20229/So dance, dance, dance!

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So dance, dance, dance!
Date of Scene: 11 March 2025
Location: Ice Palace
Synopsis: Norse party at the Ice Palace. Mothers and wives are honoured.
Cast of Characters: Loki, Clark Kent, Emma Frost, Caleb Dykstra

Loki has posed:
New York City. It's a City that is known around the world to never sleep. Both eyes never close at the same time, and if one of her citizens finally finds that exhausted rest, //something// will be missed. There is no greater certainty than that. Not even death and taxes.

The Ice Palace in the Bronx appeared one night a few years back, and has slowly become a staple in one or two tour companies. After all, how could one ignore an exquisitely wrought palace made from frozen water? From the buttresses that echo cathedrals in the Old Country, to the chandeliers that glow with a light that mimics flame, but obviously does not. Sconces, tapestries, feast halls, and of course, a mighty throne room that would suit the likes of one of the many Fathers that count themselves as gods that live in the heavens.

The biggest question, however, that has always been on the lips of guides and guests is 'How does it remain through spring and summer?', for it has no hint of weeping of water. To touch the walls would bring only the merest hint of water, confirming that it is indeed made of ice.

The City is moving from the chill of the winter months to the warming cycle of spring. Every major religion has celebrations for just that event. It only depends upon when the adherents wish to celebrate. Tonight, unannounced on any website attached to the City, and not a whisper in the 'dark web', the ornate palace glows from within, though it exudes no heat. There are no 'lightbulbs', and the intensity of the illumination that would be required to make the walls glow? It'd probably melt the castle.

But it doesn't.

Within, there is music.. and tables are set in the entryway, overburdened with food and drink, from cheese, fruit, to viande, to centerpieces that seem to come alive whenever viewed from a different direction.

The noise, however, seems.. not quite right. It's not a raucous measure, not yet anyway. The milling around, the movements of the people seem measured, almost tentative.

Clark Kent has posed:
Superman floats towards the entrance without a sound. His cape was billowing in the background, the cold wind a familiar caress. It was almost a fortress of ice, which brought to him a sense of solitude. Always aware of his surroundings, Superman lands, and takes three steps forward.

Superman's deep, icy blue eyes scan the area while his dark black hair billows in the wind. It was a smile that was the most noticeable, as he looks at those present. Confidence was the word. He was supremely confident. Warm. Inviting. There was no danger here. No danger except that which was brought here under duress.

"Hello everyone. I hope everyone is well on this icy cool spring day." Music. That was where he was going.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma is a long time.. Acquaintance of the Prince of Stories. She has come to the Ice Palace on several occasions. She's heard of things like the Tiki Bar that for awhile was in the backyard of the Avenger's Mansion. So upon hearing through the grapevine (literal or metaphorical), that something of a more surreal nature is happening at the Ice Palace, she goes to head along towards it.

However, as a matter of safety, when she does arrive it's over in diamond form. There's definitely something afoot, and while Emma finds Loki roguish, she's well aware there's always a trick up those (invisible) sleeves and it's best to take nothing for granted. Gods operate on a different perspective than humans do, and she's not sure whether this is something where Loki is being playful on his own terms or there's a greater scheme afoot.

So, she arrives in nearly invulnerable diamond, glancing about the place warily while moving to cross her arms.

"Oh yes, hwat a lovely deluge we face."

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
Caleb has been to the Ice Palace a couple times, in another life - one he escaped from. After which, he hasn't paid much attention to it since.

Still, now the fact that it lights up like a sun, and yet, no defrosting, that eventually does call for attention, no matter whose.

Could that be it? Someone calling out?

And, because he's part-time vigilante - and possibly dumb - he decides to come and have a look.

As the Faceless One.

All in all looking just like a patch of darkness in the middle of all that light, the only reflective thing in his costume being a faceless mask, he walks in with caution. He notices Superman is here - that's good, in case there's trouble (maybe) -, and a woman in diamon form that could fit right in. Thank god for anti-flare cover on his mask...

