16895/Lord of the Monsters - Attacking the Beast

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Lord of the Monsters - Attacking the Beast
Date of Scene: 17 January 2024
Location: Coast of Siberia
Synopsis: A group of members of SHIELD and Superman face off against one of the escaped Kaiju along the Siberian coastline. A brutal struggle ensues where the heroes go all out. But in the end are victorious. Exhausted, but victorious. One beast is taken down. And a whole mess to go.
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, Johnny Storm, Clark Kent, Kenesha, Jack Nolan
Tinyplot: Lord of the Monsters

Emma Frost has posed:
One of the giant kaiju that had departed Monster Island had been tracked for days by satellite. Going through the ocean's depths at speed only the fastest naval craft could reach. It was making landfall over off the pacific coast of Siberia. Far, far from any settlement, any inhabitants, or anything at risk of destruction. This gave a rare opportunity to intercept and deal with one before it hit a more populated area.
    A SHIELD Quinjet was en route, having bounced up into the atmosphere at Mach 3 to perform a suborbital hop to cover the distance faster. The compartment not quite designed for this sort of rapid move, those who needed it had on oxygen masks as it rocketed down towards where the monster was making landfall.
    THis kaiju hadn't been given an official designation. A hundred and five meters tall, 60,000 kilograms in mass. Possessing two huge heavy, lizard like feet, four huge multi-jointed arms each covered in armored scales with three-fingered claws on each, and a massive head looking like something an armored crutacean might have, small eyes covered behind an armored shell. And then finally a massive, massive spiked tail over thirty meters in length with huge spikes on the end like a Thagomizer.

Johnny Storm has posed:
Standing at the edge of the door that leads to the outside world, Johnny Storm looks outside as the Qunijet makes it's first pass over the large kaiju. Inside, the older hero is dressed in the blue and silver of the Fantastic Four jump suit and he lets out a low whistle of appreciation. "We're just in time for a crawfish boil." he comments with a smirk as they turn and face it. "Can we call it Lobster Lizard? It totally looks like a Lobster Lizard!" And this is why we don't let Johnny name the things.

"Welp, thanks for the lift. I'll see you outside." With that, he hits the release on the door, an alarm blaring as it opens up, letting in the cold Aleutian air. A couple of steps and he leaps out, falling away from the Quinjet and towards the ground, before after a good five second hard count, he yells...


And the Human Torch streaks airborne, racing in the direction of the monster.

Clark Kent has posed:
Superman was almost instantly there. The sonic boom that heralds his arrival makes people cover their ears. With the threat involved, he wasn't trying to be subtle. As it was, he ensured that his speed didn't do any damage to the planet or the people in the area.

Scanning the area, Superman instantly looks concerned. There were too many civilians that were in jeopardy. They were his priority. His eyes look at the Kaiju and he sighs.

Hovering in front of thecreature, Superman makes himself the target, his long, red cape billowing in the wind. It was...majestic.

Kenesha has posed:
Kenesha offered to meet everyone there. Not because she doesn't want to ride with the others, but because she has her own ship! And the more firepower they can level at the kaiju, the better. Granted, hers is not the battlecruisers her people are used to, but even the scout ship has some light armament that can put most Earth artillery to shame.

Which means that there's an alien ship incoming! Ohnoes! The signature from her ship was, of course, shared with SHIELD before she ever hopped into it, letting them know that it's a friendly incoming. Of course, that may not assuage Superman, he likely wasn't at the briefing.

Still, she hits her comms and calls out, "Savant incoming with extra firepower! I can try to get some alien artillery on it to draw it's attention, maybe we can lead it further out to sea. If the ship's armaments don't work, I've got a couple tricks up my sleeve to try and throw at it."

For Superman's benefit, she switches to a open band broadcast but at a range outside the human ability to hear, but that he should pick up on just fine. "Hey! My name is Savant, I'm flying the incoming alien ship, I'm part of the SHIELD team! I'm going to see if the artillery on the ship can draw it's attention away from land, further out to sea. Give you guys a chance to knock it's block off!"

