15427/What Are You Working on Now

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What Are You Working on Now
Date of Scene: 21 July 2023
Location: Gramercy Park Hotel
Synopsis: Thomas learns a valuable lesson, charge for photos and autographs at a Con!
Cast of Characters: Thomas Blake, Megan Gwynn, Sharon Smith

Thomas Blake has posed:
The Gramercy Park Hotel is hosting a Sci Fi Convention! Slash Con. This is being attended by no less a personage than Thomas Blake, Catman of Theme of the Crime. In fact the cable company may be extending an olive branch, hoping to get him back to the now ailing show, on hiatus. Needless to say he is in costume, no weapons apparent and... well the booth babes of both genders are flocking to him. He's signing stuff and people, selling merch and not having too bad a time.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn heard about the convention obviously, and is eager to cheer on Thomas. Of course a fantasy looking faerie girl dressed as a science fiction character has got to be pretty trippy. Thankfully she found the perfect costume, which only required minor alterations. Well, okay, major alterations. She steps in wearing a long wavy lilac wig, black leather pants and shirt underneath a silver corset and Carrie's a long spear in one hand. Yup, it's Astronema! Thankfully the wings flattened nicely under the costume held in place with that weird corset but it's a bit tight as a result.

Its easy to spot Thomas amid the sea of girls swarming him and she sighs, rolling her eyes. Best not to harass him right now maybe, and so she waits a bit for the crowds to clear..

Sharon Smith has posed:
Sharon Smith arrived dressed as... Robe Woman! Her outfit consisted of a robe with the "Gramercy Park Hotel" logo proudly displayed over one of her breasts. The lone robe was not the only accessory to her outfit. She also wore a number of towels, one hiding her bright purple hair, with several others were gratuitously tied around her frame for extra warmth. The outfit was topped off by a towel cape and the absolutely necessary white fluffy slippers provided by the hotel. Catseye was entirely oblivious to the convention until she'd come down to the lobby; she had come for a 'spa day'. A 'spa day' was one of those very human things Sharon had heard about, but never tried... until today! Her ridiculous plan was interrupted by the large crowd, which she eventually followed along until making it to the main convention hall where she spotted Thomas and Megan. "What did you do?" she asked Thomas, as though the crowd and costumes were somehow his fault.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake spots Megan first. He excuses himself for a minute, weaves through the crowd to get to her and picks her up off the ground in a hug. "Where the hell have you been lately?" He gives her a kiss. It looks sort of like he's bending her back but he still hasn't set her back down. Her bodice behaves. Barely. She nearly had an out of bodice experience. He releases her so she can answer, and breathe. Though she does that high altitude flying. Not like he could really wind her by kissing. Okay there are other techniques but they're none of your damned business. There's scattered applause at the performance art. Thomas considers going for a standing ovation.

Then he spots Robe Woman. No badge and he's pretty sure no one can stop Catseye. Certainly not those stormtroopers. Maybe that pudgy Klingon? Nah.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn has been a bit cool and stand offish with Thomas over one thing or another lately, and she's about to check in later when he comes to her instead. Blinking in surprise, she wriggles her feet as he lifts her off the ground for a moment, and laughs a bit, hugging him tightly.

Thankfully the costume stays in place, just about as she grips his shoulders, steadying herself once he lets her down, swooning a bit at a kiss she hasn't experienced in a while and is hesitant to break away. But they're probably on public camera right now and she blushes a bit, pulling back.

"Hehe, I didn't think you'd recognize me in my evil intergalactic ruler costume.." she pouts a bit, "Missed you.." then she follows his gaze over to the purple haired lady in lots of robes and grimaces, "Robe Lady? Maybe?" she peers at her a bit, knowing her from...Somewhere. "Heey have we met before?" it's been a while and her memory is not the greatest.

