10731/Hunting the Hydra

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Hunting the Hydra
Date of Scene: 11 April 2022
Location: Hydra Underground Base
Synopsis: SHIELD Agents undertake a daring strike to capture a Hydra VIP right from their own base!
Cast of Characters: Natasha Romanoff, Peggy Carter, Stefani Houston, Jessica Drew, Achilles, Jane Foster

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
It was something that came with little warning. Quick and curt radio messages to arrive in a launch bay where there was a scramble of activity. Then personnel being put onto a Quinjet and immedaitely blasting off. With little equipment, but an air that something -very- important was going on that was requiring a scramble of anyone on deck! Now in the tight confines of a Quinjet, wihtout much of an idea on the whole what was going on..

Peggy Carter has posed:
While Peggy was generally out of the field these days, the reason evident to anyone who sees her, it seems this is important enough to get her out of the office. Chief Peggy Carter is in a specially tailored tac suit that is made to accommodate for her rounding belly, her dark hair pulled back in two twists at the side of her head, dark eyes serious as she looks over the crew she's manage to assemble. "As of six hours ago, SHIELD has confirmed that Madame HYDRA, also known as Viper, also known as Olivia Sarkinson was doing an inspection of a HYDRA base in an old NORAD bunker in the Appalachian MOuntains. It's a well secured and guarded facility. Our priority goal is to capture Madame HYDRA. Secondary to neutralize the base and gater other information. Questions? There are layouts of the base on the computers at your side...

Stefani Houston has posed:
Quiet had just enough time to get her gear and get ready for the deployment.

Arriving moments ago, she settles in beside her equipment bag on the floor of the jet. She has one large sniper rifle with her on this mission, and a few other different types of armaments. Being new around here, she's still unsure of precisely what her engagement rules are, but she knows enough about SHIELD to make a few assumptions here and there.

Her dark brown eyes sweep around from the faces she sees with her on this mission, finally settling on Peggy. She shows a quick, soft, smile before nodding her head once and giving a thumbs up with her gloved right hand. Her eyes then drop down to that mentioned screen to her side to get a look at their target facility...

She makes a little 'huff' of a noise, while consuming the imagery.

Jessica Drew has posed:
As Jess trots down the hall to the quinjet, she crosses Angelo and without breaking stride gives him a thumb's up gesture. She had broken her personal record for suiting up in the non-standard tactical stealth suit equipped to make the wearer invisible to the naked eye - a P-90 rattles on her shoulder next to the ICER in its holster around her waist. They ride on the elevator up to the roof without exchanging a word, only a shrug and a shake of the head.

In the jet, after studying the diagram, Jess raises a hand, "How are we going in? Quiet or boom, ma'am?"

Achilles has posed:
    A good workout, a hot shower... Angelo finds himself walking down the corridor with that fresh Irish Spring scent and a lazy grin on his face. He loves the freshly showered feeling combined with the pleasant burn of a good workout. That is when he feels the most relaxed. Okay, that's not exactly true. It's when he feels almost his most relaxed outside of being in the middle of a sanity-threatening battlefield where the odds are against him, and he finally has a real challenge. That's something he's not trying to pursue so much anymore.

    But then his comm crackles and summons him to the hangar. He turns to head for the elevator, finding himself approaching the elevator from the opposite side as Jessica Drew. Upon bumping into her, he upnods a greeting and gestures for her to enter before him... settling in on his own beside her in a companionable silence that he doesn't seem to want to break.

    He doesn't have his usual field gear on him. He's just in sweatpants and a tanktop. But most travel craft have onboard armories, and he -always- has his bronze bracers on his arms and wrists. So the man is never really without means.

    Stepping off, he follows onto the jet where he starts withdrawing gear from lockers. A jumpsuit and basic weapons. Things like a FN-Five Seven pistol, an ICER, his own P-90. What? They are fantastic weapons that use the same ammo as the Five Seven pistol. A suppressor for the pistol, night vision goggles. When Jessica asks her question, he offers, "If you need a diversion to make the stealth of others more effective, as usual... I volunteer."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
The Quinjet is rocketing along as the pilots are pulling them fast along, now going to dart along close to the treeline, where the trees are almos buffeting against hte Quinjet as they would fly. One of them would turn his shoulder over to call out, "We're starting to get signs of passive radar and detection systems. Five minutes to drop point at facility."

