18975/The Almighty Triangle

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The Almighty Triangle
Date of Scene: 02 September 2024
Location: Greenwich Village
Synopsis: Bishop, Hope, and Mantis have a chance encounter in Greenwich Village. They enjoy a slice of pizza together and Bishop tries to teach Mantis why it's wrong to use her powers to get free pizza from random passerbys.
Cast of Characters: Mantis, Hope Summers, Bishop

Mantis has posed:
In the heart of Greenwich Village, a small crowd has gathered around an unusual performance on the sidewalk just outside John's Pizza. An unusual woman stands on an impromptu stage made of a plastic milk crate. She stands out with her striking, otherworldly appearance, which contrasts vividly with the urban backdrop of downtown Manhattan...

The woman's almond-shaped eyes are dark, large, and expressive, and a pair of antennae jot from her forehead, curving to hang several inches above her head. Her clothing is unusual, unlikely to be found in any shop in any town in any country on this planet. It's a sturdy, form-fitting martial-arts inspired outfit, with coattails down the back and sides that reach her knees. Her pants are skin tight, black with ridges green along the sides, with a pair of flat boots that match the color of her pants.

The woman moves with a serene, otherworldly grace, and closes her eyes as the small crowd cheers for her. She lifts one of her hands and extends it harmlessly towards a man who appears to have volunteered for something. The tips of her antennae dimly glow for a moment.

"You are stressed about your big presentation at work... but... your real worry right now is whether your cat prefers tuna or chicken flavor food. It is a serious dilemma, isn't it?" the woman says with an ethereal, soothing voice, loud enough for the crowd to hear. The volunteer turns bright red, mutters something, and turns away as the small crowd of people begin to laugh and cheer.

A small cardboard sign is on the ground, leaned against the milk crate stage. Instead of advertising what the show is, the sign has a single word handwritten in large, friendly letters: MANTIS.

Hope Summers has posed:
Early September means cooler weather, less humidity in the air, which brings people out of their apartments before they're locked in for the coming winter months. Couple that with the holiday, and pedestrian traffic is increased with visitors to the fair city of New York. Tourists line the streets, shopping and taking in the sights and sounds of 'The Village'.

Visitors and aliens, that is.

Hope Summers is a little bit of both, though she's got purpose in her stride rather than a casual stroll. Her red hair is down, hanging just past her shoulders, and she's dressed in low-key shirt and pants, all suited towards function rather than form. Pockets adorn the sides of her pants, and from the appearance, they're on their way to being filled.

Swinging around a corner, Hope's pace falters as she spies the scene before her. She cants her head, her eyes narrowing slightly as she shifts her path towards Mantis and the 'show', curiosity pinging.

Bishop has posed:
The rumble of a large, heavy duty, cruiser motorcycle, heralds the arrival of one Lucas Bishop into the immediate area. It's not uncommon for him to find purpose and reason to come down to the city from his usual abode in Westchester though it is rare are that he does so simply for the sake of getting out and about. With so much happening to the world and mutant kind itself, the very thought of 'taking time off' is almost beyond folly to even consider.

But...who doesn't like pizza? Even future cops and security enforcers like pizza.

So it is that as he brings his bike to a stop in just the right parking spot, his attention is drawn towards the gathered crowd around the shop and the unusual woman that is commanding such attention. Needless to say, her appearance is noteworthy but what strikes the dour faced man even more then this is the cheers from the crowd at...whatever it is she seems to be doing. He sees the glow of the antennae and hears some of her voice as she projects it but without additional context...it's hard to say. "Hmm...curious.."

Bishop slips his large leg over the bike and dismounts, straightening up to his full height and then he begins to approach with heavy confident steps. Given his frame, red shaded sun glasses and the reds dark blues of an outfit that speak to some sort of military gear and purpose - the outer edges of the crowd begin to part for him as he draws near. His long coat does much to hide anything he may be equipped with but the occasional flashes of the 'X' symbol, in red and black, upon his wide belt, can be seen.

