19721/Crossing Paths 2.0
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Crossing Paths 2.0 | |
Date of Scene: | 20 December 2024 |
Location: | NYC HyperLoop Station |
Synopsis: | Caleb, Cliff and Mantis save Longshot from trouble while illegally busking! |
Cast of Characters: | Longshot, Cliff Steele, Caleb Dykstra, Mantis
- Longshot has posed:
The hyperloop is simply a nicer, cleaner, sharper, more modern subway station and the fact that it connects cities in the matter of minutes is boggling. Still, it is a normal part of many folk's commutes and on a Friday so close to the holidays, it's a busy place to be. The hum of the power generators is drowned out by the hum of people hurrying about. Thankfully, in the NYC station, the hurry is mostly uninterrupted today.
Still, even very fancy subway stations come with people who are still people. The faint smell of spray paint comes with a newly decorated wall in neon colors, clashing brilliantly with a burner spray paint tag on one of the outer white walls of the station, and near that, a blonde man in leather stands with a black case open on the ground in front of him as he purrs competently on a saxophone.
Longshot has had the saxophone almost a full week now. He is not the best saxophone player, but he's not bad and has had almost a whole week of doing nothing but learn how to play. Now that he does have a pocket full of songs, Longshot is happy to have an audience! That sometimes people drop paper into his box is a bonus! In lue of the difficulty of getting a job without the benefit of a social security number or a bank account, Longshot performing on the street, or in the hyperloop station as it is currently very Cold outside, seemed better than trying to bother his ever-patient roommate with another attempt at getting identifiable, hireable documentation that he existed and should be paid for some form of labor.
As career-attempts in the past month, street preforming is much less illegal than gambling, right?
- Cliff Steele has posed:
Hyperloopers are a hardened lot. They're faced with all sorts of discomfort and strangeness, so maybe it's no surprise that the passengers of the train coming in from Jersey studiously avoid the 7' tall rust-red robot dressed like he just wandered off the set of The Decline of Western Civilization. They don't even exit at more than, perhaps, a half-step quicker than usual, dutifully avoiding the gaze of the various buskers and panhandlers, upwards and onwards to their holiday destinations.
Cliff sighs. Okay, once more onto the beach... Wait, that's not right. Ah, whatever. Here we go, just four more days to find this stupid laserdisc and half the entries on the crumbled yellow page in his right claw already crossed out. Whatever happened to Sam Goody, anyway?
The last to exit the train, his dumb claw-fingers struggling to straighten the stolen phonebook scrap, Cliff is jolted out of his reverie as the doors try to close on him.
"Alright, already. Jeez."
As he staggers onto the platform, the double-doors snapping behind him, our dented dimwit takes a moment to take in the scene around him, the red glare of his creepy robo-eyes setting on the bleating sax and its elfin handler.
"Aww, shit. So this is where TV landed."
- Longshot has posed:
Dazzler music is by-far Longshot's favorite thing to play, maybe because he arrived during a Dazzler concert and as first memories go, that's pretty awesome. Still, pop on the saxophone is an interesting thing and he will intersperse songs with TV jingles and movie-theme music, he's been really enjoying movies. However, hyperloop stations, like Subway stations, don't actually like public performances cluttering up the movable space, and even though Longshot has tucked himself sort of away, security is watching him.
Not that he is aware of that, of course.
When a very familiar tin man steps off the train, then goes so far as to make eye-contact, Longshot lights up. He'll not, but not be able to wave, being mid-song, but will jerk his head and incline a nice empty space next to him: An invitation. After all, it's not every day that nice robot friends show up and know things about you that you don't know yourself.
- Caleb Dykstra has posed:
And, stepping into the hyperloop station with a guitar bag on his back, is Caleb. After a long day of tuning up his 'project' at his dad's workshop, he's getting ready to go back to Happy Harbor.
And then, he hears someone playing the saxophone...
He looks, following the source of the sound, and finds a certain lucky child-minded four-fingered man busking it out.
