3123/Asgardian Attention and Favours

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Asgardian Attention and Favours
Date of Scene: 27 August 2020
Location: Pepper Apartment, Upper West Side, Manhattan.
Synopsis: When Pepper invites Thor to the apartment to ask him to help protect the fragment Radu dropped in Amanda's lap, Loki turns up, too... and Amanda makes a deal with the devil.
Cast of Characters: Pepper Potts, Thor, Amanda Sefton, Loki
Tinyplot: Zodiac Rising

Pepper Potts has posed:
Morning's rise. The sun illuminates the city, and as it rises over the horizon, the lines of shadows made by the apartments, the highrises, the skyscrapers deeper in Manhattan proper begin to disappear. This is the sleepier side of town; all residential, but there are still cars on the streets, albeit fewer than what can be found downtown.

Pepper is up, dressed in business casual, and is settling her papers back onto the kitchen table, her laptop on top of the pile. In hand, a cup of coffee- she's probably on her second.

A phone call was placed yesterday, after the scanning and testing of the tablet, after the brief discussion of //where// they could put the piece of ancient sandstone. To Thor. A request was made during the call to meet the girls at Pepper's apartment regarding a matter that simply shouldn't be discussed over the phone. Cryptic, yes. Necessary, yes.

Thor has posed:
    It is no small thing to get the Prince of Asgard on a suitable phone for a length of time. It often requires the transfer of communication from one to another to another, leading those 'around' Thor to draw his attention to the needed item or object and then some aspect of shepherding must be done to at least insure the conversation is held for longer than a few moments.
    Though a stopgap measure is simply having one convey a message to him and if the bearer is one of the cadre of comrades he holds dear about him then he makes sure he will not fail that request.
    Which is why at this early hour in the city, Thor Odinson can be seen ascending the steps outside the apartment building, climbing the stairwell with a rapid stride and devouring the distance with little to do. Until finally he makes it to the door, pausing long enough to tuck his umbrella under his arm and the to rap his knuckles upon the door itself.
    And if bidden, he shall enter.

Amanda Sefton has posed:
Amanda spent a somewhat sleepless night ensconced in her room. She spent much of the night -- after she warded the hell out of her runic satchel and the box in which Radu's fragment lays, not to mention the whole room itself... *again* -- in a medatitative trance. She wasn't 'zoning out'. She was seeking help. There are contacts she has throughout mystical communities around the globe that sometimes have info. What she really wanted was a lead on the language of the fragment, some clue to what Radu's attackers could possibly have wanted.

She came up with very little. But she does have a few good ideas of where to go next.

*After* she's spoken with Thor.

Thus, as the sun rises, she emerges from her room in a fresh set of clothes after a brief shower, hair still damp, seeking a cup of fortifying tea. Thus, by the time Thor arrives, she's standing at the counter in the kitchen, pouring hot water over the tea leaf strainer in a very large mug. As he breaches the perimeter of the building, despite the fact his presence is benign, her head comes up. She senses the approach. "Thor's here," she calls to Pepper.

She sets her mug on the table and crosses to the door, opening it to see the Prince of Asgard. "Thor! Thank you so much for coming." She steps back to let him pass.

Loki has posed:
Before the door can fully close after Thor enters, a lean hand catches the surface of it with a slam of palm. It's indignant, as if it were intentional to have almost shut it on him - even if that /could not/ be the case, seeing as Loki was not there a moment before. At least, not visible.

Loki's dressed in sleek midgardian attire, suit black and form-fitted, his dark hair neatly braided back to curl it around his ears. All of the black makes him seem more pale, and his eyes a darker jade.

"We're all very glad when Thor arrives," Loki observes with an amused insolance, expectant of /his/ grateful greeting as well. WHERE IS IT?

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper looks up from her coffee and to the door as the knock sounds. She knew that he'd come; she'd sent word, appropriately. She's not quite in tune with the magicks around the apartment, of course, so she relies on the physical- raps, and if Patrick *whirrrs* into a more active mode.

The fact that Amanda gets the door allows her to take one more sip of her coffee, and as she sees his frame in the door, smiles brightly. "Thor, tha-" and there.. just behind him?


