15785/Conjures & Caffination

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Conjures & Caffination
Date of Scene: 03 September 2023
Location: Candle, Booke and Belle
Synopsis: Bucky stops into the Candle, Booke & Belle to reaquaint himself with an old nurse.
Cast of Characters: Nettie Crowe, Joshua Foley, James Barnes, Gabby Kinney

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    The Haunted Jukebox is set up in the corner of the shop, its acid-green liquid bubbling merrily as from it pumps out strong bass-bassed EDM. https://youtu.be/G21-YFF-iLQ?si=DKtz4qyxlTsbUTel

    It is not listed on any of the records. And has never been put to vynil. Magic is weird.

    Nettie is wearing a T-shirt with the outside of a naked woman in green, with "I TOUCH GRASS M@#$*&@F@#ER" on it, her head bobbing up and down as she cleans some teacups. Her silver-white hair is pulled back in a very 70's scarf. She's wearing black jeans and a gray open cardigan over the shirt, and has a variety of items on the counter in front of her, along with a tarot reading that she'd been midway through.

    The breakdown in the German Tekkno song comes, and she gives the >.< expression, and raises both hands (one holding the teacup, the other holding her cleaning cloth), and she does the universal 'honk your horn' movements that children have been giving to truck drivers for decades.

    "Choo, choo, choo, choo, choo, choo, choo, We're riding on the Tekkno train! Choo, choo, choo, choo, choo, choo, choo, We're riding out of town!"

     -- and then immediately goes back to wiping the cup clean.

Joshua Foley has posed:
Joshua is still in his goth phase. That is to say that his exposed skin is still black, though one arm has returned to normal. He has a broom as he is working on cleaning the floors.

He wears a shirt with two kids in tubes trapped in an alien spacecraft with the title: Are we there yet? along with a pair of blue jeans and wheelie shows.

When Nettie starts gesturing, he turns to watch her for a moment and then shakes his head a little, taking out his earbuds because he cannot compete with the Jukebox!

James Barnes has posed:
    Is this the type of place with a bell over the door? Well, if it is, it goes ding as the door opens, allowing a lone man inside before it swings shut again. And it's none other than Bucky Barnes, wearing a leather jacket and one glove combo that obscures his famous (or perhaps infamous) metal arm and a pair of well-worn jeans.

    His t-shirt, in comparison, is just plain grey.

    If Nettie weren't right there at the counter, Bucky would just turn around and leave. He glances towards the jukebox and that one quick look somehow contains contempt, confusion, and derision all at once, in the space of only a second or so, before he approaches the counter at a casual stalk.

    For a guy whose face is usually locked in on "grumpy" he can be surprisingly expressive when he wants to be.

    "Long time no see," he says, voice flat, but Greece had only been over the weekend so he must be joking. Then Bucky looks down at the tarot card layout and shakes his head. "Still reading peoples' futures?" In hindsight, maybe he should have listened to more of the warnings Nettie's readings used to give him.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
From the curtain behind the counter comes another figure. A shorter one, dark of hair, scarred of face, who was currently stifling a yawn with one hand while the other tugs the curtain back in place again. Gabby's wearing a loose t-shirt that says 'Hide and Seek World Champion' with a pictutre of a sunset in the woods, and Bigfoot's silouhette waving to the viewer. That and a pair of leggings and some worn out high-top sneakers. It was definitely casual time for her.

"Hey Nettie, hi Josh good to see you again, hey Winter guy."

She turns toward the coffee pot that she'd installed awhile back. It was one of those contained ones so it didn't interfere with the smell of the tea *that* much, and she and a few others were at least be making good use of it. A cup is poured out, and she starts to chug back a mouthful before realizing.


A squinted look is cast back over her shoulder to Bucky, then Nettie, and she continues to just regard them. "... Eh, you're about old enough to know each other I guess," she utters with a shrug and another sip of the coffee.

Joshua Foley has posed:
When Gabby arrives, Joshua freezes. It's been a while since he's seen her. And the last time... well, the situation was strained. To say the least. But with others mixing in and the shop getting busy, he waves to Gabby, albeit a little timidly.

"I'm going to go tidy the back of the shop, Miss Nettie!" he calls out to her before he slips into the back of the shop to tend to something back there.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    It is, in fact, a place with a bell on the door. It's a Witch's Bell, and it's meant to keep The Bad Things Out. It's the active wards, and Nettie looks up with a bright grin as Bucky passes by the wards, and she looks to the still-for-now dark-as-night Joshua, and she gives an upnod. "You're set for the day, any more sweeping an' the floor will wear, lad. Union break." she offers, and sticks a couple of scones in the toaster oven as she gives a wave to the jukebox, and the jukebox turns down.

