6098/Catching Up With Drax

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Catching Up With Drax
Date of Scene: 01 May 2021
Location: Common Area - Milano
Synopsis: Drax finally decides to start being less murderously social again and catches up with Mantis and Rocket, who shows him a mystery from his past and where he was made.
Cast of Characters: Mantis, Drax, Rocket

Mantis has posed:
Mantis is sitting in the common area, nibbling on a bowl of cereal, a very interesting soup dish Quill introduced her to, it is common Earth fare!

Drax has posed:
Drax has been a bit of a silent inexorably searing mountain since finding out Gamora and Nebula were Thanos' daughters.  The Kylosian stretches his arms as he moves to check the meat supply.  It's become a thing, surprisingly something Drax hasn't shouted from the rooftops even if everything he does is so obvious it is like shouting from the rooftops.

"Mantis," he says with a solemn dip of his head.  "Is that crunchy breakfast soup?" he asks, looking over in the middle of meat check.

Mantis has posed:
"It is a soup of cereal from Quill's planet, it is a dessert you have for breakfast, and yet I am having it for lunch. I am very innovative!" Mantis says to Drax with a beaming smile, before toning down her happiness. "Uh oh, Drax, you appear to have a sadness...or concern, do you want to talk about it? I didn't see you at Quill's birthday, are you okay?"

Drax has posed:
"Does it have the dry berries in it?"  Drax approaches to squint down at Mantis' bowl.  "Yes.  Cereal."  Mantis' smile does cause Drax's stony expression to lose some of its grr.

"I am angry-Quill is older.  He will be older again next cycle," Drax says as if that were some kind of explanation, for anything.  "I am hungry," too.  He moves to pour himself a bowl, thick, meaty fingers cradling the biggest bowl he can find...well, container really.

"...I should have gone to Quill's birthday," Drax admits after settling near Mantis.  "Did I miss anything funny?"

Mantis has posed:
"It has all manners of cereal bounty!" Mantis confirms in her own peculiar way. "Yes, humans get olders, as most species do!" Mantis looks a bit confused at Drax' statement, "would you rather he died? I thought you were friends." Mantis giggles, "yes, you did!" She pretty much leaves it at that, the question answered, no explanation given.

Drax has posed:
"No.  I will celebrate his birth next cycle.  After I've avenged my wife and daughter."  Drax gives Mantis a little look.  "I do not wish him to die," he adds, for good measure before starting to tuck into his cereal.

"What did I miss?"  For Drax, he is used to this exchange.  In fact, it only feels natural.  He never asked Mantis what it was he missed and so the thought that she should have said more never enters that thick skull.  "Tell me.  What happened?"

Mantis has posed:
"Do you want me to let him know you will attend?" Mantis asks in full seriousness as if plans for the event a year from now, are already underway. She nods at the notice of timing, "I hope you avenge them soon, I will help you if I can."

Asked what happened, Mantis notes, "some Rocket and Groot impersonators crashed the party, they wanted us to pay, but then Rocket made them pay us instead. Also I scared one of them so much, he ran through the wall! He forgot to use the door!" Mantis giggles, quite amused.

Drax has posed:
Drax thinks on Mantis' question as he munches on his cereal.  Then he nods, with a small grin.  "Yes.  That would be good.  Thank you.  What did they want payment for?"

Drax can't help but laugh and he really only has one way of laughing.  Something on The Scale of Guffaw.  "That is so silly.  How can you forget to use the door?"  Then suddenly, a thought, his red-ringed irises fix on some vague unfocused spot in his background.  "Can you make me forget to use doors?-But first.  Why were they like Rocket and Groot?  Is it because we are known around the galaxy?   I was told this happens on Earth when people become known."  

Mantis has posed:
"Oh...I think they wanted to arrest Rocket? There was a bounty on him...? I think that was it!" Mantis almost sounds like she wasn't really paying attention at the time. "Oh, did you know that Gamora and Nebula are called Daughters of Thanos? I wonder why that is..." Mantis muses.

Blinking as she mulls it over, Mantis nods, "I can make scared like I made them scared...at certain level of fear you stop being rational, and just try to escape thoughtlessly." But she does look impressed when Drax explains why they were imitating Rocket and Groot, "oh, wow! You're so smart, Drax, they are mega famous! That must be it!"

Rocket has posed:
"They weren't impersonators."

Rocket's voice is heard on the way into the room. Evidently he's picked up on some of the conversation.

"They were rejects is what they were. Bad imitations of the real deal. I don't know where they came from, and I don't care. They all sucked."

Then his raccoon face twists into a grin, if only briefly. "But none of them were smarter than me. Put a bounty on me, all because the thing I got Quill just happened to be meant for the Collector? Whatever. Rocket showed them. I knew I'd be out in no time, and Nebula was ready to vaporize them all so yeah, maybe I used that to my advantage in the..negotiations." They did come away with almost all of the bounty that was on Rocket.

That all said, he doesn't actually /look/ all that happy right now, which is not out of the ordinary, but not even Mantis talking about fame sways him. That's because something small and plastic-looking is getting stared at in one little hand. Something that looks like some kind of badge, and it has him frustrated.

Drax has posed:
"Because they are his daughters," Drax says without mirth, his fingers crimping the handle of his spoon.  "I did not know till recently.  When did you learn this?"

