12026/Resonants: Asgard Pt. 3
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Resonants: Asgard Pt. 3 | |
Date of Scene: | 22 July 2022 |
Location: | Northfort, Asgard |
Synopsis: | The shard of Buri's Shield is recovered, and Frikke Ravenhair is destined for Asgard. |
Cast of Characters: | Thor, Thea Queen, Sif, Vintridr |
Tinyplot: | Resonants |
- Thor has posed:
The night passes without too much event though there was a time when Thea and Vintridr had managed to slip out and get a lay of the land. There was no commotion when they returned, and thankfully no guards seemed to be aware and perhaps time enough that they could steal a bit more sleep before the demands of the day were upon them.
Though within the depths of the fortress it was difficult to tell when dawn broke, one could tell simply by the sounds of the keep coming alive. The thump and stomp of boots, the scent of food on the air. It was enough to bring Thor about and set him to readying for the day. Which, to be fair, involved him primarily tying his hair back from his eyes and hefting Mjolnir to his belt for he had slept in his armor.
"Thea, Vintridr." Thor gave a nod as he arose, checking his travel pack but leaving it where it is for now. He takes a deep breath and murmurs as he rises, "Sif and I..." A glance, eyes narrowed slightly as if the argument could rumble to the fore once again, "Have agreed that she shall stand in the stead of the messenger."
He stands at the door, hand on the handle, and seems ready to depart. "Matters will proceed quickly I expect, I still know not what spurred this duel, and it is important."
A look is given to Sif, "Sif will be battling, I will be speaking with Lord Kaldrhond. I would ask if you can have words with the scout and convey to me some insight in this matter for it troubles me and we must be cautious."
And the event of the duel will likely provide a good amount of cover for them to find what is needed.
- Thea Queen has posed:
All the excitement of being in a strange land and with a duel to come in the morning meant little sleep for the little archer that could. Doesn't mean Thea looked sleepy though, if anything she had learned to go nights without sleep once upon a time when she was still a drug addict. Or when waiting for her brother to return from a mission or two. It meant bright blue eyes were staring at Thor when he announces Sif is taking in for the duel.
"Yes, I thought so." No doubt there on her expression that it would be what would happen.
She gets dressed into a nice tunic, nothing too special and after a few other arrangements she is ready to go, offering a sharp nod at Thor. "Let's see what we can glean from this..." then a look to Sif and she grins wickedly. "Try not to win too quickly, yes." a wink sent her way. Thea has full confidence in the Goddess of War!
- Sif has posed:
At the look from Thor, there is an even greater chance of that argument starting anew as Sif dares to smirk. Somehow it manages not to trigger that arguement once more but their discussion had gone for much of the night. At least they had moved to a corner and lowered their tones, giving the others that chance at sleep hopefully.
For her part, once the discussion was over, Sif slept. She was ever a light sleeper and she would need her wits about her this morning. One gift from years on a battlefield was she could sleep anywhere. The comfort of such lovely beds had been a far cry from the ground. Though she had slept in full armor as well.
A quick brushing of her hair, the brush tucked back in her bag a moment later, got it in a semblence of order then her helmet was put into place. It didn't take much as her hair was a bit short at the moment, only a 2-3 inches long all over. The results of a disagreement with an exploding ship. She left her bag and cloak where they rested. The last item added was her sword, the sheathed blade slipped into her belt to hang at her left side.
Catching the comment from Thea, she turned that smirk to the other woman. "I will endeavor to not do so," she offered.
- Vintridr has posed:
Vintridr nods. "A wise choice," she agrees as she fastens her gear. "No one would regard it as disrespect or dishonor to have her fight as your champion, and it may well be that Lord Kaldrhond will not deign to speak to anyone below his own standing."
She chuckles at the interplay between Sif and Thea. "Be sure to give everyone a proper show; people become much more talkative during good entertainment."
She nods once more at Thor. "There definitely is something bothering the rank and file, but they're reluctant to speak of it to outsiders. It's a matter of asking the right questions."
