3264/Dining with Fred

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Dining with Fred
Date of Scene: 07 September 2020
Location: Fred's Diner
Synopsis: TMW a meeting starts with awkward first impressions and ends in delicious hamburgers. Afterschool specials aren't this good.
Cast of Characters: Johnny Gallo, Sasha Moore, Andi Benton, Atlin, Albert Rothstein

Johnny Gallo has posed:
Johnny Gallo was stopping in at Fred's, one of the places he prefered when in this part of town. He'd been 'working' off and on all night as he patrolled the streets, but, all had been quite for some time. In his street clothes (Tonight meaning jeans, and a stylish silver hoodie), he pushed in the door, and glanced around, blinking a moment as it seems Fred's had been over run by some sportsball team or another taking up most of the tables in the place.

Johnny gave a shrug, smiled, and weaved his way, taking a seat at the lone remaining 4 top table. Having stolen a menu on the way, he looked it over idly as he wondered whether or not to order his usual, or try something more exciting tonight.

Sasha Moore has posed:
"Kick it, please, thanks, walk through the doors..." Sasha slips into Fred's dinner with a shoulder shrug to pass through the open door before it closes, already fishing around in the pocket of her jeans for a handful of coins as she approaches the counter. The bored woman taking orders pops her chewing gum waiting for the demunitive mutant to make her selection, but she's busy sifting through the currency in palm. "How much is a coffee? Dollar twenty five.." Flick flick flick, holding out a few quarters, dimes, and a nickels.

"I'll be... I..." Glancing around at the heavily occupied tables featuring the exclusive sportsball team. "... The /fuck/ are you guys doing here? What is this mutant league hockey? Jesus Christ, isn't there somewhere more suited for your normie asses?" All illusions of her earlier good mood has evaporated behind a dreary wall of discontent. "Somewhere, I'll be somewhere..."

Andi Benton has posed:
Andi was hungry. So was her 'friend.' In fact, the appetite was ravenous. Diners were decent places for cheap, quick food, so she swung through Brooklyn as Mania until landing atop a nearby roof before pulling out her phone to check out nearby places. Ah, Fred's. Was it one she'd been to before? Maybe, maybe not. Mostly, they all do the same kinds of things, look similar, all that.

Scaling the side of the building to reach the alley below, the symbiote flows back into her, and Andi steps out before opening the door to look inside. It's packed, it's filled with chatter, and it doesn't look like there are many places open. "Damn," she says to herself, frowning. Could always get something to go...

Atlin has posed:
Food had been one of the better things to indulge in with man's world. Certainly Atlin loved the cuisine of her people, but couple immortality with isolation and suddenly encountering new variety was one of the greatest experiences! After advice and outright pleading from her 'contact', the blonde wasn't currently wearing her armor or bristling with an insane amount of weapons, instead Atlin was dressed in a simple darkblue slim jacket over a black tanktop and matching jeans. They were borrowed clothing, but the dark colors and tanned skin only served to highlight the Amazon's unnaturally bright hair and eyes.

Her path was direct, headed towards the counter, but the raised voices brought a frown. By the time -she- was served? That frown remained.

"I want a 'chocolate shake' an an order of 'fries'." Accent as much as manner immediately labeled Atlin as some variety of 'not from around here'!

Johnny Gallo has posed:
Johnny Gallo conitnued looking through the menu, waiting for the wait staff to come by for his order. He didn't notice they were busy else where with the team. So he sat, patiently.

At the counter, orders were taken from the trio of ladies, with an offhanded 'Have a seat, it'll be right out', from the cashier, who never even really looked up from handling money and punching in orders. A hand was waved to the previously empty table, that Johnny was  now sittingat alone.

Sasha Moore has posed:
With coffee in hand, Warp did her very best to navigate the packed diner without actually jostling anyone, which is half the reason she's so damned upset by it being packed in the first place! These assholes have germs... She was, in fact, headed outside when Johnny's invitation is noted out of the corner of her eye and with a twist on her heels she's headed in the direction of his not so empty table.

