Mary Seward

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  Queen of Blood  
Mary Seward (Scenesys ID: 5339)
Name: Mary Seward
Superalias: Queen of Blood
Gender: Female
Species: Vampire
Occupation: Leader of the Blood Red Moon cult
Citizenship: British
Residence: London, England
Education: N/A
Theme: DC (VFC)
Groups: Dark World, Mystic Arts, Rogues Gallery
Apparent Age: 453 Actual Age: 453
Date of Birth 29 Dec 1570 Played By Emma Stone
Height: 5?6? Weight: 127 lb
Hair Color: crimson with a white streak Eye Color: crimson
Theme Song:

Character Info


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Once upon a time, Mary was a pitiful little maid who fell in love with a young lord. When her love came to her as a vampire, she accepted his gift. Now, she is a vicious creature of the night, bent on vampiric world domination. That and her own amusement.


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1570: Born in Britain.

1591: Hired as a servant girl to the Bennett family. Mary begins a secret affair with the young lord Andrew, who she dreams of running away with.

However, one night Andrew leaves her a note about how they would never be able to truly stay together, before seemingly abandoning Mary and leaving her to the lecherous devices of his father.

A scorned Mary prays to God to punish Andrew for breaking her heart like this. A year later, she sees the punishment for herself when Andrew returns to her as a vampire, his turning apparently being the cause for his disappearance.

Out of love, she willingly allows Andrew to turn her into a vampire so that they may be together forever. While Andrew had managed to maintain some semblance of humanity, the transformation makes Mary more vicious and bloodthirsty, as she uses her newfound power to take revenge on Andrew's father, killing him.

She then abandoned Andrew as he had once abandoned her, her thoughts turning towards extending this revenge against Humanity as a whole.

2012: With the formation of the Justice League, Mary's resentment towards humanity was inflamed. The rise of Metahumans and Mutants meant that mankind and vampires were destined to come to head with one another. That was a war she intended on winning.

She travels, turning humans into vampires and convert them to her cause, forming a fringe cult known as the Blood Red Moon, formed around total vampiric supremacy, with her as their blood queen.

2022: By now, the Cult of the Blood Red Moon has decided to become a more active threat. Mary is on the path to being a force to be reckoned with, but she still needs more if she ever hopes on supplanting humanity.

IC Journal

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Mary is a megalomaniac who thinks herself a freedom fighter. In her own words, she believes herself to be "Martin Luther King, Malcom X and Ben Franklin all rolled together". She tires of the vampires having to spend their lives in hiding from the humans, and seeks to liberate vampirekind from this human "oppression." She wants the rule the world and not much will stop her.

One wouldn't be able to guess that Mary was hundreds of years old by how she carries herself. Despite her vicious and gruesome nature, Mary is never one to take much seriously. She adopts the current lingo of the times flawlessly, and often pokes fun at those around her. It's almost disarming in a way, which serves to make her even more dangerous.

Don't take her tongue-in-cheek attitude for flippancy. She is still a monster through and through. As a human she was demure and meek, but her transformation awoken awoke a deep ferocity from within her.She revels in bloodshed, even far for vampire standards and if that cocky exterior gets chipped through, expect her to get much more threatening much more quickly.

Character Sheet


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Enhanced Senses:
Vampirism has boosted Mary's innate senses, allowing her to sniff out warm-blooded humans, hear and see from far away. She's even able to sense the presence of magic.

With a look into the eyes, Mary can bend people to her will provided their will is lesser than hers. (Consent Based power)

As befitting her immortal kind, Mary can heal from pretty extreme wounds. Being stabbed, shot and burned are practically inconveniences to harm to her, even if they still pack a punch

Mary isn't limited to her already normal body. She can change her body into animals, mist and if she's really pissed off, massive werewolf-esque monster forms.

Vampire Physiology:
As a vampire, Mary possesses many perks that ordinary humans don't. She has no need for oxygen, food or drink and of course there are her lethal fangs and claws.

Vampire Strength & Speed:
Mary's strong enough to throw cars and fast enough to outrace them.She only gets stronger the more blood she has.


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Love her or hate her, you can't deny that Mary knows how to turn on the vampire charm and get people to listen to her. As befitting a literal cult leader.

