15294/The New Old Guy

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The New Old Guy
Date of Scene: 02 July 2023
Location: Candle, Booke and Belle
Synopsis: Gabby invites Hellboy to the shop to meet up with Nettie. Tynan arrives with her new mercenary friend. Small talk ensues over what's going down on the magical side of town.
Cast of Characters: Gabby Kinney, Hellboy, Nettie Crowe, Tynan Ireton

Gabby Kinney has posed:
After the last potentially ward-busting person that Gabby had invited into the Booke, she made certain this time to warn Nettie beforehand. Lesson learned at least. Explanation given and phone call put out to Hellboy

Gabby was dressed in jeans, and a tanktop so she could easily hop in and out of the Summer heat or the shop as needed. Nothing overly questionable as to what her 'profession' might be. Currently she's just waiting near the tea bar area debating the benefits of chai over coffee. Nettie would likely disapprove.

Hellboy has posed:
Hellboy got dropped off by an Uber who was very nervous the entire time, his head hanging ouit the window to accomodate his excess height and probably scaring any of the locals who might think twice about a stranger taking a car into the neighborhood. He gets out and stretches, giving a yawn and heading into the building to look for this place. He gets out his phone to check the map, making sure he's in the right place.

He pushes open the door to the shop and sticks his head in, "Giant demon here. Just warning everybody. Don't freak. Kay?"

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    And Nettie's reply was 'Oh! He's visiting again? Such a nice young man.'

    Because the last time she encountered Hellboy, he had helped her down when she was stuck on a rafter after a ladder got knocked down.

    Nettie comes up from the 'PRIVATE' door from behind the counter, carrying a tray of biscuits. Not fluffy, flakey, American biscuits. Proper BRITISH biscuits. And some sandwiches.

    She was wearing just gray jeans that have skulls stitched over the worn out knees and a gray sweatshirt that pronounces that she is, indeed, the Wicked Witch you were warned about.

    "HEllo, hello!" she cheery calls out.

    And Nettie would be very confused, because 'chai' IS tea. And tea is OBVIOUSLY superior to coffee.

    Unless that coffee is Irish and then there can be a debate.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney looks up from her current sip-fest trying to see if one or the other does ANYTHING for her in regards to caffiene. It really didn't matter one way or another so she shrugs, and takes the top off her coffee to pour the tea into the rest. Just about the time that Hellboy comes in, and Nettie comes out, so that both get to see the horrible atrocity that she just committed.

"You're fine HB, just watch your head. And Corvax if he's up in the rafters," she adds with a little raise of her hand waving in a general 'upward' direction. "Welcome to the Booke, yadda, I gave him the elevator pitch on the group Nettie, and he's in if you okay it too." Given her earlier response she thinks that won't be an issue.

Instead she tips her doctored drink back for a gulp, screwing her face up into a general 'not sure if I like that' expression, before offering, "Want something to drink? I'm not bad at making tea. There *is* soda back here hiding out though," she adds with a little wry grin. That was her doing.

Hellboy has posed:
Hellboy makes his way in, his big coat coming up after him. Obbiously, it wasn't cold outside, but he didn't feel cold when it was cold - the coat was for carrying stuff and because he thought it looked cool. Plus it covers up all the weapons. The weapons make humans nervous, almost as much as the rest of him.

"Beer, soda, coffee, whatever. I never had a martini, but I doubt ya got one o' those. Hey there, Nettie, how you doin'? Yeah, like she said, kiddo gave me the ol' pitch an' I figured I'd come down, see who else is involved. Although I'm already pretty much in just outta sheer boredom," he says.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Pish posh dear, if you wanted a Martini I could have one made. Have all the ingredients up in the lounge. Shaken, not stired, obviously."

    Nettie sets the tray of cookies and sandwiches down, and hops behind the counter.

    "And you're getting better at tea mixes quite quickly, Gabby. That nose is an asset in all the best ways." the old witch states with a small smile.

    And she looks to Hellboy with a smile. "Good. I could always use more heavy hitters and experienced hunters. How *is* the BPRD doing by the by?

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Well, Ty has been trying to get Mari more adjusted to a talking crow. The younger asian merc has not had much luck as Ty brings Mari back to the Book. "Just...behave. Don't worry about things, and trust me, Nettie and Corvax are not that bad. I mean, things get bad when you start seeing demons.", Ty tells her. Mari nods her head a few times as she stands at the door.

    Ty knocks on the door...like she always does, facing away from the inside. "Now Mari, if you see somebody whose big, red, has horns, and looks mean, you'd be safe to blast them.", she tells. Mari blinks, and points to the inside of the book. Mari's fingers start to glow, before Ty smacks her hand away. 3 bullets of lights burn through a mail box. "Ok! Next rule! Warn me before shooting..", she tells. Mari starts swearing in chinese, and points to Hellboy.