The little robot comes from around a corner, input arrays twisting to check on the newly arrived.

"You're a little late," Pepper murmurs at Patrick as she sets her mug down and straightens from her lean on the counter.

Thor has posed:
    Garbed in a loose windbreaker of black over a blue t-shirt, the God of Thunder steps into the room smiling to Amanda and giving a nod of greeting that is followed by a handful of words, "Lady Sefton, a pleasure." He starts to step into the room and closes the door sharply behind him...
    Only for it to be caught, intercepted by that extended hand of Loki's thrust forth and seizing entrance with that unique aplomb owed to the sorcerer of Asgard. Thor looks over his shoulder and shifts to the side, frowning markedly as his blue eyes fall heavily upon his brother.
    A glance is given toward the hostess, for it is her domicile and she has point of privilege to offer guest rite to whomever she so wishes. And perhaps Loki is counted amongst those who enjoy such.
    But that does not stop Thor from answering, "You would find those around you more enthused at your arrival, brother, if you did not sow discord and mayhem in your wake."
    Grim admonishment indeed.

Amanda Sefton has posed:
Wait. What? Loki!

OH, that's soooo not what Amanda needs right now. Her first instinct is to armour up. The only thing that keeps her from doing that is that she's hopeful that maybe, just maybe, Loki is here simply to yank their chains and not here because he wants to steal Radu's fragment.

Wait. Is Loki behind the attack on Radu? If so...


Thank the gods Thor is here?

She steps back from the door, closing it solely because it might give their neighbours half a second more safety. It's an illusion, she knows. But, what the hell else can she do?

She steps around both Loki and Thor, leaves her cup steaming on the table, and takes up a casual position in the open living space between the kitchen and the bedrooms.

She hasn't words to greet them further. Not polite ones, anyway.

Loki has posed:
"Discord and Mayhem? Is that the term used for my assistance in the /last/ situation you were in, where I saved a mortal's life /per your REQUEST/?" Loki parries back smoothly and overly 'calmly' at Thor. His words had bite, some definite fang on them, but it's primarily retreated from the mask of serenity on his face as he surveys the apartment, and the little robot. It may as well be part of the furnishings for all the attention it gets from Loki.

"Your appreciation for my expertise in so many areas leaves a lot to be desired, brother," Loki continues. "Perhaps if everything were not met with open hostility, we'd get somewhere."

In truth? Loki's just a spy and got curious; whether his attention will remain held or he'll get bored and find something else to do has yet to be determined. The more they resist, though, the more Loki might wonder what is so /interesting/ here.

Loki watches Amanda as she shuts the door, chin lifted, royal gaze cutting - but not showing much emotion either way.

Pepper Potts has posed:

Pepper's looking from brother to brother as the little robot stares up at Pepper. She can feel those little input sensors on her and she looks down again, briefly, "This is fine.." but there is a hint of stress in her voice. There are a few things that she's not willing to forgive and forget, here.

She exhales in a sigh, the breath having caught in her throat again as she considers. //Breathe.//

"'Mands, if we do what we said we were going to do, this was a risk," she says carefully, green eyes not leaving the Prince in black. "Do you think it's one worth taking?" Nowhere on earth is safe, so what are their choices?

Limited. Very.

Thor has posed:
    "Oh, well, you saved one. Good show, brother. Remind me in the battle of New York how many..." But then Thor straightens up, clears his throat and lowers his gaze for an instant, then lifts it back up as he looks across the way at the others there and makes an effort to put on a polite face, though his slightly too wide eyes give the lie to that sentiment. At least for now.
    Instead he holds up a hand, "Perhaps this is not the time nor the place." Since /clearly/ he is being the better God. CLEARLY.
    "Is there aught you can share in the presence of mine brother? If not I will see him off." Because it's always that simple. He'll just see him off. Have some tea. See Loki off. Perhaps nibble a biscuit. Easily done.
    But at the end there he does shoot a glare in Loki's direction. Then he gestures to Pepper as she suggests they make do, flaring his hands as if he accepts the decision under duress.

