the brief inspection he pulls out an injector with the antitoxin and gives her a dose.

He does linger, however, his furry face perhaps two inches for hers, watching her as she wakes up. Clearly, he wants his face to be the first thing she sees when she comes to. At which point she will be rewarded with a "Hey. Welcome back."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
There's a glance from Talia to Creed as she would rise from her slumber, glancing over at the speaker, "Well done by the way. It had a great deal of flair. Lovely preparation." Talia's smacking herself over for having fallen for such a thing. But.. IT was so artistically done she can't help but be rahter impressed by it.

She would lean on Creed over as she would gaze at him. "So I suppose this means I need to find some more assassins to send after you so youc an send their bodies back to me dismembered in individually numbered packages, doesn't it?"

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa is drousy, he leans like the wall cought him before he fell he let her get closer his breathing slowed so he would take as little in as possible as it was a mistake to tell them so early, as Cheetah approaches he takes his shot as he didn't like getting poisoned. So as she approaches he pushes himself off the wall trying to grab her, and lift her in a suprise attack. Before putting her back down on the ground, and growl at her.. "Give me the antidote... now."

He figured whatver she was doing she had poisoned him, and he could not just let her walk away from that as he had already seen people fall from this, and this might be his only chance to get the antidore. T'Challa did not look at her happly as he did not take getting posioned lightly.

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
Cheetah's fangs sink into another guest, once more the person lets out a muted scream as their eyes go cat like before feinting again. Cheetah wipes the blood from her mouth and then looks to Talia.

"If this is about you aren your father want to protect endangered species then don't worry your little head." She snaps her fingers and the quartet of cat walk over and then sit. "I had no intention of letting these people hunt them, if you want to return them to the zoo or the wild or whatever little preserve you have then take them...Consider them a gift." The latest bite victim is dragged off and she moves to the hird and kneels down preparing to bite the third. "I have my eyes set on a bigger prize. Beast that walk on two legs as it were. I'd gladly let you be apart of it if it strikes your fancy.." She prepares to bite another another guest.

That is until she is taken by surprised and lifted off the ground. She blinks for a moment and then tilts her head curiously. "Oh relax you aren't going to die...Just go to sleep.." She maybe lously at hand to hand but she is pretty sure even in Panther state. "Victor if you please.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would glance over at T'Challa then over as she would slide her way up to ehr feet, glancing over at Cheetah, "That's no way to play nicely with either." SHe would gingerly but playfully reproach hte king and the avatar of a berserk blood god in feline form. Just going to not quite have to lean on Creed for sake of her own observation while watching the exchange.

"We are guests here after all and she went to all this trouble to arrange this little theatre. THe least we can do is hear her out."

Victor Creed has posed:
With a deep sigh, Victor shakes his head. "Always gotta be one of them." He settles Talia against a chair that she can lean against while she regains her footing and starts making his way over towards T'Challa. "Come on, just go down or something. It'll be easier." He extends the claws on his right hand, glistening in the light. "Because if you don't go down, I have to use these things. And if I use these things, then I don't think you're getting up."

And then he takes a fast swing at T'Challa's jaw with his left hand, curled into a fist. He does appear to be serious about not using the talons. For now, at least.

T'Challa has posed:
Even as she is talking to him she would realize he is already starting to fade that last action took a bit more out of him then even he wanted to admit. The anger kept him going as he did not like going out as that is how people took prisoners, so tried to hold her down though it didn't for long as he thinks he heard someone else say something, and he sure felt the impact as he doesn't even defend himself the shot clean. It spins he head, and down he goes though as he lays there he mumbles something about going to get them.

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
As funny as it would be to infect Black Panther and send him after WOnder Woman in this little revenge scheme she got a better time. "Looks like we got our prey Victor..." She hunches over T'challa like a cat that is staring at a mouse. "Take him down the jungle and we can have our sport." She look at Talia and does the four legged cat slink over to her and stares up at her with those feral eyes. "So what about you, you want to play the most dangerous game with our guest?"

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would go to watch over and then turn to watch Cheetah and shrug, "I presume I"ll have no chance in this exchange. So I'll settle for offering you a series of gifts." In this case, laser pointer scaled up and improved by AIM, Cheetah's body mass in catnip, and a mobile roomba throne.

Victor Creed has posed:
There is a certain look of disappointment on Creed's face as he takes out the Black Panther with one punch. "Not very sporting like," the giant murmurs, but then he picks up T'Challa nonetheless and turns to head towards the exit. "Want me to hide him, or just dump him somewhere in plain sight and let him figure it out?" There are protocols, of course, to be in place.

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
Midnight in the Jungle.

T'challa finds himself in the jungle, with a small injected nearby and just a small note that says 'Survie till sun up.'