- Thor has posed:
"Then," Thor looks to Vintridr, "We shall find what we can and if we too end up offering insult..." He gives a nod, "Then so be it."
With that Thor half-smiled as he looked between them, eyes drifting to each in turn as if he were committing this moment to memory. Then he gave a nod, "Let us be off then."
And so he /shoved/ open the door where it thumped loudly next to the guard's seat with a /wham!/ causing the man there to hastily rise to his feet and thump the haft of his spear upon the stone floor as he snapped to attention. There was no greeting for him, however. No words further as the Asgardian prince /strode/ forth with such a sense of purpose it was clear in his every move. Fast enough that the others would have to lift their pace to keep up even as another guard at the end of the hall blinked... eyes widening as he sees the heroes departing...
For some reason that second guard turns and breaks into a run away and down a side passage.
But the Thunderer pays him no mind, his path leads him straight along the way they came, turning onto the main corridor that had led them to the grand hall. Though instead he heads to the front of the keep where the gates are opened and out in the courtyard where as they approach they can already see many of the people have gathered. For it is almost a festive atmosphere.
Festive and seeming moreso once they pass through those large doors and find the crowd, almost all of the keep's population having turned out. Impromptu seats have been taken on the walls, on top of a few wagons, on the steps leading into the keep. Wherever anyone can get a good place to see the courtyard itself which has been cleared and an area for the duel to take place has been marked. There is a good amount of food circulating in the crowd though not being sold, yet the feeling of a festival is almost there in the air.
Across the way Dorin stands garbed in gray armor and testing various swords that are hanging from a rack. On the opposite side of the courtyard stands a redheaded young Asgardian whose features are drawn and haggard, though there is a decidedly severe look to him. Angry? Indeed. Confused? Assuredly. Yet he does not balk at examining the rack of swords they have presented to him for him to choose, though he spends a few long moments /glaring/ at Dorin before he starts to test each blade.
If he is going to be made to duel, he will at the least find a good sword to do so with.
Yet in the middle of the crowd, seated on a raised chair that had been placed upon an impromptu dais, is Yoren Kaldrhond. Attended by several guards, young Frikke is not at his side for once. Though he is easily seen at a glance as he seems preoccupied with eating several sausages over near Dorin's corner.
- Thea Queen has posed:
Stepping out onto the courtyard Thea takes her time inspecting the festive look of the whole place. Somehow it doesn't surprise her, she leaning closer to Vin, "Let me guess. A good morning skewering to get the appetite going..?" she inquires in a low voice, smirking before her eyes finally find both their targets. The young redhead that would be Gunnar and then young Frikke..
"Divide and conquer or how do you want to do this?" She asks Vin. Even as she starts angling closer to where Frikke is. Maybe to find a spot to sit down. It's so crowded after all!
And to note she has no social standing in Asgard so why not find a place where a servant would be at? Maybe sitting not too far from Frikke.
- Sif has posed:
As they exited the room, Sif looked at the guard being startled to mindfulness with distasted. The condescension on her face as she looked down at the man in that moment before he found his feet and stood at attention. She shook her head and focused back forward, keeping up the pace needed to follow Thor, long strides so she wouldn't seem rushed. She is just behind and to one side of him, presenting that united front as the Asgardians are quite displeased with the situation they have found themselves in.
Once in the courtyard, there is a scan of the crowd. Notes made of guards and positions, potential threats if things go wrong during this duel. Then she turns to look at Dorin. Watching him openly. Staring even, in a way that many might find uncomfortable. Though he was only testing weapons, it gave hints that might tell about his favored attacks by the swings he practiced. It was also a psychological maneuver on her part, meant to make Dorin uncomfortable to be the center of her attention.
Of course, he didn't even know he'd be fighting her yet. That revelation to him would add to potential discomfort, she hoped.
- Vintridr has posed:
"Displays of skill and prowess in battle are ever popular," Vin replies to Thea. "Albeit generally these are not to the death - but that's not unknown either. And an insult to one's honor must be answered and accounted for in public, for how else would people know the inmsult avenged?"