Amanda Sefton has posed:
Amanda accepts that proposal under duress, as well. She stands there for several moments, regarding Pepper tensely. Her mind races. She traces through the likelihood of this whole thing going off the rails, of failing to protect the fragment Radu left in her care. Finally, her lips press together and she straightens.

A shimmer of energy surrounds her and her 'civilian clothes' give way to the leathers she prefers when acting as Daytripper. Because, in what must be formal negotiations, now, a more 'formal' attire seems appropriate. When she raises her head, in a mein almost as regal as Loki's own for all that she's merely a gypsy sorceress and not the adopted child of some long-lived alien 'god', she has composed her features into a cast that is at once serious and determined... but *not* hostile.

"Perhaps," she says in answer to Thor's question. "I suppose it depends on whether or not there's an oath or power that might bind him to our cause... well... my cause, without undue duplictiousness." She doubts Loki could ever not be at least slightly duplicitous. And she doesn't even know the guy well!

Regardless, the hint of a wry grimace tugs at the corners of her lips. "I fear I have a favour to ask of you, Thor. I didn't know where else to turn, and Pepper suggested you might help." She just didn't realize that wherever Thor goes Loki follows.

Like... All. The. Time!

Loki has posed:
"Name even /one/ human, by name, that died in the battle of New York," Loki fires back challengingly to Thor. This might go on a while. "Spare me. Humans sometimes die when they run afoul of gods." A smile is cast at the rest of the room. THREAT? Well.

Loki may or may not believe his own comments, but it fits for right now -- And Loki is not well known for his immaculate honesty.

Loki responds to the comment about being 'seen off' by strolling into the womens' kitchen, with a thick dose of entitlement. He finds a glass in one of the cabinets and lounges in the kitchen as if none of this were really involving him. ...At least that's probably accurate. On the upside, he's somewhat staying out of it, without direct interference.

"/Ask/ me to leave, brother, as a personal favor, and I'll leave you to your... whatever this is," Loki says, as an aside. "That is as 'binding' as you will get."

Loki, somehow able to angle into getting favors for giving Thor some peace.

Pepper Potts has posed:
See now... that's exactly the flashback Pepper was having, and she wasn't even in New York at the time! She was in DC! The battle of New York. Where there was a man-shaped divot in the Tower. It felt like repairs went on forever; her office had plastic hanging from the ceiling for weeks. That's not to mention what she'd come home to in regards to Tony...

There isn't a lot of forgiveness, much less forget-ness in the redhead.

Pepper's not stupid, however. There have been many, many deals where they've had to give in order to get. But that always worked out in the end, to their benefit, usually in the form of a hostile takeover.

Green eyes move back to Amanda as she makes her changes; this is getting down to business time, and as such, she's fulfilled her end. Pepper's gotten the pair together to talk as...



The first softly whistled sound from Patrick is something of a 'heads up', and the second?

Pepper watches as Loki crosses the room to get a glass out of the cabinet. Her brows crease in a 'what?' expression before, "Can I help you with something?" No, she didn't offer refreshments..

Thor has posed:
    Amanda asks her question of Thor, about an oath or power that will bind Loki in some manner. And Thor answers with but a small shake of his head, leaving it at that at first, but then adding after a moment. "None that is available to us. But aye, I will listen to your request. If it is within my power then I shall grant it."
    But then Thor turns to listen to Loki, hears him out, watches. And then once his brother is done speaking he just /looks/ at him with eyes wide and lips turned down, one hand coming up and held out as he shakes his head slightly though emphatically. He then gestures with that hand to the side as if cutting something in twain, then /points/ at Loki.
    And then turns back away and to the young women who have their favor to ask.

Amanda Sefton has posed:
And Amanda simply can't ask Thor to be indebted to his brother for her sake. She won't do that. She'd take on a debt herself, before she'd do that to the Avenger. Thus, she looks at Loki directly. "Tell me, Lord Loki," she says, her voice carefully neutral, even respectful. "What would I need to do to gain your..." She searches for the right word. "Your grace," she says finally. Clarifying: "Your favour in this matter."

