4401/The Ultimate Captain

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The Ultimate Captain
Date of Scene: 14 December 2020
Location: New York Coastal Oil Refinery
Synopsis: The new Ant-Man leads a task force of Hulk, Mockingbird, and Daidarabotchi against the Planeteers. The new Ant-Man probably won't want to lead another task force again for a while after this...
Cast of Characters: Scott Lang, Bobbi Morse, Bruce Banner, Takako Kyozan

Scott Lang has posed:
What a fine day to spend on the coast in New York. Freezing winds, snowfall, an expected terrorist attack. Scott didn't care, he had been RIGHT and had enough evidence to back it up that his request for a hero task force had been accepted. Now they wait, the team holed up inside the suspected target, a sprawling oil refinery that had been evacuated, the lights left on and a few automated systems to make it look like it was still running. At least they could wait inside watching out the windows along the water though the snowstorm wasn't helping much in that department, the Planeteers low-emission craft he knew also equipped with some level of stealth tech.

Scott took a sip from a cup of hot chocolate, not coffee because of course he would, and turned to address HIS team as he thought of them, even if they themselves weren't thinking of him in that manner in any way. "So just to recap team, teenage eco-terrorists, magic rings that control the elements, blowing up high pollution, low security coastal facilities for the last 4 months or so and this looks like their next target. Also one of them may or may not have some sort of mind control powers. And I, Scott Lang, figured it out before anyone else. So all we do is wait for them to land in their little yellow plane and jump em before they start shooting stuff all over the place. Then we slap THESE bad boys on their ring hands and go home, maybe have a parade in our honor or something. Easy peasy. Any questions?" Scott gloats. The 'bad boys' in question are laid out on the table, what look like clear boxes with a hinge and an electronic latch system, designed to encase the teen terrorists' hands and prevent their ring's energy from being released. Very high-tech, very scientific, very untested as Scott fiddles with the remote that controls their lock mechanisms.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
"Far be it for me, a high ranking SHIELD agent, to question your incredible planning skills Scott," she says as she picks up one of the clear boxes and peers at it with a mighty look of the dubious kind, "But are you sure these tupperware containers are going to stop these kids from using their magical rings?"

Magic huh. With May gone, suddenly it was her turn to be pulled in to WAND missions. She gets it now, the weird. May has a right to be grumpy about it. At least Bobbi isn't as jaded yet.. yet. She looks at Takako and Bruce and then back to Scott. All three of 'em can get big and mean. As usual, the spy doesn't share her skills with the rest of the party.

And here she was thinking the Avengers group was meant to be managed by her peer in the agency, Steve Rogers. Where was he when Scott went all "danger will robinson danger!" in to the emergency communications chat room. She was already in enough hot water with Fury was it was so when he called her in to respond to something an Avenger had raised as an issue.. she made a mark on the 'Rogers owes me' tally.

Decked out in a typical tactical SHIELD armored uniform. She looks much like Natasha usually does, as Natasha's "costume" is really just work clothes. Though, she is wearing a split cape from her shoulders and fancy looking glasses that are definitely flickering small lights. It must have some kind of heads up display in it. At her sides are her batons and on tummy is an ICER pistol, loaded and cocked but strapped in place. She is a spy, she probably has more stuff hidden away - but these things are all visible.

Bruce Banner has posed:
Bruce Banner listens and frowns, "I don't like the idea of fighting teenagers. They're probably just misguided," he says. "I'm not saying we don't do anything, but...Hulk isn't likely to give a damn about things like juvenile delinquency. He's just going to smash."

Even saying the word 'smash' sends a shiver down the back of Bruce's spine. For better or worse, he was harnessing the power of his curse for good, but that didn't make him like it any better. He hated going down into that dark place inside. He hated losing control of himself. He hated the Hulk. And the Hulk hated him.

"Honestly, I have a bit of sympathy for their cause. I understand their anger."

Takako Kyozan has posed:
Due to the international nature of this terrorist coalition as well as concerns regarding treaties regarding the protection of children Takako Kyozan has joined this task force not only in her role as the international superheroine Daidarabotch but as a UN Observer as well.

Today she has skipped her usual skirt-suits in favor of her easily recognizable black, red, and white morphic cloth uniform.

"Mr. Lang. Are you sure those devices are safe? Have they been tested?" Takako asks while munching on a high calorie energy bar, "Remember they're also just kids and we have a duty to protect them from themselves in this case." It's funny, for barely looking in her twenties, sometimes Takako sounds more like somebody's mom. She looks over that the others for a moment, high ranking SHIELD agent and a world famous scientist, maybe this will go well after all.