Peggy Carter has posed:
Looking across the team, Peggy considers for a few heartbeats before affirming, "Quietly, until we're discovered, and then we get real loud. Take out guards as you go. ICERs, choking out, the quickest and quietest you can is the best. I'll be with you for numbers but I'm not taking the lead for...obvious reasons." Peggy looks down at her stomach, daring anyone to question the fact that she's going at all.

"But if they realize that we're there, they'll try to whisk her away quicker, and we need all the surprise we can get. Cloak the quinjet... Any of you that have nano mesh technology in your armor, this is the time to activate the stealth fields. We get in quick and quiet as possible, get her, get out. Understood?"

Stefani Houston has posed:
Quiet's eyes go over to the other two who join them on the Jet. She spends a moment eying the items that Angelo is strapping himself up with, and at his offer of being the distraction, she cracks a grin before she looks back down at her things. She's... very quiet on the trip.

When she looks up to Nat at the announcement, she nods once before her calm expressed face goes to Peggy. She notes the stomach condition, which garners a slight smile from the young woman. She nods two quick times to Peggy before she takes in a breath of air and sharply exhales it. Her glove hands drop to her gear bag, she raises it up...stands, and slings the bag over her shoulder, one hand going up to the railing on the Jet's roof to hold on to.

Jessica Drew has posed:
The spider mutant's eyes widen slightly on hearing the Chief is going in with them. The agent remains quiet despite the storm of inner protest that rises in her. The Chief knows her stuff. Chewing on the inside of her lip, she nods, murmuring, "Copy that. Stealth and nano."

The dark-haired woman quickly pulls her shoulder-length hair into a ponytail and puts the tight-fitting hood of her suit over it before activating it. Close up, the others in the plane can see her outlines and the contours of her face. She will disappear at a distance of 6-feet when she pulls a light mask down and puts on the suit's goggles.

Achilles has posed:
    Smirking, Angelo peers into the weapon locker and lifts his brows. "What is this?" he asks as he moves a few things aside. Then he reaches in and pulls out the sort of thing nobody ever expects the ancient Greek warrior to be wielding. Most notably, it's an M-240 Light Machinegun. Unlike many of the other American SAW's (Squad Automatic Weapons), this one fires 7.62x51mm NATO rounds, making it one of the heaviest Light Machineguns out there. Yes, that's something of a paradox. What? Loading a 200 round ammo can on the bottom, he pauses to look about the room. "At some point, quiet will not really be an option." he states simply with a lopsided grin. Then he goes to check the attachments. Folding bipod. Check. Reflex red dot sight, check. Then he lifts the sling and hangs it over his shoulder. "Stealth Nano. Sorry, never checked out on that stuff. Didn't even know that was an option. But I'm pretty sneaky as is."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
The Quinjet goes to shimmer over into cloak mode, the pilots moving to hug as close as they could to the ground, bouncing along with the trees. From the outside, fading from view as it would boost along and adjust it's course. They were nearing the drop point as the pilots would be getting ready. One of them moving to the side to call out, "WE'll be on standby once you deploy for a quick extraction if you need it." Them but a minute or two away from the insertion point. Up ahead, a thick mountain, furrows dug into it where an old bunker had been pressed in. A large swathe along hte upper end of it clearly where a hangar had been established.

Peggy Carter has posed:
"Drew, you've got point. Quiet, you're second. Follow everything that Drew says. I'll be in the middle, and Tampambulous, you've got the rear. The moment we are discovered, you light the place up and become the biggest distraction you can be. Got it? Goal is disarm and disable, not to kill, but we know some enemies might die. Bigger goal, we all survive." Peggy orders the group. With those commands given, she activates her own suit, grabs her ICER, and gets ready to head out of the hanger the moment the quin jet touches down. Good to her word, she stays towards the middle of the group.

Stefani Houston has posed:
Quiet's eyes are first on Jessica, watching the Nano tech at-play. She shows a quick smile to that before she sweeps her stare over to Angelo. She tilts her head and looks that weapon he produces out of the locker up and down. She raises her free hand up then to give him a thumbs up.

Her stare goes back to Peggy then, and she nods in understanding of the plan. Her eyes sweep back to Jessica, and Quiet suddenly 'poofs'.

A puff of black smoke resides where she'd been standing, gear and all. The smoke floats over to Jessica, where it sweeps close to her.

She's right there, ready to go.