Mantis has posed:
Mantis suddenly breaks out into laughter, too, as the crowd's emotional response is picked up by her antennae and blend their feelings with her own. Her laugh is loud and sudden, projected from a wide open mouth, forcing her cheeks to rise and her eyes to close for a few moments. When the crowd's joy ebbs, so too does Mantis'. She opens her large, inky black eyes and returns to her typically neutral, subservient expression and posture. Her hands gently come together at her waist.

"Who is next?" she asks, eyebrows hiked as her gaze passes over the crowd. Her tone is soothing, quiet and full of curiosity. She almost sounds confused by her own question rather than talking at the crowd like a carnival barker.

The crowd murmurs in response as they begin to work out an answer. It's a mixture of laughter, nervousness, and friends daring each other to volunteer, followed by the inevitable double dare to heighten the stakes. Mantis, meanwhile, stands quietly on top of the milk crate, staring at the crowd with an aura of neutral awkwardness.

The motorcycle's roar steals Mantis' attention in an instant. Her antennae rise in astonishment while the crowd begins to part for the arriving stranger. Her fingers begin to worry gently against themselves down at her waist as her shoulders tense. Bishop's imposing presence appears to have a mildly negative effect on the crowd, causing people to start peeling off to either go inside John's Pizza or just continue walking down the sidewalk. This leaves Mantis standing on a plastic milk crate with just two lingering spectators: Bishop and Hope. She looks down at the small pile of coins left for her on the sidewalk. Suddenly, Mantis rises onto the balls of her feet and she starts shaking her fist in the air.

"This is not enough for a triangle!" Mantis shouts angrily at the people turning to leave. She's apparently trying to earn money for a...triangle.

Hope Summers has posed:
'Loud pipes save lives'?

The rumble of a motorcycle rises above the general street noise in the neighborhood, and of course attention in pulled away. Hope looks towards the cruiser, and exhales in a long, silent breath, her manner and mien shifting towards the more 'ready', pushing away the curiosity for the time being. Her path doesn't change, however, even if it's slowed.

The obvious alien, however, as she makes her complaint to the departing backs of her crowd, does regain her attention. How could it not?

Hope follows Mantis' glance down, the coins, and frowns, shaking her head. She's been in this time long enough to know that the meagre offerings won't buy much. "If you move downtown, you may get more." Her words tinge with sympathy; after all, money is hard to come by! (Spoken from experience, perhaps?)

Bishop has posed:
The enforcer cranks an eyebrow upwards as he hears Mantis, lifting it over his glasses in a most Spock-like gesture that is accented all the more so by the 'M' tattoo over the part of his face.. He certainly didn't intend to disperse the crowd but he also can't help just...sort of existing. It's sort of necessary fi you were to ask him.

But, clearly, he seems to feel some kind of way now. Embaressed would be accurate even if his expression remains as imposing and neutral as ever. It certainly was not his intention to cause her audience to run for the hills.

At this point he does take in the crate and the coins left there and as such begins to slowly piece at least some of this together. Some of it. "Triangle...? Do you mean...a pizza slice?"

Then there's Hope.

Bishop levels his gaze upon her. A heavy weighty look that perceives the sudden tension rising from her and that state of readiness as if there is some recognition there from her to him. He inclines his head slightly but his own stance remains as...relaxed as is reasonably possible for him to be realxd. Which is to say..not very relaxed - but at the same time he seems to be at least making an attempt to not seem threatening as he attempts to determine why he's put the girl on edge.

"It seems that I rolled poorly on my charisma check for today..." he finally says, heavy deep voice a humorless rumble despite his attempt at a joke that'd probably be better appreciated among the students at the Institute.

He gestures between the two, unsure of exactly who to address this to but instead simply says in slow, mildly confused tones, "Do....either of you...need some help?"

Mantis has posed:
Mantis bends down to retrieve the small pile of coins, antennae limp with disappointment as she comes back up. She moves the quarters and nickels around in the palm of her hand, staring at the money with silent wonder as she immediately covets more of it. "Okay," Mantis tells Hope, looking up at her with interest. "I will move to 'downtown.'" Simple as that, right?