Out there in the jungle Sabetooth, Talia and Cheetah are hunting. Options, the helipad or one of the boats. As the moon is at its zenith.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul isn't paying that much attention tot he hunt. T'Challa's a member of the Hellfire Club, the kind of a magical, hyper-tehcnological civilization.. SO it behooves her to be on good terms with him. Business is business after all. So she's not going to actively participate here. Her presence is more for show. That's indicative of her having a spear in one hand, drink in the other, and having managed to talk her way out of being hte one in the jungle as well by bribery to the cat queen

T'Challa has posed:
Waking up in a Jungle T'Challa tries to shake off the confusion as last he knew he was attacking some giant cat? He rubbed his jaw as that felt real, and looked around with a sigh they couldn't of.. they would of. He sighs "Really?" and looks around him getting to work. He didn't have long before they were on his trail, but as this being a jungle he had some time as they got through the wilds. Grabbing a rock as he starts moving forward pulling apart his suit he starts setting up a trap.

It wasn't much as he couldn't get much but the smaller thinner trees bent, and with a trip wire, and then another hidden for someone who steps over the visable one it would be enough to put that though into their mind. T'Challa hoped it would get him a bit more of a lead as they would be looking for other traps, as he is moving forward putting room between them.

Victor Creed has posed:
For his part, Sabretooth does not /really/ want to take out the ruler of a sovereign nation. There is being well known as an assassin and a terrorist, and there is putting a target on your back so hot that it burns its way through to your spine. And no amount of incentive could make him do that.

He does, however, go up a tree to hide amongst the canopy, keeping his eye on the proceedings. If Cheetah tries to take out T'Challa, that he's gotta see.

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
Well it looks like it is just Cheetah who is hunting T'Challa. This should be no problem, he is just in a indestructible suit made of space metal!

Cheetah still wants to send a message to Wonder Woman and her pride is not about to get in the way. The jungle is quiet and when the jungle is quiet that means danger is near. Something moves quickly causing the grass to rustle. When one looks nothing is there. Cheetah moves along one of the branches and has to shut down every feline instinct to growl or snarl as gets in position. Her body does the feline muscle ripples as she limbers up and then.

With the speed that puts Wonder Woman to shame she streaks downward with those claws extended attempting to pounce and slash the king of wakanda before bouncing off and rushing into hiding.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
This is going to be interesting. There's been almost no data on Cheetah available to the league. So seeing things from a distance will add to it - at least to Talia's personal collection of knowledge not to be shared. She's not going to interfere - she's with Creed on this, even though she's sitting somewhere far more comfortable than a tree.

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa looks around and smiles a bit, then stops moving through the jungle. Tearing the rest of then suit shirt he lowers his head, and in Xhosa says "Spirits guide me" and turns to stand to face the large cat. He would not be hunted any further as he attached the rock he had sharpened, and the stick it was attached to and smiled he would have to get close. So he stands eyes quiet listening, the loud rustle makes him smile as it was way to loud to be her though he is not fast enough to dodge her first attack fully as he moves as she leaps the slash into his back did hurt.

Standing as she disapears again he turns with a smile.. "Do I frighten you? Is the cat afraid to come out of hiding and face me."

He takes some of the blood and smears it on his face as he bends his knees again. "Come... I can see you now." and digs in his feet a little with the makeshift spear in one hand. "Here... Kitty.. kitty." and smiles as he taunts her to try again as he quietly stood there waiting.

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
The sound of a throaty rumble is heard in the darkness. You can make her out in the darkness, the golden eyes fixed on the man. She knows her strength and weaknesses and she knows that when she wants to she can be seen. She then jumps right, then left moving forward in a zig zag pattern before at the last moment she shoots forward with a intense burst of speed almost faster than a -NORMAL- persons eye can track as she attempts to shoot by and once more dig her claws into the man then shoot past back into the wild.

Victor Creed has posed:
Ah, the good ol' hunter becomes the hunted reversal. Victor seems content to watch from the canopy for now, a good perspective on T'Challa and his attempts to confuse Cheetah. Does T'Challa know that Cheetah's sense of smell is enhanced enough that just covering up tracks will throw her off? It seems not.

This should be fun.

He settles back as the battle is joined, curious to see who the ultimate victor is. Other than him, of course.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul goes to wtach as well from ehr position. She would muse over and scan things.. The two being so stealthy that she could not track either. After a moment she pauses, goes to take out a flask of some strong liquer, and passes it over to Creed. "Care to make a wager?"

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa couldn't follow her with his eyes so he didn't even try. He knew where her target was as it was obvious as she had dumped him out her for a reason there were other.. easier people to pick, but she had not picked him to just kill him so other then try to catch up with where she is at he aims for where she will be.
#-1 ARGUMENT OUT OF RANGEstead of just taking it he ducks using the attack as a bait to shove the spear between her legs as she runs by, and the air whipping abouve him.