She looks at Thor. "This is important to me. Lives may depend on it." She glances to Pepper meaningfully. A subtle man (and there's at least one in the room) might come to understand that she's afraid for Pepper's life, more than her own. And, doubtlessly, her friend will understand the subtlety, too. (And probably not approve. Oh, well.)

Loki has posed:
Loki gives Pepper a distinctly uninterested look at she asks if she can help him. "No, though you may consider improving your hospitality in the future," Loki says, kindly. There's a very real sense of that he is deliberately being nice. In his view, which is certainly a little specific: but he's not deliberately being nasty.

Thor is mean, so Loki mostly ignores his scowl, and centers his attention on Amanda. "My favour is something far different than requesting some private time," Loki answers her. He comes back over - his glass filled with something. Magical god stuff.

"But for now I will accept your promise to assist /me/ in the future, when I deem. I have many projects, you see. Don't be alarmed: I won't require you to be /immoral/. Fair?" Loki comes to rest nearby, now more focused, more /curious/.

More dangerous.

Thor has posed:
    Still Thor maintains his silence after Amanda speaks, though he now looks at his brother once again this time with one raised eyebrow, curious as to what the man will say. But as his 'price' is named, the ever-nebulous 'favor', Thor lifts his eyes upwards likely offering some silent message to his father to grant him patience.
    But then he looks to the others there in the apartment with him.
    "If lives depend on it then I shall be of aid. Ask what you will." He gives a single nod, stern and severe. Not the casual jovial being that he is often.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper does //not// approve, and later? Behind closed door? She'll tell her friend exactly how much she doesn't approve of the fact that the other woman is willing to take on everything. What is it with that? Really? There's a slight scowl that appears on her face, and once her gaze lingers on Amanda, it's shifted.

The admonishment in regards to her lack of proper hostessing is met with something more of an 'Not caring' expression; brows raised, her head slightly canted and her manner is.. less than open and cordial. At least to the Trickster.

She is about to open her mouth to actually answer to it, but the cellphone that sits on the counter rings (of course it does!), and once she reaches for it and answers, her gaze shifts toward the group.

"Stark Industries, Ms Potts speaking.."

It's a business call..

"Oh, yes..." There's a look to the rest of the room and she steps out onto the balcony to take it.

"...about the timing.." and her voice trails off as the sliding door closes behind her.

Amanda Sefton has posed:
Oh, Amanda knows Pepper isn't happy. But in this she'll stand her ground. (And take the tongue lashing later.)

"One favour," Amanda replies to Loki, holding up a single finger. (Not *that* finger! She's being polite.) "Nothing immoral and *only* if it does not go against my conscience or ethics." If he agrees to that, she will accept the deal.

She watches Pepper get called away and lets out a bit of a breath. She's still tense, but, somehow, her friend's distraction makes sealing this deal a little easier. That doesn't mean she doesn't keep an eye on that balcony.

Loki has posed:
Loki shrugs indifferently, smile vague. He may or may not ALREADY have something for her. "No, pretty sure you'll enjoy it," Loki responds. Which is probably not what she wanted to hear, but also does go within her boundaries of things. "But don't let me change the subject off of your important one. /Please/." Please do regale them!

Loki settles next to Thor as if they were on the same team, with a comfortable proximity. One often used to team against the world. ...Meaning, more rare, lately, but maybe there could be something in it.

Thor has posed:
    A wary-eyed gaze is leveled upon Amanda as if the Thunderer was asking her if she knew what she was getting into. But it is a positive thing, his impression of her, for he must feel she can handle herself at least in this part of the negotiations. So he nods as Loki speaks, "Indeed, tell us what there is that faces us. All the sooner that we can end whatever ill it may cause"
    With that said he settles into a seat more properly, crossing his legs one over the other and resting a hand upon his knee as he considers Amanda thoughtfully.
    And, if there might be a small bit of jostling for position on that seat? Who is to know?