Bishop saying the word -- triangle -- gets Mantis' attention again. Her antennae rise as she nods eagerly. "Yes," she answers, relaxing a bit. "A triangle of pizza. I hear that it is Terra's best food." In most parts of the galaxy, Earth is known simply as Terra.

Mantis stares at Bishop as he cracks a joke about his charisma check. Her expression is flat and empty, curious but demure. There's absolutely no indication that she found the joke funny or even understood it at all. A long, uncomfortable stretch of time passes before she speaks again.

"I am Mantis," she tells them both, pointing down at the little sign leaned against the milk crate.

"I do not need help," Mantis adds, looking back and forth between Hope and Bishop. "I am here to help. The Guardians of the Galaxy are saving your planet. But, Rocket says we have 'crap odds on this one' and so I wish to try the triangles before they are gone."

Just like that. Your world may be doomed and, by extension, its pizza.

Hope Summers has posed:
It's the guilt! Maybe.

Hope fully believes that 'end justifies the means', and there are some that simply aren't in that corner. Not yet, anyway. Couple that with her working hand in hand with her father (after all this time, just drop the 'adoptive' there!), and there is aways //something// in the works, even if there isn't.

Opportunism runs rampant with father and daughter.

The tone of his voice is a familiar tenor, and it's in that familiarity that she can't help cracking a smile at the attempted joke. She's not //all// seriousness, even if wariness does hang off of her still. Her hands are shoved into her pockets to offer up a more casual air, and brows rise in question, "Pizza?" Obviously not yet ready to translate alien observations into practical items.

"'The Guardians of the Galaxy'?" she repeats slowly and draws a breath in. "Big job," she notes. Hope pauses again, her brow creasing in consideration before she looks to Bishop, her expression a touch quizzical once again. "Last calls?" There obviously is a lot going on, but 'crap odds'?

"I'm Hope." Walking, living, breathing hope?

Bishop has posed:
"...You're not a mutant."

Okay that solves that matter. Not that Bishop lacks empathy for those who are not but his first instinct and concern was seemingly based around that. An assumption that some sort of individual with obvious mutations was somehow being accousted by or needing to her abilities to deal with some sort of gathered crowd. It's an old story and he's both cynical and pragmatic at the best of times. The fact that she was simply using her abilities to put on a show and get money for it..never even entered his mind.

"You're an alien. An off worlder." he says, basically just repeating what hse already clearly stated but there is still an element of surprise here. This..certainly wasn't what he expected to encounter today.

Hope is given another look that is questioning and as he hears her name there is the faintest bit of a frown that tugs at his features... He looks at her long and thoughtfully but then looks away and back to Mantis. "Call me Bishop." he finally states, taking them both in with his heavy gaze. A longer look is given to Hope once again and then he looks back to Mantis.

"I'm with The Xavier's Institute and District X... And Galactus, you're talking about Galactus, correct?" This last bit back towards Mantis. "..I...understand it's a signifigant problem that is on the way. It's unfortunante this 'Rocket' doesn't we stand a chance. I wasn't aware of any Guardians of the Galaxy though. Is there some sort...fleet en route?"

Mantis has posed:
"No, I am Mantis," she tells Bishop again, shaking her head in agreement that she isn't, in fact, a mutant. Alien. Off-worlder. Mantis doesn't respond to Bishop's continued journey through what she is and where she comes from. Terrans have a delicate relationship with the broader galaxy and still haven't found their space legs for whatever reason. Mantis has been instructed to keep this in mind if she was going to insist on seeing the sights.

Mantis nods a couple times at Hope's suggestion that guarding the galaxy is a 'big job.' "It sometimes can be," she agrees. "But, we are sometimes good at it."

"There are many things that are unfortunate about Rocket," Mantis tells Bishop, unaware of the social norms that would call such a remark impolite. She says it honestly and earnestly, completely lacking any malice or humor. It almost sounds like she's trying to remind Bishop of this fact, whether he knows Rocket or not.

Galactus. The name draws Mantis' eyes downward, antennae drooping.

"Yes, Galactus is coming," she answers Bishop, staring down at the ground, shoulders tensed. It's uncomfortable for Mantis to talk about Galactus with someone who might be consumed by him soon.