Achilles has posed:
    Priming a round from the belt into the chamber on that beast of a gun, Angelo steps towards the hatch in the rear. He doesn't even answer verbally. He merely gives Peggy a single nod of acknowledgement. He's strong enough that the plethora of weapons he is carrying doesn't seem to really slow him down. It could be worse.. he could be hefting a Predator Minigun, but that'd be overkill, right?

    He strides down the ramp and takes up a position as far from the objective as he can be without being far from the group. But then he lets the big weapon fall and hang from its sling as he holds up his left hand... summoning a bow and arrow. "What? This is as quiet as it gets." he adds.

Jessica Drew has posed:
"Copy that, Chief." Then after a nod to Quiet, "You and me," she rises from her seat to go to the back of the jet. The tops of trees race by under them, a wind laden with the smell of trees whipping in from the gangway opened for them as they reach their drop off point.

Suit modifications allow her to use her own webbing. Quiet disappears in a puff of smoke. Then with a grin at Angelo and a nod to the Chief, Jess pulls down her face covering and twips a line to the flooring to drop over the side and skim through the trees into a clearing.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
And the group is dropping into stealth mode. Just in time, going past there's a Hydra patrol. Three soldiers over in a vehicle zooming past. A watchpost nearby. And.. The edge where is clearly a small door meant for those coming to and fro the Watchpost to go inside the base, if they wanted to take it. Or a loop around to where the tracks of the patrolling car had taken it. No signs they had been noticed.

Peggy Carter has posed:
A slight smirk crosses Peggy's lips as Angelo protests that it's as quiet as it gets, but she nods. She's here to call the over all mission shots, not the individual work. If she didn't trust these people, they wouldn't be here. The moment she feels the Quin Jet touching down, she activates the last bit of her stealth field, disappearing into shadow mostly, and pours out into the foggy area around.

She has sub vocal comms on, calling back to the team. "<<If anyone can take out that car, use the uniforms, it might be an easy way in. Otherwise, we hit that door and take out each guard as we go.>>" SHe's not up front, though, she's letting Jessica and Quiet go first as she and Angelo creep along after.

Stefani Houston has posed:
Quiet is right there with Jessica, and her webbing.

The webbing line is encircled by that stream of black smoke, almost like the strange woman is swinging along it just as Jessica is!

She only breaks off from the line as she sees some of the guards up ahead! The puff of black smoke bullets toward the guards, materializing again behind them, she pulls her ICER pistol up and fires at both of them right in the back before she goes right back in to smoke form once more.

Now, the smoke puff is just slithering across the ground, sweeping between the two unconscious guards that she leaves laid out on the floor of their patrol route.

Jane Foster has posed:
"Dammit, Simmons, I'm an astro--" The murmured statement over the communications band before Jane Foster, that astrophysicist, sets out onto the ground is apparently damned important. Important enough to delay her for a few precious moments to clarify something essential for SHIELD's biochemist savant. But she's there at the insertion point behind the flotilla of stealthy people.

ICERs are her main weapons, one tucked inside her jacket and a go-bag full of scientific goodies. Her glasses are synced to a tablet to help provide a few additional readings, typically used for her work when dealing with warped space or things that go boom. Loudly boom. How much use against HYDRA? Hard to say how valuable, but her purpose would normally be shadowing the Chief. Here, though, Peggy can do that darn well. Quiet is apparently able to disapparate at will, and the Spider is the /Spider-Woman/. If she can't infiltrate, things have come to a very pretty pass. <<I'll take a uniform, as much as I regret it.>> It may possibly help she can speak German and play ice queen if needs must.

Jessica Drew has posed:
One finger to her earbud as she moves swiftly through the trees, Jessica weighs the pros and cons of taking the guards down. But no need. Quiet is ahead of her and the guards are already down, breathing still but unconscious. The car stopped with its motor running between two old pines. If there is no need for passwords or retinal eye scans, they can get in cleanly.

<Right. Foster gets a uniform; I stay stealthy, Quiet, too.> She is already unceremoniously unlacing boots on the first guard, who must easily be six feet tall and broad in the shoulders. Chuckling to herself, she strips the man and hands the scientist's his clothing. If that door does not have a code on it, I won't believe it's a HYDRA operation. Get us in Foster."

Achilles has posed:
    Two pines. Car, motor running. Angelo creeps closer. He dismisses his bow as it's not the best weapon for close quarters. Instead, he draws his suppressed ICER and approaches the car from its literal blind spot.