Loki has posed:
The entrance to the palace has, as one would would expect, guards. Looking quite ceremonial in nature, any weapon they hold is, of course, made of ice. The gloves that they wear upon their hands must protect them from that chill.

Any that knows magic, feeds off of magic as it were, can //feel// the tingle of warmth that is the completeness of this creation. As the newest arrivals cross the threshold, the room seems to find its energy, and the room begins to liven up. Conversations become louder, the music becomes more festive, the beat giving to an ability to simply lose control on the dance floor, and the waiters and waitresses, all dressed in the air of ancient Norse, ancient Vikings, carry the heavy trays of food back and forth, disappearing behind what are probably doors, even if it doesn't look as if there are actually portals. The guests, they wear all sorts of fashions, from the more 'barbarian' to the suit and tie.

Animals, too, are present. Foxes curl upon feather-kissed snow seats, black birds linger upon a sconce, a wall support.. and through it all?

Superman is met with some glances, only a couple of them evince surprise. The others, seem to be in their own world, as far as who wanders through their midst. Hearty welcomes come from some as the Man of Steel moves further in, a tankard of ale offered by a lovely Norse maiden, as she wishs .. something, in her native tongue. 'Goa?'

Emma's appearance brings *caws* from the black birds, each one after the other. One fox, that has tail curled around its nose looks up from its nap and blinks its eyes. Is there something that lies behind those brown eyes? She, too, is offered ale, as well as fruit, the softly spoken ancient Norse falling trippingly. Naturally.

A faceless one, however? Some of those who seem not to notice anything do take note of him. There's a certain something within those glances, or rather, a certain... nothing.

A vacancy where there should be //something//. Anything.


Absolutely. After all, Emma knows who lives here...

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would glance over at it for a moment, warily watching the animals and the ale that was given over. On one hand, politeness. On the other hand, magical mead and Loki's penchant for mischief. Emma's not one to take things at face value, so she goes to remain over in her diamond form just to err on the safe side.

"DO forgive me darling for not being fluent in the language. It's quite beautiful and I love listening to it regardless. Don't speak in something else for my account." She presumes that Superman is able to understand it so she'll let the Last Son of Krypton do so. Emma is meanwhile going in wtih the 'glass half empty' attitude and thus taking the cynical pragmatist's rule on things.

"So are we allowed to ask what the occasion is or is that meant to be a surprise?" Or have the Warrior's Three completely flattened the Asgardian Embassy when someone challenged Volstagg to an eating contest?

Clark Kent has posed:
Superman looks over at Emma, and smiles warmly at her diamond form. "That is one of the most beautiful forms I have ever seen Ms. Frost. Truly, incredible. It is good to see you." Superman walks closer, and with a slight bow, waits for her response. "I see we are all here for Loki's party tonight. I am sure it will be mindblowing, as always. As long as he behaves." A slight chuckle as he spots Caleb.

Superman's smile turns into a large grin, as if he knows the party will be out of control but Caleb was here, so it was what it was. Well, out of control after he was gone, he was sure. "As everything, we wait and watch. Right Caleb?"

Turning and walking forard, Superman feels the tingle. Magic. With a grimace, like one alergic to magic, Superman walks forward. "Thank you." Superman takes the tankyard of ale. Goa indeed. Nothing was what he looked towards, as he sips the ale. Delicious.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
<<Hmmm>>, The Faceless One remarks, <<Some of these people have no body heat, others have nothing but a faint one.>>

<<Not to mention their staring...>>, he remarks once again. <<Vacant eyes...>>

He surmises, hearing the Asgardian names being thrown around, <<Some Asgardian magic at work here...?>>

Loki has posed:
Goa. The Norse month that begins with the warming of the ice, the frost. The Vikings begin the month (like most months, honestly) with celebration. In this case, digging back into those lectures of Norse Mythology in Undergrad, 'Goublot' is celebrated to honor all mothers and wives. Goa is the daughter of Thorri, a winter spirit that finds her own celebrations in the deep of winter.

