2027/New School, New Life...

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New School, New Life...
Date of Scene: 09 June 2020
Location: One of many campus cafes'
Synopsis: Strangers meet and lives are discussed.
Cast of Characters: Courtney Whitmore, Landry Lugar, Ted Kord, Cecily Winters

Courtney Whitmore has posed:
The girl sighs softly to herself as she slides down into her seat. She leans back and sets her backpack down beside her in a vacant chair, before she takes in the busy student cafe with a tired look in her baby blues. Skinny jeans, vintage hi-tops, and a faded Peanuts shirt make up her current outfit, and the girl brings a cup of iced coffee to her lips for a long sip.

She turns to fish her laptop out of her backpack, and she sets it on the cafe table in front of her. There are some stickers on it, of course. One is of the Superman 'S', while another features a Pride flag, along with a sticker that resembles Wonder Woman, and another with a clearly bootleg X-Men logo. She powers up her laptop and stifles a yawn with the back of her hand.

Landry Lugar has posed:
Landry Lugar made his way into the cafe not soon after. He'd snuck into Hero Studies for the guest lecture, one of the perks of being around enough everyone thought you were a student at this school too. Dressed in jeans, and a khaki colored hoodie, with a rugged and well worn backpack over his shoulder, he purchased a hot chocolate, and went to go find a seat.

With the cafe so busy, there were few places left. He worked up a bit of nerve, and walked over to where Courtney's backpack was taking up a precious seat, "Ma'am... Excuse me, but, would you mind if I snag a seat?" He waved his hand over the busy place, brimming with students, "Not many freed up right now!" He offered with a friendly smile.

Ted Kord has posed:
There's a darkening of the sky outside, accompanied by a soft buzzing. After a few seconds the Blue Beetle swings down on a grapple and enters. The buzzing and the darkness recedes after a moment. Ignoring the stares he goes to the counter and gets a coffee. He tries to take a sip, then shrugs and retracts his face shield. Coffee in hand he walks over to a free spot at the counter that runs along the window, and begins reading a tabloid of all thing. Reading it he shakes his head. Then shakes it some more.

Courtney Whitmore has posed:
The girl blinks as she's pulled out of her distracted thoughts with conversation, and she looks to Landry. After a moment she offers a smile and takes her backpack, setting it under the table.

"Oh, sure. Sorry. Not really used to crowded places anymore..."

Courtney's laptop finishes booting up, showing the nearby Landry a desktop image of the LA skyline. She spots Blue Beetle, and she blinks, watching him flip through the tabloid.

Landry Lugar has posed:
Landry Lugar gave a nod, "Yeah, still getting used to it too." He chuckled, "I tried to find a spot in the park to be alone last night, and someone thought I was going to rob someone." Smooth. He took his seat, and sipped on his hot chocolate, still too hot, it was set aside.

"You were in the lecture just now, right?... With..." He nodded towards the Blue Beetle. "Yeah?... Does he come and do this often?.... That was pretty cool. The first time I've met one of the big names before." He said, looking at the hero, trying to figure out what he was reading.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord takes another sip of coffee and grimaces. He looks around for some sugar and then walks over to Courtney and Landry. "Hey, guys can I borrow that sugar for a minute?" He takes the sugar with a thanks and applies it to his coffee. "Oh... lost my spot... I put my paper down to claim it... someone stole my paper. Bwahahaha!" He shaeks his head. "Hey, you were at my lecture, and you stayed awake. I thought I bombed. May I join you?"

Cecily Winters has posed:
    For perhaps entirely different reasons, another person attemps to enter the crowded cafe. The door opens, and a woman takes pause, scanning the room. She's dressed for business--and wetwork--with her skirt, blouse, vest, and shoulder holster. There's a purse of lips, and what looks to be a sigh, as she steps in. Carefully. Why so carefully? It's not the bookbag she holds to her side, but the three fluffy tails that flit out behind her, and the way her vulpine ears flatten against her head from the noise.

    Still, she carefully makes her way to the counter, to stand in line, and when her turn comes, "Green tea, please," Cecily says in a gentle voice to the barista.

Courtney Whitmore has posed:
She glances up as Cecily enters, and her bright blue eyes linger on her for a long moment. She doesn't seem to hear Ted and first, and then she flashes him a smile. "OH. Sure, of course. Sure." The place is crowded, with one of the only remaining seats or two at their table.