    Suddenly stepping up to the driver's side window, which is the one with the window down. Apparently the driver is smoking... and so Angelo reaches in and fires the ICER at the passengers just before letting the recoil of the shot augment his hand jerking the ICER into the driver's throat ... where he pulls and wraps arms about the neck to cut off the carotid artery's bloodflow to the brain just long enough to render the driver unconscious.

    That done, he says over comms, "Got three down with uniforms here."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Quiet has taken down the guards with complete silence. They've even got the guards earpieces if they watn to nab them. Switching uniforms is a quick process as is going over to the terminal. The guard o fall things in one of his pouches has the entrance code written down along with a scribble of 'DON'T FORGET IT OR BOSS WILL KILL'.

Looked like Hydra facility security was about as tough as it always was.

There's also the garage entrance ahead, and what looks like in the dashboard a buzzer used toa utomatically signal arrival and have the doors open. So two ways in and no one the wiser.

Peggy Carter has posed:
As Quiet and Angelo get the patrol vehicle out, Peggy gives a chuffed, approving sound over the comms. "<<Alright then. We go in as guards. Take out more as we go, get Viper, get out.>>" She calls over the comm unit. Because Quiet can disappear, Jane and Jessica can both take uniforms. She can us her stealth suit, and that's pretty much all of them. "<<Angelo, keep the back door open and clear so we can dodge out the moment we've got them. Everyone else, in the car and inside. Jane, you're driving. I've got the back seat.>>" Still in stealth. Peggy waits for the quick changes to happen before she slides into the back seat of the car, adjusting her nano mesh.

Stefani Houston has posed:
Quiet, in smoke form, just hovers around the front of the vehicle until it stops. She then flutters back around toward Jessica who gets the uniforms freed up. But finally she reappears between the front seats, crouched and just looking around side to side, her rifle still on her back, and her ICER still holstered on her thigh. She shows a quick smile before sweeping herself around to perch on the passenger seat, her own natural stealth ability making her shimmer as she becomes almost impossible to see whilst seated there...

Jessica Drew has posed:
Without a word, Jess shimmers back into existence and starts to put on the second guards uniform. She keeps the moue of distaste that puckers her mouth to herself and wonders about bathing regimes for HYDRA non-coms. The uniform floats on her. Pushing back the sleeves of the jacket, she gets in behind the driving wheel, saying over coms, <All aboard for the HYDRA express!>

She angles the vehicle through the trees, slowing as she waits for the door to respond to the dashboard buzzer. Not waiting for it to open completely, she drives them into the garage and gets out of the car.

Jane Foster has posed:
How easy the plan sounds. In, get dangerous woman, exfil. On paper, it might be straightforward. Life is never as it goes on paper.

That means a different approach for Jane, the stargazer training a look around her surroundings. She can monitor for certain anomalies better than other ones, training her lenses into the infrared spectrum for any signs of hidden guard posts or unexpected vents that could be giving off warmth. if it means she can spot Quiet better, great.

Of course, driving with those on and a pregnant woman in the car is unforgiveable. Periodically she dares to flick into the other spectrum, but keeps them trained mostly on the road. It's not so far, and the dark humour of a psychopomp driving the living into a submontane fastness appeals to her mordant side. She certainly doesn't mind being Weiss, or whatever the nametag says. Hopefully she's passable. No stealth suit required here as they head within and her businesslike, blank stare is fully in keeping with a nasty organization that's built on hierarchy.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Going into the base is simple. The group is in disguise or hiding. Guided along in their journey. And they come into the base. Going into a garage filled with dozens of vehicles. The maintenance facility for dozens of armored hovercraft. Heavy weapons scattered about in various stages of dissassembly. Troopers and technicians running about whilew orking on them. The sounds of heayv machinery and generators going on in the background. Of drilling and digging.

Some corridors off the sound of dozens of troopers at attention 'Hail Hydra! hail Glorious Hydra!'. Stomping at once and going in a chant.

Peggy Carter has posed:
<Good job.> Peggy mutters over the comms. So far, so good. Coming upon that vehicle seems to have been a lot of luck. She waits until they are parked again and earing that echo down the halls, both her brows lift. <It's a risk, but I'm willing to bet our woman is where those soldiers are sounding off. Let's head that direction. Knock out anyone on our way. Understood? I've got your back. Drew in lead again. Let's go.>

And with that, Peggy swings out of the car. She doesn't have a uniform, just her stealth suit, so she's lingering back in the shadows as they all head down the cooridors towards where the salutes could be heard.