Not just staying there he rolls forward as he disapears into the jungle again to jump up grabing a limb, and swinging himself up to it pulling up to perch on a tree. "You are getting predictable." he says to the jungle. "I would tell my students do not let your pride get in the way or they will use it against you." and chuckles a bit. "Though I doubt you will listen to me... Shall we continue?"

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa couldn't follow her with his eyes so he didn't even try. He knew where her target was as it was obvious as she had dumped him out her for a reason there were other.. easier people to pick, but she had not picked him to just kill him so other then try to catch up with where she is at he aims for where she will be.

nstead of just taking it he ducks using the attack as a bait to shove the spear between her legs as she runs by, and the air whipping abouve him.

Not just staying there he rolls forward as she disappears into the jungle again to jump up grabing a limb, and swinging himself up to it pulling up to perch on a tree. "You are getting predictable." he says to the jungle. "I would tell my students do not let your pride get in the way or they will use it against you." and chuckles a bit. "Though I doubt you will listen to me... Shall we continue?"

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
As the stick trips her up she tucks and rolls with the fall and comes up in a three point stance. She then pauses as she listens to T'Challa and a throaty growl issues from her throat before she smirks and stand up to her full and powerful height. She rolls her shoulders and a feral smile spreads across he face. "You are right. I'm fighting like a man." She rolls her neck and shoulders, "When I should be fighting like a god."

The cat is done playing with its food. The sound like a sonic boom that has the same results as the jungle and canopy sways from the sudden burst of speed as she becomes a literal blur, a blur that is up that tree and in front of T'challa in the type it takes for his heart to beat and with strength that is equal to the famous amazon prince she strikes attempting to drive her fist into the prey stomach with all the might of a Jungle Queen.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Now it's possible for her to keep up. Mm. How to handle this.. On one hand, Talia Al Ghul cares little for T'Challa. He's a powerful, cunning man but she favors her own skin first and best not to upset the very feral feline that drugged them to take her as a 'guest' and no doubt if she hadn't been so agreeable she would be the one out there. The King being killed in her own presence will end badly either way. Either she pays the price for cheating the Cheetah, or she pays the price ofr being present when the King of Wakanda is killed. So how to thread this needle with the most important thing.. Her own safety? On the line..

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa frowns when she says that and hits his armor at that point, and as she speeds up and hits him it has just covered him as a loud, 'Clunk' is heard, and he still goes flying back just to land and slide in the suit before he rolls it up enough to stand and look at her. That had hurt, she was pretty strong, and if his suit was not that fast it might of killed him. From the suit a voice comes out as the Black Panther stands infront of her now.

He tilts his head as he didn't want to use it, but she had made him, he flicks his fingers as claws come out. "You are no god. Lie to yourself if you must, but even the Amazons gods are just beings much like Odin himself." he chuckles a bit, "I have been hit by the hulk your punches are but a light breeze." though it hurt the suit did absorb a good deal of it though it being out showed he was no longer playing around.

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
Another sonic boom issues from the location as her mind begins to mentally track the seconds. She can move amazingly fast, Professor Zoom once commented that with proper training she could move like the Flash. But this is raw and unchecked speed as suddenly a blur of spots and line circle around Black Panther and soon a virtual flurry of claws lash out. Yes the Hulk is amazingly strong but the hulk isn't fast and when strength and speed combine it can be devastating.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
This is far, far too fast for Talia to keep up with. She's nearly peak human in most physical respects. But keeping up with someone going supersonic is well beyond what someone that's nearly peak human can do. All she can do is track the sudden -changes- in the jungle where the whoosh of Cheetah's speed goes by to try and keep up!

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa braces himself as she comes, and it is a few hits before he can start moving. Taking a bit of damagage the suit though thankfully it is made from the hardest substance and is able to take it down to him just getting hit, as he just covers up and takes it. Two, three, four.. There is hit after hit the sparks off the metal, as it hold tougher then any metal she had come up across before though after a few more hits a hand comes out to match her timing.

T'Challa had been waiting taking the blows to time just grabing her wrist to start twisting.

She was stronger then him, but her body still worked the same so as the suit show warnings of damage he tries to grab one arm to spin it and wrap it around to get behind her. It was about leverage, and control to wait for that moment and to strike as if he could get behind her he would end this very quickly, though even now he was not trying to kill her. Though he hopped since he had grabbed her earlier it showed maybe where she was lacking as for sure it wasn't speed or strength but knowledge.