"Impressive.  Scaring your enemies is important.  Many of my enemies have balked at my stare.  Do you have an impressive stare for your impressive scare?"  When Rocket enters, Drax looks back.  He takes one look at Rocket and says, "You should cheer him up.  Do you know how to do that?" he inquires.

Mantis has posed:
"When the impersonators that were not impersonators called them that, I haven't had a chance to ask Gamora or Nebula about it yet, but it sounds interesting." Mantis notes, as she finishes up her cereal and puts away the dishes. "Oh yes, I can be very scary if I want to, I can be lots of things," she then turns to face Drax, as he antennas twitch, "it's all about emotions!" Looking baffled at Drax' request, Mantis takes a step towards Rocket, and offers, "I can make him happy and relaxed..." but she does look a bit concerned, that Rocket might hurt her if she approached any further.

Rocket has posed:
The 'Daughters of Thanos' stuff is beyond what Rocket wants to be thinking about right now, so he doesn't engage in that part of the discussion. It's something that's out there, something that may become more of a requirement to deal with sooner or later. At this moment, it's not as high on his personal list.

"Don't touch me," he warns Mantis, sending a stare over Drax's way as well. He fumbles with the badge, trying to tuck it away, but it slips out of his hand and falls to the floor where it lands face-up. If either of them are quick enough to notice, there's a headshot of...him, and it looks like some kind of security badge from someplace. "You didn't see that," he adds quickly, frowning.

Drax has posed:
"She is only trying to make you feel better Rocket," Drax insists at Rocket's stare.  He assures Mantis as she makes herself scarce, "He just is afraid of happiness.  You will have to try again another time."  It's sincere, but also sincerely humored.

"But I did see that," Drax says with a shrug as if, how could something not be that has already happened?

Rocket has posed:
Rocket stuffs the badge in the pocket of his jumpsuit he was aiming for the first time around. Mantis departing the room doesn't sway him one way or another. "I don't need to feel better about this. I feel better about a bunch of other stuff, like guns, and food, and biting people, and guns, and sleeping, and making new stuff, and guns, and finding new ways to annoy Quill, and did I mention guns yet?"

His eyes shift around the room before returning to Drax. "Fine. You saw it. But it's nothing important," he insists, which going by his evasiveness, is a clear and present lie.

Drax has posed:
"No one said you did," Drax says simply, but psychoanalysis is not anything he's even likely to understand let alone value in his lifetime, so it ends as a statement of fact and he doesn't probe Rocket further.

"If it is nothing important, what is it?"  The Kylosian asks between heaping mouthfuls of Earth cereal.

Rocket has posed:
Rocket makes a face. Trying to talk about feelings with Drax isn't likely to get either of them very far. There are ways they share a few things in common, but there are also a number of things they don't share at all.

And yet, though it is with reluctance, he mumbles as he climbs up onto a chair to get a better look at what Drax is scarfing down, "It's supposedly something from my past that I don't have any memories of, given to me by someone I didn't even recognize."

Drax has posed:
It's some kind of cereal, crunchy Earth fair, and there are little dehydrated pieces of fruit in it, all shriveled.  "Strange.  I have seen many lands now.  Perhaps I can tell you something about it."  He can't.  "Or have you tried the information rectangles?"  He still has a hard time using the word tablet or other borrowed terms.

Rocket has posed:
Rocket's expression doesn't shift from the way it is now, which is in ways..reluctant and doubtful. A cursory sniff in the direction of Drax's meal is made, then he places his hands against the flat surface of the table. "I ain't got that far yet. I just had to go be by myself for a little while, and this dumb bunny comes in acting like we're old mates or something, and I'm just looking at him like 'Who is this guy?' I say that about a lot of guys, but this time it's different. He's all, 'Yeah, you dropped this sometime, thought you'd like it back, we all thought you were dead, I wanted to be sure you remembered who did this to us,' and I almost blasted him on the spot for interrupting my drinking."

He shrugs, scowling. "So..no, I ain't got that far yet," he repeats, "because I don't think I'm gonna like whatever I find out."

Drax has posed:
"Knowing or not knowing will not change what has happened."  Paradoxically, it reveals nothing certain about his point of view.  "I would have liked to see a dumb bunny guy.  What does he mean by remembering who did what?"  Chomp chomp chomp.  There is no stealth in this meal.

"So do you plan on finding out?"  Drax cracks his neck idly as he stops chomping to listen.

Rocket has posed:
Against his better judgment, Rocket withdraws the badge again, slapping it down on the tabletop. The face shot is definitely him, if the name below it, 'Rocket,' is an indicator. There are a mixture of letters and numbers, like an ID, a couple bar codes, and something on it designating 'Security.'

Next to it, he places down a business card of some kind. "The 'dumb bunny' calls himself Blackjack. Even got himself some kind of crew, I guess." He gestures toward both badge and card, so Drax can see them, then he scoops them back up to tuck away once more, at which point he hops off the chair to leave the way Mantis had gone. "There's a lot of shit I don't remember, but he says I was made on Halfworld along with a bunch of others. You're damn right I'm gonna find out. Soon."

Drax has posed:
Drax looks down at the badge.  Not Rocket's best picture.

"Count me in if you need some smashing."