Jack Nolan has posed:
This thing was dangerous, no doubt. That's why they would be calling in all the biggest guns. So when Jack got the call, he was quick to report back into the SHIELD staging area. After the briefing, knowing what they were going up against, he had brought as much gear as he thought he might be able to. This thing was way too big to fight one on one. Thankfully they weren't one on one.

"Get me over top of it!" He calls out to the pilot of the Quinjet, moving out to the ramp with a pack over his back filled to the brim with explosives. He has a plan, and it's a dumb one. He stops on the ramp, watching Torch launch out of the back of the craft, "Show off." He says, though the tone is clearly a joke.

Once the jet flies over top of the creature, Jack jumps out of the back, falling like, well, a rock.

He's no Captain America though, so he does have a parachute, one with extra stopping power to account for all the extra weight. He just needs to wait until the right moment to pull the ripcord, otherwise he'll be a floating target for the creature. Or if he pulls it too late, well he's not sure even he could survive hitting that thing's scales at terminal velocity.

Emma Frost has posed:
There's something innately horrifying and majestic about a giant monster going along through the landscape the size of a skyscraper. THe frozen permafrost of the tundra melts to ice, then to sand from the pressure, then to glass with a KRUNCH as the thing leaves a trail of glass in its' wake. It's pupils flicker behind the armored shell, even as they retract more as further armor plating goes down upon tem. Reducing their view to miniature slits.. But making them extremely difficult to hit. The beast is huge - there doesn't -seem- to be any weak points in it's body. Even joints and tendons seem to be covered in scales stronger than almost any sort of metal that could be forged on Earth, entire body coated in the hyper-dense material. HOW did something lik ethis evolve? Or what made it?
    THe oncoming Human Torch stands out over like a flaming beacon, trailing smoke, even as the hovering Superman does as well, just watching over at it. Superman's senses confirm there's no one arond for hundreds of kilometers. Unless they want to make another TUnguska explosion, there's nothing here that could even hear them. The clear sky goes far in every direction.
    IT's a beautiful day for a battle the likes of which Earth, or even hte cosmos rarely see.

Johnny Storm has posed:
It would be so easy. Really easy. Johnny's nova pulse could blow the creature in half. But even as that thought crosses his mind, he gets other images. Of ruined landscapes, of lives lost. Of a coastline decimated. Images that noone realizes he has at times and doesn't understand why.

So, as Savant announces herself over the comms, he streaks by her, waving in a salute and a wink. "Looking good, babe!" he comments to her teasingly, hiding his thoughts further. "Dude! Drop dino! That's better than a dropbear!" comes the call out as he watches Jack descend towards the kaiju. And then there's Superman.

"...wow, I'm not even needed here. You got this Supes!" comes the cheerleading cry, but he does realize the creature is tracking him so he burns hotter to be easy to track. "Here, kaiju kaiju, you wanna bite? I'm hot stuff!" he calls out as he releases a gout of flame to graze across the skin of the creature, possibly to little effect.

Clark Kent has posed:
Confident that civilians were far enough away, Superman clenches his fists and readies himself for a battle. Knowing he could cut lose, it was a feeling he was unaccustomed to. Grim determination settles on his face as he looks back to see others arrive.

"Johnny!" Superman says with a warm smile. "It is good to see you!" Superman has always had a close relationship with the Fantastic Four. "We got this." He grins. "Is the rest of the family coming?"

Hearing Savant, Superman smiles. "Nice to meet you Savant! Thank you for your help. That is a great plan!"

Next, the Quinjet with Nolan. Noting his location and trajectory, Superman makes sure his next move doesn't jeopardize Jack's plan. And his descent.

Turning back to the Kaiju, Superman says, "We're all good everyone. No civilians." Then, Superman's eyes begin to glow red..."Johnny. Flame and Heat combo?"

Superman unleashes the full power of his heat vision, hoping that Johnny and the team will follow suit.

Clark Kent has posed:
Unleashing his heat vision distracts Superman, however, temporarily blinding him. After all, usually the heat vision tactic elmiminates the threat...

Jack Nolan has posed:
Waiting until the last second, Jack pulls his chute, slowing himself down just enough to not crash and burn on the back of the creature. As soon as he lands he cuts the chute, and quickly searches around for anything he might be able to dig his claws into. Something this size, any imperfection in the scales should leave hand holds.