Sharon Smith has posed:
Sharon Smith 's costume had some practicality to it, which was put on display the moment she ran into the pudgy Klingon in the convention hall. The collision was a consiquence of too many people packed in an undersized convention hall, and caused the poor Trekky to spill his (insert klingon sounding name for a cherry slushy here). She dropped one of the afore mentioned towels on the floor to help mop up the mess, and gave a proud "You're welcome," despite not being thanked for her heroic deed. Despite wearing a robe, dropping her towel might seem like a slightly scandalous gesture, but it was very evident that it wasn't the only towel she had on. The bulkiness of her frame made one wonder if she'd entirely exhausted the hotel's inventory of fluffy white towels.

Towel Woman turned back to Megan to give her a curious look before promptly deciding "Yes." She didn't elaborate as to where and when, but did nudge the towel on her head slightly up to show off a hint of her bright purple hair. Such a bold hairstyle was usually hard to forget, but Catseye was also compelled "I am a cat sometimes." to cover all of her bases.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake extends a hand to take Sharon's lightly. Then she gets pulled off her feet into a similar hug. Which is to say -midair. He is trying for the sort of hug where the girl bends her knees aaaaall the way. He may be slipping. Sharon does lose another towel. Then realization dawns on him.

"Hey, you ladies want to help me at the booth? I'm signing autographs for this crowd of nerds. I get most of the women and a few guys coming but you two with me could bring in a lot more interested people. And this is a convention, Sharon. People come together to express a mutual interest. In this case Science Fiction." He wants to add his desire for them to interest themselves in deodorant more. It's no joke with his nose. Nevertheless, surrounding him with sweet female pulchtritude will blunt it somewhat.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn oohs, "CatLady? Ohhh right, at the zoo...That seemed so long ago.." she makes a face at Thomas "Still popular with the ladies huh..And here I thought you turned your back on showbiz for good.." she shrugs, "But sure, sign me up! Does that mean I get free entry into all the exclusive areas?" that last part is asked hopefully. Hey, it might be worth stomaching all these girls swooning over her guy..

Sharon Smith has posed:
Sharon Smith didn't give the quaint 'bend' he was hoping for. It was more akin to wild flailing at being scooped up. She would have hissed or merowled, but she was in human form, so she let out an 'eep' instead. Her costume wasn't well built for hugging and flailing, which resulted in an explosion of towels reminicent of Sonic the Hedgehog rolling over a spike trap. Saddly, dropping towels wasn't as flashy or exciting as dropping gold rings, but it was still an impressive, if not entertaining display of how towels flew through the air.

Catseye gave a huff and patted down the skirt of her robe. "You want us to fake your signiture?" she assumed. "It seems... dishonest." she stated, but she didn't exactly say 'no.'

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake sets Sharon down. "Sorry. I have a problem. Anyway, no, you don't have to forge my signatures. Just be friendly and invite people to come over and look at my stuff and stick around for an autograph. See you get to be paid to stand around and look pretty. Well, you get free passes and some money from me anyway. Maybe even lunch. Okay lunch. for sure."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn giggles at Sharon'a antics, "Umm how many towels are you wearing anyway? I've forgotten your name, Susan? Sally? Uhhh..Oh! I'm Megan by the way, and I guess everyone already knows Thomas since he's pretty much a celebrity.." she's still warily eyeing a gaggle of girls who are currently swooning over him.

"I mean, don't you have bodyguards or something to prevent them from swarming you? I mean I knew you were into show biz but I didn't know you were THAT famous.." yeah, those swooning girls are kinda bugging her, especially as she's been a bit absent herself lately...Grr.

Sharon Smith has posed:
Sharon Smith frowned lightly. "But I didn't bring a costume" she complained. "And it's crowded." she added, ranting "I was going to have massages, salt, hot baths and pretty nails." Her arms folded over her chest to punctuate her protest, but rather than dismiss the idea with a solid 'no,' asked. "Can I sit?" As though sitting around and looking pretty would be bearable compared to standing around and doing the same.

Catseye glanced down at her feet at Megan's question. She stuck a hand in the seam of her robe for a quick self-inventory. "None" she stated. She was technically correct, since all of the towels were now scattered aimlessly on the floor.