The Norse maiden to whom Emma speaks smiles and nods in that way of 'neither of us understand the other, so this is the safest way of communicating'. There is no taking of the ale, then, for Emma, but there is no insult. Soon enough, there will be food that is brought.

Superman, however, does sip the ale, and it tastes as if the Asgardian vintners held their secrets back for millennia in order to offer up drinks such as these. There's a lighter flavor, the hints of light, of magic, of fermentation all make up the liquid held in the mug. For any lesser creature, it'd be more than enough to have the imbiber cast off all qualms and eat, drink, and be merry.


A raven calls once again from its position, waiting for the other to send its reply. It takes only seconds for the other to respond.


Sliiiiiiding off the grand seating, the little red fox touches ground first with front paws, then back, the fluffy tail straight out behind it. It trots, brown intelligent eyes working his way through the crowd thus gathered. Those that arrive behind the superheroes are immediate caught up in the crowd, their manners and mien easily intermixing, meeting and are subsumed by the party around them.

The fox disappears from view, curling around a column and blinks out. Gone. A couple of heartbeats later, Loki, Prince of Asgard, previously Prince Regent of Asgard, steps out, resplendent in green and gold finery. Leather accents do appear on his clothing, his immaculately tailored tunic and pants, and green eyes dance with a pleased mischief.

The party seems almost contrived. The dancing holds that edge of 'choreographed', the servers have a certain path that they take each time they make the pass. For some, the shadows might hearken to Disney Land's original Haunted House, with the spirits, the apparitions..

Clark Kent has posed:
After a chat with Emma, and then Caleb, Superman sips from the tankyard of ale and admits to himself that he was enjoying the taste. It was satisfying. "I am just here to make sure things don't get out of hand. It seems to me, everyone is having fun, so I probbaly don't have to be here. It has been a pleasure."

Superman puts the empty mug of ale down, and staggers ever so slightly towards the exit. It was...magical, and so, it affects him fully. "I must say. Delicious. Perhaps I need to attend the next part as well. Just to make sure you are all well behaved." Superman...laughs. that was unique. His memory was foggy, not remembering...with that, and a final salute, he was gone...until next time.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma is no one's mother. And may heaven help any that might otherwise be in such a position as to have to trust her with such a thing. The woman breaks things. Souls particularly. So she goes to look rather wary with things while she goes to make sure not to touch the ale. Might it have effect on the Kryptonian since it's magical? Does anyone know that Kryptonians aren't quite as resistant to magical things as they are to virtually all other things in the galaxy? Well, we shall see.

She goes to watch over at the ravens, meandering to herself. "Hello, Huginn and Muninn, a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Then as Loki goes to reveal himself, Emma goes to give a formal curtsy over to the trickster and Prince of Stories as he makes himself know. "Why, aren't we making a festive event here." She watches over at the Disney'esque aesthetic. "And that does explain why you haven't been seen in awhile.." If he's been spending time at the greatest show on Earth.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
Cleb looks at the crows, and he notices their communication. Now, he's read enough of the mythology to know a couple of things, <<Looks like Odin's watching...>>

His gaze falls upon the fox, and how this one shifts into the form of Loki. He faintly ahs, <<Yeah... That tracks. A cunning creature for a cunning god.>>

Loki has posed:
Superman, even Superman, is affected by the ale. That certainly speaks well of the vintners, does it not? That one day, even the great Kryptonian can sit down and drink as his adopted family does. Should he wish to, that is. What would a drunk Superman do?

Emma is no one's wife, no one's mother, no one's.. other. Yet still, here she is at the celebration for those such as they are. Those of Asgardian court are in some way attached to the Norn, and thus, to the fates of all, whether they realize it or not.

Loki's face brightens at the obeisance, and inclines his head in acknowledgment of the honour. "Lady Frost," he begins, the irony certainly not lost on the man, "Welcome. And, yes, yes we are." He looks around the room as if to pull it all in a single gesture in order to appear as if he lays it at her feet, regardless of her status. "It is a celebration."

