10114/Hellboy gets a burger.

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Hellboy gets a burger.
Date of Scene: 14 February 2022
Location: Fred's Diner
Synopsis: Hellboy gets some attention...and a free burger!
Cast of Characters: Monet St. Croix, Paige Guthrie, Hellboy

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix is currently sitting over in the diner, having an expression of passive distaste on her face that seemed to be her default. Going to sit down with a low grumble over in her position, looking over the menu for something, anything that would hopefully iyeld to something partially edible. Why was she here? Well there was some reason that she couldn't just depart here since she seemed to be so irritable.
    So, getting up and going over to the jukebox, going to insert a credit card. Then selecting a song at random as 'The Rainbow Connection' would come and she would resist the urge to crush the player

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Paige Guthrie is a college kid and college kids go out at night. Dressed in a white tank top, with a little pink flared skirt, she walks in on black kitten heeled boots. With a couple other people, the group scatters. One to the bathroom, one to get her phone or something, and Paige starts trying to decide where to sit. Clearly a few drinks in, she walks... carefully.

Hellboy has posed:
    Hellboy, meanwhile, is pretty much just here for the food, not any kind of drinks. He walks in all on his own, because a group doesn't afford him much extra safety against common thugs. He moves through the doors and raises a brow as he looks at the jukebox. "Huh," he says before walking toward a table. While he's known, lots of mutants appreciate the fact that, at least in mutant-town, people don't stare at you. Thus, Hellboy is largely left alone as he sits. He plucks up a menu and looks it over.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would look over at the man entering in, glancing at Paige for a moment, "That's some very excellent prosthetics." Likely not a mutant; the sheer number of aberrances in that means it couldn't be a mutation. Someone walking around calmly in that is probably here for a movie shoot.

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Paige Guthrie looks over to Monet, then to Hellboy, and smiles. "Could be. I mean... you never know." She giggles and carefully shuffles over. Taking a chair across from HEllboy, she leans on it from behind smiles to Hellboy "Hi, may I join you? I don't think my friends are hungry." Her Kentucky accent is soo prominent when she's been drinking.

Hellboy has posed:
    Hellboy raises a brow and huffs out a sigh. "Yeah, okay," he says after a bit of deliberation. He reaches his left hand into his long, nebulous coat and pulls out a marker. "You got something you want me to sign, I take it?" he says, taking this stranger asking to join him in stride. He's likely seen it quite a few times before.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would glance over at Hellboy for a moment, before admitting, "Excellent costume." It was very well done. Extremely high quality animatronics or puppeteering. All very smooth, no signs of the costume props or parts that normally they would just film at unexposed angles to hide.

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Paige Guthrie slides into the seat, putting her elbows on the edge of the table, propping up her cheeks with her fists. "Thank you but no. I'm just getting some food so I don't have a hangover tomorrow." She laughs. "Is she right though, if you don't mind my asking? Is that a costume?"

Hellboy has posed:
    Hellboy sighs and rolls his eyes. He tilts his head to the side and gives a bit of a sassy look to Paige. "Normally, people here don't stare unless they want an autograph." He furrows his heavy brow a bit before turning to look at Monet. He drinks her in with his eyes, but more with curiosity than anything else. So THAT'S the kind of person who doesn't recognize Hellboy from his comic books. Fair enough. He swishes his tail a bit. It thunks against the legs of the chair behind him with the same metallic thud as if he'd whacked a hefty finger against the metal legs. He then looks back at the menu. "Yeah," he says. "Totally a costume. I definitely don't have resting demon face."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would nod, "The prosthetics are excellent." M doesn't read those silly funny pages. Why lower herself to such a banal form of entertainment that was so crass? Not the slightest hint of awareness in her posture nor recognition. "They're cued up exactly to facial mannerisms. Excellent work."

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Paige Guthrie reaches over to Hellboy. If allowed, her hand finds his forearm to touch. "Here in mutant town, it takes all kinds. I'm lucky. My mutation doens't change how I look most of the time. Sorry if it's a sore spot. Name's Paige."

Hellboy has posed:
    "Red," Hellboy says with a polite smile toward Paige. So, yeah, she doesn't think he's a costume, and she's not fishing for an autograph. She's just treating him like a person, which is exactly what he wants. He puts the menu down and looks at her--really looks at her (possibly into her soul). "Nice to meet you," he says. He gestures sideways with his head toward Monet. "Skeptic a friend of yours, or is she just new to mutant town?" he asks.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would glance at Paige for a moment and then shrug while going to cross her arms over while evaluating the response from Paige for a moment, idly considering. "That level of physical differentiation would be entirely unknown for a mutation."

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Paige Guthrie looks back to Monet. "Completely unknown?" That accent still very strong. "What about Hank?" She shrugs, and looks back to "Red." "Hi Red. We've gone to school together," she grins. "She doesn't hate mutants or anything, don't worry about that."

