15739/A night away from normal haunts

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A night away from normal haunts
Date of Scene: 28 August 2023
Location: Broken Mug Bar
Synopsis: New people are met and news discussed.
Cast of Characters: Detective Chimp, Sally Pride, Caleb Dykstra

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp had not heard from Sally in a while, so decided to check up with her, and see how she was doing. He offered up a bar in Brooklyn where they could meet and maybe not get to many odd looks. So now Chimp is walking into the place and heading towards a booth.

Sally Pride has posed:
Mutant Town has been under a lot of attention lately and not necessarily in great ways. So Sally was all too happy to take a chance to get out for a bit, and not have it be a mission to do so.

It's several minutes after Chimp has claimed a booth that the lioness mutant finally ambles in, hands in the pockets of her leather jacket. After a look around she sees where Chimp is seated and walks over to slide into the booth as well. "Hey there, been awhile."

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
And inside walks in Caleb, who glances around to take in the mood of the environment. He sees the people here gathered, and avoids not to stare - some people here don't look like people at all, it would be rude to make them suffer further for their stygma -, going for the counter. He calls the bartender, and he says to him: "Hi. I understand you had some old parts for sale...?"

The bartender nods, and he points at the kitchen door. "Go on inside when you like, talk to whoever's in there. They'll point you to the parts."

The teen nods in thanks, and takes a moment to sit; warm summer day, after all. "Can I get a club soda, please?"

As the bartender goes to get his order, he spots Sally and Chimp - most likely mutants -, and gives them a polite nod.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp looks over to the waitress and orders a beer for himself and what ever Sally wants to drink. "It has been a while, hope everything is going good for you." He offers to her. He does have his Cigar in the ashtray and a bit away from her in case the smell bothers her. He knows what it is like to have enhanced senses.

Sally Pride has posed:
Sally Pride seconds the beer. She's not a fancy drinker. "I've kept busy at least." She appreciates the consideration even if she's gotten use to rough odors. Rarely two things smell alike, or normal, when it comes to mutant habits. "You know. The usual." Even if it is a bit of a dive bar she doesn't like saying 'mercenary' out loud in public.

An ear flicks at the conversation at the bar and she does glance that. But its just talk about kitchen stuff. So she returns the polite nod with one in return then her attention shifts back to Chimp. "How about you?"

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp nods his head a bit listening to this and says "Had a few work things come up for me too, but had a quiet week or so lately, now that I said it will either be busy as heck, or slow for the next month." He jokes

Sally Pride has posed:
Sally Pride chuckles a bit, tail briefly flicking behind her in amusement then flopping back over the edge. "Yeah, wish I could say that. But things have been anything but quiet over in Mutant Town." She rests an arm across the table top. "Thankfully the protesting has stayed mostly non-violent, at least what I've been around for."

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp nods his head a bit to this and says "That cure, they are talking about, yea I have read a bit about it, heard anything about the company making it?

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
Caleb gets his soda, and just about gulps it. "Man, it's hot out..." He takes a breath, controlling his breathing.

The conversation reaches his ears about the protests, so he decides to add something to the conversation. "Actually, they don't seem so quiet from where I stand, Miss." He pauses, setting his soda on the counter. "On one of these protests, I was chased after along with my kid sister, and all we had to do was try to skidaddle from the protesting crowd."

Sally Pride has posed:
"Yeah that" Sally then shakes her head. "My current line of work has been into a different and less savory operation."

Then the lad speaks up. Sally turns to lean her side against the back of the booth. She doesn't look too upset about him commenting. If anything despite the fierce lion-like features she actually looks a bit concerned. "I'm sorry you had that sort of experience." Then turns back around to take a drink from her beer. "Did say what I've seen ... and admittedly less folks want to act up around the crowd I run with."

When said group includes a muscular mantaray, a gunslinger coyote and a crab hiding a small arsenal in hos dumpster hermit shell....

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp looks over and says "Well from what I have heard, both sides can be worked up, but that happens over most things to be honest. Hope you and your sister were both ok."

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"Well, didn't get jabbed with needles, nor lynched, but that's because someone actually put up some kind of barrier between us and the rest of the mob", Caleb says. "But man", Caleb lowers his voice, "to hell with these protests! If people are born with powers, it's part of them, they're the ones who should decide on whether they keep them or not. Not because someone says so." He takes a seat by the duo, but not before gesturing if he's allowed to.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp hmms and nods his head a bit to this and says "I agree, always wondered why people put a difference in how someone got special abilities, born with them, accident, magical happenstance what ever.

