10609/Hashtag OpenToWork
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Hashtag OpenToWork | |
Date of Scene: | 30 March 2022 |
Location: | Bar With No Name |
Synopsis: | A casual night of drinking results in a job offer for The Juggernaut. It pays to be in high demand. |
Cast of Characters: | Cain Marko, Martinique Wyngarde, Erik Killmonger
- Cain Marko has posed:
Manhattan: The Bar WIth No Name has moved places once again. Word of mouth has spread, revealing its present location near Varick and 10th, and business is booming. An assorted colorful array of ne'er do well's populate the booths, pool tables, dart boards and lengthy bar. A certifable who's who of ...well..mostly D listers. Maybe a few E listers. Couple of Fs..some Gs....
Yeah it's not exactly a tabloid newspapers and gossip columns feast at the moment. Largely common mercenaries and would be criminals who want to make a name for themselves. Nothing special..that is until the very back of the bar seems to fill up with a rumbling presence. One that quakes the ground and rattles the drinks set on the scattered tables. Eyes turn and bodies tense up as Cain Marko, The Juggernaut, makes his entrance. The walls shake as he passes by tables with wide eyed and silent mercenaries giving him long stares and or quick shuddering glances. It's not easy being the biggest and strongest guy around, amiright? People just automatically assume the worst.
Passing by onlookers like a monstrous battleship, Cain reaches the bar and then raises his hands up to remove his helmet with a flash of red light and a crackle of dissipating energy. His skullcap is still on mind you. He wants to drink, not tempt fate in a place like this.
"You know what I want." he rumbles to the bartender upon while towering overhead and setting his helmet down to swamp over the counter, "Make it quick and keep it coming.."
- Martinique Wyngarde has posed:
Martinique Wyngarde makes her way in from the outside. A world-class assassin and mercenary, despite her posh origins, Mastermind has a reputation for mindgames in the literal sense, often leaving those who cross her dazzled and unsure of the difference between fantasy and reality. She wears a pair of black leather pants with high heeled boots along with a leather bra with studded chrome spikes over the cops, with a matching choker. Mad Max chic.
She turns in her weapons at the door with a roll of her eyes. Or, at least she seems to. You can never be sure with her after all. Her long dark hair spills down over her bare shoulders as she makes her own way to the bar, "Whiskey soda," she says, then looks slightly aside at the massive man, "Cain."
- Erik Killmonger has posed:
Somebody's already here. Not exactly keeping a high or low profile. He's mostly been tucked away in a booth and just sitting there. There may have been a drink in front of him at some point but he's not drinking it or he already drank it... who really knows. Either way, the man known mostly through reputation as Killmonger is in The Bar With No Name.
Erik doesn't particularly seem like he's wanting to make or cause a ruckus. He's paying even more attention when the pretty much giant man comes into the bar and that gets an eyebrow of his raising. There's a slight smirk that accompanies the rising of Killmonger to his feet and he heads over towards the bar to lean against it from Cain's other side.
He doesn't say anything. Just just stares ahead for a few moments, not ordering anything but clearly making his presence known. It takes a beat but eventually the man questions Cain without even looking in that direction. "You ever fought a rhino?"
- Cain Marko has posed:
"That's me." responds Cain. His deep almost 'brooklyn brawler' like voice vibrating through the area with a bit of amusement at being so casually addressed and yet he doesn't seem particularly bothered by it. It's not like he has a low profile even if he manages to skulk about out of armor from time to time. Then again there does seem to be some familiarity between the two as Cain turns and leans slightly against the bar to look down at her,
"What's the matter, Mastermind? Bored with hanging out on the Asteroid? I guess havin' to look at Creed would spoil most of the views.."
He claims a heavy looking keg that is thudded on the bar top by the bartender and then blinks in surprise and turns towards Erik. The question catches him off guard for a moment and he then offers Erik an almost ear to ear grin. "Aint they endangered? I'm trying to do my part for the environment!" his grin widens as he lifts the keg, "Unless you mean -the- Rhino..in which case still no.. 'cause he knows better..."
- Martinique Wyngarde has posed:
Martinique Wyngarde wrinkles her nose a bit, "I don't tend to spend a lot of time up there, although I do maintain a quarters. So cramped, the air's recycled. I understand it's security, but I still prefer the Carlton," she says. She pulls out a cigarette case, drawing out a Turkish custom blend and lighting it. The hint of French in her accent is subtle but palpable.