Hellboy has posed:
    "Hope not," Hellboy says. He considers Paige for a moment, then Monet. He gestures. "Well, if you're this interested in me, join us," he says. "I'm not going to get to eat in peace, it looks like." He knocks on the table with his left hand and notes there are a few others trying to steal sneaky glances at him because of the conversation being had about him.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would go to give a jab of her thumb at the rock arm. "Normally mutations are accompanied by interelated parts. Someone who flies will have lighter bones and stronger muscles and reflexes, giving them enhanced strength so they can better control their flight."
    Gesturing, "While such a transformation would be highly unusual, it is as my associate said theoretically possible. The complete lack of any sort of anlaogue would suggest that it is nt, in fact, mutation."

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Paige Guthrie goes into a little purse she has with her, and pulls out some cash. "Red, I'm sorry. I was just trying to have someone to eat with. Let me buy you dinner at least then? I just got paid. Make it up for bugging you."

Monet's spiel has her going wide-eyed a moment. "I don't think I'm sober enough to argue," she laughs. "So what are you having, Red? I just want a hamburger and fries."

Hellboy has posed:
    "Burger and fries is good," Hellboy says with a nod. "Thank you," he says with some practiced manners and a polite nod. His Right Hand of Doom doesn't react much to the thumbing. He makes time to look at Monet and respond, "Yeah, the hand is not genetic," he says. "Are you gonna sit down and talk like people or poke at me like a science experiment. I got a lot of that in the fifties. It's nostalgic, but I'm not a fan."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would shake her head, "I was merely elocuting as to why I did not presume that you were a mutant given my associate's query." She would look passive. "And I have no remote intents for further analysis." She would, however snit still being snooty.

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Paige Guthrie tries to be friendly at least, Raising her arms, trying to get attention, and asking for burgers and fries for each of them. "And a coke for me, and he'll have whatever he wants with his."

Then leaning forward again, she looks at Hellboy. Not STARING, just, being a little spaced out from a night out. "I just started college. It's such a change from high school." Changing the subject!

Hellboy has posed:
    Hellboy focuses mostly on Monet, though his eyes go to the motion while Paige waves, trying to flag down someone. He says, "Pro tip, don't experiment on people without their permission." He makes a fist a few times to show Monet how the Right Hand of Doom articulates. It doesn't really seem natural. He turns toward Paige, watching her order. He looks at the waitress and says, "Coke."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would just look over at Hellboy, "I believe that is a prt of social niceties that is supposed to be universal. I have not asked any questions beyond correcting the assumpion that I presumed you were not a member of homo sapiens superior." Why did anyone take her out anywehre?

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Paige Guthrie rubs her face a moment. Superior? She ain't so sure about that. But before she has to intervene, the food is sat down inf ront of them. Diners aren't slow with a simple order.

"HEre we are," she sighs, cracking open her burger to squirt some ketchup on it, then offering to hand the red bottle to 'red'

Hellboy has posed:
    Hellboy takes the ketchup bottle. "Don't like that 'superior' bit," he admits. He turns and squirts a helping of the 'chup onto his burger. He closes it up, all left handed, and lifts it. "Never said I was, anyway," he says before taking a bite of the burger.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would glance at Paige, "Homo sapiens superior, the appropriate and accepted terminology for a mutation. That is the genetic name of the strata. I am merely speaking of how it is reflected in current scientific literature." Annoyed.

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Paige Guthrie glances between the two, taking a deep breath, and then just grabbing the salt, getting some on her fries and on her burger. "Thick fries huh," she laughs. So fresh they're almost too hot to eat?" She stretches her arms behind herself, leans forward to blow on them a bit, then start to snack on them. "Whethe ryou're a mutant or not you deserve to be able to eat like a person."

Hellboy has posed:
    Hellboy gestures toward Paige. "Thank you!" he says as she treats him like a person yet again. He takes another bite of his burger. With a full mouth, he barely manages to say to Monet, "You gotta be like her." He closes his mouth again to chew.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would just lightly look betweenthe two, "I have not done anything to interrupt your meal nor disrupt your conversation. I have merely corrected misconceptions and inaccuracies in the conversation." This was why M couldn't go out in public.

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Paige Guthrie grins, looking again between the two. "Monet?" she tries. Any Frenchness in the name mangled by a nice dollop of Kentucky. "I know y'all are trying to right allt he wrongs in the world, but sometimes mutants just want to feel normal, and have a late night burger after a party. If we're superior, we're still different. We don't all wanna be different."

She then looks up at Hellboy, taking a big bite out of her burger.

Hellboy has posed:
    Hellboy doesn't acknowledge the comment, taking another bite of his burger, just watching the two women interact for a moment. This is sort of entertaining. He's ready to side with Paige, though. People be people, superior nomenclature or not.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would just glance at Paige with a narrowing of her eyes. She had just -said- she had presumed he was not a mutant, given her logic, then given the proper term for mutant according to genetic databases.. "Veyr well." she would be surly and drop the point, maintaining her narrowed eyes.

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Paige Guthrie looks back to Monet again. "The fries are really good. You should have some. I think they have some pie left over. It's not chess pie though. apple?" Then snacking on more fries, as she stretches her legs a moment under the table, and settles in. "So, Red. What has you out late? Work?"

Hellboy has posed:
    Hellboy answers as the camera pans back and the audio fades out. Hooray for friendship? I think that's pretty much it. Hooray for friendship.