2487/Meanwhile, in the recovery ward

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Meanwhile, in the recovery ward
Date of Scene: 16 July 2020
Location: Recovery Room 01: Triskelion
Synopsis: Cecily gets visitors, and a BIG GIANT TEDDY BEAR!
Cast of Characters: Cecily Winters, Achilles, Jessica Drew

Cecily Winters has posed:
    It's days after the last Helicarrier Incident. Which is always 0 days. But the last one was a big one. A hell of a mess, a lot of injured personnel, and a lot of damage. In one recovery room, one particularly fresh agent is lounging in bed, attached to some monitoring machines and generally left to stare at the television.

    Of course, it's terribly boring, but she's also on a drip of some pretty solid painkillers. Cecily's ears droop against her head as she reaches up to rub her temples. "...I should really, really consider downloading some games to my phone.. if days like this are going to be common, then I'm going to need something better than daytime TV when I'm stuck in bed..." the Trainee manages to laugh.

Achilles has posed:
    Hearing about the injury of a friend, Angelo purchased a -giant- stuffed bear. That bear is holding in its arms, a bouquet of summer flowers. Mind you, the bear is something like five feet tall itself. So when the door opens, it looks like a seven foot bear is entering. When it is really Angelo holding said bear in his arms... and shuffling to one side to let the door close without trying to smoosh the flowers.

Jessica Drew has posed:
New and old members of SHIELD spend time in recovery because they put themselves out on the line. Not just any line either. The dangerous line that protects lives and the integrity of the world, nature, animals and, of course, people, no matter their origin or genetics.

Swinging by the infirmary to check on each other is routine. Most of the agents having spent time in the beds here. Not being sure of what Cecily's dietary requirements might be, Jessica has limited herself to a 'clean' datapad with games on it and a small box of chocolates for the patient.

Cecily Winters has posed:
    Cecily's ears perk as she hears the door open. "Is it time for lunch already?" she asks, her eyes still closed, her hand rubbing her head. Those bleary eyes open slowly as she looks up--and sees a giant bear. Her heartrate monitor seems to jump for a few beats before she sighs. "...well it's not Mikhail.." she manages to laugh, "...oh hells, you people brought me gifts... I told them I'd be out of here within a week, but they wanted me to stay here instead of lounge at home..."

    Still, despite her mild protests, she slowly sits up. "...the painkillers here are better than the stuff I have at home anyway... Welcome, welcome. Good to see you, dear," she nods to Angelo when she can finally see past the bear. As for Jessica, she, too, gets a gentle smile. The fox is 'off the clock' so to speak so she's all kindness. "I don't believe we've met?" she reaches out with that free hand again. Her door tags read 'Cecily Winters, Trainee.'

Achilles has posed:
    "I figured you needed someone to keep you company who could also scare you if you wake in the middle of the night and forget he's here. But -you- need to name this big guy." Angelo states as he sets the bear in a nearby chair and then steps closer to reach a hand for Cecily to take if she wishes to, "I'm just glad that you are on the mend. It could be far worse."

Jessica Drew has posed:
The bear. Jessica gives Angelo a quizzical look but makes no comment on his choice of gift. "Hi, I'm Jessica Drew." Her clipped accent immediately places her as having grown up outside the US. "I'm representing some of the agents that are out on duty still. Just thought I'd look in on you for them. Report back and all. It's jolly boring being in bed all that time." With a glance at the drip, she asks, "How are you feeling?"

Cecily Winters has posed:
    Another laugh from the fox as she watches the bear have a seat. "...just promise me you won't bring me a new giant bear every time I end up in the ICU, dear?" she pleads gently. "...because I'm going to be in here a -lot- probably..." she admits. The hand is taken, and she nods. "...if I hadn't moved, I'd have been quite dead..." she says with a quiet sigh.

    Then Jessica introduces herself, and Cecily flashes her that kind smile. "I'm... in a lot of pain..." she admits, her smile lopsided. "But I suppose I'm used to it? Better to lose..." she glances down at she sheet over her lower half. "...a third of my pelvis... instead of the entirety of my heart..."

    She quirks brow and ear at the gifts, "Goodness you didn't have to go to so much trouble... I'll be fine, really. It's just... my body needs time to reconstruct the missing parts and until its done it's going to hurt a hell of a lot. I don't think I've ever taken a hit this big before, either... But better me than someone else."

Achilles has posed:
    "I must admit, I have not spent much time in hospital rooms, so I may have overkilled my reaction just a bit." offers Angelo with a bit of a smirk. But then he leans in and stage whispers, "Don't tell Jessica here, but I think she's one of the good ones..."
    And then he straightens up and turns to face Jessica, giving her his best innocent grin.

Jessica Drew has posed:
"Lucky you for being able to do that, at all, I'd say," Jessica says, seating herself in one of the available chairs. "Do they have you on liquids only still? I can put these chocolates away for you till you can eat solid food though, hmmn, they do melt in your mouth."

Angelo earns another strange look from her. Raising her eyebrows at Cecily, she shrugs, smiling.

Cecily Winters has posed:
    "You're going to make me blush, doting on me so much. Both of you..." Cecily shakes her head slowly, sighing. "Yes, I'm very lucky. I took a gunshot in the arm when I was still on the force, before all.. this happened.." she gestures to one of her tails, flopped over the edge of the bed, lazily twitching. "...I was down for two weeks and needed rehabilitation so I could get back up to my personal best at the range..."