"Yeah, it was a good lecture, Mr. Beetle. Thanks for giving it."

Landry Lugar has posed:
Landry Lugar gave a nod, "It was. You did great. Really. I'm not even in that class and I liked it." He offered with a smile. "I mean, yeah. That was cool with the thing..." He let out a frustrated sigh, "I mean, Yeah. Do you usually like... Hang out on campus and stuff?..."

He was trying another sip of the hot chocolate when he saw Cecily, and he blinked, looked at the drink, and carefully set it down. "We never get guest lecturers like this at my school, and I'm here all the time, so, I pop in, now and again, and survey other classes."

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord smiles and says, "Please, call me Ted. And I'm glad you liked it. No, I'm just getting a coffee and killing a little time waiting for a friend. I didn't... get... your names..." His voice trails away as he spots the fox woman. "All of a sudden I don't stand out so much. With good reason. She's quite lovely. We should let her sit over here. Hey Miss? We have room!"

Cecily Winters has posed:
    If it's not her holster that gets looks, it's those fluffy tails and ears, then. Still, she pays for her drink, and glances about for ways to adulterate it. She's used to the stares, but in the middle of adding cream and honey to her tea, she hears Ted speak up. Her ear swivels in his direction, picking him up loud and clear over the cafe's chatter. As she's stirring, her head turns, the ear compensating for it, and catches his--and eveyone else at the table's--glances.

    Cecily blinks owlishly for a moment, then takes into account there's nowhere else to sit. Making sure her tails don't knock over anything at the counter, she makes her way over to the not-completely-packed table and hovers beside a seat. "Non-reserved seating?" she asks gently, still standing, resting the fingers of her free hand on the back of the chair as she makes sure she was indeed the one called over.

Courtney Whitmore has posed:
Courtney is blushing slightly for some reason. She shakes her head at Cecily and smiles. "Nope! Join away!" Her accent isn't local. It's a weird mix of California and...midwestern?

"Courtney. Courtney Whitmore," she adds after a moment, both as a way of answering Ted's question, and introducing herself to the others.

Landry Lugar has posed:
Landry Lugar stood as Cecily came over to offer his chair as well. "Landry Lugar, sir." He chuckled, "You still stand out, but you are no longer alone, it seems. Is this your friend? Or are we waiting on someone else we might recognize from the news?" He asked curiously.

He gave a curious look to Courtney, his accent more the midwestern and stronger. "Spend much time in the middle 'a nowhere? I'm from Nebraska, before I moved here for school and all."

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord stands up to let Cecily slide into the booth. "No it must have been some other guy dressed like a bug but as long as you're here, please join us. As for her being my friend... I should be so lucky. No I'm meeting him about a thousand feet up in a half hour, anyway. Ted Kord, also the Blue Beetle at your service, Miss."

Cecily Winters has posed:
    There's a moment of blinking from the vulpine woman. Two guys stood up to let her sit, and there's a blushing girl at the table, too. Cecily's ears flop and flit a little, but she only hesitates for that moment before taking an offered seat. Careful not to get her tails in the way, or drape them over someone, she slides in near Courtney and sets her tea on the table. "Thank you kindly," she states, polite and professional. "Cecily Winters," she joins in with the introductions, dipping her head for a moment before leaning back and finally taking a sip of her tea.

Courtney Whitmore has posed:
Courtney watches Cecily sit for a moment before her attention snaps back. She looks to Landry and blinks before she nods. "Huh? Oh!" The girl with braces grins. "Yeah. Blue Valley, Nebraska. You know, former home of Kid Flash and all that..." She trails off. Also the home of the well-known Star Spangled Kid.

She tucks some of her blonde hair behind her ear. "But I'm from Beverly Hills, originally. We moved out to Blue Valley because of my step-dad. Now I'm here for school."

Landry Lugar has posed:
Landry Lugar gave a chuckle to the 'I should be so lucky comment', and then glanced up at the ceiling for a second to imagine that height. "Were you ever scared of heights, before all this?" He asked curiously.

For Cecily, she got a smile and a nod, "Pleasure to meet you ma'am. What brings you to NYU?... You don't look like a student." He paused a bit, "I mean, not any of them I've seen. Not that I've seen any that look like you. I mean... I'll shut up now." He used the drink to stop himself from rambling more.