He's pretty sure playing was something that wasn't allowed at the stations; he'd tried that once in Gotham, many years ago, and lucky enough for him that it was really just a crappy guitar he had to sacrifice to get away from the security. But where were they...?
Ah, there they are, not far off, giving him the stink eye. Trouble brewing? His money's on yes.
- Cliff Steele has posed:
Cliff groans theatrically, raising his arms and letting them fall to his sides in a gesture of defeat when summoned by Longshot, but it all seems a bit put-on as he trudges towards the happy-go-lucky elf.
As he shambles across the platform, he mutters aloud, "Could've gone through the entire list in a half-hour if Flit wasn't hiding up Jane's ass, but noooo--take the hyperloop, Cliff. I'm not your fucking chauffer, Cliff. No one gives a fuck about a laserdisc, Cliff, it's steaming. Sure, it may be a turd but it was Rita's last picture, damnit."
As the security guards stiffen when the robot stomps past them, he tosses off a mock salute, a glimmer of menace in his burning gaze, before setting himself up on a bench behind Longshot. The robot monster leans back, crossing his arms and eyefucking any poor HTA staff who's looking to make work for themselves. Otherwise, he stays mute, letting the sax ride out the rest of the song.
- Longshot has posed:
That not only is Longshot Here playing, but that he is now being approached by a very large robotic figure he seems to be friendly with has seemed to put the hyperloop security on even more edge. Minor loitering is one thing, loitering with a visual not-humanness and now a metal man? This is New York and sometimes some people do want to stop problems before they start, despite what the super-human population might think. A set of uniforms are already starting to spread out and approach the little nook that Longshot and Cliff now occupy, the acknowledgement of them by Cliff seems to not be a very placating and it would seem a few people are now speaking into their radios. Caleb might be the one who sees where the Summoning Backup is coming from.
As the current song winds down, Longshot will and breath, just beaming at Cliff a moment. Breathing is kinda a bit part of musicing with woodwinds and he hasn't gotten the hang of it. Why a saxophone is not considered brass despite being made of brass is not far enough along the musical-education for Longshot to know or care.
"Hi Cliff! Hey, I didn't thank you for offering me a place to stay last time, sorry about that! I was sort of having an emotional day, you know?" He might, Cliff was there for the emotion part, but Longshot is all smiles again. Hard not to be when he's got music to play and people who seem to want to listen! "But I do appreciate it! Just trying to make money now-I'm trying to help Stirling with rent and I've had a hard time getting a job!"
- Mantis has posed:
As another Hyperloop train comes to a halt, more passengers pour out of the cars, all content to just get to wherever they're planning to spend their afternoons. One passenger, however, the last one to leave the train, sticks out like a sore thumb. Mantis steps out of the Hyerloop car, antennae twitching as she's immediately hit by New York City's unique blend of sights, smells, and, of course, emotions. The bright lights, the anxious, swirling crowd, all of it so chaotic. To get her bearings, Mantis focuses her attention on where she's most comfortable: the emotional landscape that swirls around her. She finds comfort in a wave of happiness that seems to have cut into the natural ripple of anger and fear and uses it as a guide to get her through the station -- a ribbon of emotion that only she can see, feel, and follow.
The good feelings seem to be centered around a saxophone player as people stop to watch, listen, and forget about their troubles for a few minutes. This eddy of positivity in the emotional current of the station has called out to Mantis and the alien woman has, of course, chosen to answer.
Standing on the fringes of the crowd, Mantis' large, expressive eyes stare at the saxophone and the man playing it and begins to sway gently without realizing, her movements becoming a soft, uncoordinated dance. Soon, Mantis' eyes are closed, her arms are high above her head, and her hips sway back and forth along with the music.
As the song begins to wind down, a businessman steps forward, hesitates with his money, and places it on the ground in between Longshot and Mantis, mistaking her dancing as part of the performance.
- Caleb Dykstra has posed:
Caleb takes a moment to look at this 'Cliff' Longshot mentions, and...