"Uhh.. this isn't one of those weird situations where you're actually waving at someone behind me and now I look like an idiot because I thought the invitation was for me right?" Slurp of coffee while taking a seat at the mostly full table, glowering at the teenage sportsballer turned around backwards in the seat beside her talking to his mates about the sportsball game-score. "I'm Warp." To Johnny.

Andi Benton has posed:
Andi Benton starts with a cola and a chocolate milkshake, emphasis on extra chocolate. The young woman has a definite punk/goth way about her with the way she's dressed, the hairstyle, the multiple piercings, and she carries with her an attitude that is a little standoffish.

//Too many people, Andi.//
<<Would you rather we just left and didn't eat?>>
//...no. We are hungry.//
<<Then I guess we're gonna deal with it.>>

It's a quick internal conversation, and by the time it's done she's standing in front of the table Johnny's at, near Sasha as well. "Don't tell me. The strangers have to share a table and deal with awkward conversations, right?"

Atlin has posed:
Apparently, no only was there limited options, there was outright directions towards the table thanks to Andi's interjection from behind her. There were many things Atlin of Bana-Mighdall was getting used to understanding, but apparently she was going to have to work on sarcasm. "Oh, so this is the norm then?"

The blonde wasn't even waiting for an answer, already nudging her way past the goth and her internal monologue to slide herself into the booth. Amber eyes sweep between Warp and Johnny, a nod of her head given as she raises the straw of her drink to her lips.

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein comes walking into the dinner. He has to duck his head a bit as he steps inside he looks about. He hmms pondering where he can get a sear, and ends up walking towards the table the others are at but seems to be heading towards the bar near it.

Johnny Gallo has posed:
Johnny Gallo looked up as Warp drew near, "Oh great, yeah, hello Warp. I'd like a burger, fries, and a chocolate shake." He flashed a brilliant smile, thinking she was the wait staff come for his order.

He looked confused to Andi, but gave a shrug, "Sounds right. Was lucky to grab the last table in here. Surprised they just didn't rent out the whole place. Hopefully they'll be gone soon. Feel free to join me. I'll try to keep the awkward on a low simmer, though, I can make no promises for anyone else." He pushed out the chair across from him with his foot for someone to take, and gave a nod to Atlin as she climbed in.

"I'm Johnny. Mother taught me not to talk to strangers, but, as long as we're all introduced, it won't be all thaaaaat strange right?"

Sasha Moore has posed:
"Are you fucking kidding me?" Warp stares blankly down at Johnny when he starts rattling off his order, "You waved us over here, did you think because you saw a pair of tits in a room full of testerosterone laden nimrods-" A glance at the sportsballer, "-Yes, you.-" Back to Johnny, "That we were waitresses?" Coffee set down, her hands waves exasperatedly in the air, "-besides that- what kind of waitress introduces themself as Warp?"

Stare stare stare.

Glance back at the register.

"Burger, fries and chocolate shake? Be right back with that order." Out of the booth, headed towards the register. Warp... has.... a plan.. "Be right back-" To Atlin and Andi and potentially even Albert too!

Andi Benton has posed:
Andi Benton takes a half-step back at the reaction from the one calling herself Warp.

//They are going to fight, Andi?//
<<That might be worth sticking around to see.>>

Crossing her arms, she rolls her eyes at Johnny as he gets dressed down by the other woman, who then actually goes to deal with procuring some of that food. "I think you just messed up, guy," she says to Johnny, moving to grab a seat and place it as far from him as reasonably possible while remaining within orbit of the table. In the process, Atlin receives a glance, as does Albert, the big guy coming in next. "Holy fuck, did half the city decide to show up here all of a sudden? We're not gonna be eating for days."

Atlin has posed:
Empathy was pretty common among the Amazon people...but thanks to her heritage Atlin's had always been a little twisted; anger and hostility danced across her senses from the rather clear source that was Warp while Atlin herself took a particularly long sip of her drink held in both hands and lowered the beverage. "I agree," she speaks up, yet to introduce herself to the group she'd sat herself down in the midst of. "I believe you may have commited a...'faux pas' of sorts."

Eyes move past the Goth, spotting Albert on his way in before making to follow the miffed mutant.