Stefani Houston has posed:
Quiet moves with Peggy out of the vehicle, feeling a sense of protectiveness for the woman considering her status and all. But with the situation as dangerous as it is, there really is no better solution but then to take down all threats around all of them.

In her smoke form, she flutters along the ground, sweeping around Jane, and Jessica's feet before rushing up ahead toward a man who comes out of a side hatch. She sweeps right up his legs before swirling around him.

When he notices the smoke, and starts to get a little freaked out by it, is when Quiet reappears.

Behind him, she whispers "Shhh..." In his ears before putting a gloved hand over his mouth and choking him out slowly until she lays him back against the wall in a darker corner.

Then, fluid as can be, she gracefully sweeps away back in to her misty smoky form again, trailing after the other women.

Jessica Drew has posed:
Largely ignored in the general hubbub of ongoing repairs and under cover of the clanking mining machinery, Jessica walks toward the source of the chant and what she hopes are the inner workings of the operation and Sarkinson's locale. The Chief's instincts can be relied on when out in the field.

Behind them Quiet chokes out a guard that might have noticed their odd group. <Pull him out of eyesight>

Marching into the corridor that channels the chanting to them, she encounters two men consulting a whiteboard together. She doesn't wait for them to turn and look.

An ICER at close range will leave bruises as bad as a rubber bullet. Two quick shots, and the men slump to the ground. With no place to hide them, she motions the group forward and leaves them in place.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
The group is able to sneak their way ahead. What they find is a woman attired fully in greed. Green in the shade of venom. It dripping down from her. Of poison. Of acid. Flanked by a set of guards, females, lizard-like scales going down thier bodies, unnatural green hues to their faces.
    Long forked tongues slipping from thier mouths as they would walk along with her.
    Dozens of troopers; technicians; all of them chanting to Olivia Sarkinson, aka Viper, aka Madame Hydra.


Jane Foster has posed:
Jane has the HYDRA uniform over the nondescript dark attire that, in turn, gives little indication of true allegiance. Masks within masks. Natasha might be mildly proud of their clandestine operation in progress, but never count those chickens before they return to their roosts. Her cinnamon eyes flick between the hovercraft and weapons, trying to make mental notes for Fitz and Simmons on the way out. Everyone appreciates a rundown on HYDRA capabilities. Biting her cheek stifles the need to hiss at the Heils to something something catastrophically opposed to everything SHIELD stands for.

It would be so much nicer to deal with straight up Nazis than snake ladies.

She falls in behind Jessica, assessing the rather unpleasant serpentine septet with outright passivity.

//The Nagahs at least were polite. Those are abominations. Stop suggesting I roast them.// Silent thoughts transmitted to an unhelpful source. See scientist. See scientist stare. Ugh, how rude. Hell, she even mouths "Hydra" along with everyone else.

Peggy Carter has posed:
Seeing the amount of soldiers in this room, even if their target is at the top of it, Peggy's eyes go a little wide. She's remaining back, stealthed in the shadows of the furthest corner. She'll be a good marksman to take as many of them out as possible when shit hits the fan, but that's about it.

<Whomever thinks they can take Viper out in one go and drag her from this room, speak up. Make your call and tell us when you are going. The rest of the team will disable as many HYDRA guards as possible and clear your way out. Understood?> Peggy subvocalizes. She's testing the team. She thinks most of them have something special to do it, but who will step up?

Stefani Houston has posed:
Another little yelp comes from another guard who gets siezed by smoke hands around his ankles, and drug underneath a vehicle where he is summarily put to sleep. The smoke form sweeps up out from under the vehicle, on top of another as it rematerializes in the form of the Sniper.

She's holding her rifle up and looking right down the scope toward their target.

The insanity of what she's seeing, is nothing really new to her, she's been seeing-- and dealing with-- things like this for decades now.

Quiet just steels herself, her finger on the trigger of her rifle. She aims it right for their Traget's neck, and pulls the trigger.

The Guilty Butterfly fires a sleeping pellet at high velocity right at the woman's neck, colliding with a splash that instantly has the sleeping agent going in to her blood stream, hopefully to take her down and put her to rest... at least for a little while!