Scott Lang has posed:
     Scott coughs and looks slightly uncomfortable at Bobbi and Takako's questions as he averts his gaze in true outstanding team leader fashion. "I mean, they probably work. We think so...the last time they attacked we had a scanner from Reed Richard's get some readings on them and we're like really pretty sure these will work. Perfectly safe of course, it's just a box that snugs around their wrist to trap their hand inside. The problem is, the uh, magic energy also happened to show up as ALIVE somehow so, we're not entirely sure removing them is a good idea or we'd do that instead. I mean, worst case scenario that's our fallback plan. Or you know, knock em out. So there you are, Plan A, B, and C!" Scott sounding confident again by the end as he lays out his layered strategy. Truly astounding as he takes another sip of his hot chocolate and leans back against the wall behind him as the snow continues to pound outside.

"And hey Bruce I get it, I mean, they're not exactly attacking orphanages and animal shelters but, they've killed a few people. Very wealthy people who specialize in exploiting the environment but..." Scott trailing off as he purses his lips and looks at a chart left up in the office they were using in the refinery. On it was a list of EPA fines and lawyers attached to fight each one. "But TECHNICALLY they don't deserve to die. Anyway given Hulk's uh...smashiness, maybe if you just sorta, nudge him to destroying their plane once they're off, cut off their escape route. Once that's gone we've pretty much got them anyway." It was true, police and possibly other less code-named SHIELD ops waiting along the roads and in the surrounding area ready to grab any color-coordinated teens that try to escape the engagement zone.

Downing one last sip of hot chooclate Scott plunks his mug down on the table with the box shackles and says, "Anyway we can keep going over it for a while yet, according to their schedule it could be anytime in the next 48 hours or..." before Scott finishes a low thrumming sound passes by over the building causing a few small objects to jitter and vibrate. Outside in the snow there's a brief flash of a sleek yellow craft landing before the whipping snow obscures it. "Or it could be now! Bobbi, Tak, grab some shackles, lets go beat...save some teens from themselves! Bruce you got plane duty!" Planning and question time it seemed was over, thank goodness they had all those fine details worked out.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi rolls her eyes and sighs. She nods her head. This is Scott's gig after all. The Avengers Mandate requests agents to let these quirky heroes spread their wings and take flight. Fury insists. So she's going to help. "I wish you had discussed your plans before we arrived Scott, I could have brought an arsenal of ICERs for everyone to use."

Her eyes shoot over to Bruce with sympathy as Scott casually suggests Hulk could smash plane. "Yeah I'm not so sure the Hulk is the best strategy for a plane. If I can, I'll sneak on board and shut its electrics down so they can't take off," she suggests.

Then the flash of the yellow craft and she nods her head to Scott, "Go time." She grabs two of the shackles and loops them on to her belt for easier carry. She takes out her ICER and the blue lights along its side activate the electromagnetic launch channel for the dendrotoxin payload. "Good luck everyone," she adds and then disappears out the door.

Bruce Banner has posed:
Bruce Banner gives Scott a nonplussed look, "Yes, controlling the Hulk, that's definitely something I'm known for. He always does precisely what I want. He's known for being well-behaved." he deadpans.

"I recognize they've crossed a line and need to be stopped. This sort of thing has a dangerous habit of escalating. Better to take them down now than wait until they commit an actual atrocity."

When it's clear that things are about to go out of control, he braces himself, stripping off the jacket he wears as he m akes his own way to the door. "Geronimo."

Takako Kyozan has posed:
Takako seems to get a momentary headache and pinches the bridge of her nose as Scott Lang talks, perhaps thinking of all the paperwork that is probably going to result from this. "As much as they probably do have a point, this violence needs to stop, you can't just kill people because you don't like what they do." It's one of those moral gray areas that really makes one think.

When the craft is heard overhead, the time for discussion has run out. Takako also grabs a pair of shackles and follows Bobbi and Bruce out the door.