    She closes her eyes for a moment. "Now... I think if the blast had been any lower I'd be regenerating the connective bone and tissue that keeps my leg on. Still, as far as food goes.." she eyes the drip. "..that's for the pain. The organs closest to the burn point have... re-formed. The bone is taking the longest as well as the muscle but... I can eat normal things again."

    She shakes her head, "It's still odd feeling to be talking to people about this... I've been able to do this for two years and I still feel unsure when I tell the doctor that stitches and plaster will only make it worse, just give me some sedatives and let me sleep."

Achilles has posed:
    "You will get used to it eventually." reassures Angelo. He grins a bit and shrugs. He has 3200 years of experience healing and just plain not dying. But he inclines his head, "Just in case... I suggest the next time, don't be in the path of such a dangerous effect." Yes, he is trying to keep things lighthearted.

Jessica Drew has posed:
"Well," Jessica observes with a wry lift of her eyebrows at Cecily and Angelo, "I think you both are rather special cases." She smiles at her use of the word cases.

"They are experts in us mutants. Though, I must say, we'd all like to be able to come back from the big shocks as you two seem to do. I'd be chuffed at the ability, myself." Lifting an arm she pinches the skin at her wrist. "I recover fairly quickly from injuries but don't regenerate."

Cecily Winters has posed:
    "I suppose we've all got our places, really..." Cecily shrugs gently. "I'm not -quite- immortal but... so long as my brain and heart are working I -think- that's enough? I'd truly rather not test my limits like that, however..." she says quietly. Then, playfully, she sticks her tongue out at Angelo.

    "Let's see you take a point-blank plasma burst through your rib cage instead, dear..." she shakes her head. "It was very loud up on that deck.. and I had one of my very favorite toys with me.." she pouts. "..very favorite toys."

Achilles has posed:
    Giving a purely bright grin towards Cecily, Angelo shrugs, "As Mister Miyagi once said... best defense, no be there." A pause, "Yes, I've watched movies."

Jessica Drew has posed:
"Sounds like some right bastards that did that. Experimenters." Jessica spits the word out like it's venomous. Rising from her chair, "My dear, Cecily. It was lovely meeting you. Though, I must say, let's not meet again like this." The woman grins widely and lightly touches the edge of the patient's bed. "Anyone, you'd like me to say a special hello to? I have to be getting on."

Cecily Winters has posed:
    "Mm? Right bastards that did what? No, no.. none of this is experimental... I... during the Battle for New York two years ago this all just sort of.. happened..." she sighs. "I still don't know how or why, really..." Cecily lifts her shoulders in a gentle shrug, then rests her hand atop of Jessica's. "Thank you for the gifts, though, dear. I do hope to see you another time. And with both my body -and- my toys fully intact..." There might also be a playful wink to go along with that before she shakes her head.

    "Nobody in particular, really... I think everyone that knows what's wrong already knows... and I should be fine after the weekend is over..."

    Back to Angelo now, though, "Easier said than done... you don't know the circumstances, dear..."

Achilles has posed:
    "No, I was merely trying to keep my comments light-hearted." offers Angelo as he reaches for her hand once more, "In all seriousness, I am happy to see you on the mend, and look forward to field work with you in the future. Whatever happened to your friend... the neon one?"

Jessica Drew has posed:
The pat is returned with a smile. "We won't let you languish alone. Use this pad for fun and games. It's an old one that I had. We'll come back by before you finish building your hip back." With a nod to Angelo, Jessica turns and leaves the room.

Cecily Winters has posed:
    "That's fair..." Cecily sighs. "I was manning a heavy weapon, there was noise, chaos, and then those fucking things started teleporting around, too... Got right up behind me. Yes, it could have been much worse. So there's that at least?" she doesn't mind taking that hand back. "Ah... Rave. She's still out and about. I'm sure she'll tackle me when I'm recovered..." there's a lopsided smile to go with her laugh. "How've you been? Keeping out of trouble?"

Achilles has posed:
    "In the end, I hate to say it this way but.. it is better that it was you than someone who could not recover." offers Angelo, "And staying out of trouble is boring my dear." His own accent is barely there. Barely British. "But I am well enough. Keeping occupied while the rest of you save the world."

Cecily Winters has posed:
    Cecily nods. "Why do you hate to say it? You know I feel the same way," she offers gently. "Every bullet I take is one that someone else who can't bounce back unscathed isn't taking. I'll endure a few days of pain over their lifetime of disability, or death... Putting myself in these positions is why I even joined the force in the first place, back when I was still..." she purses her lips.

    "...normal? Such a disgusting word.... Back when I was mundane. Unpowered..." she nods. "And I suppose trouble is what we're good for."

Achilles has posed:
    "Unaugmented?" asks Angelo with a grin. "And I hate to say it because I never wish pain on anyone if it can at all be avoided. I don't wish my friends to be harmed in any case. Even if it is better than the alternative." This coming from the dealer of so much death. Yeesh.

Cecily Winters has posed:
    "Unaugmented works..." Cecily muses. "Though that would imply I'm some sort of... cybernetic being? I digress, though..." she sighs, nods, "The lives we lead. The things we do as .... heroes? Mmm..." she grins at Angelo. "Movies, yes? Well then. Good, bad, I'm the girl with the guns..." she winks at him.

Achilles has posed:
    "And on that note, I think it's time for me to mosey on out. You get better there Cici." Angelo states as he strolls for the door.

Cecily Winters has posed:
    "Take care, big guy. I'll..." she looks at the bear. "I'll name that one 'Mr. Sqoosh' and... have someone with a truck drop him off at my loft.." she laughs quietly. "...I think I need a nap anyway..." she sighs. "...really... hate being on the strong stuff..."