    The old lady in the young lady body turns around to the grouping, and then motions to Bucky.

    "Yes. We're drinking buddies from the war." she replies, and she gives a rueful smile to Bucky.

    "Yes, still poking at futures for insights and --" and then Josh is gone, and Nettie breathes out in a soft sound.

    "He's been through a lot recently... I need to sit down and just... let him talk. Poor lad." and then her mouth sets in a thin line.

    "I hope that cook gets a canker sore on his --" she starts, and then looks over to Gabby, and then exhales, and rolls her hand in the air.

    "James Barnes, my associate leader, Gabriella Kinney. Miss Kinney, then-Sergeant Barnes, one of the most unfortunately charming men I knew in the European theatre of the war."

James Barnes has posed:
    Winter guy. It's not often that Bucky's name under HYDRA gets used, and definitely not so casually as that, so it's a little surprising. More surprising is the girl it came from, who Bucky has only the vaguest recollection of being in the vicinity on a bad day.

    So he stares. Outright. Both eyes lock onto Gabby and watch her, as she inevitably does to him, and then eventually when she seems to accept his presence here he returns said acceptance with a nod.

    And that's that.

    "Ms. Kinney," he says once he's introduced, because he was raised to be a gentleman, and then he's contemplating the empty space where Joshua was once standing. But there's nothing to be done about that except make a commiserating sort of noise in Nettie's direction.

    He looks down at the tarot cards again, though moreso he's looking at the memories they bring up in his mind's eye. "You can call me Bucky," he offers to Gabby.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Called it," is all Gabby responds with at first, gesturing toward Nettie with her cup of coffee as she does in fact state they knew each other in the war. It wasn't too far of a guess if she'd also met Captain America in the past. There was some vague, piece-mealed idea of some of that history she'd put together in the back of her head ages ago. Like some venn diagram of who knew who during the war.

It's about now she realizes she hadn't put any cream or sugar into her coffee which is why it gets a glare, and she turns to do just that. A hefty bit of cream, and probably just as much sugar is stirred in. "Gabrielle..." she corrects off-hand. Really though, between Monet, Emma, Belinda and others who used her full name, and got it wrong, it was half-hearted at best. She didn't care really.

A few spoon clinks more earn a satisfied nod as she turns to lick the spoon clean before dropping into the bin meant for the dirty dishes to be cleaned. Then she just leans against the counter holding the mug between both hands.

"Just call me Gabby," she offers back to Bucky. "Sorry my genetic donor tried to kill you that time. He's got a temper."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "... I see you've already encountered one-another." Nettie states, and then she looks at Gabby, and then shakes her head.

    "I'm sorry, duckie, still somewhat out of sorts. Whatever that other witch used in Athens messed with my senses something awful. Not quite as easy to recover when you're nearly a magical construct yourself." she explains, and she sets about pouring a cup of tea for all the assembled.

    "Trauma does the most weird things to us, doesn't it?" she questions to Bucky gently as she pours. "I recall giving readings to the odd soldier or airman coming through. Occasionally Cunningham would get on me about it. Never was anything good to give them anyway. Lied every time. My deck was cross with me for a good decade after... well. After I lied too much I suppose... but you don't have much to give hope to the gents I tended to most of the time... so --" she looks to Gabby.

    "Bucky was considering joining up ranks. At least as a possible advisor and ally if not a full member yet. I'll vouch for him in spite of the fact I just brought Joshua in."

James Barnes has posed:
    It only takes mention of the genetic donor to piece things together for Bucky, who looks Gabby up and down once, nods, and then says, "Don't worry about it, Gabby. I'm used to it." Lots of people want a piece of the Winter Soldier, after all.

    He glances back at Nettie when she says she's out of sorts, and then the Greywitch too gets one of those up-down assessments. Like a general assessing his soldiers. Or, more unkindly, an asset assessing his tools. It's an old, hard-to-break habit. But there is real concern behind it now, unlike in his days with HYDRA.

    "Nettie and I work well together, as ancient history attests. And there's too much strange going on in this world for me to sit back and do nothing about it; I have skills that are applicable, might as well apply them." It's a whole lot of words at once for Bucky, but he sounds assured as he says them, confident in the truth of it all.

    He leans one elbow, the flesh-and-blood one judging by the lack of metal knocking sound, against the counter. "I came because I have good news for you, Nettie." And then he pulls out his phone and shows something to her on it.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney glances at Nettie herself with worry. "It's okay, everyone gets the name wrong. I mean I hardly *use* it," she admits offering a wry smile to the old witch. Even so she frowns a little at Nettie considering all the things she could do to help: Hugs were straight out. She already had tea. It wasn't cold enough for needing blankets.