Scott Lang has posed:
"I did discuss them!" Scott insists as he runs outside into the snowstorm though the superspy is already out of sight, grumbling as he hooks a couple shackles to his own waist. It was true his request for backup had come with an attachment marked 'plan' but it had been little more than a sloppy Powerpoint with slides such as 'magic rings BAD' and 'punch these people' with arrows pointing to blurry security camera footage of the suspects in question. As Bruce steps up near him outside Scott claps him on the back with a grin. "Hey look, I know you don't wanna hurt these kids. If you really want, just hang back and see if we need help! They got me and Johnny Storm off-guard last time and had hostages. This time we've got surprise on our side, be a piece of cake. I'll buy us all some pizza when we're done," Lang confidently assures him before tapping on his suit's collar, his alien-like helmet snapping up into place.

The lenses hummed a bit, heating themselves as they melted the snow and prevented from fogging up in the weather, adding the benefit of infrared vision as well. Sure enough he could make out the outline of the craft and five bodies moving away from it, the teens wearing heavy coats and boots. He waited a bit as the five split up, two heading for the pipeline pumps that send oil further inland, two more for the main refinery, while the fifth makes their way to what would be the executive office building. On comms Scott says, "Alright Bobbi, see if you can't disable that plane. Bruce head for the pipelines and Bobbi can join you when she's done, maybe we won't need to call up your other self then. Tak you make for the two going for the refinery. I'll take out the one on his own heading for the offices real quick and then join you. It's gonna be FINE guys. They're teens, the couple we identified showed zero combat training, take out the magic rings and they got nothing," Scott assures as he shrinks down to half size to make himself even harder to see and scurries for the office building.

Meanwhile headed for the pipelines were the two older boys, a redhead American with control over fire, and an African boy who could control the earth. At the refinery building were the two girls, a Russian blonde with power over wind and a shorter Asiatic that had power over water. Leaving only the youngest Indian boy heading for the offices.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Black doesn't hide well against snow. But it does hide well in the shadows caused by sharp angles of the buildings. She waits a moment as the plane lands and five heat signatures make their way out and in to the facility. A plan is a plan and this is.. certainly a plan. 'magic rings BAD' is what got the operation on the radar to begin with.

She moves swiftly to the plane. It's a nice yellow plane, which makes her wonder just how they're funding their eco-terrorism. Usually it's the polluters with all the ill gotten gains. A device is placed on the door and its LED starts to scramble through code combinations. After a longer wait than she is comfortable with, the door to the plane makes a *click* and she opens it.

Inside, warm, and the pilot of the plane is standing there with a bottle of cherry in one hand and a glass in the other. He's wearing a white shirt, askew black tie, and black pants. Bobbi stares back at him for a moment and then rushes toward him.

It turns out, their hired pilot is a bit of hired muscle too. They begins to fight, he blocks and she strikes. A sweep of his legs has him down and she tosses a tiny EMP grenade past him and in to the cock pit. He rises back up and sucker punches her in the kidneys. Stumbling, she turns to face him again. "This isn't a fight you want Sullenberger," she warns. He's too close for her to redraw her ICER. He cracks his neck and knuckles and moves in for round two as the EMP detonates with a *fffzzzt* frying the flight computers.

Bruce Banner has posed:
Bruce Banner starts running, which isn't exactly his strong suit. He's in decent shape, but his cardio is a little lacking, mostly because he tends to prefer to keep his pulse a bit lower. Too much adrenaline, too much excitement and he'd go into the green.

He's almost to the pipeline when the Earth rips from under him, throwing him head over heels to land in the snow. He feels his shoulder pop out of socket and groans at the pain, "So much for Dr. Nice Guy," he mutters to himself, his back arching as he feels the first tremors of transformation hit him, his eyes going emerald as he spasms, thrashing there until his skin almost rips in twain, the massive form of the Hulk tearing through and kipping up to his feet to look back over his shoulder at the offending Planeteer, his breath coming out in thick plumes of mist like a bull on parade.

Takako Kyozan has posed:
Takako gives Scott Lang one more look before heading off towards the refinery. She has a lot on her mind with this operation, not the least of which is memories of her own teenage years being manipulated by an organization that did not have her best interests at heart. It's possible these kids are not being manipulated, possible but not likely in Takako's mind.

As she makes her way to the refinery she begins to glow with wispy white energy, focusing the Tama energy within her as she wills her physiology to become more akin to the Asgardian or Olympian gods.

By the time she arrives the 'Planeteers' have already gone to work. The Russian blond has summoned a whirlwind that is threatening to tear the supports of the larger refinery containers asunder, while Southeast Asian girl seems to just be standing still, focusing her ring's power on something. Whatever it is, Takako doesn't like it.

"Hi!" Takako calls out smiling at them and playing up her youthful appearance to come off as less threatening, "I don't suppose we can talk about this instead?"