The smile shifts a little in the observation that the God of Mischief hasn't been seen around, and it relights quickly, easily, and most importantly, theatrically. There must needs be a reason, perhaps, for the ravens? BOTH of them? "Well, thank you for noticing, and I will take it as a kindness that you had."

The music that surrounds the deep, cavernous feast hall of ice swings into motion. Groups begin slowly, as if relearning, retracing their steps, as others find their rhythm, even if they don't know their paces. Looking over his shoulder, Loki's gaze flickers through a couple of those that might be well at home in the afterlife in their glow as here on Midgard. Upon one, it lingers however, before he turns back, and clears his throat, widely gesturing with a sweeping arm.

"Come, take and eat. Be satiated, and I shall be sure that you can find your way back to your rooms at the end of the revel." Of course, what he's NOT saying is how long that 'revel' is, and Emma might have that little tickling thought in the back of her head that they may be 'out of time'. Loki, certainly, has that ability... right?

"And you," Loki turns towards Caleb, the man with no face. He ducks his head theatrically, his eyes narrowing as if to discover what is underneath that skin.. and shakes his head, dismissing a thought undoubtedly. "I will take that as a compliment. Do you eat," his words fall into nothingness, but leaves thought behind, 'or drink?'

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma is here for her own reasons, her own curiousity leading her present. She moves to give a formal curtsy over to Loki, "Of course, Laufeyson. A pleasure to be here." Another look is given over to the ravens just in case the one watching from the other end takes this moment to make a personal appearance over.

"Please do tell me what the celebration is given my lack of familiarity? An dplease do forgive me for my ignorance of it. I am quite interested to learn over it, thank you." She would give another glance over at the music, even as the dancing continues. She does however give a subtle overview of the dancing now. Just in case it's a sign that those present are entranced over in a way as she gives a smile.

And then Loki gives her that impulse and Emma goes to rapidly let herself be lead along. Oh yes, when Loki gives a warning one definitely goes along wtih it. She's quite curious on the finale that will be coming to them. She just wants to make sure that she's a spectator to it rather than a direct participant. She rather values her own safety, after all. ANd while Loki is a most intriguing companion, he is by far a superior schemer.

"Thank you for your offer, and I am humbled over to accept." Let Superman take the brunt of it after all. The Kryptonian could use a bit of relaxation that doesn't come from having to deal with Batman's dour personality.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
<<I do, when I must>>, Caleb says neutrally.

<<And I drink>>, he completes, though that is not a reply triggered by some telepathic ability. <<No insult meant, but anything that puts /that/ man>>, pointing at Supoerman now, <<in a chipper mood cannot end well for the common human.>>

He looks about, at the 'zoned' people. <<Is this the food and drink's doing?>> He adds, <<Many of these people are colder than this place. What are they?>>

Loki has posed:
Questions of the celebrations? Oh, yes...

There are moments when Loki forgets that those of Midgard that he knows are not the same as those centuries before. Millenia before. Practices lost, holidays melded into some New Age garbage that loses its meaning and is only a whisper of what it was. Such is his blessing and curse as to being a god.

"Goa," Loki begins, as that hand is used to sweep the good Miss Frost towards one of the enchanted tables, the gesture finishing with an offer of his arm. As they approach the tables, the chairs shift towards an iridescent green and gold, the snow that lies upon the seats as light feather-pillows covered in a warm glow. "It is the month of warming, and the month of celebrating our wives, mothers.. any ladies to whom we hold a fondness."

The Prince is certainly fond of his mother, so it does seem to track.

Some of those women, those whom Caleb now points out and questions, look back at Loki even as he looks out and over. His voice is distracted as he breaks his gaze to focus on Emma, and Caleb as well. "You can take that as a lesson learned." Which lesson?

"But, you are safe here," Loki's soft clipped tones sound genuine, his expression softening as a flickered thought crosses. It's pulled back, and now a mirror to reflect back the courtesy and graciousness of a host. "You have my word."

And for the rest of the night? Dancing, feasting, drinking.. all with those curious creatures that enjoy the celebration with them.