Big robot guy! Sure, why not? He's seen a lot of stuff by now, he even seems kind of unphazed. His answer to him? Just a small nod with a bit of a wave - if opportunity presents itself, he'll say more. For now, the music is doing the talking.
And then, Mantis joins the fray with her dancing. He's seen her before as well, on Oa when the Galactus threat was being discussed (and yes, his connections got him around to get there; long story).
But he blinks when money starts to be placed on the ground. "Uh-oh..."
Quick glance to the security suits...
- Cliff Steele has posed:
"Hey! Hey! Nice to see you too--just mind the bubble, pal."
Cliff puts up his arms in mock-defensiveness, huffing like an old bear, but without any real anger.
While the robotman's face is set in a perpetual apish scowl, he's strangely an open book, conveying much through body language and tone, and as the extradimensional outsider explains his situation Cliff seems increasingly uncomfortable, shifting in his seat and letting his knee bounce hyperactively.
"Aww, jeez, I don't like that. TV Land don't prepare you for this world. Now, who's this Sterling creep--what in the world?"
Servos whirr as Cliff's head cocks to the side, lantern jaw hanging open mutely as he watches the undulating alien madonna. "Uh, you catching this or is it just me? I don't think she's from your neck of the woods--too many digits."
- Longshot has posed:
Security has spread out in a loose semi-circle, not yet converging on the-no, there's more people there now. People Like the Show? And Now a Dancer?! AN ALIEN DANCER? Civilians in the way of whatever devious thing the metal man and the mutant musician are doing is Not Acceptable. Security starts to move in.
"Stirling is letting me crash with him! Good guy!" Longshot will lean out of Cliff's personal bubble very briefly, then is forward again, patting the man on the nice metal shoulder, "You worry too much, I've done fine this far!-Oh! No I don't know her, but she's awesome right?"
That someone has started to dance, however, is a Delight to Longshot, and he will beam at the businessman who's offered the coin. "Thank you-Thank you so much, I think that one is her's though! Can I get a round of applause for this amazing dancer here?" The last words to the gathering crowd will bring forward a sprinkle of clapping, Longshot's attention toward the crowd however will bring more clapping as he abandons Cliff on the bench and steps up next to Mantis and will present her to the crowd more officially. Turning to her, "Hey, I'm going to keep going, if you want to keep dancing, please do! You're amazing!"
And with that, he will hop back over to the bench, beam at Cliff and wink, "The show must be go on!" And the music picks back, bowing low to Mantis herself, then to the crowd as a whole. Longshot is nothing if not a showman and now he will hop up to stand on the bench Cliff sits on, then up on the back, balancing perfectly as he plays, standing still, but not moving more than that incase Mantis would like to use her stage and dance.
"HEY! Get down from there, break it up-You're not allowed to preform here!" The words are sharp, already cutting into the ease of the crowd like a hammer. Longshot will pause his playing to stare at them with a startled surprise, but not move.
- Mantis has posed:
Mantis stops dancing as soon as Longshot addresses her. She hesitates, both hands coming down at her waist, fingers worrying against each other as they often do. It's not often that people address her directly or compliment her, so it puts her socially off-balance. She opens her mouth, perhaps to say something, but something distracts her. Her expression falls just as she finally summons the nerve to speak.
"No, I am needed elsewhere," she answers in her ethereal sort of way, apparently answering some gentle nudging of the universe.
The nudge comes as a tickle of anxiety breezes along, peppering the emotional landscape with authority, tension, and the natural nervousness that begins to boil as a confrontation becomes inevitable. The disruption draws Mantis' attention away from Longshot, her expression shifting to one of hesitation and concern as her eyes follow it to its source: the security presence. As mysteriously as she emerged from the crowd of onlookers, Mantis disappears into it, leaving behind any claim to the small bit of money she might have accidentally inspired with her dancing.
