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Delayed Sleep:
Claire, for being a shift worker, has learned to shift her sleep cycle and put off rest as long
as possible. She might be a normal human, but she's gone 36 hours straight without rest before and
she can do it again if she must.
Field Medic:
While Claire is excellent in a hospital, she might, somehow, be actually better at medicine when
she's challenged with make shift supplies and non-ideal circumstances. She's patched up more people
in back alleys or her own apartment than she cares to count. She knows how to jury rig make shift
supplies as needed to save a life.
First Aid:
If it's a first aid technique, Claire knows it. She could recite first aid books in her sleep
and constantly keeps up with the newest recommendations and regulations of things like CPR, the
heimlich maneuver, and other new techniques which have been discovered over modern medicine.
While Claire's actual job is a nurse, her skill with medicine goes above and beyond those of
even a highly skilled RN. She's performed minor surgeries on her couch when needed, pulled bullets
out of super heroes while their bodies healed around them, and reinflated collapsed lungs with basic
tools in her living room. If someone is still breathing, in general, Claire can and WILL find a way
to save their lives.
Claire has a remarkably sharp memory, almost eidetic in its nature, able to recall things after
her first encounter with them. This is great for faces, new medical techniques she reads in
articles, conversations she over hears, and how doctors more qualified than her operate.
Sleight of Hand:
Claire can be sneaky when needed. Sometimes, it's hiding the fact that she's patching someone up
in a dangerous circumstance. More often? It's very carefully stealing supplies from the hospital
where she works.
Claire is fluently bilingual in both Spanish and English.
While it's not generally a nurse's job, Claire has learned how to perform minor surgery out of
pure necessity to help those on the streets. She'll never do a heart transplant, but she can
internally sew up bullet wounds, stabbing injuries, and all sorts of bodily damage done in street
Triage Experience:
Claire is also great at reading wounds and wounded to figure out what needs to be handled first.
She can look over a patient with multiple injuries and, within 10 seconds, know what injury she
needs to treat first to keep the person alive.