He gave a nod, "Yeah, Blue Valley, also home to Star Spangled Kid! I saw her rescue a family out of a car that was dangling off one of the overpasses! That was amazing. I'm from up the road in Cedar Bluffs." He paused, "What are you majoring in?" He asked curiously.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord ponders it a moment and then says, "Well... a few times I thought I'd lose my stuff. But by and large no. See any fall from forty feet or more could end you and people work that high up with no problem. It's a matter of perspective. Guns scare me... I mean not pointed at me or boy am I miscast, but I couldn't use one of those, aim it at another person. I am very happy I developed nonlethal devices. Yeah that Kid is definitely an up and coming heroine. I'm from Hub City and then Chicago but I loved living here in New York in my League days so when I got out of the hospital I moved here."

Cecily Winters has posed:
    Cecily takes her time to drink and let the others speak, and especially let Landry put his foot in his mouth. There's a hint of a grin forming at the corners of her mouth, but she just stays serene and lets the others speak about their hometowns and long-distance travels. "New York City native, born and raised... Perhaps better late than never, but welcome to the city?" she offers all three of them, still reserving a soft chuckle for Landry.

    "I'm a security consultant," she responds simply, "Just found myself a little thirsty while checking up on things around NYU for a friend, that's all," she says, then gives her tea a little swirl. The tip of her tails twitch and curl, though she does steal a glance over to Courtney for a moment, as if admiring those curls, then focuses back on Ted.

Ted Kord has posed:
There's a buzz fro the Beetle. He touches a spot on his temple. "Yes. I can rendezvous... in a bistro... fine. I'll get you a cinnamon bun. I'm sorry guys. It was nice to meet you but my meeting got moved up. It was a pleasure." Ted gets up to leave.

Courtney Whitmore has posed:
"Nice to meet you, too!," Courtney offers to Ted. She then turns to the others and grins a bit, seeming to relax a little more with the older person gone. Not a whole lot, but a bit. She brushes her fingers back through her blonde curls.

"Star Spangled Kid? Oh, yeah. She turned up when I was a sophomore and proved our Principal was an evil robot and most of our teachers were kidnapping and brainwashing children and turning them into ninja. Seriously. In Nebraska."

She chuckles and sips her iced coffee before she turns her bright blue eyes back to Courtney. "Security consulting? That's cool. Also, American history," she adds as an answer to Landry.

Landry Lugar has posed:
Landry Lugar watched the Beetle as he was leaving, "Moved up?... Can't go too much higher..." He joked lamely.

He looked to Cecily, "That's really cool... So like... Ryan Reynolds in the hitman's bodyguard?" He asked curiously.

He was wide eyed at the stories of Star Spangled Kid, "Wow... I bet that was awesome to get to go to school with her. I heard there was a joke super hero team based out of Wisconsin... I mean, at least we have REAL heroes, you know?" He grinned. "American History?... Hmm... Shooting to be a teacher?"

Cecily Winters has posed:
    "In Nebraska? Of all the places for evil robots and ninja warriors..." Cecily muses aloud over her tea, shaking her head. "Proves that you don't have to live in a big city for strange, terrible things to occur..." she exhales a sigh. "Though one could imagine more remote places are perfect for such plots, without the sheer amount of people and cameras to hide from...." She gives a warm smile, "Also proves that heroes can come from all places..." she looks between the pair, after watching Ted depart.

    "Mm? I suppose. I do bodyguard work as well, though I also offer support to other heroes around if needed, or asked."

Courtney Whitmore has posed:
    "Yeah. It was kinda cool. Small town like that can be rough for a young gay girl, but...it's getting better. A lot better. At least there's that." She sips her iced coffee again and glances between the two.

"All kindsa weird stuff used to happen there. I don't know. Maybe superheroes draw that stuff, like what people say about Batman and the villains in gotham. I don't know. Not really my expertise. And no, not teaching. No idea what I want to do, honestly. I'm here on a gymnastics scholarship."

Landry Lugar has posed:
Landry Lugar grinned to Cecily, "Yeah! You never know where the next Superman or Captain America will come from." He seemed to be pumped up about that. He took a drink of his hot chocolate again, deeper this time, now that it was starting to cool to drinking temp. "That's really cool. What all heroes have you been able to work with?"