Even as Takako says this, the Russian blond turns her attention to upon the Japanese young woman and lets out a concentrated blast of wind from her ring. "Nyet, there is nothing to talk about." She informs Takako.

The blast catches Takako squarely in the chest forcing her back several meters as her feet slide along the ground, but doesn't manage to knock her over. Behind them the supports on the refinery container creak and groan, weakened by the wind damage.

Scott Lang has posed:
Hulk will find himself subjected to a double attack as the African teen points his ring at him again and hollers, "Earth!" The ground erupts, a massive pillar of rock and soil firing out of it with the force of a cannon knocking him back towards an oil storage tank. "FIRE!" shouts the redhead boy with a New York accent, a gout of flame licking out of his ring and igniting the oil tank with a boom, the light of the explosion briefly illuminating the area, a wave of heat and smell of smoke filling the refinery.

Scott can't hear any of Bobbi's fight from this distance but the rumble of the ground and a pillar of flame are hard to miss over by the oil pumping stations. "I'm gonna guess that means we're NOT keeping Hulk out of this," he mutters before saying into the comms, "Bobbi you might wanna hurry up before Hulk turns a teenager into a red smear over there!" At least he wasn't worried about Hulk, he knew well enough it was going to take more than that to put him down. But it WAS going to piss him off more which was its own problem.

It would be fine though he told himself as he watched the infrared view of his own target get closer through the snowstorm. Scott shrunk down to his ant-size form, briefly vanishing into the snow. Tiny leaps and hops let him keep his head above the surface though while still being all but invisible. Wait for it...wait for it...THERE! He leaps up, the shackle in his hands, ready to enlarge it over the kid's hand the second it was in position...and the hand yanks back the very moment Scott is ready. He enlarges to normal and tumbles in the snow still holding the empty shackle as he turns. "Tak, I'll uh, I'll be a minute myself," he says into comms with some embarassment.

"You forget Doctor Lang. I have the power of heart and with it, I can sense the intentions of all those around me, no matter their size," intones the Indian boy. He lifts his own ring, sure enough the little colored jewel featuring a tiny heart symbol on it. "I also warned you not to interfere. HEART!" he shouts, a pulse of energy radiating out at Scott as he growls and leaps at the kid again with the shackle out. He was a bigger and stronger, he'd just wrestle the damn thing on him if he had to!

Bobbi Morse has posed:
"Aww hell," she mutts to herself as she catches sight of the flames through a passenger side window. The pilot lungs in to her and she is the one on the defensive this time. The space in the cabin is small. But she has a secret. The heart rate monitor on her wrist was showing a steady 60 but it starts to jump up to 70.. 80.. she starts to punch back, and punch back hard. Calibrating the strength is not a skill she possesses yet.

With a gasp for air the pilot doubles over on to the ground. Bobbi draws her ICER and shoots him once and he drops, unconscious. "Sheesh. Since when do pilots come in bulky fists size," she rushes out of the plane and starts heading toward the pipes. Her eyes glance up and to the left to the sight-controlled menu in her HUD and she activates her wings. The loose flappy slip cape stiffens and glowing purple lights emit from it as it powers up.

<I'm on my way,> she says in response to Scott and then rounds the corner. Uh oh. A hulk. "Heeey big guy," she says instantly regretting being here. Where's Natasha when you need her? "How about you play with the rocks and I'll take out the jerks..."

Which is of course when she's noticed and a blast of flame is sent her way. She quickly turns her back to it for her wings to protect her. The heat hits the safeties and a warning displays on her HUD: %% WARNING EXTREME HEAT DETECTED %%... "Yeah no shit wings, I can feel it!"

Bruce Banner has posed:
Hulk is swallowed in a massive explosion, the oil tanker immolating the entire area around him with a massive burst-explosion that obscures the monster from view, melting snow in every direction around him. The teenage heroes think they have accomplished something, high-fiving and preparing to do their worst to try and take Bobby down with the Hulk.

Until the smoke clears and the flame dissipates and there, standing with steam coming off his gamma-irradiated body, the Incredible Hulk stands with shoulders hunched and slowly raises his head to take in the two perpetrators. Any hope of getting Hulk to hold back is fairly moot at this point. He felt that. Hulk doesn't like pain. Hulk doesn't like pain at all.

"HULK SMASH!" he cries, bringing his hands together with a poewrful clap that sends a sonic boom right at the pair.