Standing up then, Quiet sweeps the Guilty Butterfly off to her side, and detaches a giant smoke grenade from her built.

The cap is flicked off, the pin is flicked out, and its thrown toward the minions shouting their chant so loudly, so so loudly.

The smoke grenade twirls through the air before clanking to the ground, where it POOFS! Bangs! And sends smoke every which way!

Jessica Drew has posed:
The chants wash over Jess like effluvia straight from hell,reminding her of what she narrowly escaped from years ago. Jessica breaks stride on seeing the green sheen of scales rippling down the sides of the guards' necks. The sinuous tongues elicit an atavistic shudder from her. Lizards eat spiders if given half a chance.

Largely outnumbered as they are, Jessica decides on creating as much mayhem as possible. Working on information from a scientific briefing given to agents by Agent Foster, she reaches for a smoke alarm and rips down hard on the breaker. Fire suppressant foam rains from overhead into the rising smoke. The room temperature drops precipitously in seconds.

With Venom downed by the trank bullet from Quiet, she goes for the guards. Not waiting on the chilling effect on them, she raises her hands, lighting the billowing smoke blue with bio-electricity, playing over their faces. But not quickly enough to dodge a gob of venom spat like lightning that hits her face.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Things explode over in to motion as the SHIELD Agents go on the attack! ONe of the Snakes with Madame Hydra goes to instinctively look over in the direction of Quiet as that ever so-small dart is shot. The sleeping pellet launching even as the Snake's forked tongue is going to open to cry out an alarm even as pupils would hyperdilate, searching for the exact spot of the attack. The call of warning is too late, as in almost the same moment that the dart has hit Viper as she's falling over, the smoke bomb goes off.

Then there's pandemonium as yelling, fire, and chaos goes off everywhere! Hydra troopers on edge yell that they're being attacked, the smoke makes it so they cannot see..

Or more importantly, for a few precious seconds, coordinate as they're trying to figure out where the attack is coming from.

"GUARD THE MISTRESS!" One of the Snake-Women would shriek as the remaining ones would go to surround the dropping Viper wiht thier bodies. "GET USSS OUT OF HERE!"

Things get repeatedly worse as Jessica goes to smash into the front rows of guards. Her bio-electric blasts take them down. This has the guards already draped in darkness going to open fire at her at close range.. ANd missing. The sounds of gunfire from there have the other Hydra troopers yelling.. And opening fire on them.. Which catches their own comrades in a nasty crossfire!

And possibly Jessica if she's not -really- fast at dodging.

Jane Foster has posed:
<<They're like spitting cobras and fanatical about her.>> A very quiet warning spoken where the comms might pick up on them. Jane's discomfort about being lip-read takes a backseat to worry for her fellow agents. Moments stretch. Sweat must be beading up with the nervous pitch of the scientist's heartbeat. Have they been tagged?

Then the shooting begins, and she turns tail to run. Smoke rolls over her silhouette retreating into nothing, just another HYDRA agent crashing past the troopers. "<<Scheisse! Ich bin geblendet!>> That way!" she calls out, pointing opposite to where Peggy was while blindly stumbling through their numbers. No stray rounds hitting her will make this a good mission. Still, she appears to cough and sputter until clear of the smoke and the foaming suppressant, looking for one of those intact vehicles.

The gambit; running for an enclosed hovercraft. Something not too futuristic, she has to get in and get it functional, even if that means bodily slamming into the pilot to knock them aside and using a perfectly normal chop with an unimpressive bangle to jam the door mechanism. Once in the driver's seat, she starts flicking switches and manipulating the dashboard or the HUD until the vehicle moves. Hope to Odin this thing has a steering wheel, or else the story will be a deranged astrophysicist piloting a careening weapon straight at the Mistress from an enclosed passenger space. Oh, sure, the smoke makes it hard for her to see if it doesn't have a sensory array, but it doesn't /matter/.

She has a bone to pick with the HYDRA after the fall of the Triskelion, which she was -- and technically still is -- dead for. Maneuvering just means not hitting walls; it says nothing about strafing snake ladies with a wing or making Viper run for her dear life from a winged death-bringer.

