10691/Dressing the Divine
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Dressing the Divine | |
Date of Scene: | 07 April 2022 |
Location: | Emma's Suite - Hellfire Club |
Synopsis: | Emma takes her Kryptonian minion clothes shopping. |
Cast of Characters: | Emma Frost, Divine
- Emma Frost has posed:
New York. The shopping district. Some of the high class stores. Emma Frost was taking Divine with her shopping. "I do hope we can find some things that you enjoy, darling. I'm sorry for having not gone to do this sooner. I do hope that you find it enjoyable." Clothes shopping. Which hopefully Divine would enjoy. Something primal about grabbing things off racks and taking them home.
- Divine has posed:
It's been a minute since the last shopping trip in Metropolis that was interrupted by the Parasite. It ended better than it could have, but the half-Kryptonian hadn't really been since. Sure, she's taken a lot of walks around New York, stopped some petty criminals and met a Space Cop, but she hasn't really gone Real Ass Shopping since.
"Oh, it's a good time. It's a lot easier now that I've decided on a style I like."
It's the opposite of Emma's really. The girl likes black. She's dressed as casually as ever. Well, as most of the time, anyway. Leggings, her combat boots and a hoodie. "I still haven't decided if I want to wear heels or not. I'm already pretty tall."
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "Good. I'm glad htat you've figured out what appeals." Emma's tone is gentle. "We'll get you more things of it. We can get to some specialty stores later if we don't find a style you like. I do know of a few that have things which cater to that aesthetic." She was with the Hellfire Club.
She knew the places that sold high glass goth wear. "You've been doing well with your learning and exploring?" Yes, she knew or could have read Divine's mind, but this was politer.
- Divine has posed:
"Well enough, I guess. I mean, I think the information jammed in my head when I was made is like a High School education, so I'm not lagging that badly, but there's a lot going on. So I read the news a lot." A pause. "And watch a lot of videos on all sorts of things."
She only blushes a little. Makeup tutorials. Other things.
"I think, though. I need to learn to fight. I'm strong and fast, but that'll only get me so far."
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "So long as it keeps you occupied and you feel it's educational. If there are other subjects you might be interested in, I can arrange for you to have some tutoring in them. If you find something you would like to pursue, I'll help you make arrangements for it. What you wish, I'll do my utmost to aid it."
Emma would nod thoughtfully over at Divine, "That makes sense. I know a number of individuals who might be able to help."
- Divine has posed:
The tall woman smiles slightly. "You are very kind to me. Thank you, ma'am. I can't protect you, or, you know, crush your enemies if I'm outskilled. I'm sure whoever you choose will be a fine teacher."
Luckily it seems she inherited some of her base template's intelligence, but also somehow got more sense than her.
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smie, "Of course darling. Do remember, power without skill will always be outmatched by skill alone. So you're right to seek better training. Something which too many with your abilities take for granted."
- Divine has posed:
"Yeah. I've been watching some footage of my ... template. She's way, way more powerful than I am," Divine says, her expression slipping towards amused. "No finesse, though."
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod gently, "No dear. While impressive, she works purely on a brute force level and in turn by someone ready to face her will be outmaneuvered. She also does not work well with others nor does she display a great deal of tactical acumen." Looking at Divien gently, "And you're getting past your initial.. Forcible programming involving her?"
- Divine has posed:
"I'm not sure. That's part of why I was watching the videos," she says with a shrug. "I'm not sure it would feel the same as being in her presence, but I don't think I'm ready for that anyway." Another pause. "I doubt she wants to even look at me, anyway. And I don't blame her. I'm proof of ... of..."
Divine trails off, hunting for a word. "Violation."
- Emma Frost has posed:
And Emma would go to lean in to give Divine a tight hug. "She also wants to give you a chance to be your own person and not be defined by her, dear. To chart your own path." Her taking her fingers up to brush Divine's hair.
- Divine has posed:
"It's always a work in progress, right?" Divine asks, returning the hug, but grimacing like a child at the hair ruffle. She's a six-foot three powerhouse! Not to be ruffled! She lets it happen anyway.
"I've been watching and reading about Superman too. I didn't think anyone could be that ... good."
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would twitch her lips upwards, "Of course dear. And.. He is. No matter what one might think upon rfeading about him.. He truly is as good a.. Person as one could imagine. The same with Captain America."
- Divine has posed:
She nods again. "I read about him too. What a wild story. Pretty neat, though." Divine shrugs a bit. "I'm sure I'll run into him sometime. He's from around here, after all." Her expression slides towards impish. "What do you think, though? Heels or not?"
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would consider, "You seem more the boots type. while I do have a strong preference for heels, there's no reason you have to imitate me. You do enjoy your boots. If you like we can try some? I do know a place that keeps lovely heavy ones."
- Divine has posed:
Divine shakes her head a little. "It's not imitation, not really. It's just, well. Sometimes there are situations where the boots aren't appropriate. Like in the suit I got. You can't wear combat boots with a pencil skirt!"
The fact that she seems aghast at this probably means that she needs her YouTube privileges taken away.
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would laugh softly and shake her head, "Fine dear, we acn get you both. I'm sure that there are plenty of different styles that you'll find you enjoy. And you do have plenty of closet space that needs filling." What good was life without a closet the size of a house just to store your shoes in?
- Divine has posed:
Divine is learning the glory of shoes. And the power in looking good and fierce. It wasn't something she came programmed with, but it's something she was learning to appreciate greatly.
"There is an awful lot of closet space, yes. Luckily, I think we are up to the task of filling it."
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "Yes darling. Just remember, anything you want to hvae that's not in your size can be remedied with simply buying out a few businesses. So tell me if you see something youwant that they don't have."