2276/Meeting of the Mindsets

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Meeting of the Mindsets
Date of Scene: 30 June 2020
Location: Ruins -- Roosevelt Island
Synopsis: Spider-Man meets up with two powerful female warriors to touch base on the Kulan Gath problem.
Cast of Characters: Peter Parker, Diana Prince, Mary Jane Watson

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man is there first.

The ruins of the Smallpox Hospital on Roosevelt Island, southwest of Cornell Tech, seem like the best place to meet. The Cornell staff has the entire place set as off-limits to faculty and students after two of the female students ran out of there, telling tales of monsters. Enough info was gathered by drones to give credence to the story, and now NO ONE is allowed there.

Spider-Man isn't exactly "no one," but considering who he's inviting to this meeting, he feels like a minor-leaguer coming out to meet Babe Ruth.

She might have met Babe Ruth, come to think of it.

The texts had been sent separately. To Diana, the message had come as <Hey, it's Spider-Man. Something big is brewing and I was hoping you'd be able to come by to talk with someone.> The text had come with a waypoint attached, which she could see with the special contact lenses Spidey had couriered to the embassy.

MJ's had come with a little different stance, even though the waypoint was the same. <Red, I'd like you to come back to Smallpox. There's someone I'd like you to meet. A kindred spirit, as it were.>

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana Prince is a busy person, to say the least...

But when the message comes in, she takes a moment out of her current business in Metropolis to come to where Spider-man had indicated. With the sun still up, but setting downward in these summer months, the sound of a high pitched engine can be heard. From a nearby road, a figure arrives via the form of a silver motorcycle that roars up onto the ground and rolls up into the location indicated in the message.

The engine on the bike is deactivated and the Princess of Themyscira sits up and steps off of the bike. Wearing a dark red wrap around her shoulders, that hangs over her torso and back, she has her ornate armor on beneath it and her dark hair is loose about her shoulders.

The Princess starts to walk around her vehicle, the bike itself looking quite high tech and almost 'alien' in origin.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane got the text, and sent back a quick, <On it, Tiger.> She grins, thankfully not having a performance in the Park tonight. As much as she loves being Lady Macbeth, she wants to solve this riddle with Kulan Gath more.

So she rides up in her black motorcycle, sword on her back as she's in her black and red motorcycle jumpsuit, helmet obscuring her face... though her telltale red hair flickers out the back. She then pulls up and parks her bike, noticing that she's... not the only one here.

And MJ's eyes widen behind the helmet, "Wow. You're Wonder Woman!" She then pauses, and coughs, "Er, I mean, you're here to meet Spidey too, right?" One other thing that she has that most other motorcycle riders do not? A massive sword strapped to her back, currently sheathed. The pair of batons hooked to a belt around her waist doesn't really draw as much attention in comparison.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man looks at the bike as it arrives. Ooog. Did he think he was minor-league? Nope. Try LITTLE LEAGUE.

He tabled his low opinion of his self-worth for another time, focusing on the matter at hand, especially since this ALSO seemed way beyond his skillset.
Time to put on the Big-Boy Longjohns and try to look like he knew what he was doing. As usual.

"Wonder Woman...I'm glad you could show up." Wow, didn't sound nervous at all. "I called you here because of a matter that might be commesurate with your skills...and because I wanted to introduce you to someone."

He smiled slightly under the mask as MJ arrived. At least she was packing the sword. "Hey there, I was about to make introductions."

One more deep breath. "Wonder Woman, I don't know how far back Themiscyra goes, but I am pretty sure the time period I'm about to reference predates it...unless your people go back all the way to 10,000 B.C. I'm referring to a time known as the Hyborian Age, because the person you're going to meet was active during that time. Diana of Themiscyra...meet Red Sonja of Hyboria."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana's attention brings her to turn around as the other motorcyclist arrives. She notes the woman in the red and black, with the weapons quite visible, and nods to her when she speaks at her first. "Hello." She says to the young rider. "I am." She adds with a slight and singular nod of her head, whilst her dark hair flows gently in the breezes over her shoulder. "And yes, I am here for that as well." Her voice is sultry, soft and laced with a very non-American flavor to it's words.

When Spider-man makes his appearance, her brown eyes then sweep over to stare upon him. "Good to see you again. This time without a very large 'friend' running amok. There's a hint of a smile from the Princess before she lets it fade to now listen to Spider-man.

His words cause her to look back to the woman with the sword on her back. "You have come a long way then, to be here today." She tells her. "It is a pleasure to meet you though. There is a lot going on in the world of late. Are you new to this timeline, or... have you just been around for a very long time?" She asks, now glancing between both of them with her here this evening.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Red Sonja nods a bit, "Well, that's... a bit of a tale, to be sure. This one is a descendant of mine, so I was able to co-habitate, I think is the proper term." She chuckles softly, "She's been pretty good about letting me know about things, as has the Spider-/Man/." She passes Spidey a wry look at that, then glances back towards Diana.