Sally Pride has posed:
Sally Pride has no objection to him joining them, especially not after that sentiment. "Wish more people could see things that way. Or maybe there's something to the saying about youth being more open-minded. Appreciate the supportive sentiment though." She pauses to gulp down more of her beer, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand after. "Name's Sally, by the way. Sally Pride." There's a pause, like she's expecting either a blank look or a snickering at realizing the homage. Granted it's hardly the wackiest mutant name out there.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp nods and says "You can call me DC or Detective Chimp." He offers. He does move his cigar to the edge of the table away from the young man but does not put it out. "Maybe hope with the next generation."

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
The teen cracks a bit of a smile. "My first encounter with a mutant was actually a shark girl", he recounts. "And one who, if I recall correctly, had a hint of a thing for me." He pauses for them to get the picture. "What can I say? We talked, broke the ice, lightened the mood, even cracked a joke or two about 'Jaws'." He smiles. "It was a memorable experience."

"But...", he continues, "I had a... /very/ demanding boss, and I guess she had her own stuff to deal, so calls were never returned." He shrugs, "Oh well... Plenty of fish out there in the sea, right?", completing with a chuckle.

"But the point is, she was alright", he says. "And if she was alright, then there are others out there who are alright. And", he drinks more of his soda, "at the end of the day, we're all people."

Sally Pride has posed:
Sally Pride tilts her head, lifting a hand to rub her chin thoughtfully. "Can't say I'm familiar with a shark woman... but there's a lot of mutants out there." She doesn't repeat the fish pun. Ray would of done his equivilent to rolling his eyes at it. "Yeah, all people in the end. Alas, there's always some bias. On both sides of the fence. And too many people willing to act on it brashly," she laments.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp smiles as some would define him as something else than people, but he lets that go. "I think I met her once, with a young lady who liked to blow stuff up, they were engaged in a fight with a beer amental." He says as his beer is brought over.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"Was her name Iara, by any chance?", Caleb asks the Detective.

And to Sally, he replies, "True enough. And I wonder in what Genosha's move to declare all mutants its citizens is gonna turn out. I mean, the controversy is now reaching diplomatic proportions."

Sally Pride has posed:
Sally Pride was about to work on her own drink but pauses at that. "Who declared what now?" Good thing she wasn't actually drinking yet or that would of been a spit take for sure. "Sorry, the recent jobs have had me... a lot farther away than usual, I'm probably behind on the news that's not always right on the doorstep."

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp looks over and says "Did not catch her name, but she looked like " He describes her and it was her. He does let the kid speak on the thing he brought up

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"I do believe the quote was - and I was actually there, so yeah, it's pretty accurate -, and I quote: 'I, Queen Lorna Dane of Genosha declare sovereignty over all mutants, thus offically making them citizens of Genosha with all the rights, privileges, and protection that permits.'" He pauses for his two table companions to make of it what they will, then shrugs. "Setting up for an incident?"

Sally Pride has posed:
"I see," Sally responds after the explaination. The downside to merc work is sometimes you can't pick up all the recent news when you're keeping a low profile, or working out of the country. She considers it a moment, then gulps down the drink of beer she was going to take. "Not that I would make plans to pack my bags any time soon.. But I suppose it's nice to know there may be some place safe for our kind that don't want to deal directly with this entangled mess to go."

After what she's seen working alongside Cable and his ragtag crew against mutant exploiters? They damn well can use any haven they can get. And right now Mutant Town isn't the best choice.

She nods to Caleb. "Thanks for the fill in. Don't get all the recent events when my... ventures require keeping subtle." At least subtle as far as mutants go.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp says, "Well personally I hope we keep folks all over and not in one place. Partially selfish reason, but also think it is better for diversity and such. You don't want to just group one type of person together alone."

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"Yeah, no problem", he says to Sally. "By the way, name's Caleb Dykstra. Mechanic, engineer, tinkerer, student... Among other things, apparently world saver, too. Somehow. Juri's still out on that."

And to Chimp, he nods, "And that would be one of my major gripes with this. You bring together all the rejected into one place, and then..." He points upwards, descending a finger into the table. "You're caught in the trap."

Sally Pride has posed:
"Both fair points." Sally smirks at Caleb. "I'm a bit of a gearhead myself." She almost made a grease monkey joke, but wouldn't want to inadvertently offend the real monkey in the room. "Like my cars strong and loud. Once flew a helicopter into the front of a corrupt corperation building as part of daring rescue. Nothing as flashy as 'save the world'." Or she's being modest. Maybe both, depends who you ask.

Sally finishes off her beer, and fishes out some spare cash to help at least cover part of a good tip. Got to make sure the people that maintain these places that don't mind some of the 'weird' folks patroning get their dues. "That all said, I shouldn't linger too long. Nice meeting you Caleb, appreciate the support despite our differances. Catch you later, Chimp." She lifts her fingers in a playful salute as she scoots out of the booth and gets up to leave.