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein looks over to Andi, and says "Hey I know I am a big guy, but I am a quarter of the city at max." He says to her. As he asks about the seat at the bar, finds out it is taken someone is in the restroom. He sighs and looks around for a place to sit.

Johnny Gallo has posed:
Johnny Gallo eye's went wide, "Oh shi.... Sorry!" He started to stand and amend the situation when Warp took the order, and headed to the counter for him. "Oh... Okay, cool. Thanks! Sorry, just you know, was waiting..." He took his seat again, and then gave a shrug and grin to Atlin and Andi, "Maybe... Though I'll figure out a way to make it right. Things usually fall in place like that." He paused a beat, "Usually..."

Seeing the big guy needing a place, "I guess since we're all friends now..." He scooted in more to make room for Albert, squishing against whoever was on the other furthest in on the booth as well. "Us Loners have to stick together, right?"

Sasha Moore has posed:
Warp shakes her head, hand up in a universal Sal'good I got this, keep chillin gesture behind her at the table from which she's vacated the quartet. "Pardon me, s'cuse me-" Wiggling her way back to the counter with a shit eating grin plastered on her face, "Hey! So, I want a five pack cheeseburger with double bacon on one, four orders of fries and three shakes... strawberry, chocolate annnnnd.... vanilla.. how's the vanilla?" Nodding at the reply, "Works for me.. And it's gonna be on-" Tilt and point, directly at Johnny as if she's indicating for who the order will be fore, banking on the noise in the diner to cover the fact she's fucking him for the bill.

"-That guy. Just bring it all over. You're the tits, thanks." Double thumbs up, stepping backwards into a hoping step towards the table. Once arrived, still grinning, "Hope everyone's hungry." As she rekindles her ass into a seat.

Andi Benton has posed:
Andi Benton gives Albert a long look, then she shakes her head and smirks. "You're not /that/ big," she points out. Whether or not he joins them remains to be seen, but she turns attention to Johnny next, keeping Atlin in view. "Just because we're stuck at the same table, that doesn't make us friends. It's just that all these guys," she waves a hand at the sports team, "couldn't have just had something catered instead of hogging the place." She keeps her arms crossed, shrinking a bit into her seat by the time Sasha returns to let them know food is being worked on. "We are very hungry." After a beat she adds, "And you can call me Andi." She gets to work on the chocolate shake she ordered, once it's delivered. With it, the cola.

Atlin has posed:
More food certainly didn't sound like a bad thing. Food she didn't have to pay for? Even better! Another draining of her drink, there's a tilt of her head at Andi's choice of pronouns, but the language could be tricky, right? A shrug, she instead lifts a hand from her drink as quarters get a little more cramped and she's squished somewhere in the middle. "I am Atlin," she offers in introduction, gesturing to herself. "It is a pleasure to meet all of you." Normal people greetings, no fights (of the physical kind) yet. Progress!

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein looks around and says "Well I appreciate it, how about this." He will move to the wall getting one of the spare chairs and puts it at the end of th ebooth so not crowding to much plus he does not fit the best in booths "I'm Albert thanks for the invite." He will offer his hand to each of them in turn.

Johnny Gallo has posed:
Johnny Gallo gave a wave to Warp when he was gestured to, unknowingly agreeing to pay for everyone's meals. He smiled, and made himself comfortable, "A pleasure Atlin, Andi, Albert, and Warp." He smirked to Sasha, "Maybe we should pick A names to fit in..."

When food was brought out, he started in on fries and the milkshake first, leaving his burger for last. "I've always been told, life is short, have dessert first, right?"

Sasha Moore has posed:
The food arrives, as food does, and Warp grabs the cheeseburger with the extra bacon in both hands. "I find the double fist method is always more appropriate when engaging in deep seated burger devistation." Wiggling said burger, "Thanks for dinner, Johnny." Munching away happily, she's got six fries sitting in the top of her strawberry milkshake waiting for her to finish the man sized bite she just took out of the side. Chewing with her whole ass mouth open.

"Sho howsh everybawdy?" Swallow swallow. "Aside from well fed with cool names, obviously."