Combat Skills:
Mary's no slouch in the fighting department. She knows her way around a fight, and won't hesitate to play dirty to win. Combine that with her vampiric powers and she's as deadly as it gets.


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Blood Red Moon:
Her loyal cult of vampiric servants. Though, not quite enough to make a full on army yet, Mary's got dozens upon dozens of loyal hench-vamps ready to shed blood on her behest.

Nomadic Tendencies:
Mary and her cult tend to travel a lot, as such they latch onto easy places to call lairs. Whether it's abandoned or they clear it out themselves.

Vampiric Connections:
As someone making her way in the vampiric underworld, Mary of course knows the right people amongst her kind to talk to. Her name carries some weight around and she'll throw it around when she needs.


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Try as she might, Mary is a slave to the hunger. Being starved of blood can weaken her, and in turn make her behave less rationally.

As powerful as Mary's regen is, it has its limits. A sure-fire way to take her down is impaling her through the chest and cutting off her head.

If there's anything that Mary hates more than humans, it's her past. Her past of being weak, helpless and meek. She seeks to distance herself as much as possible, and hates being reminded of it.

The classic vampire weakness. Though, she won't burn up immediately, Mary's not as strong in the sun as she is out of it.



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Mary Seward has 25 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Red Reign: Licking Wounds June 7th, 2024 Mary's feeling sore after her fight with the Bats and their friends. Luckily, Mystique is nearby to cheer her up.
Gotham by Night June 6th, 2024 A build up to a finale. Batman has brought together a group of heroes to push the remaining vampires out of Gotham. Their victory is Pyrrhic, but the undead are largely gone from the city. Vampires have long memories, afterall.
Unfriendly Reunion June 5th, 2024 Lara makes a delivery to Mary's front door, and the Queen of Blood is happy with the accomplishment of her newest servant...Until it also ends up with Lara essentially turning in her two weeks notice. Win some, Lose some.
You really thought they didn't exist June 4th, 2024 A vampire attack the Iceberg Lounge. Some of Penguins henchmen were killed, but a mysterious woman with the ability to blast water provided the means for Penguin to survive this battle. He does not know who she is, but he owes her a stack of cash at least. For now the Lounge is safe.. but Penguin is suspicious that someone is trying to kill him.. he swallows his pride and decides to reach out to Batman..
BFFS: Best Fanged Friends June 2nd, 2024 Mary and Selene reunite in New York. The two catch-up on what's been going on since their last meeting, and reinforce their ongoing partnership. Mary can be nice when she feels like it.
Vampires in Brooklyn June 1st, 2024 Mary meets another vampire Blood Queen on the Mean Streets of Brooklyn. Posturing and flirting both ensue.
Removing A Threat to Mutant Kind May 31st, 2024 The strike team assaults the Friend of Humanity's secret stolen Brainiac factory, taking out the guards and two working Sentinels before the entire location is blown to kingdom come.
Uninvited Guest May 28th, 2024 Two Brits in the Big Apple meet up. Lara finds herself up against a threat out of her league, while Mary gains an interest in artifacts and a brand new buddy who'll get them for her...
Social Studies Workshop: The New Human Is Illegal May 26th, 2024 Presentations from J'onn J'onnz, Jaxon Blain, Mystique, Mary Seward, Scott Summers, and Bishop; and comments from Natasha Romanova and Sally Pride all serve to help educate all present on just a few of the many perspectives on the violent history of Mutantkind, and how - if at all - a path forward might be forged for them-- and, indeed, ALL of humanity:

J'onn discusses the death of the Martian race, consumed by hatred between parallel subspecies; Jaxon gets lots of attention for sharing his dark past with William Stryker and illuminating the ways in which people of all kinds fail one another; Mystique demonstrates why she's one of Mutantkind's oldest, hardest voices by pledging to spend the rest of her long life fighting for it; Mary shows why she's the Queen of Blood, and shares the vampiric perspective on coexistence; Scott Summers puts a lifetime of PowerPoint expertise on display by laying out the cold, hard stats animating the bloody history of Humans and Mutants; Bishop reveals his past in one of our futures to stress the importance of coming together before the nightmares come to fruition; Sally reminded everyone that all people have /some/ things in common, while Natasha's cold cynicism shines through her insistence that tribal isolation and self-interest are the natural state of humanity. Madelyne gets a peek into a relatively quiet moment inside of her new community, Talia reflects on the twisting possibilities she's lived through and the way that war touches all of them, Camille studies passionately then swears to take Stryker's eyes one day, Rogue keeps rowdy Institute students in check, and Micola shares a brief moment with her sister-in-law.