Peggy Carter has posed:
While Peggy knows it opens her up to maybe being shot in return, she's not going to go on a mission without giving her people the proper back up. As chaos eurpts, she lifts her rifle off of her shoulders (not bothering with an ICER with lizards) and opens fire on the last known locations of HYDRA members. She's very careful not to shoot her own people, mainly picking up the guards off the edges, but she's taking them down while she waits for the news that people have their target through the door and it's time to retreat. <Angelo, hold that exit open. We're coming. Rodriguez, get the quin jet ready to take off!> She calls back over her comms. <Get Viper out of here NOW! Quiet and Drew, I think Jane is coming your way. All of you GO as you can, I'll cover the exit!>

Stefani Houston has posed:
Quiet is gone from her first sniping position, and reappearing upon another. Perched atop another vehicle, she takes two more shots before repeating this again. Vanishing, reappearing, and firing once more! Her shots this time are specifically toward those enemies that are looking in Jane, and Peggy's directions.

With Jane inside that large vehicle, Quiet suddenly appears atop it next, her right knee down, her left up and her sniper rifle pointed out again. She's tracking Jessica now, then sweeping the rifle down to fire at a HYDRA agent training his weapon up toward her!


A sleeping pellet whizzes through the air and strikes him right in the damn ear hole! His eyes roll in to the back of his head, and he drops down to his knees, then over on to his side.

Jessica Drew has posed:
Smoke rises from the acid venom that slides down Jess's cheek. Like Madame Hydra, she is immune to most poisons, but that does not protect her from losing some skin to serpent women. Shaking with anger and surprise, she unleashes a glob of webbing across the woman's body and lower face, sealing her mouth.

<Foster? Is the Chief with you? Give me your ...>A bullet thuds into her lower left side, knocking the breath out of her momentarily. Recovering, she staggers to Venom, picks the webbed woman up, and throws her over her shoulder, paramedic style.

Jane's voice blessedly reaches her over coms. <A tank? On my way.>

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
The Hovertank is big. Powerful. And has a crazed driver on it that's out for revenge. The controls are standardized, most equipment Hydra makes is. So it's simple to quickly evaluate and drive. IT also has some very big guns built in. As it's revving, several of the Hydra troopers are rapidly realizing what the extraction plan of their attackers is. And they're going to open fire o nit with small arms! It can take most of the shots no doubt.. but concentrated fire would break it!

Bullets from Peggy go to skirt through the area, moving to pick off anyone fired expertly by Peggy! It's raw chaos as they end up with an unconscious Viper on them have to quickly coordinate a pickup before they're caught over in a crossfire as alarms blare,a nd doors ahead start to close to cut off escape!

Jane Foster has posed:
Jane's negotiation through the chamber is largely limited by an outstanding understanding of three-dimensional space. Don't hit a wall or the ceiling, avoid another disassembled plane, and all is well. She adjusts as well as she can to the chaotic scene, looking out for the four familiar faces and considering everyone else open season. She's undoubtedly taking fire as much as she hauls hard to spin the craft around, veering sharply down and slewing diagonally across the field.

Everyone note: Jane Foster takes no prisoners at bumper cars.

Targeting is a desultory affair of rapidly fired blasts bisecting the bad guys over there from the bad guys closer to Natasha and Quiet. <<Get /out/. T minus 15, and Drew, priority on clearing the package.>> Peggy can apologize to them later as she trusts in the fact the hovertank is, in fact, completely contained. Thus, they can't see through walls.

The goddess awakens from within the mortal shell, casting off the trappings of humanity in an explosive burst that any bystander won't remember. Still. The Asgardian goddess snaps hold of the firing assembly, fingers deftly moving the apparatus around to start concussively shelling a wall and, through it, the floor-to-wall tanks. Simultaneously working the secondary munitions with her other hand makes those sitting vehicle ducks blow, or at least spray chunks of gear this way and that. Point and shoot; won't Cap be disappointed?

Peggy Carter has posed:
<I'm behind you all! I'm here! Keep going, I'll meet you at the Quinjet! I'm going full stealth. Understood, Foster, I'm getting OUT.> And sure enough, Peggy does. She knows they are outnumbered now, no one needed to focus on her. So she uses the stealth part of her suit to truly disappear into the background and just make a break for it. There might be a few panicked moments where they think they've lost her but, sure enough, she'll be there waiting at the QuinJet when they all get back to take off.

Stefani Houston has posed:
Quiet had previously been up on top of the hover tank, when she'd disappeared in another puff of black smoke...

She reappears once the others are all with the team again, this time her gloved hands wrapping around the form of one of the tank's big guns... Bringing the weapon to bear, as the chaos from their driver unfolds around them, Quiet aims the weapon at the enemies firing small arms at them!