"A fleet?" she questions, finally looking up again. "The Guardians of the Galaxy are not a fleet. We are already here. No one ever knows about us here." Mantis sounds mildly annoyed about that, but it's hardly important. The moment doesn't last before Mantis changes gears yet again.

Hope. Bishop.

"I like your name better," Mantis exclaims, giving Hope a big smile. Sorry, Bishop.

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope knew that the moment she'd laid eyes on Mantis. There's nothing there she could draw from, ergo.. nope. Nothing. And there's no hint of a burgeoning sprout of X-gene, so again? Nope.

Call her a walking mutant geiger counter.

The identification of Bishop has her eying the man again, putting her memory together and it's the beginning of the reconciliation of information. //Does dad know about his presence? If so, why didn't he mention it? And what about threat assessment?// So many questions spring forth, but unspoken. Until later.

"Galactus," Hope repeats. While it hasn't been in the fore of her own thoughts, perhaps it should be? "I'm sorry it's not a fleet," she says simply. Though, maybe this might be where mutants might shine? To find their brilliance and illuminate all those darkened corners? Not only would they be saved, but they'd thrive, persevere through all.

The compliment is taken as given, though she starts, surprised. There's a cadence with Mantis' speech patterns, and she's pulled by the kind words. "Oh, thank you." She chuckles, "I kinda like it too. Sometimes reminds people." That there's always 'hope'? Heh.

Bishop has posed:
The irony that this Bishop not only knows Cable but has been front and center on X-Force ops and one of the MVP's in Cable's war against Stryfe and the MLF? Minds will be blown. Perhaps -literaly-!

But such information is not for the here and now and instead Bishop simply crinkles his brow and recoils ever so slightly as Mantis declares Hope the victor of the war of names.

"My first name is Lucas..." he offers up in a vain attempt to gain some points back but the battle is over.

"So...one ship.." he says and then offers in an..sort of attempt to try and lift the spirits of the situation upwards, "Sometimes one ship is all the difference you need. We're...not without our own defenses or protocols. It might take some doing but multiple agencies are working together regarding this Galactus. With the advance warning we've received and....The Guardians of the Galaxy with us...certainly our odds are better then none. As she said, there is always hope..."

The faintest first true smile touches his normally dour features and then he gestures with a large hand at the coins in Mantis hand, "Would you both like a slice of pizza?"

Mantis has posed:
Mantis smiles brightly at Hope and the elaboration of her name. "Yes, I like it very much," she adds, offering up these simple compliments when she finds them, unencumbered by the complexities of interpersonal interactions that might cause someone else to keep such things to themselves.

The Guardians of the Galaxy came to Earth for a reason. Mantis came to Greenwich Village for a reason. Her plan in service of that reason has not exactly panned out as well as she expected. A slice of pizza from John's Pizza costs way more than $0.84 and this conversation with Bishop and Hope is distracting her from her goal today. Suddenly, Mantis takes a step off of her milk crate and reaches out to touch the forearm of a man about to enter the pizzeria.

"Get us pizza," she tells him as the tips of her antennae gently glow for a moment.

The man blinks his eyes a couple of times, looks confused about this, and then heads inside John's Pizza as he originally planned.

Mantis lowers her eyes as she thinks about not having a fleet. Is she supposed to feel bad about it? Mantis decides that she won't. Besides, they're not here alone.

"We have come with friends," she adds. "...And are working with some of Terra's heroes!" Mantis smiles brightly, though it fades momentarily. "...But we have not yet met Kevin Bacon. Perhaps soon."

"You have a first name? And it was Lucas...?" Mantis repeats, eyebrows hiked. She thinks about that for a moment before nodding. "I see why you would have wanted a second one." Apparently she still prefers Hope's name.

Bishop's offer of pizza doesn't seem to excite Mantis as much as it should. In fact, she looks confused by it. "But we already have pizza," she tells him, lowering her brow a little as she struggles to figure out the reason he'd offer.

Before there's a chance to point out that Mantis is wrong and that they do not, in fact, have pizza, the customer from earlier comes out of John's Pizza with three paper plates, each with a fresh slice, balanced in his hands -- one for Mantis, one for Hope, and one for Bishop. He'll have to go back inside to get one for himself.

