10443/Outsourcing is Always an Option
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Outsourcing is Always an Option | |
Date of Scene: | 12 March 2022 |
Location: | Sister Margaret's School for Wayward Girls |
Synopsis: | Inez and Neena check in on Wade as he continues his long play of helping his 'family.' Discussions of possible future scenarios are had over drinks, because why not? |
Cast of Characters: | Wade Wilson, Inez Temple, Neena Thurman
- Wade Wilson has posed:
Wade has been spending more and more time at Sister Margaret's these days, which usually means one of two things. He's either heartbroken and looking to get as close to shitfaced as his healing factor would allow... or... he's on a job. Seeing as he only has seven empty shot glasses before him on the bar as he looks over what might be a floorplan with a number of notes written on it (in crayon of course, Wade is still Wade) it probably means he's working on something big.
He's not wearing his mask, he's been a regular at this establishment long enough to not worry about how the other mercs react to his face. "Wease" he says, tapping an empty shot glass on the bar before him. "Another." He slides the floorplan side and makes a checkmark in a spiral notebook nearby.
Weasel, the bar's owner and bartender and one of Wade's oldest friends comes over and fills another shotglass with some clear liquid that has a white sticker with the number 190 on the cover. "I seriously cannot get how you just drink this shit straight, Wade. I mean... it's practically bleach." He looks over the floorplan and then Wade's notebook. "Another bust?" he asks.
Wade nods. "It's some sort of testing facility, but their not doing anything on humans... not anymore at least. It fit the bill too. Which is a shame." He sits back and downs the Everclear 190 in one go and winces at the burn as it goes down before setting the empty glass on the bar.
- Inez Temple has posed:
Inez knows where to find Wade when she wants to now that they're both back in the city. She knows his haunts and hangouts, and it's not terribly difficult to determine where he's most likely to be. She strolls on into Sister Margaret's with an arm slung around Domino's shoulders and a grin on her lips. "An' then he said, 'that ain't a poodle, that's m'wife!'." Letting out a rich laugh, she leads the way into the merc hangout.
"Wade! Darlin', look! I brought Domino, figured we could have some drinks, some laughs..." She's in high spirits today, it would seem, all smiles and friendship. Even Buck gets a wave!
"Weasel! Set up another round, three, my treat!"
- Neena Thurman has posed:
Domino laughs at the joke, in a good mood herself. Her friend's back in town, business is good, things are turning her way. She knew they would, but it's always nice when it actually happens. She grins and gives Wade a wave as Inez calls for another round.
"Ohhh, looks like Wade's on a job," she notes, counting the shot glasses and noting the crayon-drawn notes. "Something interesting? Exciting? /Challenging/ for once?" She looks at Inez. "Last job he took me on was a cakewalk, a bunch of idiots who were using Toys for Tots as a cover to move drugs. We killed 'em all, and got the kids the toys, but..." She shrugs. "Easy pickings."
- Wade Wilson has posed:
Weasel looks up as the two women enter and he whistles. "Uhh... sure. I... umm... yeah" he sets out three shot glasses and grabs a top shelf bourbon whiskey that he pours into the glasses. It's hard to blame the man for being flustered. Inez has a certain charm about her (especially in the chest region) and he's had the hots for Domino since he first met her.
Wade sighs and nods to the two women. "Yes. Yes. But it's not always easy grabs. Inez knows that sometimes I find bottom feeders that don't understand how prime operators such as ourselves truly... operate. Already took her out on a job last week. Just as easy... if a bit messier than the Christmas gig you and I had."
He sets the crayon in the spiral notebook and closes it. "But this... boring. Sluggish. Annoying. If it wasn't about 'family'" he makes the finger quotes around the word, "I'd have shoved it off already."
He pauses and turns his head to address the room. Only most of it is empty so who -is- he talking to? "Okay... that's not true. It's to save one of Logan's kids. Adult or no, I'm not going to let that sort of opportunity pass me by and you know it."
As if nothing out of the ordinary had happened he looks back at Neena and Inez. "So... what's got you in such a good mood, wife of mine?" he asks the blonde. "Last time you and Buck spoke you threatened to use ol' Jack Daniels as a rectum cleaner for the man and now you're all pearly whites and dimples."