    Ty looks over, and then snerks. "Ok, my bad. Thats just Hellboy. He's cute, and not evil. He's a big fluffy...demon kid. And really likes cats. You mess with a cat, and I'm not saving you.", she warns. "DEMON!", Mari says. "Yeah, Demon...I can't...actually deny that. Good Demon though. Just...relax once we get inside, and I'll show you a simple spell I have that's great for our line of work."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"It does help a bit, the nose," Gabby admits with a grin toward Nettie in response. She's already turning to at least put the electric kettle on to heat up. It never took long with that at least. "I'll get you a big cup, HB," she offers with a grin... that quickly fades.

Because her eyes have just skirted past Hellboy toward the door and the pair outside. Her eyes shut a moment with a put upon sigh, and she takes up her mix of chai/coffee to knock back as if she were doing a shot. The mouthful is gulped down and then she blurts out, "BEHAVE YOURSELF!" to the pair in a very suddenly booming voice.

Hellboy has posed:
Hellboy blinks at bit at Tynan and her friend, raising his massive right hand in greeting, "Yeah, right, I remember you. Feisty."

To Nettie, he winces, "Eh, not so great. Pretty much just a warehouse attached to SHIELD these days, they've swallowed up all the other intelligence groups. Independent, eccentric and them sorta adjectives don't reallys it well down at the budget office when you try to explain what stuff costs. We've kept what we've got, but we don't really get assignments. I get hired out to do other SHIELD work, just fightin' regular spies and shit. Boy, them HYDRA boys sure piss their pants when they see me comin'," he laughs.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "They should. Hydra's been messing with the supernatural for decades now. They always find more people to dupe into their metaphysical division."

    Nettie gives a very dry snort. "Should have taken care of them when they were so focused on Captain America that they wouldn't have seen us coming, but no, American commanders suddenly wanted to eject almost all their secretaries and nurses on account of women dating women in the military. Bunch a' cowards." she gives a snort, then siiiiighs longingly. "oh, the good old days when a couple of fireballs an' a figure on a broom was enough to send a bunch of Furher serving lads into quite the panic..." she frowns. "Ah well. Times change, and so do we, don't we?" she gives a small smile, and waves in Ty.

    "Come, come, this is Hellboy. He's a good lad. And this is Gabby, one of the other leaders of our little off-Justice League. She is also not going to arrest you. Hellboy, Gabby, this is Mari, and she's the last Guest that Tynan's allowed to bring into our establishment without us vetting them first. On account of shooting things with her fingers."

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    "So Mari, don't blast the Candle. If somebody is in there, that means they crossed the threshold which means Nettie welcomed them.", Ty says, shaking her head. The woman looks at yelling Gabby. Ty sticks out her tongue at Gabby. Ty holds the door open for the younger Merc. Mari looks at Gabby. "What is she? A baby vampire or something?", Mari asks, hmphing at Gabby a little bit. Ty shakes her head a little bit. "Mari is still learning a few things. She has the mutant power to absorb sunlight through her fingernails...or bones, something like that. Then Mari can fire it out as like a solar plasma bullet thing.", she tells.

    Ty nods her head to Hellboy. "I'm a little less possessed since last time.", she tells. Mari takes a seat, while Ty leans up against the counter. "Would I do anything stupid as bring somebo....Ok, would I do something like Mar....Ok...I'm just going to nod my head at this point...", Ty tells.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney mms quietly as she turns her attention back to the tea. Apparently Nettie knew this person, and since there was no active powers ... activating... It seemed whatever potential accident she was concerned about had gone by. "Ah, I see. So Mari then--"

She cuts herself off while pouring hot water into a pot, and raises her gaze to regard the pair coming in. "Tynan, keep your new pet under control before she finds out how very, very wrong she is." A little huff of breath comes and she mutters quietly, "The disrespect."

A bit roughly she grabs a tin of tea to measure out a few scoops to brew. It's set aside so she can rummage around for the biggest cup she can find beneath the counter. Right now, it's a large mug that reads ... "Hellfire Club?" It's regarded quizically before shrugging. It was large enough after all. She puts the mug down with a clunk giving Nettie a sidelong glance.

"Anyway. Should we take things to the back so our finger-happy 'guest' doesn't start trying to blow up anyone that walks in?"

Hellboy has posed:
Hellboy grins at Nettie, "Oh, I know, we crossed 'em a few times. BPRD always dealt with a whole bunch o' Nazi shit - Dad had a special interest and he liked the irony of a demon they summoned to fight for them putting them in the dirt," he says.

"There've been a few Hellfire Clubs. There's the richie rich one and the occult one, and they used to be the same thing and maybe they still is, but I usually think there are at least five or six groups using the name. It's a good name, can't blame 'em," he says. "Very rock and roll, before there even was rock and roll. Which is an era I'm glad I missed. I don't mind a little classical, I even listen to opera sometimes, but not havin' rock and roll? That would be a damn shame."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "I know. Might have ran across a few agents back when I was busy pretending to be a nurse for the war efforts on the French front." Nettieaccepts a mug and just gives a smiiiiiiiiile.