Andi Benton has posed:
Andi Benton draws a big gulp of the chocolate shake, not even bothering with spoon or straw, just glass to mouth. It's sort of like Sasha going all-in with the burger. For a moment, Andi's eyes take on a distant look of content. Must be some good chocolate. She waves off any handshakes, offering instead, "Nah, I'm good." Atlin receives a shrug in response to saying it's good to meet them, instead reaching for a burger of her own. "Less hungry than before," is all she says to Sasha after taking a large bite of the burger. "We could go for more shakes and food, if this guy is picking it up," she adds, jerking a thumb at Johnny.

Atlin has posed:
"'Cool names'?" the questioning comes from the blonde before she shrugs, finally reaching for the fries and stuffing the small handful in her mouth. Like any good guest to a culture she was following example, and the others had made it pretty clear there was no need for formality or decorum. Good, it reminded her a little more of the feasts back home!

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein will take one of the burgers, and after seeing bacon on another, he checks to make sure there is none on his, and says "Not sure if Albert is that cool of a name, but a pleasure to meet you." He offers with a smile before taking a bite of his burger, and listening to the others.

Johnny Gallo has posed:
Johnny Gallo eyes went wide, "Wait... What?" He looked from Andi to Warp, confused with a fry hanging from his lip. "I mean..." He let out a defeated breathe as he realized what'd happened. "Fine... Yeah. I mean, I've my checking account, and my savings account, and it's 3 days if I wanna move money from one to the other...." He joked, going into the Kevin Hart skit. "Nah, it's cool, I've got cash. Eat up."

Sasha Moore has posed:
"Stand up dude right there." Warp says to Johnny's back pedal attempts and ultimate agreement to pay for the tables dinner, "This is what we call a learning experience. Just because boobs, does not mean waitress." One of the teens turns to look at them at the mention of boobs, "Or oogling because that's how kids go blind." Glaring over her shoulder, she's all of five nothing though! He don't care! "He should be glad I've got this delicious hamburger and I don't wanna waste Johnny's money." Andi's request for more has Sasha waving for the waitress, motioning around with a twisting finger, "Another round over here, huh?"

Andi Benton has posed:
"And a chocolate sundae with extra chocolate," Andi adds.

//Good, Andi remembered.//
<<Well..it's tasty, and better than the alternative>>
//Andi could try the alternative and find out.//

She has no answer to that, knowing exactly what the alternative is. The others, if they're paying close enough attention, might catch a troubled expression crossing her features, a moment where she chews around the ring in her bottom lip. "Not that I care, but this is the part where someone probably asks what everyone does for a living, but since I don't care, it doesn't really matter that I work in a music shop." She's back to using 'I' instead of 'we,' for those who pay attention to detail.

//Andi is talkative today.//
<<Shut up.>>

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein looks over to the teen who is glancing over and makes a motion for him to turn back around, and while the 5 foot lady maybe the one who would kick the kids rear, the 7 foot tall mohawked fellow looks more the part. He looks back to those at the table, and says "I'm a mechanic, if it goes fast or supposed to, I work on it."

Johnny Gallo has posed:
Johnny Gallo rolled his eyes, and gave a nod, "Yeah yeah... I appologized." He reminded her. As one of the teens turned to oogle, Johnny took the wrapper from his straw, and balled it real tight, and dabbed just a touch of his shake on it with his finger. Then he held it in one palm, and drew his middle finger back on the other and flicked it, hard.

  The bit ofchocolate covered paper rocketed across the isle, hitting one of the teams hat, before bouncing off and slamming the oogler in the side of the face, splatting and sticking to his cheek. The guy turned to his teammate, and a bit of a pushing match started as both thought the other did it.

Johnny grinned and sipped his shake in pleasure. "I'm still a student. I don't work. Though I do get a pretty big allowance as long as I keep my grades up and stuff." He paused a beat, "You look like a record store person. What's one record you'd recommend me?" He agreed and then looked to Albert, "Oh yeah?... That's pretty awesome. I just got my liscense last year, but, I don't get to drive much. Dad said the bus is good for now." He made a face at that.