- Inez Temple has posed:
"Awwwwwwww, that's adorable. See? People jes' don't understand Wade. Sure, he likes killin' people in weird an' unusual ways but I mean... ev'ryone needs a hobby. An' he keeps his killin' t'the bad guys, so who cares?" Inez flashes that bright grin again and draws Domino over to the bar so they can grab seats and enjoy the bourbon! She lifts her shot glass, clinks it against both fo theirs, then downs it in a swift motion before setting it back on the bartop.
Turning to Wade, she curls an arm around his shoulders and draws him in to plant a kiss to his dome, then chuckles, "Been havin' some good times lately, put me in a good mood. An' I still wish ya'd let me help with Gabs... she's th' lil sister I ain't ever had an' I'd do anythin' t'make sure she's alright." Then she's grinning at Domino, "Sides! How c'n we not be happy t'be back t'gether? Got m'husband an' m'best friend both right here, this is a damn good day!"
- Neena Thurman has posed:
Domino grabs her shot glass, clinks it against the others, then downs it and sets it back on the bar. She taps the bar to let Weasel know she'd like another, then looks around at Wade and Inez.
"Gabs? Oh, the girl you brought into the bar? What's going on with her?" She grins at Inez. "Happy to be back together is something I can /definitely/ drink to... but if Wade's 'family' is in danger..."
She blithely ignores Wade talking to the bar, or himself, or whatever it is he's doing. It's Wade.
- Wade Wilson has posed:
Wade holds up his hands innocently at Neena's inquiry. "I'm not the point man on this one. I just provide guns and services here" he says. "Gabby's the one running the business. One of her sisters, I think it's Logan's kid that actually turned out normal--aside from the murderous tendencies. Go figure, right?" he says. "She's been missing since the whole angel business in Manhattan went down. She didn't show back up in her safehouse after the city was reopened."
"Gabs thinks the company that grew her and the other clones, Alchemax--a bastardized company from the Weapon Plus dissolve... might've grabbed her or worse." He flips open the notebook as Weasel pours another for the women, Wade's is still untouched. "I've got a list of every building in the area that shares the same floorplan as the Hospice and Weapon X facilities."
"I've been going and looking into them... discreetly, of course." Which means he's only killed maybe 15 people during his recons. "I haven't found any sign of mutant or human genetics work in any of them. Worst part of it all... I think I've autojoined PETA because of how much damage I've done to these places." He reaches out and downs the bourbon in one go.
- Inez Temple has posed:
"Not jes' Wade's family... mine too. Logan was one o' Wade's groomsmen, Gabby's like a sister t'me... I'm married t'Wade an' datin' Jimmy... it's a whole family affair," Inez lifts a shrug before looking over the plans Wade has drawn up. "Have ya tried lookin' fer facilities outside th'immediate area? If they snatched her from round here, they might not wanna keep her too close fer th'exact reason that they know y'all will come lookin'."
She looks to Domino and gives a grin, "Hasn't been a job yet we couldn't do. I imagine this one'll get done too." She nudges at her friends, "What bout yerself? What've ya been up t'lately?"
- Neena Thurman has posed:
"Settling back in, mostly. I was /just/ picking up with all my old contacts in New York when shit went down, and... look, I'm lucky, but I'm not 'fighting angels' lucky." Neena makes a face. "Besides, despite appearances I /did/ grow up in a church. It felt, I dunno... weird. The whole thing just made my skin crawl." She shudders, shakes her head, downs another shot.
"Anyway, now that all /that's/ done and everyone's moving back in, I'm making the rounds. Sounds like several nasty types took the opportunity of all the chaos to make moves, so there's plenty of work available."
- Wade Wilson has posed:
Wade touches his nose and points to Inez. "That's the next step and I think I start that tomorrow" he says with a grin. "Thinking of heading north first. Because with my luck--which is usually opposite of Dom here--it's going to be in Gotham and while that's Honey Badger's stomping ground... it's also Batman's and he gets his bat-panties in a wad if people start dying in Gotham and I'd rather not go up against him if I don't have to."
