10501/Guardians of the Food!

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Guardians of the Food!
Date of Scene: 18 March 2022
Location: Royal Dragon Restaurant - Hell's Kitchen
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Peter Quill, Rocket, Groot

Peter Quill has posed:
The Guardians of the Galaxy have been stranded on earth due largely in part to Peter Quill's inability to keep it in his pants. But, with the Milano currently in SHIELD secrecy, with the Guardians having full access to and from the ship, Peter decided it would be good to show off his home turf to Rocket and Groot. So he 'pulls rank' and drags the pair of them out with him on a night on a town.

"Favorite tree, annoying fox, welcome to earth! Where the girls are pretty and we have green grass cities!" He paraphrases a rather popular song by Guns N'Roses, even as his red duster coat trails behind him, he spots a restaurant with Chinese wording with the English name underneath it.

"Royal Dragon restaurant. Oh shit, you think Fin Fang Foom started a restaurant chain in-between bounties on him? That's wild." He starts to approach the restaurant. "Come on boys, let's see if we can grab ourselves some grub. And for the love of flark, -don't blow up anything-."

Rocket has posed:
Rocket is not in the best of moods, but that's the norm for him. Halfworld and its revelations may have filled in some major blanks and answered more than a few questions the others had about him, and he's warmed up to the rest of the crew to an extent, but Rocket is still Rocket. Some things don't change a whole lot.

It shows up first in grumbling about having to go somewhere on this 'mudball' that Quill wants to see, 'as if being stuck here as it is ain't bad enough already,' but he lowers his voice as he asks Groot, "Did he just call me a fox?" Nothing said to the part about being annoying. "This place looks like Fin..okay, flark you, Quill. You're not allowed to swipe my ideas before I've even said them. If it /is/ his place, maybe he does the cooking?"

He sniffs and finds things to his liking, enough to beeline for the door and go right in. "First stop: the kitchen." If that isn't an 'oh, no' moment right from the start...

Groot has posed:
    Reaching down to snag Rocket, scooping him up to put him on his shoulder, Groot doesn't say what he's thinking. It should be obvious from context. Obviously, blowing up the kitchen is not a good idea. Instead, he looks around at the people staring his direction. "I am Groot?" he asks, leaving it unclear if he's asking Quill or Rocket.