Hearing Savant's comm messages, he chimes in on it after a few moments, <"Just try not to hit me down here. And see if you can punch a hole in the thing for me to stick these bombs in.">

The plan was simple on paper. Land on the creature, climb until he gets somewhere that he can plant the explosives, or hope that one of the heroes can create a big enough wound for him to get them inside, then it should be far easier than trying to blow it up from the outside.

Kenesha has posed:
"Head in the game, Torch," Savant's quip comes quick and easy and teasing. She knows he'll focus up when he needs to. Coming in from the sea side, Kenesha will set the ship to used directed energy beams that fire with laser precision and that (usually) pack a wallop. Unfortunately, this being a scout ship, she simply doesn't have access to the nastier weapons that could be leveled against the creature. Then again, the battle cruisers tend to be the size of small cities, so that's perhaps for the best.

Keeping her ship's weapons directed at the creature's head, she tries to get it's attention, distract it from the incoming combination of heat and fire that will HOPEFULLY end things fast and permanently. Still, if not, she's going to keep up the assault on it's head, trying to burrow a hole into it's skin (carapace?) big enough for Jack to drop the bombs into.

"Working on it, Stoneclaw! Gonna try to get under it's skin near the base of the head and neck, just keep an eye out for any hole big enough to stick a bomb into! Let me know if you need evac and I'll swing in to get you." She also offers a wave and a grin to Johnny as she lines up and starts letting loose!

Emma Frost has posed:
The combined blasts of high power heat vision, laser scorches from the scout ship, and flames from the Human Torch go to blast around the creature, even as Jack goes to get rapidly over into position. Blasts of energy normally restrained that could stagger all but the most powerful of goliaths. Here is when the group gets thier first sense of trouble as blasts scorch over heavily reinforced scales, which seem to be extremely effective at dissipating the heat and fire, going along it and spreading out. It's a rather nasty surprise to start things along with as scales warp and smelt.. But even then they're not so blasted in as such a concentrated attack shoudl be inflicting. Warped scales from the energy blasts harden and then start to fall off the beast.. Even as fresh ones start to be growing on in. Like shark teeth, when one falls out, others from within go to press back into place.
    Jack that is far enough away from the blasts to not be caught up in them but close enough to see what's going on,might be the first to realize this. This -thing- is extremely armored well against heat, energy, radiation.. Just what other sorts of monsters has it grown to be able to fight? To adapt to?
    At the blast of heat vision, it goes to let out a ROAR as it moves to swing it's tail over at Superman, pirouetting and hitting the Man of Steel over with it! *CRACK* the blow will send him flying away dozens of kilometers! Beastly strong too.
    The scout ship is met over wiht the creature doing an intake of breath, and then blasting out over at it wtih a fury of blue plasma fire, missing by a few dozen meters with a blast that could punch through the armor plating and shields of a capital ship like a monomolecular blast through organic flesh!
    It goes to smash out at Johnny with a pair of claws, missing him by just a bit. Extremely fast, extrely armored, extremely accurate..
    Jack is holding on tight, and cmopletely unnoticed. Which may or may not be a good thing as he has a solid bird's eye view of the entire battlefield!

Johnny Storm has posed:
Pouring on the heat, Johnny grins. "Yeah, that's it! We're on FIRE!" he calls out as he sees progress -- only for that progress to be ruined at the monster shows off some impressive regenerative skills. There's a grunt as the Torch pulls back. "We're gonna need a new plan." And that's when it starts to go south.

As Superman gets sent flying to deep left center field, Johnny finds himself with his own problem. Those claws are massive and viscious. As much as he is probably sure that he can tank one hit from the beast, he really doesn't want to find out if he can or not. Releasing another gout of flame towards the one of the eye sockets, he frowns. "Savant, can you get any scans on this thing?" he asks in worry as his attention turns to the dino. "You good, Stoneclaw?"

Jack Nolan has posed:
<"So far so good."> Replies Stoneclaw as he continues to hang on for dear life. Maybe they should have given him a nuke or something. With this thing seemingly able to shrug off some of the more powerful blasts, he frowns faintly, shifting his weight to keep climbing.