He shrugs. "Man's a fucking cultural icon and killing him would mean that... well, it would just be bad all around. That's assuming I could. Guy's gone up against supers and come out on top most of the time so..." he shakes his head. "I'd just rather avoid the conflict if I could." He closes the notebook again and leans back. "It's good to hear that you're finding work out there though," he says to Neena. "I'm still thinking of setting up shop with a crew of my own eventually... you still want a piece if it comes to anything?" he asks his dark haired associate.
- Inez Temple has posed:
"Well, I still say ya c'n call me if'n ya want some help wit' scoutin' locations. I wanna help Gabby," Inez nods to Wade and smiles. She pauses, then adds, "Should see if'n some o' th' others might have better luck round Gotham mebbe. Jersey would be a damn good place t'be lookin', but I agree that ain't a good idea t'get on th' bad side o' th' Bat if'n ya got th' option."
She chuckles low in her throat, "Well, he mostly seems t'do best when he's had time t'plan how t'handle someone. Yer bein' so damnably unpredictable would prob'ly be yer best defense 'gainst him. Hard fer him t'prep against ya when ya don' even know what yer doin' til ya do it." She looks to Domino and gives a nod, "Yeah, heard bout that. Glad t'have missed it. I grew up in Texas, ya know how religious shit gets there. Bein' a mutant in Harligen... I was lucky I c'n pass fer human."
- Neena Thurman has posed:
"You could just... not kill people, Wade," Neena points out. "Think of it as a challenge. 'How do I operate in Gotham without pissing off the Batman?'" She looks to Inez. "He /punched/ an archangel, did you /see/ that?" She waves a hand. "I'm not messing with that, is all I'm sayin'. Not testing my luck."
She bites her lip for a minute and then says, "Look, if I can help scouting or something... let me know, okay? I know you'd be there if... if I needed help with 'family' stuff. And yeah, of course I'm in on a crew with you. Remember that guy from the future? He seemed to think it's a done deal."
- Wade Wilson has posed:
Wade blinks at Domino. "You're referring to Cable... as 'guy from the future'?" he says with a shake of his head. "Cable is more than just 'some guy from the future.' Eesh." He runs a hand over his head again. "I've just gotta make sure the X-Folks don't get all uppity if I decide to go 'derivative'" he again makes the airquotes with his hands, "with the name. Don't want Charlie sueing me for copyright infringement." At least he's got his mind on the right part of naming a group, right?
He looks at Inez and grins. "Human passing? Super model passing is the better word for it, in your case." He jerks his head to the bartender (who is staring at the pair of women), making the man jump. "Weasel! Mouth closed and job doing. You can oggle my wife and best friend on your own time, not on the bar's." Does he own this place? No. But can he manage it like he does? Absolutely.
- Inez Temple has posed:
"I'm... there's so many people that fall under th' headin' of 'guy from th' future'..." Inez gives her head a shake then knocks back another shot and flashes a smile at Weasel, "Keep 'em comin, sweetie. Yer doin' fine." She elbows Wade lightly, "Yer biased, darlin'. But thank ya fer th' compliment all th' same." She glances betweent he two of them, "What's this group, anyways?"
Right about that time, Inez's phone rings. Giving out a small sigh, she rises up, "One sec, guys..." Wandering off a few feet, she takes the call, growing less and less animated as it goes on. When she ends it and returns to them, Inez drops a stack of bills on the bar, "I gotta go. Anti-mutant group kidnapped some mutant kids. Gotta go retrieve th' kids an' make sure th' group ain't in no shape t'do anythin' like this ever again." Wade gets a kiss, Domino gets a hug, "Y'all have fun, I'll catcha in a couple days." Resettling her hat on her head, she winks at them both, "Don't do anythin' I wouldn't do... an' since I'm married t'Wade, that list is damn near non-existent. So don't go inventin' new things fer me t'not do."
- Wade Wilson has posed:
Wade gives a wave to Inez. "See ya, babe" he looks back at Domino. "Never a dull day. She says she's in the mood for scouting, I'm going to assume you're in the same boat. Could be fun, the three of us on missions... did we ever do that before?" he ponders.
After a moment he shrugs. It'll come when it comes. After tapping his original shot glass and getting another shot of Everclear 190, he grins to Domino. "So... what do you think we can do that can get on her list of 'things not to do', hm?" he asks the pale skinned woman with a grin.