Amanda Sefton has posed:
Deal made, Amanda takes a deep breath and nods to herself. She then gestures arcanely, conjuring an illusion of the fragment of stone hiding beneath her bed. "This is a fragment of an ancient tablet that has long been guarded by the family of a sorcerer I have known since girlhood. Recently, he was attacked and brought the fragment to me for safe keeping." She looks directly to Thor, now. "I don't know if he's still alive or not. Regardless, I believe that there are powerful magical forces coming after it, no matter who has it. Others have already died because of other fragments of the same tablet. So, I cannot leave it here." Where her friends and neighbours may be in danger.

"I need to put it somewhere out of reach of these enemies, some place innured against physical and mystical attack, while I try to track down who they are and put a stop to them." She inhales a deep breath and gives a wan half-smile to the blond thunderer. "Pepper suggested that you may know of some place safe where this can be placed. Perhaps on Asgard."

Thor has posed:
    At the explanation from Amanda, Thor's eyebrows rise as he considers the task at hand. He lifts a hand up to scritch at his jawline thoughtfully and then he looks over at Loki...
    And it's as if their little back and forth had not happened at all, for there is a mission in the offing, they are both on the same side. And for Thor, at the least, he falls into that old pattern and rhythm of exchange that is usually only seen between two siblings.
    At first there's perhaps a shrug shared. Maybe even raised eyebrows. Thor looks to the side and uncurls a hand as he says, "The cave?" A beat, "Jotun?"
    Then he looks away and let some silent slip in there before he uncurls a hand, "That place between the realms? What was it called?"

Loki has posed:
Loki didn't sit, he just prowled roughly towards where Thor sat down, to linger over there. It ends up looking rather king-and-advisor for that moment, probably, particularly while Loki rests his elbow against his other palm, drink raised near his mouth, but only tilting and considering it.

"No," Loki declines, of cave and/or Jotun.

The next question pulls an easy answer from the 'Loki archives'. "You're thinking of Tah'ma. Likely still has the wards and barriers I added," Loki comments to Thor aside, uncaring if Amanda understands or not, at least for the moment, while they confer.

Amanda Sefton has posed:
All Amanda can do is wait while they discuss. She is hopeful, insofar as they appear to be discussing possible vaults (for lack of a better word) that they will come up with a solution. Thus, she contines to let the fragment illusion hang in the air.

She glances again to where Pepper stands on the balcony, putting out fires with her phone and her tablet. Who says you need spandex to be a superhero?

Thor has posed:
    Eyebrows lifting as Thor ponders, then he gives a nod as his lips part, recognizing the truth in Loki's words. His hand uncurls as he gestures to the side and murmurs, "There's always father's storehouse..." Though as he says that his features twist up a little, knowing that that might not be an ideal place considering matters and the past.
    Instead he takes a deep breath and furrows his brow, pondering the ponderings so needed.
    Fingers lift to rub along the line of his beard, his eyebrows lifting again as perhaps another thought alights then he uncurls a hand toward Loki. "There was that battlefield from when we were young. The magic had been drained. But not very defensible otherwise. But... that may be our best bet."
    A look is spared toward Amanda.

Loki has posed:
"Tah'ma is only one level up from making a hole and burying it in the dirt, too much travel there, it'll grow legs," Loki snickers, as if the idea of it amused him.

"/I/ can think of other vaults, such as the one with those crystal spikes in it," Loki reminds Thor, "but your battlefield idea is reasonable. There's enough magic to mask the signal, and it would be a rather /unlikely/ place." Loki drums a few fingers on his glass, eyes sliding to Amanda. "I'll give you a sentinel spell on it, if something disturbs it, without more casting there leaving trace: I already have one active." He drinks from his glass, relaxed.

Amanda Sefton has posed:
Amanda's attention flits between the brothers as they settle on a spot. "Thank you," she tells both of them, sounding genuinely grateful. She is partially relieved. Letting the fragment out of her sight isn't really something she wants to do, but it does seem the best choice. And she has made a bargain.

"I'll fetch it," she tells them, teleporting away into the bedroom and reappearing short seconds later with the warded box that contains the fragment. Sure, they're wards Loki can break easily, but they're really only there as her own sort of 'sentinel' spell.

Finally, she hands the box to them. The die is cast, whatever happens going forward. She's set her lot. And she's placed her trust.

From here on out, it's anyone's game.