He gave a nod to Courtney, "Yeah, no joke. I'm a theatre kid, so, you know, like, half my friends were in the closet." He gave a shrug, "In there making out half the time anyway..." He chuckled, "I bet it's easier to be yourself in New York. Word spreads too fast in a small town!" He furrowed his brow, thinking on the idea of villains springing from heroes. "That's interesting..." He mulled it over, just barely catching the end about gymnastics, "Oh, cool. Me too." He took a sip, "I mean, I'm on scholarship as well. Not gymnastics. I'm a theatre tech. Lighting specialist. I actually come over to NYU to help with their department cause the faculty is worthless with tech. It's pretty sad really. Amazing with the actors... but... yeah..."

Cecily Winters has posed:
    At Landry's focus on her for a moment, her cheeks turn a very faint pink. "...I.. was in the right time and place to aid Thor and Tony Stark in the middle of Good Morning America.. and I also attended Mister Stark's birthday party.." she considers, pursing her lips. "...I had Chinese take-out with Spider-Man on a rooftop... and as of late, I am the on-and-off-again bodyguard for the girl known as Rave. If you're a lighting tech, you might get along with her," Cecily says with a fondness in her tone. "She thrives on light and music."

    All that said, her ears lift when Courtney mentions her orientation, "It is getting better. I had it hard for a while, myself. And maybe harder still, with how anti-mutant some people are. Combine that with being uncloseted and it's an... interesting recipe..." Cecily gives Courtney an encouraging, if lopsided smile as she makes her own orientation known. "I wouldn't know how to handle it if I grew up one or the other in a ... less supportive part of the country."

Courtney Whitmore has posed:
    She grins softly at Landry and nods as she listens to him. Her laptop, for the moment, is ignored. She can study later. She needs to make friends. "People were mostly cool, actually. It was more just...not a large dating pool, I guess. I bet if I'd lived there twenty years ago it might be different, I guess."

    Courtney blinks at Cecily, and she blushes a hint. "Oh, you're...? Oh."

Landry Lugar has posed:
Landry Lugar went wide eyed at the list of Cecily's run ins. "Rave?... I've not heard of her yet... I'll have to look her up! Thanks for the tip!" He sat back to let the two of them talk over their shared experiences.

He gave a nod, "There's not a large dating pool period... I never dated anyone from my home town... I come from a large family... There's a good chance anyone I might have been interested in were cousins or something..." He gave a huff at that. "But being here has been cool. I've gotten gigs all over helping out with lights. Supplementing my allowan... I mean, my scholarship money and savings and all." He cleared his throat, "It's just expensive here... That's taking some getting used to..."

Cecily Winters has posed:
    Maybe it's the way Courtney says it, but the vixen gives her a knowing little nod, "I am. As far as dating pool, I'd consider myself polyamorous? Though that's not always the best way to make an introduction... People always think the worst when you say such a thing... like you're some sort of... rampant nymphomaniac..." her tails twitch in an agitated manner and she exhales an exasperated sigh before returning her attention to Landry.

    "She's a big name in the underground music scene. A lot of... wave, EBM, electronic... she even sings... You'd know her if you saw her. Neon hair. She's practically made of light, actually..." again, a fond smile. "If you look her up you can ask if she wants a hand setting up a show sometime. And... yes. New York City is terribly expensive... I'm thankful to be employed, and not operate off of a student loan."

Courtney Whitmore has posed:
    "I was lucky and got a small apartment in Brooklyn. Cool little hipster neighborhood with a bunch of other students and other folks. I like it a lot. Take the subway to school everyday."

She nods a bit at Cecily's comment about her status, but doesn't say anything about it. She picks up her iced coffee and finishes it off.

Landry Lugar has posed:
Landry Lugar grinned, "That's awesome. Definitely. And if you see her, and she needs a tech guy, like..." He reached into his pocket and pulled business cards out, handing one to each of the ladies. "You know, give me a call, right? Or if you just want to hang out or whatever." He grinned, all 6'1" noodly body frame, "Good to have a big strong guy around on the mean streets, right?" Obviously joking, since both women looked in much better shape than he was in.