Also, there are snacks.

John Cumberland continues not to exist.

We're Friends Now. No Biting. May 23rd, 2024 A chance encounter between two Queens gives Mystique's newest addition to the Brotherhood's roster of allies a chance to take stock of Lorna Dane and her raw, red passion for protecting her people.
Red Reign: A Bargain in Blood May 22nd, 2024 Mary's had her fun with Gotham and she's ready to pack ship to New York...When she meets a fellow Revolutionary in Mystique, she secures herself a new home for her cult...and an invaluable new allyship. Her Red Reign shall continue on, in the Big Apple.
A Bloody Meeting of the Minds May 21st, 2024 A ragtag group of allies gets ambushed in the Narrows by Mary Seward. They got their asses kicked, but don't tell Batman.
Red Reign: Bitter Rematch May 20th, 2024 Mary and Cassandra Cain face off once again and again, Cassandra escapes her, but this time, with some scars to show for it.
Red Reign: A Rose by Any Other Name May 20th, 2024 Mary helps herself to a taste of Rose Wilson's blood. Rose tries to fight back and somehow puts herself into a worse position than she'd been in if she did nothing. How typical.
Red Reign: The Vampire Lover May 20th, 2024 Kate Kane encounters Mary Seward again...However, this time, she doesn't have the strength to resist the vampire's charms. The Blood Red Moon gains another new member, and Mary gets a brand new Batcave.
Red Reign: Curiosity Killed the Cat May 18th, 2024 A night spent scoping out Gotham's Diamond Exchange turns south real quick. Selina can't help but the time she realizes what's going on, her fate is sealed...and the Blood Red Moon gains a new member.
Red Reign: I, Vampire. You, Zombie. May 18th, 2024 A zombie, A Spirit of Vengeance, and a bunch of vampires meet up on the same street. Chaos ensues. Flesh is consumed.
Red Reign: Stakeout gone Wrong May 17th, 2024 Jason is on the trail of some of Chinatown's worst monsters...only to soon find out that it's now home to some even worse monsters.
Red Reign: Bat Woman meets Batwoman. May 16th, 2024 Kate Kane finds herself at The Queen of Blood's mercy. She actually manages to talk her way out with her life and humanity in tact...But ends up a lot more conflicted than she'd like to admit.
Red Reign: Queen of Blood, Princess of Truth May 15th, 2024 Diana decides to check out the chaos going on in Gotham for herself. She comes to blows with Mary Seward and her vampires...When the fight's done, Mary comes out the other end, more resolute than ever. Good for her, bad for everyone else.
Red Reign: Hunted May 15th, 2024 Caleb stops by Gotham's cemetery to give his mother a vist. Unfortunately, he ends up getting trailed by some rough individuals...only to then end up getting chased by much worse.
Red Reign: The Orphan and the Queen May 14th, 2024 The Queen of Blood's reign meets it's first bit of human opposition, as a fight with Cassandra Cain teaches her that Gotham's vigilantes aren't to be taken lightly.
Red Reign: Right of Blood May 14th, 2024 Mary decides to have a little chat with Talia al Ghul. The two basically agreeing to stay out of eachother's way, albeit in the roundabout posturing way as expected of prideful women like them.
Red Reign: Underworld Dealings May 13th, 2024 The Queen of Blood crosses paths with the Death Dealer. The two vampiresses come to reach an understanding and the Blood Red Moon gains an unlikely ally.
Red Reign: Bloodsucking Beauty May 13th, 2024 Looker runs into a fellow redhead vampiress in Gotham. The two clash ideologies, with Lia ultimately lashing out and running off. Meanwhile, her opponent, the Queen of Blood's plans for the city are only just starting.


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Mary Seward has 25 finished logs.

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Entertainment Credits

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Mary Seward has been credited in 0 shows.

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Mary Seward has been credited in 0 albums.

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Mary Seward has authored 0 books.

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