A quick glance up to the rafters has her gazing over it looking for a certain dark feathered shadow that usually loitered around. "If you need to take some time to rest, we can handle things for awhile, Nettles. Lydia just agreed to step up so we're covered. That's part of why we were looking at that, remember?"

Looking back toward Bucky she cracks an easy grin. Unlike the person they knew she was apparently much more easy going. "Hey I know your reputation in... a *lot* of ways," she mutters a little quieter. "I know you're capable. I'm okay with it if you want to tag in to our little team."

"You're not afraid of demons and stuff, right? Vampires? Ghosts? Werewolves?" The list is rattled off. "We've got several on our roster."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    Nettie digs out her glasses as Bucky brings out the phone.

    And she blinks, once, too-blue-to-be-true eyes focusing in, and then she goes "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee', lips pulling into a smile as she presses her palms against her cheeks and just... watches.

    And then she straightens up, and clears her throat, removing her glasses.

    "I'm glad on that track I was correct. Alpine was just angry that their normal staff wasn't about." she smiles.

    And she looks to Gabby a brief moment, and gives a small smile. "I'll be right as rain in a day or two, Kinney. No need to bring her up when she's still cutting her teeth on the title. Or... well. Again." Nettie gives a frown. "Awful lot of ex-leaders isn't there?" she mutters, and pours tea.

    Bucky's cup is very no-nonsense, mirrored, and has a deep red glaze inside. Gabby's is covered with rainbows and unikitties.

    "The witch that was trying to use a Bridle of Bellaphon had harnessed the reborn form of his nominally mortal twin brother, Shazam's incarnation of Zeus was giving me a headache, and there were a couple of old-timers there who remembered me well enough." she rolls her eyes a moment, including Bucky in with some positively ancient Greek Romani types. She had freed a couple of camps with well-executed raids at night.

James Barnes has posed:
    This isn't Bucky's space to intrude. He's hardly a part of the team yet, and this is a conversation between leadership, so he keeps his head down and stays out of it.

    At least until it's time to show Nettie the cat videos. Then he's willing to intrude.

    "Saw some stuff on the Eastern Front that was pretty out there," he says to Gabby as he accepts the tea from Nettie with silent graciousness, which in his case means a tip of his head and one gloved hand wrapping around the cup. If he makes any special note of the style of the cup, well, he doesn't let it on.

    He blows on the tea to cool it, then takes a sip to test the temperature. Nothing his super-soldier toughness can't weather through, so he takes another drink, before adding, "Saw worse after. So I'll probably be able to deal."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Don't remind me," Gabby gives a little groan as she takes another sip of her coffee. It's placed aside when Nettie slides over the teacup with tea in it. Apparently this was a thing: If Nettie offers tea you take it no matter what. It wasn't as if the coffee was really doing anything to wake her up anyway. The colorful childishly decorated cup is taken without complaint. "The group was a fucking wreck by the time I was picking up the pieces." Says the absolute youngest person in the room. Odd that she ended up in that position but that might just lend credence to her remarks of the state of the group at that point.

The video is peered at, as well as Nettie's reaction which earns a grin. Cats for the win. The topic is dropped for now though in favor of nodding back at Bucky.

WWII was hell, she knew from all the stories she'd heard, the pictures she'd seen. But it's the 'worse after' that has her pause considering him. Quietly she inquires, "Torture?" In a tone that was not only sympathetic but... Perhaps she had some inkling of what that was like.

"Wwell, that works for me. Welcome aboard. We've got rooms in the back for training magically and just kicking back and relaxing, as well as some crash space when needed. Still trying to convince Nettie to magic me up a gun range."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "There are enough mundane places to shoot that I don't see much reason to alter my building further." Nettie replies, bringing her own tea cup, which was a fluted, violet cup, and she gives a snort. "Tynan's the only one who uses bullets with magic on them. She has her place. Talk to her about it. This is supposed to be the poor excuse for the basement of the Hall of Justice and an Astral Castle covered in the ichor of The Old Ones and a ruined bar run by a demon whose fingers still twist and turn inside the souls that knew him the best and in all honesty clearing out my place from that influence was enough of a headache nevermind the cabbie in the door and my deck throwing Six Different Death Cards at me and having to deliver THAT bit of bad news while also running the most secure refugee house in the whole damn city because *some people* couldn't be bothered with helping to boost up the leylines and for *Fucks' Sakes* I was so tired after that. I'm nearly a hundred seventy, I can't just be throwing about things all willy-nilly anymore, this shit takes *effort*."