Takako Kyozan has posed:
The ground beneath Takako's feet cracks as what the Southeast Asian girl was doing becomes readily apparent. A powerful geyser summoned from the ground water gathered beneath the coastline shoots up from below sending Takako into the air, "They may not have combat training, but they're definitely well coordinated." She shouts after spitting out a mouthful of water. The explosion in the distance and sounds of a Hulk give her pause for a moment. That is rarely a good sign.

"Okay, playtime is over. I tried doing this the nice way." Takako informs the pair of planetpunks. As the wispy white energy surrounds her again and intensifies as she grows and grows, large enough that the geyser can no longer keep her aloft, large enough that she is able to grab the bodies of the two teenaged girls, one in each hand. "You both need to, what is the English slang, Chill."

Scott Lang has posed:
     SNAP! Scott had done it, the teen's extended arm the perfect target for the shackle! His plan was working, Scott should feel elated. Instead he stands there shaking, tears welling up in his eyes under the helmet as the boy stands there with a smug look on his face. Every bad thing Scott had done in his life comes racing through his mind as clear as day, even casual stuff he'd never thought about. From his falling into thievery to simply leaving the water running while he brushed his teeth. It was overwhelming as he fells to his knees in the snow.

"Scott, you must atone for your actions. You know what you must do. The power...is yours," the Brazilian boy Ma'Ti saying the last like some sort of prayer. Scott shakes with sobs and pulls the shackle remote from his waist, then hits the unlock button before falling over in the snow and curling up weeping. Wasting no time Ma'ti holds the ring to his forehead and communicates telepathically with his team. "It's time," he simply says.

The other four teens on the verge of defeat look up to the sky and point their rings at some unseen point.

"Let our powers combine!" hollers Kwame. "EARTH!"





Beams of pure energy fire off from each ring at the same point in the sky and intersect, a glowing rainbow orb pulsing in the sky before it shoots up even higher and then begins to take shape, the snowstorm around it seeming to halt in a pillar of clear sky. A voice resonates from the orb all across the refinery. "By your powers combined, I am CAPTAIN PLANET!"

"GO PLANET!" holler each of the teens in unison as their rings fade to a dull color. Their threat at least was gone as out of the sky now descends the final form of that orb...a blue-skinned, green-haired man bedecked in red boots and chest piece, a yellow sphere in the middle of his chest. "Hey there everyone! Things are looking a bit tense around here. How about we...CHILL OUT!" he cornily remarks. Not so corny is the way the snowflakes in the sky suddenly coalesce. Each flake a fleck of ice, when they suddenly all stop falling and mold together their form hundreds of hardened icicles, which begin to rain down aimed at Hulk, Bobbi, and Takako at high speeds.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi rolls behind a piece of heavy machinery to get away from the increasing heat. The flames stop and she catches her breath. Then... BANG.. that Hulk clap has her ears ringing, <Say again Scott.. I can't hear you> She peeks up over the machinery quickly and gets the position of the two, earth-boy and fire-boy. Either she does this now or they become red smears.
"Oh great, now they have their own call signs," she mocks, unaware that Captain Planet has been summoned just yet. She pops up from behind the barricade and _pew pew_, two shots of dendrotoxin, one for each of the planeteers.

Slowly, it dawns on her, like the thumpthump of the Staymuffed Marshmellow man.. only in this case a green haired flying magical creature. She turns to look at him and then quickly pulls a wing up to cover her as the icicles rain down like arrows.

<Scott! this wasn't in your report!.. Scott?> She peeks out from under her cloak-wings and sees Scott on the ground, "Dammit" ... <Scott snap out of it!>

Bruce Banner has posed:
Hulk swats away the incoming ice onslaught, flinging shards in every direction as he starts to charge forward. "FANCY CHRISTMAS MAN ONLY MAKE HULK MADDER!" he calls. He bends his knees and leaps, careening through the air like a massive green boulder launched from a catapult, intending to simply hit the Captain with a good old fashioned punch in the mush. Hulk isn't prone to fancy tactics. Or any tactics. He just smashes. But he's pretty damn good at it.

Takako Kyozan has posed:
"Ow ow ow ow! I just said that you fashion nightmare!" Takako is not happy. The icicles may not be piercing the vastly increased density of her skin, but the barrage still hurts. It's like being pricked with dozens of icy needles. "Ii kagen ni shirou!" Takako shouts at the two teenaged girls in her hands, lapsing into her native Japanese out of frustration.

