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Date of Scene: 20 May 2020
Location: Central Park
Synopsis: An accidental slip into some water finds Peter and Cecily helping out a waterlogged Mori in Central Park.
Cast of Characters: Peter Parker, Cecily Winters, Mori Merritt

Peter Parker has posed:
"Life is sweet, ohhh yeah, sweet as honey...a ha ha, happy-go-lucky me..."

Peter Parker is feeling pretty good. He finished his graduation in style without descending into pettiness, had a nice dinner with his girlfriend, Aunt May, and his friends, and finished it off with a little meeting with a pair of individuals looking for help.

It's been a pretty good day. And this evening, he was strolling through the park one day...in the merry, merry month of May...

A song in his heart, a smile on his face, the satisfaction of jobs well done. This ride will end, but he's riding it until the wheels fall off.

Cecily Winters has posed:
    It is, unfortunately, no longer taco tuesday. Cecily herself may not recognize Peter Parker, but the fox-tailed woman in the business attire is an easy one to spot. She's lingering near a bridge, leaning on the railing. The setting sun of the evening gives her a nice view of the skyline, and everything reflects so nice over the water, too. Her tails flit and flick behind her, and as always, she seems to be carrying around a sizable messenger bag that's securely strapped across her body. Ears lift and flick, the sounds all around drawing notice but nothing sticks.

Mori Merritt has posed:
It's not hard to hear the telltale sign of a body hitting a body of water. The splashing around, however, is an even better sign--it's not someone dumping a dead body somewhere in the park. The origin of the splashing comes from somewhere back a ways behind Cecily's bridge, and it's an unsurprising sight. Somehow, Mori has tumbled down a slope and ended up in the water. She's not drowning, she's more... sheepishly embarrassed.

She tries to move slowly so she doesn't slosh too much water and make noise as she climbs out. Usually she can shrug things off and pretend mishaps didn't happen. This one's a little harder to explain away. There are very few good excuses for being entirely soaked. She tries not to make eye contact with anyone.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter stops and blinks. Holy cow...!

He begins moving forward along the path until he gets to the bridge. He spots a blanket being used by a couple with their baby and stops, pointing at the woman in the water. "Mind if I borrow this?"
The wife shakes her head. "Go on."
Peter grabs the blanket, yanks it out from under the picnic basket without knocking it over, and then begins towards Mori with the blanket tucked in one arm in a bundle.

Cecily Winters has posed:
    Sploosh! Slosh slosh slosh. Cecily hears the sounds, and turns around. And heads towards where the sounds are coming from. She's surprised when she spots a familiar individual, one she'd met just recently, soaked and looking so terribly embarassed. The sight of someone so readily going to help her is also somewhat of a surprise, considering the lack of, well, considering, of most people in the city. Still, she walks briskly towards the girl and her inbound blanket-carrier.

Mori Merritt has posed:
Climbing back up the slight slope, Mori's doing her best to act casual. The puddle on the cement beneath her from the water dripping off her clothes tells an entirely different story. She spots Peter first, gives a smile, but it turns into a bit of an embarrassed one. "Uh, er, hi," she looks at the blanket. "Is that for me?" Even though Cecily's a familiar face... right now she's trying /not/ to look at anyone.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter nods. "Sit down on the grass, and wrap yourself in this." He opens the blanket, a nice wool job, and drapes it over Mori's shoulders. He senses movement, turning...

...and comes face-to-furry-face with Miss Winters.

"Oh! Uh! Hi!" he says, sounding startled. "I...uhm...sorry!"

Cecily Winters has posed:
     Cecily's face isn't furry! Her fluffy fox ears, however, are another matter entirely, as they perk and swivel towards Peter at the sudden exclamation. "Mmm?" she blinks owlishly at him, then just shakes her head. "Apologizing for what, dear? Just wanted to see how my friend is doing. I heard a splash and was wondering what--or who--it was." The vixen's tails flick and she casts a worried glance to the woman, but seems content that she is, a the least, unharmed. And thanks to Peter's timely aid, won't suffer from hypothermia.

Mori Merritt has posed:
"Ah, thank you, I--" Mori does wrap the blanket around her, but she's suddenly distracted by the familiar face. She's startled, but also still entirely embarrassed. So she promptly just sinks down in the grass. She looks around her briefly, then just slowly pulls the blanket over the top of her head until she's hiding under it.

She remembered doing this as a child and thinking it was a skill that would be never used in real life. How wrong she was.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter blinks. "Oh! Uhm, you know each other? Okay. I just...maybe I should let you take over." He looked to Mori. "Did you have a smartphone or keys or anything else electronic?"

Cecily Winters has posed:
    Cecily blinks, too. She gives a faint smile to Peter. "You seem... very nervous. Worry less, you helped my friend. Besides, I don't bite," she states, adding a little teeth to her smile, showing the hint of vulpine fangs that she has that seem to go with the ears and tails. Then she carefully takes a knee while Peter asks about any potential damaged electronics items, lightly resting a gloved hand on Mori's shoulder.