Hope Summers has posed:
Does it help at all if she's been spending a good amount of time in Madripoor? In her defense, or perhaps Cable's, she'd spent more than a few months in Alaska, only returning a little while ago.

Minds will absolutely be blown. Unless, of course, there's a tactical reason for 'keeping friends close and enemies closer'. Easier to watch!

Hope makes a mental note of 'Lucas', and she can hear the shift in tone; it's a little lighter before the weight of what is coming closes down once more. "Where there's hope," she murmurs wryly. How many times has she heard //that one//? Thanks, dad, for naming her Hope!

"I'd love pizza," Hope begins again. Pizza and beer. (She's of age!) "That'd be gr-"

Mantis' antennae tips glow, and Hope takes a step back. She shakes her head in answer to unasked questions; definitely //not// mutant, and ..


Bishop has posed:
"...I like Lucas.." Bishop is so flabbergasted at the critique of his name that he's only able to barely mutter that as he looks at Mantis with both eyebrows arced up high and his lips pursed slightly, nearly reaching the bottom of his broad nose.

But it doesn't last long. He's not ignorant to the fact that reality that she's simply not from Earth and Bishop is not wholly inexperience with such matters given The Professors own interstellar connections.

But, by the time his mind has settled itself, Mantis has already turned towards the stranger entering the pizza diner and Bishop's eyes narrow a touch at the sight of the glowing antenna. He says nothing initially and just watches and then looks back to Mantis as she addresses him again on the matter of the cheesy triangles - or lack thereof.

When the man returns with the slices, Bishop does end up sighing and shaking his head. He reaches out to take the plate offered to him but then says, "Mantis...on Earth...we are careful about using our natural abilities on others without their permission. It is considered...impolite to do so. I would have entered the building and paid for slices for you and Hope."

Deeds done now. Not like the slices can be put back but Bishop gives the man a quick glance, studying him to see if there are any lasting effects of....whatever it is Mantis did.

Mantis has posed:
"Then why did you want to be Bishop?" Mantis asks him, not at all concerned by the response her questions might produce. From her point of view, his first name was Lucas so he decided to get a second one. Not everyone is as fortunate as Mantis and Hope. Not everyone is able to get it right the first time, she understands.

When the lecture comes from Bishop, Mantis looks genuinely confused. "But he is not my friend," she explains, even giving the non-friend-pizza-getter a mournful look. "You are not my friend." She says it like it's a statement that should absolve her for what she did. It's the way the galaxy, the one she guards, works. But, apparently not here.

Anyone who might want to continue the lecture would have plenty of opportunity to do so, as Mantis becomes entranced with the hot triangle of dough, sauce, and cheese placed in her waiting hands. She screws up almost immediately. With no frame of reference for how to eat this, she puts the flat, cheesy side into her mouth instead of the tip, and takes a bite out of hte dead center of it.

"Mmmm," Mantis says, mouth full, and absolutely too quickly for any valid opinion to actually form.

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope is late to that party, that is, the 'you shouldn't do that' lecture. At least the action made her a little bit uncomfortable, even if she's not above doing something like that- under more dire circumstances, that is.

"Lucas is fine," at least Hope is on board with that, though it's a distracted thought. She's still mulling over that 'mind control', or what might be?

"I'll go pay him," Hope chimes up. She'll be sure to check if there's any lasting effects; she'd considered that as well. Yup, and there's the definitive nod even as she takes the pizza. She's not going to eat it immediately, but rather, disappear into the restaurant for a moment in order to 'give the man his change'. And if there's a telepath in the pizza place, even better! Even a low-key one will give her the ability to plant that suggestion because two wrongs absolutely make a right, right?


Bishop has posed:
Patience. It's a good trait to have and a skill that has to be developed. Considering the students at the Institute and...well...his own teammates and peers, Bishop has become rather practiced at calling upon this thing called 'patience'.

So as Mantis speaks again he simply closes his eyes and shakes his head, coming to the conclusion that there are some things here that are simply not going to stick and a lecture may simply not result in any meaningful outcome.