Even as Takako is taking in the rapidly changing situation, there is a groan and a crunch from behind her as the wind weakened supports holding up the massive refinery container begin to give way causing it to teeter and threaten to cover the entire area in thousands and thousands of gallons of oil.

"I will deal with both of you later." The teens are informed before being stuffed into a pocket of her suit. She then dashes towards the near toppling container, bracing herself against it to keep it from falling, even as she looks back towards Captain Planet and the others thinking this situation has certainly gone straight to hell.

Scott Lang has posed:
Valiant team leader Scott is down for the count, Bobbi's voice buzzing in his ear but barely registering in his brain. The power of HEART might all be in the Captain now but the emotional toll it has taken on poor Scott isn't finished as he lays in the snow curled in a fetal position, an overwhelming sense of guilt running through him. On the plus side it did seem to mean Captain Planet wasn't even viewing him as a threat worth attacking, nor was Ma'ti looking to finish the job. He knew he didn't have to. These pathetic heros didn't stand a chance against the might of Captain Planet.

Captain Planet takes the hit though, launching backwards and crashing through the wall of a building, only to then smash up through the roof and hover again in midair. "Nice hit and I love the color big guy. But Christmas Man? Well how about I Deck you in the BALLS!" Captain Planet not done with the pun-laced assault. Like the jut of earth that had slammed Hulk earlier, another eruption of solid rock fires out of the ground as Hulk lands. With the Captain's exponential increase in power this one fires far faster, the rock far denser, the pillar...right between Hulk's legs. "That's one sack that won't be delivering anything these holidays!" the particularly dirty-fighting Captain remarks before turning attention on Takako, Bobbi seemingly ignored for now as being too little a threat to concern himself with. "What's wrong Giant Woman? Can't spare a pun? Well how I lend you a hand in...lightning your load for you," Captain Planet taunts as he lifts a hand. Anyone familiar with the X-Man storm might recognize what's happening, the already dark snowlouds growing darker, a few flashes of light and thunder from them before a bolt fires out at Takako.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi stares up in wonder at the super hero eco-terrorist and just says, "Seriously what the hell. Is this what it's like for May every time?" She shakes her head and stands back up. Prioritise. This mission has failed. She puts the 'cuffs' on the two planeteers she just dropped and rushes over to Scott's side with a skidding stop on her knees.

"Scott, I need you to get the hell up right now. This isn't a game," she says and then taps on her comms <This is Agent Morse. We have a gifted possibly magical being summoned by the targets of Mr. Lang's operation. Need immediate evac> She wraps an arm about Scott and hefts him up to his feet, far stronger than someone of her build she be able to do.

"Fine, I'll do it myself," she says with a huff. Over comms she hears <Evac Quinjet on route Field Leader>. She tries to get him up and moving, taking him to the evac landing zone. She still has the two kids she ICE'd and the pilot in the plane to move to the evac zone. A bit of assistance is required. With a quick glance in to her HUD she gets the wings active. They spread out and push with anti-grav to get her moving faster.

Bruce Banner has posed:
Bruce Banner takes the hit to the little Hulklings with an audible roar, crumpling for a moment and ending up on his hands and knees, sucking in breath in teh wake of the unexpected pain. He hadn't been racked too often in combat. Hand to hand combatants capable of doing much damage that way were few and far between and that kind of accuracy can be difficult to do with energy weapons. But Captain Planet had managed. Which, of course, lead to the main remaining reason people didn't hit Hulk in the balls.

It made him angrier.

Anybody watching would see a ripple underneath the Jade Giant's skin as he adds bulk, thickening and swelling even more, another two, three, four inches added to his height until he finally rears back to let out a primal howl of pure hate and rage.


Takako Kyozan has posed:
Takako's eyes widen as she looks from Captain Planet up to the sky where the storm is gathering. She can't believe what she is seeing, it's not the first time she has seen weather manipulation or similar powers, it is more the sheer disregard for friendly fire and those that summoned him more fitting of a demon. It's a bad situation all around, if she gets hit by the lightning not only will it hurt, a lot, but the kids are going to get fried and the massive refinery oil container is probably a lost cause either way. Taking all of that into account, the gigantic woman does the only sensible thing and dives for cover just before the clouds disgorge their massive bolt of lightning.

Takako crashes into the ground, demolishing one of the smaller buildings of the refinery campus in the process, just as the massive bolt of electrical plasma connects with the refinery container igniting a second massive oil explosion. Plumes of flame and smoke ascend into the sky as the blast spreads outward.