    "And Rock is definitely one of the finer things about these modern days when it comes to music. Really don't miss that 'boy band' nonsense, but that all started out of the 1950's Doo-Wop. Hrm... what about surf music?" she questions.

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty sucks in a deep breath. There's a lot she wants to say, but Nettie and her made an agreement. She takes a moment to shake her head to Mari. "Gabby's like you. Until you two get caffefine, you're both brats.", she says. THe woman shakes her head. "Sorry Nettie. Also, Pet? She's a student. Dad wants me to work with her to make her more professional.", Tynan tells. She lowers her eyes a little bit. "I'm going to be starting up a PMC soon. THe job I did the other day was for some start up money. And this little girl needs somebody to mentor her out of not shooting mafia families in the legs.", she tells.

    "Nettie, do you mind if I teach Mari some of the basic concepts, as well as the charm for my radar spell?", Ty asks.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
It's not long before the scent of a black tea with hints of berries fills the air. Whatever blend Gabby had picked was apparently one chock full of caffiene, with some sweet berry goodness. Maybe a hint of licorice too? Hard to tell. Something was making it sweet though. Gabby picks up the pot to pour a good bit out into the various cups that she's brought out.

"Tea's on," she offers with a nod of amusement. "And yeah I've been to the hoity toity Hellfire club a couple times. Dated a rich kid for awhile who liked bringing me there. Food is good," she has to admit.

Her attention shifts back to Ty and Mari only to let out a sigh. Without a word she lifts her hand to clench a fist so that her claw pops out the back of her hand. Having just had the single one it looks like a very large, long, sharp boney finger being flicked. "Yep, like her, I get it. And I'm neither a brat nor in need of caffiene. It doesn't work on me anyway." The claw is withdrawn in favor of scooping up her concoction from earlier to drink up.

"Maybe having a student will teach you some responsibility."

Hellboy has posed:
Hellboy watches the interplays of the various young warriors and apprentices, along with the old witch and he mutters to himself. "I swear I've seen this anime, but I can't for the life of me remember the name of it," he says, rubbing the back of his head.
5rHe manages to get a cup and goes to take a sampling of the tea - it's only polite after all and he is a guest.

"You guys got anything on the fire at the moment, mission wise? Anything you need me to poke around in?"

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Tynan, you haven't been my student for over a year. Just make sure she doesn't become a magic user we have to hunt down." Nettie replies tiredly "She shouldn't be here if it's not an emergency or she's not involved with the group. And she's lucky we made a pretty sound decision on not wantonly wiping other people's memories." she sips her tea, looking to Hellboy. "That's how someone got kicked out." she explains, and then gives a soft hrm.

    "And you're not to recruit for your PMC from our numbers, Tynan."

    The old witch gives a soft hum.

    "Well. I suspect that there may be an undead Nazi mystic who has somehow imitated my brother's magical signature and stolen his glyph, used it on an attack poppet and tried to murder and steal the soul of the last living apprentice I had from World War Two. There's also a rebel group in Nepal that I've been tracking because I'm beginning to get suspicious they found one of my old caches and have some of my old clothes. PRoblematic is that they're rather special clothes."

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty sucks in a breath, and lets it slide for now. "I'm not going to teach her the Kitsune, Hell runes, or Succubi magics...Just the stuff you showed me.", she tells. Mari just blinks at Tynan a bit. "...Kitsune? Succubi? You mean like that Succubi?", Mari asks. "Its a long story, but I learned from a few...teachers in the past couple of years. Lets not ask silly questions, and no, that style of magic does /NOT/ involve...physical contact...", she tells, blushing a little bit.

    Mari giggles a little bit before Ty shoots her a look. "Have I become a magic user you have to chase down?", Ty asks. "If it becomes an issue, I'll personally take care of it. Plus I'm going to handle all the contracts my PMC takes. Plus, I'm not going to just recuirt anyone.", she says. Mari just watches Gabby a bit. Ty gives her a smack to the back of the head. "We're not going to Ireland a second time...", Ty grumbles. Mari just blinks...

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney settles back clearly relaxing a bit more than before as she takes up leaning against the shelf behind her. One arm crosses over her stomach cupping at her opposite elbow as she lifts her own cup to take another sip.

"Yeah, that's currently our issue. That guy doesn't just use magic, either, but used some pretty heavy detonations to bring down a building on us when we faced him last," she explains in regards to the issue Nettie had brought up. "That's really our biggest issue at the moment. If it were someone that didn't just swap bodies when he felt like it, I could sniff it out, but..." She only shrugs helplessly.