"I'm surprised I recognized you without being surrounded by rubble," she says, then hears Killmonger's question, getting a sense of the m an's basic psychic aura as she looks back at him. "I've been the Spearmint Rhino?" she says.
- Erik Killmonger has posed:
Anger. Rage. There's a bunch of stuff like that all up in Erik's aura. It's also probably right underneath the surface on his face. He's not really trying to hide anything while he's in this bar and dressed like he's ready to go to war. That's also in his aura. Soldier. Warrior. Stuff like that.
"Nah, The Rhino's trash. Believe that." Killmonger's speaking like he's already handled The Rhino a few times himself. He hasn't but who knows. "I mean like a real rhino. Cuz, not gonna' lie, I think I wanna' see how'd you stack up to a crash of rhinos. I got a feelin' it'd be like bowlin'."
With his compliment to Cain out of the way, Erik looks in Martinique's direction. "/The/ Spearmint Rhino?" Killmonger's not exactly sure if she's talkin' about the place he's thinking about but if so... yowie wowie.
- Cain Marko has posed:
"Heh. I believe it..." remarks Cain as he looks from Erik back to Mastermind at his response to her. He takes a drink and then shrugs at Erik, "As to the rest..well.. I'm kinda 'unnatural' so fighting things in the natural world don't go to well for 'em. I don't know if it'd be as spectacular as much as it'd be...really really really messy unless you heard of a rhino that can take a punch that'd send Hulk over skylines.."
One could say he's bragging but..one would ust have to watch footage of Juggernaut in action to know he's just stating facts. Dude's got a rep as one of the most powerful on the planet which probably makes him just sort of casually drinking and shooting the breeze allt he more bizarre at times. It's like having a beer with an high richter scale earthquake..
"But man, you talking about The Rhino lke -that-? Aleksei gotta up his game.."
- Martinique Wyngarde has posed:
"You take enough beatings from skinny little Spider-Man, you start to lose some of your menace," she says, agreeing with Killmonger on the sentiment. "Having seen Juggernaut in action, I can conform he's quite spectacular. Nothing really quite like it."
She doesn't mind burnishing Cain's ego. Men respond well to compliments, in her experience.
"Yes, the strip club. The exclusive one. I didn't dance, no, I was a customer like anyone else. The girls do like it a lot more when they have a woman stuffing their g-strings, though."
- Erik Killmonger has posed:
"Say word?" That's Erik's response to the whole strip club deal. "Never been but I've heard good things." Killmonger may have to swing through there after he finishes taking back what's rightfully his or something.
"Listen, Cain, right? I'm workin' on something. Ain't got all my ducks in a row yet but it's gonna' be big. And the payout on the other end? Well, it'll definitely be worth your while."
Killmonger finally turns to look at Cain fully. "How interested are you?"
- Cain Marko has posed:
Ego can be a dangerous thing in this business. Indeed if one wonders what can stop the unstoppable..the answer is often 'himself' as his ego and overconfidence trip him up and open him up to losses all too often. So he should know better then to let Mastermind's efforts at buttering him up actually work.
But Cain doesn't seem to know better, or just has his defenses down as her words do the work. "Aw, thanks darlin'. Always good to have a fan in the house..."
At Erik's words he pauses on his full drink and considers Erik thoughtfully, "...Always interested in money but.. I gotta warn you, I don't come cheap. Getting Juggernaut on your payroll's a big deal. Killmonger, right? What've you got in mind?"
- Martinique Wyngarde has posed:
Martinique Wyngarde rolls her eyes a little at the idea of being called a fan. "Don't get too high on your own supply, darling," she teases.
She listens in idly to the potential talk of business, taking a long drag on her cigarette as she regards the stranger, "Ah, yes, the Wakandan," she says. "I've heard impressive things about you, too, although hired soldiers are easily impressed. Most of them think their knock-kneed mothers are the pictures of beauty, too."
- Erik Killmonger has posed:
"I do what I need to do to get the job done. Nothin' more, nothin' less." Usually, that job involves killing a lot of people and then scarring himself in a weird trophy-ish manner but that's neither here nor there. As long as he's got a bit of a reputation that's all that matters right now.