"I have heard some tales of Themyscira from my time arriving here. It is good to see the reputation is not undeserved." She nods, offering Diana her hand, as apparently MJ is starstruck enough to let Sonja stay in the driver's seat for now.

Peter Parker has posed:
Okay...so far, so good. Spider-Man misses the slight accent on "Man," of course.

"The problem is, however, is that Sonja was brought back by some unknown external vector. And we are sure we know the reason. Back then, one of Sonja's recurring enemies was a sorcerer named Kulan Gath. An expert in the darkest, blackest magic there is. And he has ALSO returned to the modern day. And it is safe to say he still draws power from an Elder God named Shuma-Gorath, 'He Who Lies Sleeping.' We've seen four type of the Quoggoth-spawn loose in New York, and fought off a major sacrificial incursion right here."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana moves a step forward to accept the offered hand from Sonja when it's offered. She nods to the woman once. "Thank you for the compliment." She replies of the bit about her homeland. "We are yet still very new to being open in this world, about ourselves, but... it is coming along. It is a process." She shows a light smile then before she falls silent again and drops her hand back to her side.

Now the information comes from both of them, Diana's stare goes from one to the other. Finally though she places it on to MJ-Sonja. "You were brought back from the dead to inhabit the body of a descendant, who is... aware of the circumstances and is 'in there' right now, able to switch places with you?" Diana asks, for confirmation. "And... there is a dark sorcerer from your time who is now also back, presumably also in another's body? And he is wishing to resume his old ways, here today? With... summoned beasts and foul creatures?"

Diana exhales then and puts both of her leather wrapped hands on to her hips. "That, is quite a story." She agrees, not that she doesn't believe it, by any means. In fact... She looks between the both of them again. "How can I help?"

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Red Sonja nods, "Well, my ah... host is a bit star-struck by you, so she's letting me manage things for now." She chuckles, "So your reputation must be well deserved, Wonder Woman. And I wasn't exactly brought back from the dead. I was imprisoned in the blade I now wear on my back. But you seem to have the right of it. I'm not sure why Kulan Gath is here, or even if he is here, or it's just some foolish minion of his, but whatever his plans are, they aren't good."

She pauses, then continues, "We've stopped one of their attempts to summon demons on this very spot, slaying many of the beasts and sending them back to the abyss that spawned them. But I fear that there are other summoning areas, other places infiltrated with demons."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man looks around. "I don't know what resources you have in Themiscyra, but any texts that cover the Hyborian Age might be helpful. If we knew how Kulan Gath operated, we could predict his plans and movements to some degree."

He rubs his masked face. "Right now, he know he's here, but not WHO he is...and so far, he's been smart enough not to show his face. I don't know what he knows about facial recognition or forensics, but he's smart enough to work through intermediaries. The head goblin at the near-sacrifice was working for him to summon something even more powerful. And since they had two cave trolls, I'm a little uneasy that he'll be successful next time. In the meantime, if you want, I can share with you what we've seen so far, so if you see something similar, you can make the connection. And...worse comes to worst, a sword-arm wouldn't be turned away."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana has to show a larger smile to the bit about the star-struck woman inside of MJ-Sonja. "Well." She starts at that. "Tell her that I would very much like to meet her some day and speak with her, get to know her a little." She offers before her eyes look to the sword. She motions toward it with her right hand. "Might I?" She asks, indicating she'd like to see the sword to inspect it if possible.

Her stare does go back to Peter when he speaks again though. "Of course you have my own sword, whenever you need it. Just say so, as you have tonight. I will be there as swiftly as I am able to be."

She glances again between the two of them. "My initial impressions are not that you need an old reference source about the era from which this dark wizard originates from, but rather that you need a wizard from /this/ era to help track him down. If he is new to this point in history, then he is likely going to make large mistakes and potentially be easier to catch because of it. Cave trolls or not, demons or not... we have powerful wizards in this era who fight for us, against dark magics such as this."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Sonja nods, "That seems like a good notion, Wonder Woman." She smiles at the offer to inspect the blade, and she draws out the greatsword, offering it hilt-first to the fellow warrior woman. She then pauses, and suddenly her demeanor changes a bit.

"Yeah, um, sorry about that, I mean, I've always been a big fan, so... yeah." She coughs a bit, her physical appearance not changing, but her demeanor clearly more of a teenager than that of a seasoned warrior. "/Anyway/, Sonja and I have been working together for a while now, and I'm still getting a bit used to this bit." She shrugs, sounding perfectly honest about it.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-man steps back. He's not sure how the sword will affect Diana, but better safe than skewered.

"Well...I don't really KNOW many wizards, or warlocks, or sorcerers, or really ANY magic-user." Yep, he's using D&D terms. It's all he's got. "But if you happen to know any..."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana accepts the large sword and turns it over horizontally so that her right hand holds it by the pommel and her left lays the blade across her leather covered palm. She looks down at it initially, until she hears the voice change when MJ takes over inside of the woman's head. This draws her eyes back up to look upon her. She smiles to her. "Hello in there." She tells her in a softly playful well. "It is good to get to meet you. I am sorry about what is happening, hopefully we can find an amiable solution to it, that benefits both you and Sonja."