<"This thing's regrowing scales faster than you can blast them. I'm not sure if I'll be able to get inside with the bombs. Maybe we can get this thing to turn around and go back to Monster Island somehow?"> He doubts they'd be able to destroy it without something like that orbital ion cannon that SHIELD definitely doesn't have.

Kenesha has posed:
"Shit. This thing isn't just regenerating tissue, it's completely regenerating carapace... and in seconds. There are creatures that have a similar ability here on Earth, but not this fast." Savant handles the ship expertly, narrowly managing to avoid the breath weapon from the kaiju while also starting to run scans on it. "Already ahead of you, Johnny. Scans are running, I should have some analysis for us shortly."

She frowns faintly and suggests, "Guys, might I suggest you both get on the ship and we try to draw this thing out away from coastlines? This monster is clearly fast, and deadly. My ship's just not equipped to handle it. And I'm starting to think we might need something a little... bigger."

Someone is already thinking. One can practically hear the thoughts racing around in her head. "Stoneclaw.. we're not penetrating this thing's hide long enough to plant bombs, you're right on the money. I'd suggest attaching them to the thing's scales, setting it for a timer, and *jump*. I'll swing around to catch you. Johnny, can you keep it focused on you until the bombs go off? Then haul ass into the ship and we'll try to bring it farther out. If this thing makes landfall..."

Emma Frost has posed:
The claws slash through where Johny was. He's definitely fast enough to avoid them, but it's a close thing. This thing hits -very- nastily, as the strike against Big Blue might have shown. This melee is tough and chaotic - which the group will have to scramble to adapt to. The thing lets out a shriek over as it's counterattacks are avoided and it goes to turn over to face them!

The blue plasma blast ceases over after Kenesha, and ti turns over to face along with Johnny in the directino he's going! Jack's rapidly realizing that they're gong to need a bigger bomb.

A much, much bigger bomb. That might down the line bring some cackling with mad glee from the thoughts of such heavy explosives. If he's that type.

The beast lets out a howl over and turns to face towards Johnny, huge maw gonig to open up.. Glowing over with the plasma energy even as the agile scoutship piloted by Keneshs rolls around and Jack has a clear view along the thing's frame, being unnoticed!

Johnny Storm has posed:
"Right. New idea." Johnny says as the creature's maw is closing in on him. "Savant, get Stoneclaw clear." And without warning her what he had planned to do, the Fantastic Four memember turns /towards/ the creature and suddenly rockets forward. Sure, it's really tough and regentive on the outside...

/SHUMP/ - the Human Torch disappears within the creature's mouth, hitting the back of the throat and Johnny turns his attention to his idea. "...she's going to kill me if I survive this." he murmurs to himself. And this is totally going to suck and will be a one trick pony.

As the maw closes and Johnny finds himself sucked into the creature's throat, he closes his eyes. This is too much like being in the Negative Zone. All those creatures. All around.

He feeds on that feeling, that emotion, that anger, that far. His glow is brighter. Brighter... he needs to give the others time to clear. Just a few second longer. He can feel the crush against his body. It hurts, even as his plasma form keeps it at bay. Just... a few more moments.

And then the glow increases. The heat coalesces, forms around him, and then as it's compacted to it's hottest form... all that heat is released in a massive explosion. The inside of the creature alights as flames race up and down it's throat, expanding outward with explosive force.

Further and further, the heat devours, destroys, removes, until...

A new sun rises over Siberia. It's brief. Brilliant. The dark sky is as bright as the mid-day sun as Johnny Storm goes Nova within the creature, attempting to obliterate it from within to without.

"....Regenerate that." Johnny manages, as his flames start to flicker out.

Jack Nolan has posed:
Yeah that plan's not working, and Stoneclaw is pretty sure he doesn't want to be around when plan B goes off. So he starts throwing the bombs down, starting to run down the creature's back as he does, dropping them and letting them arm as he goes.

Once he sees that the Human Torch is inbound, he figures it's now or never, and he jumps from the monster's back, turning over in mid-air and then clicking the detonator, setting a series of explosions off across the creature's back. Maybe enough of a distraction to allow Johnny to get in and finish it off.