"Don't worry 'bout the payout. As long as you deliver, I'll make sure your compensation's right." Erik looks over at that helmet and grins. "Might even throw in a little bonus." One can bet he's already thinking about that bonus too. Probably some healthy upgrades.
"It's not goin' down any time soon but I just wanted to make sure you'd be down to roll when it's time to roll. It might be one of those 'Drop Everything' kinda' deals."
- Cain Marko has posed:
"Yeah, yeah, I was teasing." respondsd Cain to Mastermind with a chuckle, "And since we're busy paying compliments, you're not exactly a small fry yourself, Masterminds. Just pays to know your worth, especially in this business but..yeah..talk can be cheap."
Speaking of cheap, "Hey, I hear you. I done things from cracking bank vaults and guarding shipments to slugging it out with Superman. I got a dial. You pay what I'm owed, we're good..but..if you want me ready to go at the drop of a hat you might have to get in line. I'm on a retainer fee already for a job that might take me out of here for awhlle. You willing to set me up with more then we can talk..." Juggernaut's earlier grin returns. Not exactly friendly looking but hey at least he's not frowning. That would..not be ideal.
"I tell you what tho.. you take my card.. and we stay in touch. I'm always about new clients..."
- Martinique Wyngarde has posed:
Martinique Wyngarde takes a hit of her drink, "I suppose when you're that big, you're a walking advertisement for your services. Just about anyone probably wonders if you'd beat someone up for them," she says. "If I ever find out where my father is, I might throw a few dollars your way myself," she says with a playful smirk.
She regards Killmonger with an arched brow, "So what, you just hang around this bar waiting for superstrong international menaces to come wandering in?"
- Erik Killmonger has posed:
"That's exactly what I was thinking." Erik refers to the card exchange. "Great minds." This could be a little buttering up but it's all part of the deal making process.
"Like I said, I got a few ducks left to get into my row so we'll keep in touch. I'm good for short notice compensation."
Killmonger's eyes move over to Martinique with a smirk following them, "I do a little homework first." Erik admits. "Especially when I've got a job coming up. I like to find the best picks for the job. Makes it run smoother and gets everyone paid with minimal effort. And even less mistakes."
- Cain Marko has posed:
"Well..I don't come into a place like this in full costume and power to be subtle. Kinda comes with the territory, yeah.." admits Cain to Mastermind he produces a card from where it was tucked under one of his arm guards. At least one presumes. He doesn't exactly have pockets on that outfit, or pouches.
His enormous fingers deftly slide it over to Erik. Basic contact information to a secure line and messaging system. Usual mercenary off the books, off the record sort of stuff that Mastermind and Erik could both be well familiar with.
"Can't help being me after all. So sure.. Just be ready.." He flickers his gaze to Erik and smirks back, "..and know what you're getting into. You get Juggernaut on your payroll you might attract the sort of attention that might be trouble. I'm not exactly a low level thug so..hope whatever you've got planned you got fully thought out.."
- Martinique Wyngarde has posed:
Martinique Wyngarde purses her lips, "I'd be amused if someone hired you to be a low level thug. Just some capo getting you to stand behind his chair while he's negotiating with the tongs or something. Just put on a three piece suit and be tall," she grins.
"I usually get hired for more subtle things. I'm happy to be under the radar compared to you. Your big noise distracts from the things I get up to. And him, too, I imagine," she says, curiously looking at Killmonger. "This job for you or you just playing middleman?"
- Erik Killmonger has posed:
"Oh, I'm counting on it." Killmonger's response to Cain may be somewhat ominous but it's more like he's just up to some grandiose mischief. This man is definitely working out some details in his head and his smirk is one that doesn't seem like it's going to go away, even as he tucks the contact info away.
"It's a personal gig. But in a way, it'll be for a whole lot of people when I make my move." Killmonger offers a grin. "People ain't gonna' know what hit 'em."
- Cain Marko has posed:
"Sound like he got big plans. I guess if it gets noisy then you'll be able to do your thing without to much worry then." remarks Cain with a smirk to Mastermind, "Looks like things are gonna get messy again. Been too quiet for my tastes anyway.."
He finishes his drink off and then pushes it back towards the bartender, "..And I got places t'be. You know how to reach me now.."
He retrieves his helmet and reseals it with a flash of crimson light and a crackle of energy. "See y'round, Killmonger. Mastermind."