Her tone is light and casual, but perhaps a bit more deadpan than her usual -- perhaps she doesn't appreciate the custom as much as she used to.
As the party proceeds to the courtyard she shifts to her far more formal speech and body language, but she nods again at Thea. "Feel free to ask questions; play up the 'Foreign visitor curious about your customs' angle, but try to avoid judgment, even if you feel they are wrong... And stay alert. I can't help but feel treachery is more a question of when than if."
- Thor has posed:
Out of the crowd a guard rushes up to stand beside Lord Yoren, leaning in to whisper into his ear. Quick words given that cause the elder Asgardian to look about the surroundings, milky eyes seeking... yes them. His features sour, impossible to hide on the face of someone already so grim. Then without a word he /shoves/ the guard away from him.
This exchange is unnoticed by those near, or ignored, perhaps used to by those around. As to the guard he staggers back but then executes a quick bow and retreats.
Thor advances to the edge of that cleared area and then raises his voice in that tone of battlefield command as he bludgeons the gathering with it. "This man is my man!"
The rumbling of the crowd lessens... quiets.
Thor repeats, louder. "This man is my man!"
Then more at ease as he gestures with one hand to the side, ancient movements of rhetoric, "And in so he will have a champion suitable."
Which is when Thor looks to Sif, then nods to her. For it is she who will stand for Gunnar. Yet this does not go unanswered, for Seneschal Dorin advances, "As to that, Odinson... there is some disagreement as to whose man he is..."
Thor answers with a narrowed gaze and then adds, "No. There is not."
Which is greeted with silence as Dorin looks first to Thor... then back toward Yoren... then back to Thor again. He clears his throat, then agrees. "No. There is not." Which has him stepping back and toward his corner, though he does spare a glance for Sif.
Through this Frikke Ravenhair in his red garb watches, eyes wide and clearly not sure what to make of things. He takes a bite of his sausage thoughtfully as he watches, sometimes chewing on his lower lip. He likely looks to Thea like he's perhaps ten years of age, twelve at the most. But when he catches sight of her he remembers the smile she gave him and returns it with his own albeit nervously.
Gunnar had found a blade, a hand and a half sword that fit well in his as he lifted it from the rack. His own armor was not as bulky as Dorin's and was the black, grey, and gold of Asgard. When he hears that Sif is to take his place there is a single moment of relief that shows in his eyes, only for it to be pushed away abruptly as he affects a look of consternation.
Meanwhile Thor turns and starts to move away from the edge of the arena, and heads in Yoren's direction with a purposeful step.
- Thea Queen has posed:
Maybe it was too late to go get her bow from the room. Ah well. "At least there's a few swords over there I can snatch if in a pinch.." she continuing to whisper to Vin, a chinjerk towards the swords that are being chosen for dueling. Because yes, Thea's skills with the sword are perhaps even sharper than with the bow! All courtesy of her father ... But if she could match up to an Asgardian? Most likely not...
And look at that. Thor is talking. In that booming manner of his which calls attention. So the better for sneaky Thea to find her way close to young Frikke. For a moment it's as if she hasn't noticed him, searching under her robes for something before taking out a small piece of bacon to eat. One, because she is hungry. Two, because she saw how Frikke was attacking those sausages. She looks at him and returns the smile even if she looks a bit embarassed at having been caught. But then she picks another piece and offers one to the child.
"This is my first duel." She confides to the young Frikke, "Are they all as exciting as this?" her tone low.
- Vintridr has posed:
Vin narrows her eyes at the interplay, then once eyes are off the man, discreetly makes her way toward Gunnar. That allegation requires an explanation and she wants to hear his side of the story before anything else goes wrong.
- Sif has posed:
Sif took that step forward when Thor announced her as his champion. Head high, feet slightly apart, resplendent in her red, white and silver armor. There was a confidence in her blue eyes as she looked at Dorin.