Mori Merritt has posed:
"Oh!" Mori seems to have forgotten about the potential for water damage. "Yes, I..." She pokes her head out of the blanket a bit, patting herself down to find where the objects are. She then pauses. "Right, those are things I do not have." She pauses again. "And they're not in the water because I think I left them at home." She beams at Peter. "Uh, thank you for the concern. I probably wouldn't have remembered." She glances in Cecily's direction, offering a tiny smile before she looks between the two. "Really, I'm sorry, this is so dramatic and embarrassing. I mean, who /does/ that?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive...

Unfortunately, practice makes perfect.
If he reacted honestly, called her by name, smiled to her and acted like he knew her, would that be a problem?
YES. Because SPIDER-MAN knows her. PETER PARKER, on the other hand, shouldn't know her from Adam. Or even Black Adam.

She doesn't bite? Well, she may not USE the equipment, but she still HAS it. "Miss, let us know if you are feeling chills or extremely cold..."

Cecily Winters has posed:
    "Are you an EMT?" comes a question from the kneeling fox, her hand resting on Mori's shoulder but her attention is on Peter. "You seem knowledgable about such things," she states, making a simple observation. Then a faint laugh escapes her, "...these are things I should be asking, I know some basic emergency treatments... forgive my absent-mindedness..." she says with a sigh, shaking her head, ears flattening. Her gaze returns to Mori, head stopping. "Worry not, dear. So long as you're safe."

Mori Merritt has posed:
"I'm fine, I'm just ridiculously embarrassed, I didn't mean to..." Mori glances back towards the water. "I don't suppose anyone /means/ to just do that." She rubs the back of her neck, looking between the two of them. Was there something going on there that she wasn't quite reading? "I'm cold but that's just because my clothes are damp. I'll probably be fine."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter frowns, but says, "I took some first-aid courses when I was younger. Basic stuff. How to treat burns, how to recognize hypothermia..."

How to set bones, suture lacerations, make splints...

He looks to Cecily. "Might want to take her blouse off. Those wet clothes aren't helping her any. You can just use the blanket to cover her."

Cecily Winters has posed:
    There's a moment where Cecily stares daggers at Peter. It's a half-second though. A heartbeat. At a sudden glance and thought, the suggestion would seem ludicrous to the average person. "You're right," she concedes after moment of deciding that Parker is actually out for Mori's best interests, and not a pervert who goes around rescuing young woman so he can get them to strip.

    There's probably some superheroes out there like that.

    "Can you wiggle out of it while staying under the blanket?" she queries Mori. It's a huge blanket. "I can give you my jacket as well," she adds, tails waving slowly.

Mori Merritt has posed:
If Mori wasn't embarrassed before, she's certainly embarrassed now. But they've got a legitimate point--it's not like they're on the beach in the sun where drying off is easy. It's an entirely valid suggestion, which is why she gives in, even if she's making a face. She hides briefly under the blanket, wriggling out of the blouse before she just moves it out of the way as she keeps the blanket wrapped around her. It's not /that/ bad--the blanket's big enough to allow her to hide entirely in it.

"This is so embarrassing," she mutters. "I need to just lock myself in my apartment and not come out sometimes."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter turns around immediately. He's only giving advice, and he can do that with his back turned. He looks around and sees one guy in glasses and a Naruto t-shirt wander over. He gives the guy the stink-eye, and the guy thinks better of it and heads back down the path in the other direction.

"Happens to the best of us, and the rest of us," Peter says encouragingly. "Uhm, my name's Pete."

Cecily Winters has posed:
    Cecily is careful with the blanket, holding it up enough to help Mori's freedom of movement. "If you lock yourself in your apartment, then you will miss out on Taco Tuesday," she says matter-of-factly. Then she considers her prior offer, and carefully removes her bookbag. She holds it up to Peter, "Could you hold this, please, so I can take off my jacket? And if you run off with it, I'll set you on fire." Again, matter-of-fact tone. Deadpan even.

    Peter knows she can set people on fire.

    Poor Franks.

Mori Merritt has posed:
"I'm Mori," Mori offers in Pete's direction, mostly because Cecily already knows who she is. "I don't know that this sort of thing just /happens/ often." She offers a sheepish smile, looking back between the two. "Maybe I'll just make my own tacos for Taco Tuesday in my own apartment." She already knows that's impossible. Tacos don't stay crispy in a microwave!

She scowls, just slightly. "Thanks for saving the day, though." She glances idly towards the bookbag. "I'm glad I didn't bring anything with me, my sketchbooks would be /ruined/ if they fell in there..." She does look relieved that it didn't happen, even if she's out entirely empty-handed. She pauses. "Fire's a serious threat."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter takes the purse without looking, grabbing the strap and hanging on to it. Four years ago, he might have been nervous. But not now.
"I'm a little offended you'd think I'd do that, but I understand that you have to be careful around people. You never know who they might be, or what they might be like." He looks up at the darkening sky. "At least it's not going to rain."