The uniformed security finish up a brief exchange, working out which of them is going to approach the busker and metal gentleman and which one is going to follow their standard procedure of telling the onlookers that there's nothing to see here. Before they have an opportunity to put this plan into motion, the security officers are approached by a cute-as-a-button alien woman with a pair of antennae that begin to glow at their tips. She places a hand against each of their cheeks and tells them something in a soft, melodic voice.
"You like their music very much..."
In an instant, whatever issue the security officers might have had with this situation melts from their minds. They both relax, exchange a smile, and chuckle as their shared tension is released. After some bashful hesitation, one of the security officers steps forward and, with a huge smile on his face, places a very kind donation into Longshot's collection. The officer even reaches up and tips his hat to Cliff Steele before going on his merry way with his fellow security teammates as they discuss the possibility of going to get an ice cream cone. Mantis remains in their wake, standing uncomfortably with her shoulders tensed, hands down at her waist.
- Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"OKAY!", Caleb now says to the assembled in general, approaching Longshot. "GIVE IT UP FOR THE AMAZING BUSKER!"
Quick whisper to Longshot "...Who didn't know the rule about not playing on this particular spot."
Again a whisper to Longshot, "...But it's time for him to scram, before the guys in uniform grab a hold of him."
He doesn't really know what to make of Mantis or Cliff at this point, whether they're going to help out defusing the situation, or make it worse...
- Cliff Steele has posed:
"Holy fucking shit. Was--was that the holiday spirit? Did a Christmas miracle just happen?"
Cliff blinks dumbly, perplexed by the face-turn of the retreating goon squad as Mantis works her charms and Caleb disperses the crowd.
He stands awkwardly, arms raised for balance in a Frankensteinian mold, surveying his newfound companions as they find themselves a foursome. "Uh, so... Cliff, I guess."
- Longshot has posed:
Wow, this might register as odd if things didn't always weirdly work out for Longshot, just a lot more moving parts to this one than usual. That the nice alien lady didn't want to keep dancing might sting a little if he didn't get to play anymore, but the security guards seem completely unworried, the crowd is clapping thanks to this nice guy, giving him money and seem to be headed on their way.No Luck Needed when nice folks are around.
Longshot just stands there for a moment on the bench, watching, the surprise still apparent as he looks from the departing security to the very nice man who clearly appreciates music, he looks familiar. . . . "Hey you were at the Dazzler Concert! You helped keep security off me then too! You and Cain! Wow, thanks! Do you know how to play that-" An indication to the guitar on Caleb's back as the warning to Leave will register- "We could play together an-I'm not supposed to be here? But-"
A sigh will have Longshot hopping off the bench and smiling at the new friends, "Thanks! I didn't realize this wasn't allowed. I'm Longshot!"
- Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"Yup, so I remember. And I'm Caleb", the young man with the guitar bag on his back says. "And yes, I can play."
He then nods, "You can be here, for sure... Just, not playing. There are other places to do that."
He looks at Mantis leading the 'men of the establishment' (a bunch of party-poopers, right?) away, and he sighs. Crisis adverted, it seems.
Looking at Steele, he nods, "It's the season of miracles, so why not? Somewhere up there, the star must be shining."
- Mantis has posed:
And, just like that, Mantis finds herself as a member of a foursome. She continues to stand stiffly, both shoulders tensed and hands tightly clasped together. Unsure of what to do or say, she eventually moistens her lips and steps forward. "I am Mantis," she tells the group that has taken form. No one asked, but the most common way for people to learn Mantis' name is for her to interrupt a conversation by blurting it out. She hesitates again, cautiously looks down at the floor for just a moment, and takes another step forward.
"I like you," she tells Longshot, deciding it in an instant as she continues watching him with curious, expressive eyes. This man is a bright light of happiness and she's drawn to those emotions like a moth to a light bulb. Mantis takes another step forward, deciding that 'closer' is where she'd prefer to be. Like a moth to a light bulb.