She looks then back to Spider-man. "I do." She tells him in a soft voice, with regard to knowing wizards. Her eyes then go back down to the sword as she looks over it's hilt and cross-guard. "A fine weapon." She says then before she looks back up to MJ now. "When I hand this back to you, do that place Sonja back in to your head?" She asks then.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
MJ laughs softly at that, "Oh, it's alright. I mean, it's a bit awkward at times, but we're pretty compatible all things considered. She realizes that she's riding shotgun here, more often than not." She smiles back, "Honestly... it's kinda nice having her here. She really helps keep things in perspective."

She then grins at Wonder Woman, extending her hand to the sword, "Nah, it's not that simple. I mean, it'd be easy if it were, but I'm pretty much the dominant one. Just, well... Sonja sometimes helps when I'm a bit addled after meeting someone that I've idolized forever." She definitely sounds a lot younger now, giving Diana a big smile beneath the helmet as she takes the sword back.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man nods, sounding relieved. "Any help in that field would be welcome. I may know science, but magic is a little too far out of my wheelhouse." He looks to MJ, who is fangirling. He's not sure if it's Sonja or MJ who is the more admiring.

He looks back to Diana. "Look...I'm sure you have a million things more important than this, so, thanks for coming out here."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana offers the sword back to MJ after listening to her further expand upon the details of all of this. She smiles to her before her eyes go back to Peter and she nods once to him. "it is a wild time, at the moment, there is a lot going on, as I am sure you are aware of. But, I always try to make time, if I am able to do so."

She shows a quick smile again before she levels her stare at the Spider-man then. "You will want to go to the home at 1777a Bleeker Street, in Greenwich Village. Normally, the residents do not accept visitors, but since I am directing you there, they should see you in. You will wish to speak to a Doctor Stephen Strange about all of this. Specifically about the Wizard that is plaguing Sonja. But do also bring up the demons, cave trolls, and so forth. He will be able to offer further advice on this situation, if not be able to directly assist in it. It is his duty to do so."

Diana's hands are back upon her hips then as she looks between the two of them once more. "And if you need my particular assistant, you need but reach out again. I will be there, if able."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man nods, fingers tapping in midair as he types in the information. "Okay, saved. I've also got the stuff on the types of Quoggoth-spawn we saw, so that could help."

He sighs. "Life made a lot more sense three years ago. Now nothing seems safe. Evil sorcerers from a bygone age, trolls, warriors in chainmail bikinis, old gods with motives so impenetrably strange as to be alien in every way...some days I just want to hide in my basement lab and stick to the science. But Pandora's box has already opened, and all i can focus on is Hope."

Diana Prince has posed:
The first thing that Peter says draws another simple nod from the Princess. "Yes, please send me that stuff, so that I may have a bit of information on these enemies that are lurking out there." She asks of him before she shows another soft, caring, and understanding expression toward him. "The life of a super hero is the life of someone who places themselves into the middle of all the worst situations that the world has to offer. You have put yourself in that position, doing what it is that you are choosing to do. Great satisfaction can come from it, as you likely have learned, when you know that you have done good in the world. But..." She glances toward the distance then.

"There is always the burden of more work to be done, knowing that there are a great many more injustices yet to be righted, waiting for your attention." She looks back to Peter then. "You can always give this life up too, at least you still have your identity to yourself. I might be a little too late to stop now." She says that last sentence with a playful grin punctuating it.

Peter Parker has posed:
He looked at Diana for a moment. Giving up this life...

He closed his eyes and saw his Uncle Ben, laying on the floor in the foyer of the house, lifeless eyes looking back up at him.

"No...no, it's too late for me, too," he says quietly. "I couldn't give it up even if I wanted to. I'm...locked on course, as they say."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana shows a grin to him then after hearing this, offering a little lowering of her slim pointed chin as she looks right on him. "I thought that might be the case." She says in a soft voice. Her eyes glance back to MJ then before she starts to walk toward the motorcycle she'd arrived on, it's silver form glinting in what's left of the ambiant daylight.

"Please do go see the Doctor. He can help you." She says then as she reaches the bike. "Magic is his playfield, and he ... rarely takes himself out of play, even for a simple chat." She shows a slight smirk then before she moves to settle in again on her vehicle.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man nods and waves. "I'll stick around...watch the sunset before I go back. Try not to think about what happened here. Thanks again for meeting us here."

He waves to the departing Amazon, then looks west.

Hopefully, R.E.M. was right and the end of the world does start with an earthquake, because there's none here.

Yeah...there was no way he could stop now. But as the old song goes, he gets by...

He glances back to Diana.

...with a little help from his friends.