"Kuso." Is all Takako can manage, the back of her uniform badly damaged by the blast revealing flesh beneath that shows signs of some potentially nasty burns, but at least it is easier to body block an explosion from the teenagers than it would be for a bolt of lightning.

Scott Lang has posed:
"Just leave me here. My little girl. I failed, I'm no good. Let me go," bemoans Scott as he sags limply against Bobbi. The execs from the last Planeteer attack that had been taken hostage had been much the same if not worse, on the verge of suicide for their own 'crimes' they'd been forced to endure the guilt of a hundred times over. Most had recovered by now but it had taken days, not minutes, and Scott's mental fortitude was no Captain America or other fearless hero. At least he doesn't fight her as he's dragged along.

Captain Planet meanwhile frowns, showing at least a hint of actual concern as Hulk starts to change into something even more fearsome. "Alright Big Guy, I think it's time for you to SPLIT!" As he says this last Captain Planet holds up his hands and spreads them apart, miming like he was opening something up. And so he was, the ground under Hulk's feet splitting apart into a deep chasm. That chasm continues to lengthen as well, the refinery being on the coastline meaning it doesn't take long for it to reach the ocean. Thousands of gallons of salt-water begin to pour into the chasm, trying to drown the enraged beast however deep he may be.

Or at least stall him as Captain Planet looks around to find the still free Ma'ti, having moved to the roof of the executive offices. "Ma'ti, it's time," says Captain Planet, the first serious thing the blue-skinned, green-haired punster has said since appearing.

Ma'ti bows his head and chants, "Yes Captain. Our power, is yours." With that his ring begins to glow again, as do those of the other teens. Each of them begins to shake and their eyes roll back in their head...before their breathing suddenly stops. Once more the rings are glowing, even brighter than before, and they pull themselves seemingly of their own accord off the fingers of the deceased Planeteers. The shackles do nothing as the rings shatter through them, designed to hold back energy, not the sheer physical force they now contended with. Each of the five rings snapping onto one of Captain Planet's fingers who pulses with newfound energy from the dead teen's souls.

"That's right, the power is mine," the Captain all but hisses a bit malevolently as he looks down with dispassion on the flailing heroes and grins. "Sorry everyone but this Captain has gotta fly. But before I do...let me WAVE goodbye." The pun's nature was obvious this close to the coast, a mile off-shore a tsunami-sized wave was forming and heading straight for the refinery, and as it grew in size it didn't look like even Takako would be able to keep her head above water. The Captain meanwhile jetted off at high speed, the crack of a sonic boom left in his wake.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi sighs and puts Scott down in a whimpering mess at the evac location and then rushes back - the kids are next. She wouldn't forgive herself if somehow the kids got hurt in all of this. She enters the area where she dropped them in time to see their rings glowing through the clear cuffs that Scott brought.

Bobbi rushes to the Fire kids side as he slumps. She checks his pulse, then the other kids, "What the actual fuck." She turns to look up in to the sky again as the rings end up on Captain Planet's hand and slowly her eyes turn toward the tsunami headed their way. <Cancel that Evac landing, I'll meet you in the sky> she says with a rushed hurried voice.

Time to formulate a plan - Hulk can take care of himself. Takako? well, she's not sure, <Ms. Kyozan please vacate to safety> She flies back to the plane and drags the big pilot out and next to Scott. "Okay.." she says to them, herself, who knows.. she glances at the heart rate monitor on her wrist and sees it starting to spike. "Here goes nothing..." With a grip on Scott's arm and the pilot's arm she looks up and turns the anti-grav wings to full.. slowly she begins to climb in to the air as her Metahuman muscles are put to the test dragging the two men with her.

A quinjet suddenly de-cloaks just above them and its hanger door opens. SHIELD Agents lean out the door holding out hands as Bobbi flies up to land at the opening. The team quickly drags the pilot and Scott in to the quinjet.

Bobbi, though, walks in to the quinjet a few paces before she suddenly drops to her knees and grips at her arm. She winces in pain as her heart starts to palpitate and she passes out.

Bruce Banner has posed:
Hulk watches the incoming wave and strides forward, flexing his massive arms and beating his chest. He's frustrated now, the Captain's escape robbing him of his opportunity for vengeance, this Avenger far from sated as he snarls his wrath into the wind, daring the tsunami to try and take him apart.


