19522/Training is now in session
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Training is now in session | |
Date of Scene: | 18 November 2024 |
Location: | Rock of Eternity |
Synopsis: | Megan chills with Billy in the park and meets his sister. |
Cast of Characters: | Megan Gwynn, Billy Batson, Mary Bromfield
- Megan Gwynn has posed:
it's early evening and while the sun will be setting in an hour or two, it's still bright and pleasant enough temperature wise for a brisk walk or maybe even a workout..Maybe even a date? Either way, Megs invited Billy to meet her out here and while she's not in date clothes or workout gear, she does look cute enough in a pair of black jeans adorned in rhinestones, and a bright hot pink blouse with little skulls on the ruffled collar and skull buttons. She wears a short green windbreaker over the whole thing,with little holes poked in the back for the wings to perk out. Looks like she's looking to kick butt with style as she waits at a picnic bench for Billy to join her.
- Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson walked to the Park. He's not one of those biker guys who runs rough over the city parks. Lightning was parked nearby awaiting his pleasure. He's wearing the hoodie that he seems to be devoted to and holding his bike helmet. The young man needs a makeover. At the very least a haircut. He spots Megan after a brief search, noting most people seem oblivious to the fact she's a fairy. This is New York after all. He walks up and holds his arms out to the petite Mutant.
- Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary had been out of town on vacation. Officially, she'd been taking time on a sabbatical to get away from the stream and recharge. Unofficially... well, Marie-Ange leaving hit her pretty hard. So she headed off to Themyscira for a while to clear her head and recharge her mental and emotional batteries.
Plus, she had gotten things for all the family while she was down there. Currently, she's dressed in her usual geek chic, a forest-green shirt proclaiming her loyalty to the Emerald Grove Owlbears, complete with a roaring owlbear rampant on the front of the shirt, along with jeans and a warm looking jacket hanging open in front of that. Her hair is styled up rather nicely, one remnant of Paradise Island for the moment as she spies out Megan and Billy, giving them both a cheerful wave. After all, it's been a few weeks since she's been around!
- Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn doesn't like hiding her wings whenever she can help it, and it's not easy to blend in anyway, not with bright pink hair, bug eyes and elf ears. If they don't like it that's their problem. She does get a few looks but most people mind their own business. Thankfully no mutant haters out here today.
When she spies Billy, she beams, leaping into his arms and hugging him tightly. "Hii! So glad you made it! How you doing today?"
She doesn't initially register Mary as she is a bit distracted at the moment, plus..Have they met before..? Maybe only in passing..
- Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson acks as Pixie jumps into his arms. He manages to catch and and Wonder of wonders remains standing. Then again he did start lifting when he was with Divine and even managed to carry her a few times. Proud of himself, he plants on Megan. Then notices his sister. "Mary! You're home!" Megan gets lifted over to Mary. Billy attempts to hug his sister one armed.
"Gods, I missed you and M... meeting up with you. This is Megan. We just started seeing each other. Megan, this is my older sister, Mary. I told you a little about her. Just the nice stuff... that came out all wrong. Sorry."
- Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary returns the hug, then grins, "Yeah, just needed to ah... clear my head, since Marie took off for France on her... ah, sabbatical. Yeah." Her tone indicates she really does /not/ want to talk about that, not just yet. So instead she smiles over at Megan, "Yeah, Megan right? I've seen you before, but don't think we've actually been introduced. I'm Mary." She grins and extends a hand, once the hugs are all exchanged.
Then she looks over at Billy, "She's in the know, right?" Because that does make things a /lot/ simpler, but best to make sure now.
- Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn giggles, ruffling his hair playfully before he sets her down. Spying Mary as she approaches, she smiles and nods to her. "Heya, nice to meet you. I think I've seen you around.." she scratches her head, trying to recall where exactly. "Oh yeah! Billy is always talking about his awesome big sister, and.." her face falls as Marie is mentioned, inevitably having heard of the two of them together, "Awwwe, sorry to hear that, haven't seen her in some time.."
- Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson nods. "Yes, the Wizard and Nettie Crowe vetted her and said she'd be a good ally and... things developed from there I guess. I figured Nettie is gone and the least we could do was honor her wishes. She knows I'm the Big Red Cheese." He smirks at the nickname. "I thought it only fair I mean she can't really have a secret identity. I'm sorry about Marie. Would you like me to stay over a couple days and keep you company? We were talking about streaming together sometime. We could work on show ideas,"
- Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary nods, "Alright, well, I'm Thunderbolt and... nah, I'm fine. Hanging out with the Amazons was pretty great, honestly. Actually talking with Diana was /so/ cool and..." She pauses, and blushes a little, "Sorry, it's just, still a little wild to think about it. I mean, Hippolyta is one of the heroes giving me powers and she's also Diana's /Mom/ and it's just so unreal but anyway."
She coughs a bit, then grins at Megan and Billy, "Look, I'm not going to mope, and I don't want to bring people down. So, how about I take the three of us out to dinner, my treat. Besides, I need to give Billy his present. From the Island."
Wait, Mary brought Billy a present. From THEMYSCIRA?!?
- Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn grins and shrugs, "Heh it's pretty hard to hide my identity too.l." she arches a brow, "Ooh you know the amazons? Cool! I guess you're probably a celebrity too, I mean I'm sure I've seen you in costume before..On tv maybe?" She peers back at Mary, blinking, "Ooh dinner? Sounds awesome!"
- Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson is quite enticed by a present. It probably has nothing to do with Hercules. He is not on the best of terms with Hippolyta. Maybe Zeus? Whatever. It has to be good. He's the mythos nerd of the Shazams.
He puts that thought aside for a moment. His arm around his sister squeezes tighter. "You saw me through how many break ups? You're not bringing me down. You're fun to cheer up, Remember when we had that long talk at the Statue of Liberty... only you were Mary and I was Captain Thunder? the paparazzi popped up and I tried to fly you away, before they thought I was dating ahuh, a much younger woman."
He starts chuckling. "I really was the worst at flying at that time. A helicopter chased me. It was a whole thing! We finally got away and she could change." He mimes princess carrying Mary. It was actually really awkward at the time.
- Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary makes a face, "Yeah, it only took me how many therapy sessions to forget that, so thanks for the reminder..." She then grins and lightly elbows Billy, "And then you and Freddy kept trying to set me up with so many guys, while not noticing I was spending all my time with Marie..." She snickers wryly and shakes her head, then sighs a bit.
"Anyway, yeah, I'm Thunderbolt when I'm in hero mode, but I do a lot of gaming streams and the like when working my day job. Which is, well, yeah, streaming."
- Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn giggles at Billy's stories, "Wow that's quite the history..That must be nice to have a sibling you can count on.." she sighs wistfully, "Thunderbolt? Cool, I'm also known as Pixie..I guess the reasons why are pretty obvious." she smiles, spreading out her wings a bit, "I'm pretty good at flying too if you ever need pointers.."
- Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson rolls his eyes. "We were fifteen. What'd we know? We got rid of them when you gave them the thumbs down. Boy, did we. Dinner sounds really good. What did you have in mind? This Queens, you can get practically anything here."
- Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary grins, "You know what you cannot find anywhere on Paradise Island? A freakin' pizza. I showed them how to make cheesesteaks, though you can't find cheese wiz anywhere there, but you still can't get a decent slice. So come on, let's get a pizza. A /good/ pizza." She chuckles, and starts to lead the way, "Come on, let's go."
- Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn giggles as she listens to her banter but her phone suddenly rings and she friend at the number. "Huh...I gotta go..Looks like work calls. Talk to you folks later!" she waved to them both before lifting into the sky and flying away.