"Thank you." he offers towards Hope in regards to his name. He did hear that. He turns to Mantis and then says, "On 'Terra' many of us our names come in two parts. My first name is Lucas and my last name is Bishop.. I just...go by Bishop normally. "

The reasons for which are too complicated for -this- particular conversation...that's for sure.

As to the rest... "Just try to be careful with using your abilities on others, Mantis...and to answer another question you had, yes I am with some of the agencies that are dealing with this Galactus situation."

He takes another look at the pizza in his hand and then shrugs and starts to take a bite. He's got it now and so clearly it wasn't stolen as nobody is rushing out here about it. He'll figure out what to do about the money the man spent on the food shortly.

Mantis has posed:
"This is not easy to eat," Mantis complains, suddenly wondering if this whole 'pizza' thing was just another practical joke at her expense. How could this be Earth's greatest food? Her nose, lips, chin, and cheeks are covered in grease and sauce, since she chose to keep the flat side facing her for some reason. Mantis repositions her slice after seeing how Bishop eats it. Oops.

Apparently, Bishop's defense of his name falls on deaf ears. It's possible that Mantis will report back about meeting a man who had to replace his name with a second one because it wasn't very good.

Mantis tries eating the pizza a new way. She brings the rest of the slice up to her mouth and taps it with the tip of her tongue a couple of times in quick succession and then makes a lip smacking noise.

Another long, uncomfortable pause comes from Mantis before she speaks again. Finally, she does. "I am told that it is polite to thank someone for giving food to them," she reminds Hope and Bishop, referring to herself as the 'someone.'

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope emerges once again from the shop, and with a quick nod to Bishop in a 'job done' gesture, she's able to comfortably eat the quickly cooling, congealing slice. One bite, two.. one of her favorite foods, truly!

She chews quickly, swallowing before the next bit is taken, and when the pronouncement is given, Hope begins coughing on the slice. Pounding her chest, perhaps a little theatrically, she's trying not to choke on the bite. "What.. oh.. sure. It was a great idea, thank you." She'd just paid the man back for the slice. "Pizza is always a great idea."

Bishop has posed:
Hope got back just in time because Charisma Roll: One, Bishop, was starting to frown. His gaze flickers towards the few coins that Mantis was clearly gathering with intent to go buy the pizza herself before simply resorting to making someone do it for her and he begins to open his mouth to speak.

But Hope interjects and hope is once again restored.

"Yes....thank you.." he offers and leaves it at that.

"The pizza is very good." He gives Mantis a good look, noting the mess she's dealing with and then turns for the shop himself, "Let me get you some napkins. I could use some myself."

As he starts for the building he slows and glances towards Hope and mouths, 'Thank you'. towards her before turning to duck his large frame into the building.

Mantis has posed:
"You are welcome," Mantis says, just as she was taught. That's the exchange. Thank you and you're welcome. Done.

Mantis quickly daps her tongue against the pizza a couple more times before frowning and dropping the rest of it into a nearby garbage can. She's apparently unimpressed with her first ever pizza experience. All that trouble for nothing. Mantis frowns.


Mantis' eyes widen as she realizes her mistake. She reaches into the garbage can to retrieve the tossed slice. "Drax may wish to try it," she realizes before brushing off some of the natural New York City grime that got on the top of the slice.

"Okay," Mantis announces. "I have tried Terran pizza. I am going to go now."

Just like that. No excuses. No stories about some obligation she's late for. Just the declaration that she's going to leave. Ah, such innocent bliss.

Hope Summers has posed:
The 'rescue' is so noted, and she responds with a quick brow rise, eye 'flash' and smile. There, gone.

"Per--" Mantis tosses that bit of crust away, and it's not something Hope is worried about, no. A lot of people don't like the crust. It's the fishing it out again from a NYC trashcan that gets her, and she turns around. "Oh.." before she realizes that the encounter is just about over.

"Oh sure," Hope offers, turning around again. "Take care." And, taking a quick glance inside to see where Bishop is, she, too, departs. After all, she's got 'things to do' <tm>.