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
Mentally Cheetah counts. 10...11...12...God down damnit. 13...14...It is true that originally she was, like a cat, playing with her prey? Have you ever known a cat not to toy with its food? Prolong its suffering for its amusement? See kittens when they are learning to hunt. Now that cat has let out the claws and is closing for the kill. It is also true she is not as skilled at hand-to-hand combat like Diana and or infact T'Challa. So when you lash out you find purchase over that arm and turn it behind her she is stopped. Her internal count stops and infact she even says outloud. "Sixteen." Her eyes flick over her shoulder to stare at the suited advantage and her breathing is much more heavy than before. While not winded after that little burst it might be that her little bursts of speed have their limit. Now with speed canceled it is down to strength so that amazingly strong cat god begins to struggle against the hold you got on her. Its worth a attempt but she raises her foot up and those claws come out of her bare feet and attempts to stomp on T'challa's foot.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
IT goes too fast for her to keep up. This is what you get from a villain that can match claws to bracers with Wonder Woman and a warrior cunning and experienced as T'Challa. Talia starts to scheme in her mind as she tries to get a feel for how the eb and flow of the battle is going. She's already turning an idea around to try and play events in her favor without having either one of them feel her as an adversary. But she has to wait for the proper timing..

T'Challa has posed:
as T'challa comes around he afixes one the other one around the neck so she can not move away and drops his center of gravity down though as she comes down with a tink, it is a bit of a cry of metal and T'Challas gives a hiss of pain he does not let go. Instead he puts a smile on the grimacing face, "Eighteen I believe now. Though I wanted to show you something I made for the dark elves." he chuckles. "I just had to get a hold of you."

That is when the sparks of electricity would start going through his suit as he would try to lift her off the air so she has nothing to kick off of leaning back. He lets it go for a good minute as she did scratch, and try to kill him... maybe three minutes.

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
MMMMEEEEEEOOOOOOUUUCCCCHHHHH! As all her hair and fur starts to stand on end it comes down to this. Who is stronger. Who is more durable. Cheetah has gone blow to blow with Super Man and Wonder Woman. So if at anytime she needs that strength it is now. She clenches her teeth and then lets those sharp claws and cat like toes that are made for gripping and climbing into the ground and begins trying to break out of this hold. She doesn't thrash, that is wasted energy, she focuses entirely on trying to just match you strength for strength in regard even as electricity courses through her. And of course she has a good solid head so she begins to take said head and attempt to clamp the back of it into your over and over until either one of them gives.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul finishes what's left of her dirnk that she's nod given to Creed. She brekas her silence beyond betting. T hen she calls out to Cheetah, "Five million for you to spare his head and let him go." That echos through the jungle and the melee, her throwing her voice ot make it boom just a little louder in the way one that had been taught to send men to their death's without care had perfected.

T'Challa has posed:
As the shocks go off and he lifts her up though now trying to break out of the hold while he had it bent this way it wasn't strength versus strength, but still holding her would start to get difficult, and the clamping of heards the electricity stops, as a knife comes out. the arm that is around the neck is all that is there, and from the suit a dagger is there though this means he has to let his grip go. He holds the knife there for just a moment, and considers as it is a vibranium knife though as his suit is shutting down he tosses it away other then make the attempt to cut her throat as he just wouldn't go that far for her.

He falls back the suit reverting back into the necklace.

He stands back up though most his weight is on one leg he looks like he has been through a few rounds. "Do what you will I won't lower myself to killing. If you want to keep trying.. I will die on my feet.. Come" he doesn't back away, and will try to continue fighting even in his condition though the suit is gone so he is standard T'Challa now.

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
Ok that gets her to stop is when the fancy space metal knife comes out. Of course when it is tossed away and she released she steps back and then holds her throat and pants. Smoke rising off her as she catches her breath, she looks at T'challa and let out a throaty growl before she glances in the direction of Talia and then back to T'Challa. She turns and then with that last burst of speed begins to head in the direction of the docks. Somehow this is Wonder Woman fault, she'll figure it out but somehow this is her fault. She stops running on two legs and then goes down on her front paws and makes her way towards a boat that is anchored with crew.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Once she's sure that Cheetah is out of range, Talia Al Ghul goes to mutter to herself.. "Amateur." Then she's going to slide off the tree and land, going to make her own way. This has been very instructive. Cheetah is powerful, unskilled, and has a temper.

hopefully i passing at least Cheetah takes the gifts she left!

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa tilts his head and glances at Talia, "Really... that is how little it would of taken." he shakes his head at that grabbing the knife. He would have to put it back into the suit when he got it out for repairs. He shakes his head and looks at her. though she is alreay running far quickly. With a shrug he turns and thinks about his choice maybe he was wrong to bawk at the last minute, but he did not wish to kill and perhaps next time he would up the voltage.

T'Challa shrugs, and limps away towards where he could get a lift out of here by chopper then stops, "Give me the account and I will have that wired to you." he says to Talia, and continues limping away considering upgrades to his suit so next time he will bring down the cat. There were a few openings that he could of taken advantage of, and it was a good field test for the electricity system though he would say the damage after it was just too much.