Sasha Moore has posed:
"I'm between jobs." Sasha indicates herself with a raised hand, having mostly forgotten about the teenager still making awkward eye contact with the back of her head. She aint worried about him with the seven foot tall mohawked mechanic standing vigile nearby. "You did and I appreciate it... so we'll call a truce and let bygones be." Sucking ketchup off her thumb and pinky noisely once she's finished her burger. Now to wax that strawberry milkshake.

This trip got a whole lot better than just a cup of coffee!!

Andi Benton has posed:
"Dark Side of the Moon," Andi answers, and it's hard to tell if she's being sincere or not. It could just be a lark, a classic, well-known album to say by default.

There are moments where she watches silently as Johnny retaliates by sending a projectile over toward one of the other tables, and she voices what's also being said to her by that /other/ presence within. "Waste of chocolate."

Albert gets a genuinely curious look, however. "Really? My dad's done some of that stuff. He's kind of a handyman type. I've watched him work on engines a few times."

As for Sasha, she nods once. "Well, good job getting, you know." She nods her head toward Johnny and makes like she's rubbing money together.

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein nods, and says "My dad was a pilot, and worked on engines more for pleasure. I enjoy working on them and flying them both." He admits. "I have done a bit of other things since I got in town though, even doing some subsitute teaching, mostly autoshop though.

Johnny Gallo has posed:
Johnny Gallo grinned to Warp, and gave a nod, "Truce." He chuckled to Andi, "Well deserved and harmless. Mostly." He gave a shrug and once his fries were finally all gone, he started working slowly on his burger.

He blinked, "You can fly?... I mean, like, a plane?... I'd think you'd be too big to fit in the cockpit! Isn't that why all the pilots in movies are so short?" He asked curiously.

Sasha Moore has posed:
Warp wipes her mouth with a nappy and slides out of the booth with a big grin following an even bigger belch, "Alright you cray kids, Imma hit the pavement looking for gainful employment at the behest of my new beef, Andi." Ruffling her shoulder with a wink, "If you can't be good, be good at it." A few steps in the direction of the door, pausing only long enough to send off some heartfelt, alegedly, farewells, and Sasha pops in a bright flash of white light only to reappear outside beyond the gaggle of teenaged sportsballers. Hood up, hat turned around forward, hands in her pockets... assume the lurky position and off she goes.

Andi Benton has posed:
"Cool," is all Andi says to Albert, but given her generally shut-in nature, that's like saying quite a lot more. "I finished at the Happy Harbor school earlier this year."

Any other responses are put on hold as Sasha shows the approval of her meal, Andi giving her a short nod before tensing slightly at the rubbing of her shoulder. She allows it. The main reason for the lack of a verbal response is the sudden disappearance and reappearance, showing off if there ever was a thing. "Hunh."

Johnny Gallo has posed:
Johnny Gallo gave a nod, "See you around, Warp." His eyes followed her, making sure she was safe from the athletes, when she flashed and reappeared. "Well ok then... We are close to mutant town..." He mused.

He finished off his burger, "I gotta run too. Getting late. Don't wanna get caught out after lights out! You all have a good night!" He gave a wave, before heading over to go pay for the meal. He handed over cash to the cashier, and came back to the table, "Right, all settled up. Feel free to text some time." He tossed a couple napkins down with a phone number on, before giving a wave, a smile, and then he darted on out between the invaders and out the door.

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein looks over and waves to those leaving and says "Well depends on the plane, most time I fly choppers, but I can fit in most planes, fighter jets might be a bit tight but the rest usually room.

Andi Benton has posed:
//That was someone different.//
<<Yeah, I know. But now I'm thinking it's time to get out of here and patrol.>>

Andi moves to get to her feet, looking between those who remain. "Well, we're getting a little tired of being around so many people, so we're gonna get out of here. Thanks for the food, man," she says to Johnny, adding to Albert, "Keep on..mechanicing." The rest of her food is quickly dealt with, leaving her walking out with part of one last burger. Once around the corner, she lets Mania out again and a much different mouth forms, chomping the burger in one bite before sealing back over again.

//We should try a chocolate-covered burger next time, Andi.//