The repetitive bursts of heavy machine gun fire erupts from the end of the cannon as Quiet holds the firing stud down, squeezing it without remorse for the enemies that she's tarcking, targeting, and laying waist to.

Hail HUDRA? Hail of bullets, more like it!

It's possible, that Quiet even has a smile appear on her lips as she adds to the carnage, and mayhem.

Jessica Drew has posed:
A large hover tank swims into view through the smoke. Dizzied by the concussive blasts aimed at removing a large chunk of wall erupting from it, Jess opens the offside door, hoping she has found Jane's prize or ready to take the driver out. After dumping Madame Hydra without ceremony behind the seats, she climbs in beside Jane.

Conversationally, unbeknownst to her she addresses a goddess, "I'm ready when you are. I /hate/ the Chief going on her own."

Over coms: <Quiet, get out. Exfil.>

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Chaos. Anarchy. Bullets and rockets blasting into the hovertank or barely missing. Heavy armor warping from blows. Quiet taking shots at close range. Jane pinwheeling the hovertank, taking advantage of the jets to be able to spin it. And then there's the spray of bullets -into- the facilities.

Of the garage that are used for holding fuel, munitions, and spare parts. And the dozens or of vehicles that are also there for maintenance or readiness. This all results in a VERY big boom. And shockwave.

Which for anyone that is within the blast (or crumple) zone will be like being slammed into several tiems with a sledgehammer. For the hovertank, which does not have contact with the ground, would slosh around wildly as it would bounce like a sailboat adrift at sea! It manages to stay upright, but those within might be in little better state than those without..

Jane Foster has posed:
The orchestral movement of the bigger gun brassily firing while the smaller ones rain with percussive notes set the tone for the Valkyrie. War is her business, the culling of the blessed dead from the accursed. For that reason she avoids targeting actual people unless utterly unavoidable, pulling her shots or veering wide to stop from red-misting a poor grunt too stupid to know HYDRA is neither immortal or certain to win.

No, she will not hail HYDRA.

Her maneuverings point to the bigger threats, and when the building blows, she can only hope that /her/ shed mortality will not prove a dream from the past. Oh well, she's going with it too, toppling, bouncing on a rather sickening trajectory.

If the thing can be steered out at least to where she can run pellmell for the Quinjet, great. If not, out the hatch flies one very frazzled, green-to-the-gills Jane Foster. Inner gyroscope malfunction, anyone? But god, does she /run/.

To quote an orange-haired saviour, her voice rings out across the comms probably louder than she might like. <<Big badda boom!>>

Stefani Houston has posed:
It's right after the big explosion goes off that Quiet just fractures away back in to her smoke form. She flutters right out the side of the tank, leaving more room for those inside it as she flows along beside it the rest of the way...

By the time the hover tank arrives at the Quinjet, Quiet is crouched on top of it, her sniper rifle up again with her eye back up against its scope.

Peeeeeeeer. Watching. The carnage...

When she hears the others getting out, and rushing toward the Jet, she looks up from the scope, and rests her right gloved hand atop it, her slim pointed chin going down to rest ontop of that. She shows a quick little smile before she just vanishes again...

The black smoke form now rushing across the hull of the Jet toward the open ramp area to follow the others...

Jessica Drew has posed:
Nothing is right with the world, even with their objective drooling from behind the webbing she has across her mouth at her feet. Jess coms the Quinjet crew to confirm the Chief's arrival.

Smoke billows through the trees, marking the spot for spy sats and likely setting off fire alarms in multiple rural fire stations.

The spider is in reality a mother hen and won't be happy till all her chicks are home. She hoists the captured Venom out of the hover tank and puts her over her shoulder. A whirl of smoke moving on the ramp confirms Quiet's arrival. She catches sight of Angelo's blonde head up ahead on the ramp.

All is right then.

<Take her up. Everyone is in> she coms the flight crew.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
It's chaotic on the way out. Explosions. Carnage. Crazy Jane Driving.
    But they're racing over to the Quinjet, still in cloak mode as they're rushing up it with their unconscious prisoner. The base smouldering even as the pilots are kicking in the afterburner and going along the treeline and evading flak bursts from AA and missile blasting at them from mobile defense batteries!

It's a wild flight out, but they get out of range and can call it a successful operation.

One VERY high priority Hydra target captured.