Cecily Winters has posed:
    "If you're that worried about it, dear, I can make you tacos sometime," Cecily offers, then smirks up at Peter. "If I trusted absolutely everybody in my business, I'd be out of business," she says. The bag? It's a goodly sized messenger bag. Feels heavy. Like it's full of books. Or. Something. When introductions happen, she's the last one on the train as she starts to take off her jacket.

    "I'm Cecily, dear," she nods to Pete, and then she's slipping off that suit jacket and carefully stuffing it into whatever opening in the blanket Mori has for her.

    Under the jacket though? Cecily is wearing a white blouse of her own, framed by the straps of a shoulder holster that's snugly cradling a mid-sized piece of iron. Without the jacket on, she looks more the part of an agent, or a bodyguard. A moment is taken to adjust her sleeves, securing the cuffs, and then she reaches up to retake her bag.

    "Thank you, dear," she says gently to Peter.

Mori Merritt has posed:
Mori's got a bit of a wide-eyed look as she notes the holster, but it eases after a moment because she's aware that Cecily said she was in security. It still surprises her, she's been in New York for less than six months and that sort of thing wasn't something she saw every day. Neither were the fox tails...

"Yeah, people are... I dunno, some of them are really nice." She looks between Peter and Cecily, then leans in towards the former with a bit of a stage whisper. "I think she's got some weird ability to know when someone needs a hug."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter hands the bag back, seeming unconcerned with the weight of it. Then again, when you can lift a truck, a bag isn't much of a much, as the Mad Hatter would say.

"You're welcome, Cecily..." he says, still not turning around. Which is odd, because he handed it directly back to Cecily instead of swaying it from side to side, trying to place it in front of her.
Pretty good spatial awareness.

"Do you know where the young lady lives, Cecily? I think it would be better if you escorted her rather than me."

Cecily Winters has posed:
    The fox stands, re-securing her bag on her person, cross-torso so it can't simply be ripped off of her shoulder. "She's covered, dear," Cecily states, taking note of Peter's position being held. Then there's a blink, a faint hint of pink rising to her cheeks, and she glances down at Mori. Her lips curve into a gentle smile, and she retorts softly, "That power only works on cute girls, Mori."

    And then back to Peter, "I'm afraid I don't know. But I would be happy to help her home, if she wishes to go there."

Mori Merritt has posed:
Mori actually smiles in amusement at the retort regarding powers. "Glad you've got it then instead of some weird creep." She looks in Peter's direction, double checking to see if she's entirely covered... which she is. "I really do appreciate the help, by the way. I'm sure I'll make it home alright regardless of how I get there."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter nods, finally turning around. "Well, there's a cab stand that way," he said, pointing to the street. "If you prefer the subway, that's a little to the south. Of course, there's always Uber or Lyft."

He smiles wryly. "I'm going to mosey on down. It doesn't seem like you need much more help from me."

Cecily Winters has posed:
    Cecily nods, offering her hand to Peter. "Thank you for your help. You would be surprised at how many people in this park, let alone this city, would be content to just gawk at someone fishing themselves out of the lake, or turn their heads and pretend it didn't happen..." she sighs, tails swishing in an agitated fashion for a moment. She nods to Mori, "I'll see to it that she gets home safely, one way or another."

Mori Merritt has posed:
Mori offers Peter a genuine smile. "... thank you. I mean it. She's right, not everyone would just help. Nice to see some everyday heroes, people who are just there to lend a helping hand." There's some admiration in the way she says it... not necessarily for him in particular, but for people who may play that part.

She looks back over to Cecily. "I appreciate the help too. Guess I got lucky this was the park I stumbled into. Maybe I've just got good luck coming my way for once."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter shakes Cecily's hand, then waves to Mori. "Nice meeting you, Mori. You take care of yourself, okay?"

And with that, the young man with the average face turns and begins strolling down the sidewalk, humming softly to himself. Just another guy on the street.

Nobody special.

Cecily Winters has posed:
    Cecily watches the man depart, her ears catching the sound of his humming. She nods to herself, glad for an encounter with an everyday hero herself. Then the fox takes a knee again, staying at Mori's side. "Did you want help getting home?" she asks. "Or were there errands and the like you were out here to run today? I would not mind helping you with either," she offers kindly.

Mori Merritt has posed:
Mori watches Peter head off before she looks back to Cecily. "No, no errands. I just kind of..." She taps her head. "Kind of wandered off, if that makes sense. Hence why I don't have my keys or phone or anything. I didn't exactly expect to be headed out." She offers a smile. "But... I will accept the help home. At the very least, then I'll be able to return your jacket. Thank you."