"Catseye" she replied to the greeting. "Or Sharon. I don't think Sharon is really my name, but people often call me Sharon." she explained unecessarily.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake takes a picture with two girls hanging on each arm. Signs a couple autograph and notes incoming men who would probably never go near women as lovely as Megan and Sharon. "Bodyguards? For me? Here? Hah! These people are fans of my old show annnnd they may ask me back. They want to see how well I do at this convention, see whether I can still pack them in."

"A spa day, here? This is not the greatest hotel. I don't think they have a spa. Pretty sure I gave Megan a better spa day myself. She supplied the bubble bath and candles though.Right Me... oh, excuse me a minute ladies." He lets the women go and goes around behind the table, signing photos in a more business-like manner. Ahem.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles at Sharon, "Hey, I guess it works as a pseudo costume, or, you know, you could just transform into a cat form? That would impress em I'll bet!" she pouts "But that's too bad that you missed out on your spa treatment, which way were you headed? I'll bet the spa room is still available.."

She blushes and giggles, playfully nudging Thomas as he mentions his own spa treatment, "Yeaaa that was really niice, I need more of those.." and then he gets snatched away and she pouts a bit, "Well darn, guess we'd better help out so he can get out sooner!"and she starts handing out autograph cards to those waiting in line, forcing a smile. Well at least they're not all female although she only has eyes for Thomas.

Sharon Smith has posed:
Sharon Smith looked shocked and hurt. "Of coarse it does. It's a hotel." she complained. It was doubtful that catseye did much, if any, reasearch into where to go for a 'Spa day.' She went instead with any hotel that was close and afordable enough. "They have nice towels." she added in the defense of her chosen hotel.

She wrinkled her nose a the thought of shifting forms. "I could, but I worry I might steal all of the attention for him." she explains as she sat on the edge of Thomas' table. She seemed to consider the idea for a moment before dropping her robe. It would have been quite the spectacle to watch Catseye flash the entire convention hall, but her form shrank in time with the falling robe, taking up the image of a small black cat, which happily curled up atop the fluffy white garment and waited.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake is speaking to. a Klingon security man. Actually yelling, not aggressively so much as, frustrated. "What do you mean no alcohol? You expect me to just drink beer and wine? Okay I'm outta here! Been signing autographs the entire morning for free... what do you mean I could have been charging? How much? HOW Much?! Fu... Imma kill Pete!! Ladies come on! We're outta here, I'm gonna feed you and spoil you... Sharon? Megan, did you see... ah." He goes to pick up the towel with the cat swaddled inside. He hopes that works for him. He doesn't need this to turn into a Friends of Humanity beatdown. "Megs, we may need a fast exit."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks at Sharon first as she shrinks into a cute little kitty...And then atThomas as he argues about alcohol, then realizes he wasn't charging for autographs. "Wait what? They didn't go over the policies with you before you set this whole thing up?" she groans and rolls her eyes, glancing doubtfully at the screaming fans, "Are you sure you really wanna anger all these fans who all came out here just to see you..?" still she steps towards him and kitty, a spell ready on her lips..

Sharon Smith has posed:
Sharon Smith thought of flailing again for a brief moment, but traveling by towel carriage wasn't a bad way to get around. Plus, she was already comfortably swaddled, so she didn't see any reason to make a fuss. She did stretch a bit, and those claws, while tiny looked mighty threatening, but luckily there was a barrier of fluffy robe between him and those tiny, prickly claws of hers.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake looks into a lot of disappointed faces. He sighs and goes back to the table. He continues signing photos. "Avoid the clap, Thomas Blake." He's muttering and signing when a fan checks her phone and says, "Hey Mr. Man... I just sold your autograph and photo for $40 online. Thank you!" Thomas mutters some more, giving Sharon scritches. It calms him. "Would you be really upset if I robbed the con, just a little?" he jokes.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles and nods to the line ups, "That's right, this hard working actor was fooled into giving autographs for free but I'm afraid we'll have to charge you all $40 for those, if you want his real signature and not just a fake one! Plus you get to meet a real shapeshifting cat!"