Takako Kyozan has posed:
"Ughh.." Takako is very articulate as she pushes herself up to her hands and knees shaking her head. When the summoned rings tear a hole in the mystic cloth of her uniform, she blinks for a moment and then checks the pocket and freezes when she comes out with the unmoving bodies of the two teenaged girls, which are carefully set down.

She hasn't noticed the incoming tsunami yet and it is questionable if she is actually listening to her comms as she pushes herself to her feet, "Temee, tada no kodomotachi datta yo!"

There is rage in her eyes as her hands form a sphere shape in front of her chest, gathering Tama energy, condensing it and condensing it down into a single point that grows larger and larger as more energy is poured into it, a dangerous amount of energy born out of anger threatening to erode her actual lifeforce beyond her Tama reserves, before the gathered energy is unleashed all at once in a massive blast of Divine energy carving a swath across the space between Takako and Captain Planet.

"Die you son of a bitch." Is uttered in perfect English.

Scott Lang has posed:
Scott crawls a bit forward as he's dropped onto the deck of the jet, opening his helmet with a snap and taking a deep breath of the cold, smoky air still rushing into the open backside. His eyes are a bloodshot mess, wet trails of tears and, well snot staining his face. He sniffles and wipes a forearm across his nose, watching the wave vanish behind the closing door of the Quinjet. Had he ever cried this bad in his life? He wasn't sure his first night in jail had been this depressing. But it was more than just the utter failure of HIS mission, what that kid had done to him...he closes his eyes and tries to focus himself but the only thing that keeps flashing through his mind is Cassie as a baby, alone without a father when he should have been there for her. Scott grits his teeth and then turns one of his own Stinger gauntlets on himself. The power is turned down, just sending a painful shock through him that makes him yelp in pain...but the worst of the images vanishes from his mind. The other SHIELD agents watch him curiously, and at least one with a hand on their gun at the oddly acting Avenger as Scott sits up next to the unconscious Bobbi. Breathing heavily he murmurs, "Well, I'm not getting a Christmas card from her I wager. What a goddamn mess."

Indeed things were hardly getting better outside even if he didn't know how bad as Hulk faces off with a literal tsunami. Cause he has to try and take it out on SOMETHING. And Takako takes one last vengeful shot. Fast but nowhere near light speed, Captain Planet frowns as a prickle runs down his spine. "What is...OH CRAP!" no pun this time as the blast of godly force catches up to him. Even empowered as he is Captain Planet can't shrug it off and crashes miles away.

Albeit not for long as the blue-skinned monster sits up with a daze and looks down where his right arm once was, now a smoking stump. He lets out a growl and closes his eyes, the sphere on his chest and the five rings all glowing briefly before a series of roots spring from his body and form a new arm. In another day or so it would look like the rest of him but for now he flexes his rooty fingers and looks back from where he came. "I'm going to need more power still, if I'm going to save the Earth from them," he declares as he hovers up again into the air and takes off once again.

Bruce Banner has posed:
Hulk isn't exactly the saving people type, but seeing Takako take a good shot at Captain Jagoff has Hulk feeling like the generous type. The monstrosity leaps into the air, throwing out his arms wide and intervening as only he can, unleashing another powerful shockwave of sonic impact to disrupt the wave as he claps his hands together savagely, the megaton-force of that impact enough to at least reduce the velocity of the incoming water and give them a chance to be waterlogged but alive.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
The SHIELD team quickly rushes to both Scott and Bobbi. They check Bobbi's medical records and raise her feet so her heart has time to recover. She flutters open her eyelids and takes in a deep breath, then grips her left arm and grimaces, "Ouch." The pain on her face is palpable, but the agents know better than to ask more about it. It's still a touchy subject matter for her.

She looks over to Scott and says, "Hey.. it could have been worse. And those kids lives aren't on your head. That.. monster they summoned. He's responsible. Those eco-terrorists just exploded oil in to the ground, water, and air.."

She sits herself up and takes the time to slow her breathing and check her heart rate monitor. The number up at 173 and slowly dropping back down.

Takako Kyozan has posed:
Takako stands there holding the same pose as when she unleashed the massive torrent of energy, breathing heavily for a few moments. Watching the waters come she gives up her size in favor of a little more time with divine durability, that almost smoke-like aura of wispy white mystic energy still surrounding her as she dwindles in size and attempts to make her way from the area. For once she has no quip about food or being really hungry, just a grim silence.

There is no outrunning the water through and eventually some swimming is required, but waterlogged but alive is an apt descriptor in the end for how she makes it out.