Mantis cautiously looks up at each of the other two members of this impromptu group, finding a spark of recognition for Caleb. Suddenly, she rapidly waves her hand back-and-forth in the air, both eyebrows and antennae hiked up. "I know you," she tells him, glossing over the finer points of whether she knows him or has seen him with her eyes that one time on Oa.
The gruff, metal contraption broadcasting emotions -- Cliff Steele -- earns a cautious glance from Mantis. "Hello," she manages.
- Cliff Steele has posed:
"So, a robot, an elf, a bug lady, and," Cliff pauses in confusion, an outstretched digit lingering on Caleb, "uh, a nice kid? I don't know, you're the odd one out here pal, sorry. Anyways, did we just save Christmas? I think we did. Fuck yeah."
"Anyways, shit, what a run-in, huh? Only in New York."
The robot pauses for a moment, shifting from foot-to-foot as he glances at the stairs.
"Speaking of which, do any of you know a good spot to score laserdiscs?"
As he turns back to consider the group at hand, his shoulders deflate a bit, "Yeah, dumb question."
- Longshot has posed:
Longshot is in the business of minor miracles, but he's pretty positive this wasn't him! Thus, he'll simply laugh and nod, "Wow, thanks again then! We should play together sometime, great to meet you officially Caleb! Nice to meet you Mantis!"
Both new friends will be given a bright, bright smile, this is great! The inching closer of Mantis will be noticed, but Longshot isn't bothered by it, instead just offering a hand out to her, as if to shake. Or hold. He doesn't care and the movement just seems the right one to do, "I like you too! You're an amazing dancer and that was very kind of you to step in!"
Attention will flicker back to Caleb and Cliff, "So, where can I play without being bothered? I should head there-rent is apparently something that happens every week-wait-Not that, what's the word-I don't know, time designations are hard-I don't know what a laser disk is, is that a weapon?"
- Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"We've met", Caleb says to Mantis. "Back on Oa, when we were searching for information on Galactus, and the blue bigheads were being a bunch of pricks. I was pissed at them, but your outrage cry took the cake right out of my hands." He thumbs up to her, grinning.
"Well, I suppose the park or any other place where traffic or pedestrian movement doesn't become clogged should be fine, but don't take my word for granted on that one."
To Cliff, "Something /always/ happens at Christmas!" The way he says it, it seems like it's from experience, "But in this case, we just saved his ass from jail."
He blinks at Cliff, "Laser... disc...?" Biting his lower lip, "Uhm... Might as well go for a streaming service, dude."
- Mantis has posed:
Mantis gives Caleb a curious look, frowning gently as she tries to recall what he's talking about. Oh.
"That was not my outrage," she tells him, whatever that means.
It had been Sinestro's outrage and Mantis was unable to keep it separated from her own emotions.
Mantis continues to stand there, watching the conversation unfold with clinical curiosity. The complexities of social interaction continue to allude Mantis, so it's always nice to watch and listen when she has a chance. There's always a time for things to end, though, and that time arrives suddenly. "I have to leave," she decides. Mantis hesitates, considers it again, and then nods. "Yes."
"But, I want to see you again," she tells Longshot, leaving that to hang in the air unqualified and unexplained. "I want that very much."
Without feeling a pressure to explain why she's leaving or where she'll go, as many other people might feel compelled to do, Mantis shifts her weight to go. Before she does, though, the alien turns to face Cliff Steele. "I am not a bug lady!" Mantis complains before, as quickly as she arrived, she's gone.
- Cliff Steele has posed:
Oa. Galactus. Blue bigheads. Is--is this kid the boy wonder? Cliff ponders, scratching his chin, even though he has no idea what any of those words mean. Sure sounds important, though.
"Um, yeah, elf. What the kid said."
When the conversation returns to laserdisc, the robot blinks back. "Streaming. Service. Is that a toober thing?"
"You know what? This has been great but I just can't. If I don't find the Forbidden Congo for Rita I'm screwed."
... And there goes Mantis ahead of him. He shrugs helplessly at his remaining companions as he departs, "Guess she bugged out, huh?"