Of course, now he has to hope that the ship manages to catch him. Because he is flying like a brick, and if he hits the water, he'll sink like his namesake. And if he hits the land well, he MIGHT actually not die, but it won't feel great either.

Kenesha has posed:
"No, Johnny.. don't... DAMMIT!" Kenesha doesn't break from HER plan, using the distraction that Johnny provides to swing around, maneuvering the ship to catch Stoneclaw on his leap, twisting at the last moment so he'll drop neatly into the ship. The landing may be a little shaky, but it's going to be way softer than if he kept gaining momentum and hit anything else!

As soon as she has him, she's wheeling the ship around just in time to watch Johnny disappear down the creature's gullet. Her eyes widen, "..oh shit.."

Frantically hitting the higher-pitched open broadcast for Superman, Savant calls out, "If you're still in range of this, MOVE! Up is best! Mesosphere or higher! If he's doing what I think he's doing, this could be a HUGE shockwave!" ANd she guns it for the skies, trying to get as high as she can as fast as she can. FOr Jack, it might be interesting to note... the ship isn't controlled conventionally. She's... singing to it.

Clark Kent has posed:
The sound of Superman returning heralds his arrival. Darn tail...

Moving at a speed that prevents any damage to the atmosphere, Superman can be seen, as a red, blue and yellow blur, his hand outstretched, ready to hit the creature in its chin at nigh-full speed.

All of the other heroes have softened the creature up. Without Johnny and his sacrifice in the belly of the beast, Nolan's pyrotechnics, and Kenesha's strategy, the creature would not be vulnerable.

Reeling from the explosions and Johnny's attack, Superman sees his opening - when Johnny goes supernova, the shock wave of energy envelopes him!

Superman grits his teeth, closes his eyes, and absorbing the "solar" energy, hits the Kaiju with a massive uppercut! Without the energy boost of Johnny's supernova, and the opening of that implosion, they would have lost!

Immovable Object. Meet Irresistible Force.

"KRAKOW!" His punch hits the Kaiju with a loud 60s era sound.

Now that took everything...however. His job was not done. With a supreme act of will, he flies towards Johnny, and offers to help him if he would help himself, get to the ground. The two of them, working together, should be able to land...somewhere.

Emma Frost has posed:
The beast goes to chomp forwards over at Johnny. Going to snap heavy teeth over him as a jaw snaps shut with force to crush something short of Ben. If Johnny was not such an agile flier with such an expert sense of timing, and decades of experience at things it would crush him to a pulp. He goes to land over within the mouth and then there is a fireball.


The resulting stellar burst couldn't quite ignite a fallen star, but if it were out int he open it could be seen in orbit. The monster is still incredibly armored, but it's scales do not quite go down all the way into it's mouth. It's clearly not using it to eat, just by the way ti's arranged. Reed might find the way it had adapted fascinating by the interior. All thsoe teeth, all those metallic bits..

And then the fire hits. The head seems to swell up over like it's a bubble being blown up and over, swelling as the air machine pops more and more into it. Inflating, bursting..

Then it detonates over in a hail of superheated shrapnel, melting over as those eyes go everywhere and the upper portion of it's body detonates!

And then flying over at speeds enhanced, the burst of flame goes to wash over Superman, even as the beast, the gargantuan, goes to be silently screaming, and the flames go to burst over Superman.

Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird! NO, it's a plane!

No, it's SUPERMAN.

The last son of Krypton goes around to slam over into the thing with a KER-RUNCH and a blow that could stagger a mountain, if not more. To the thing that weighs tens and tens of thousands of kilograms, that's larger than a skyscraper.. Even as it's head would be demolecularized and Superman goes to smash over into it.. It goes FLYING. Like it was being launched from a cannon. The sliding down Jack and the flying Savant gets the view of one horrific, amazing brutality of a blow that sends the thing LAUNCHING out to sea over in a massive, powerful burst that is remindful of just how powerful two of the most potent heroes on the planet are when they cut loose. It is a thing of terror, of glory, of heroism.

Jack goes to slide down to land smoothly, likely hearing the singing of the song that Kenesha uses to power the craft. seeing the thing launching out dozens and dozens of kilometers away, landing in the water in the far off ocean with a blast that could cause tsunamis if it were not so far off.