
From Heroes Assemble MUSH
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Founded 01 January 2018
Headquarters unknown
Leadership: Matthew Murdock
Brief Summary Someone has to keep an eye on the streets when aliens are in the skies.
Members: Danny Rand, Dinah Lance, Elektra Natchios, Luke Cage, Selene Corvinus, Tandy Bowen, Tyrone Johnson

Additional Group Information

Group Assets

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Full Summary

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Formed in 2018 in the wake of Loki's attack on NYC. Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage and Danny Rand all stood up to defend their neighbourhoods and afterwards Daredevil gathered them and pitched the idea of an alliance and the Defenders were born.

Since then other heroes have come in out of their fluid roster as they continued their individual struggles on the streets of New York, and coming together when the threats get too big for one of them to handle on their own.

Notable Events

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2018 - Loki's Attack on NYC