    She pauses, and then she points at Bucky.

    "Yes, it's true. I'm that old."

James Barnes has posed:
    Well. Seems like there's some history here. Bucky is still toeing the "none of my business" line, ane he does it here by taking a deeeeeeep sip of his tea, eyes staring downwards awkwardly to find a spot on the floor to stare at.

    Hm. Yes. That one right there looks interesting. So there he stares.

    He's so focused on it that he nearly misses Gabby's quiet question, and he has to look up at her, brow furrowed. Then it clicks, and he nods once. "Among other things," is the full extent of his explanation, which is to say it's not much of an explanation at all.

    He sets his tea cup back down on the counter. There is a sense of wanting to move on swiftly, both from the topic of his past as well as whatever group-based minefield he finds himself in now. So he says: "I never asked how old you were, Nettie. My mother raised me right."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney stares at Nettie a long moment while she rattles all that off in such a way that was... kind of impressive. It was usually her that did the lengthy sentences when frustrated. "Breathe, Nettie," she suggests with a sympathetic smile. "I know. And I appreciate you coming out of retirement to help us out again." As for magic bullets, that isn't getting any remark.

Instead she glances back toward Bucky regarding him and his small response a moment. A simple nod is given in return before her own gaze slips back to the teacup she holds. "That's the run down of things. The group is doing well at the moment. We don't always have combat, sometimes we just go out there to help prevent things from getting to that point. Keeping objects out of the hands of people who have no idea what they're doing, or helping some cryptid or another keep a low profile."

Finally she takes a sip of the tea from the cup Nettie had provided. "Lots of people, lots of different ages."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "I know your mother raised you right, that's why you were the 'safe one' I'd send the girls out with." Nettie counters, and then her expression falls. "Dee Bell passed away recently, in fact. You might remember her, the curly brown-haired one who doubled as a mechanic when too many of the damn gear heads ended with strained hands or bad flus from too many tips of a bottle." she gives a smile.

    "No matter what, still a good lad. Not everyone stops to help an old lady steal a motorcycle." she jokes. And then she takes a deeeep breath.

    And she releases it.

    "But I suppose you do have questions. I don't like having secrecy to those who help us. Tends to breed distrust. And I'm terribly nosy m'self. So, you have askings, we have answers. Or at least entertaining stories."

James Barnes has posed:
    The information Gabby provides is assimilated into the working understanding Bucky has of the group, a team he'd only learned the existence of thanks to happenstance and a run-in with one Nettie Crowe in Greece. And now here he is.

    "Maybe I do remember her." His mental vision is filled with a bouncy girl with freckles, whose infectious smile had never had a name to it since Bucky's recovery -- until now. "I'm... sorry to hear she's passed."

    That's always difficult. So many of the people Bucky knew were long dead by the time he surfaced, and the few left (aside for those with extended longevity, like a certain Captain and Nettie herself) were likely not long for this world.

    He finishes off his tea and sets the cup down with a quiet "Thank you," and then he looks up, to Nettie and Gabby both, when he's asked if he has any questions.

    "When do we start?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney grows quiet as they talk about the woman who had passed. It was her turn to not talk too much, and be respectful. Especially since situations like these were something she would likely have to deal with herself in the future. Seeing it now... It did bring back some of those memories that weren't hers entirely, but from another world. The tea in her hand is left to grow cold.

The turn of conversation back to the JLD, and mention of questions, has her give a quick jerk of her head as if she'd just been caught nodding off in school. Attention back to the here and now she raises an eyebrow at Bucky's question of when they start.

Her hand lifts to gesture at the teacup that he's holding simply. "You got your own teacup. You want a tour?" A little wry grin comes. "Nothing going on right now other than recovering from the other day. More will show up, always does. We can give you ways to contact us, too, outside of just the shop."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "We've already begun, Duckie." Yes. Nettie is GRINNING visibly at Bucky being a Duckie.

    "You've met, in passing, a couple of our cohort. I'm sure you'll meet more the more you hang around our shop. Miss Kinney can give you the tour of the upstairs, which you have access to, by the by. There's a lounge. There's crash space. There's a weight room."

    She smiles a bit, and then finishes her tea.

    "It's good to see you, Barnes. You were always one of the nice fellows to work around."

James Barnes has posed:
    Duckie. That's the last thing Bucky expects to be called, and it makes him crack a half-smile at Nettie in passing, one corner of his mouth lifting.

    "The tour it is, then," he says, and nods once at Nettie in mutual agreement with her statement before he moves to follow after Gabby.