"Yeah... I'm living on campus. With a roommate... It was the cheapest option. Maybe if I can save up enough, I'll find my own place. Maybe. Or just scope out a dumpster like Max's boyfriend on 2 Broke Girls...." He mused quietly trailing off.

Cecily Winters has posed:
    "I've got one of those top-floor lofts in an old industrial building. The elevator is louder than a garbage truck but I don't get bothered. I also don't get many guests.." the fox says with a short laugh. She takes the card, though, looking it over and nodding. "I'll be sure to let her know, thank you," she says kindly, sincerely, and slides the card into a hidden pocket in her vest.

    "So you two don't drive either? With the traffic around the city I find it's faster to walk most days. Cheaper, too, really..." she shrugs, "As far as dumpsters go, do be sure not to get stuck in one with a locking lid," she advises.

Courtney Whitmore has posed:
Courtney takes the business card and peers at it before she pockets it. "Oh, cool. Okay." She looks over to Cecily and grins. "No, I drive. Even have a car. But parking is crazy expensive and traffic is nuts in the city, so my car is mostly just parked there unless I need it for something."

She tucks some of her hair behind her ear, glancing between the two.

Landry Lugar has posed:
Landry Lugar shook his head, "Oh no, I have a car too, yeah. It's just... On campus. Costs too much to drive anywhere really, and like you said, just as fast to walk or public transit... Not like that back home. Need a car to get anywhere really back there!" He grinned, and then seemed to think of something, "You don't drive?" He asked Cecily, "Is it because of the... ah..." He glanced down to her tails, "I mean... Would they get in the way of sitting in a divers seat and all? YOU COULD DRIVE A MOTORCYCLE!" He stood up and shouted, working it out while he was speaking. Oh there were stairs alright... He flushed bright red, and ducked down into his chair again to hide.

Cecily Winters has posed:
    Cecily looks very perplexed at Landry's discussion on her tails, and sudden outburst. She glances down, then back to him, even as he sort of melts into his chair. "As you can see I'm sitting down here just fine..." she states, though there's a hint of a 'mom' tone in her voice now. "I'm capable of driving and have driven but the cost of vehicle ownership in this city, for a variety of reasons, is prohibitive. Especially when I have to deal with weapon permits and the like," she nods to her holster momentarily.

    "That said, the hyperloop and subway suffice, as do the cabs. If I need to go further, I have business contacts that can provide transportation. Otherwise I don't often leave the city unless it's for work," the fox considers, ears twitching to and fro. "...and a motorcycle helmet with this hair and my ears would be a dreadful combination..." she considers, looking at Courtney, and then Landry, and back again. A playful little smile tugs at the edges of her mouth again.

    "Unless the two of you are imagining me in some sort of snug racing suit for riding a cycle?" she teases, "...then I'd truly have no room for my tails. Ah but the freedom of your own vehicles, you can at least escape the city and go on a road trip any time you'd like, yes?"

Courtney Whitmore has posed:
    "I really like my car, Courtney says. It's an old classic my step-dad gave me as a going away present. I should take it upstate someday or something."

    Courtney considers that a bit as she chews on her lip, before she shrugs. "Sounds like an exciting job." She doesn't comment on the snug racing suit comment, though her cheeks color a hint.

Landry Lugar has posed:
Landry Lugar glanced down at his cup, morose for a moment, "Sorry ma'am... My mouth is faster than my thinking some times..." He took a drink, looking back up at her as she made the comment about the racing suit, and looked her up and down before catching himself, "I mean..." He cleared his throat again.

"Mine's just an old Ford Contour... I bet it cost more to park some places than I paid for it... but, it got me here, so, that's good." He gave a shrug, and then continued barreling on, "I've not been upstate. I mean... Is there anything else up here that's as cool as living along the Hyperloop?" He asked curiously.

Cecily Winters has posed:
    As fun as it is to tease, she focuses more on the other topic at hand, "An old classic? Did your step-father restore it? What kind is it?" Cecily asks, interested. "I'm not much of a car girl, my own father wasn't into them. I leaned more towards firearms, collecting and caring for them..." she explains a little about herself, though still giving a wry smile to Landry. "Ma'am? Oh dear, I don't think I'm that much older than you, am I..?" she muses. She looks to be in her lower twenties.

    "I think going upstate is more to just get away from the city and take a vacation where it's quieter and cleaner.."