As the group started to split, she turned as she pulled her scabbard and sword out of her belt. "Vintridr?" She turned to the valkyrior, giving her a slight smile. "Do me the honor of holding this until I'm done?" It would be unfair for her to use such a blade in a duel against regular weaponry. Thus, she would do the honorable thing and eliminate it. But she didn't trust to just leave it in this place of treachery, or so she felt it was after the situation with the messenger. "I trust you will treat it properly should I fail." Not that she expects to fail but they were realists when it came to battle and what might happen.
Once it was in the hands of the other woman, she moved to Gunnar. Sif held out her hand palm up. Requesting the blade he was holding. She gave it a few test swings of her own, all very non-descript moves without showing any method. A quick scan of the rack, a few others tested. In the end she opted for the one Gunnar had selected. It was sharp and durable, lighter than she had expected from the look of it.
Once she was ready, she moved toward that area set aside for their combat and looked toward the rulers, keeping an eye on Dorin in case there would be no formal start.
- Thor has posed:
"Oh no," Frikke answers Thea as he steps closer to her with that openness that can only come from being a child of the nobility. Sheltered in some ways perhaps. "Sometimes they are very sad. Or there is a lot of anger." Which has him nodding to her steadily, "Though it is always good to see how we battle, Dorin says that we are not blooded enough."
The way he says those last few words is in the way of youth, simply just saying a thing without perhaps understanding a thing.
As Sif and Vintridr approach Gunnar he greets them with a smile, his pale features lighting up a bit clearly glad to see them as he finally exhales slowly surrendering the tension that could be seen clearly in his soldier's frame. "My ladies."
His eyes lower in a form of a bow, then when he looks back up he confides, "Though I would have no qualms about matching myself against their Seneschal, I have some relief in knowing I am no longer alone." For to him it must have been a very isolating feeling to be performing his duty and then suddenly held as giving insult.
Sif takes the sword he was holding and he murmurs quietly, "I feel that is the best amongst these, say what you will of them they make fine blades." But then she is moving to the edge of the field.
It is about in that same moment that Thor advances, moving to stand beside that dais on which Yoren sits. He takes up his place, arms folded over his broad armored chest as he tilts his head to the side and says simply. "Good morn to you, Lord Yoren."
Yoren says naught.
- Thea Queen has posed:
There is some surprise on Thea's expression. "I didn't expect you to have witnessed so many already." she confides, continuing to absently chew on her piece of bacon, eyes turning to watch the proceedings, eyes on Sif as she chooses her blade, then on Vin when she goes to meet up with Gunnar. And finally on Thor when he joins Lord Yoren.
"Do you want to be a warrior like Dorin?" she then inquires once she hears that last part about them not being blooded enough. Another bite on her bacon.
"Or a ruler like your great grandpa?"
- Sif has posed:
While next to Gunnar, Sif nodded. "It is a fine blade. Best of the lot. You chose well." A compliment thrown his direction then a brief smile. "In truth, you were never alone. Though we did not know your plight sooner. I am sorry for that."
Then she moved to that edge of the field. Now it was a waiting game. To see if they were ready. If Yoren wanted to do some sort of speech or the like. A moment to glance at Dorin in his preparations.
Then she stood there as though she had all the patience in the world, holding the sword easily in her right hand.
- Vintridr has posed:
Vin takes Sif's sword with the care and respect a weapon of that quality deserves, then fixes Gunnar with a glare. "While the Lady Sif deals with this challenge," she assures the scout quietly.
"... And while she does, I'd appreciate a report. What manner of "insult" did you offer that the Lord Kaldrhond saw fit to call you personally to account rather than take matters up with the Odinson?"
- Thor has posed:
"Both!" Is Frikke's answer as he smiles, though he looks away and back. His face is open and he seems at ease with the goings on as well as talking with Thea. His answer is given in that tone of complete belief that one his age has, trusting entirely what he is told, "In the North we all must be warriors in case enemies return. So it is an honor to be both."
Across on the other side of the courtyard Thor remains standing beside the dais with arms folded as he considers his surroundings. A nod is given to the four guards that stand sentinel near Lord Kaldrhond though these four at the least seem to be taking their duty seriously.
"I am curious what caused this insult." Thor says, turning his head to the side to look directly at Yoren, eyebrow quirked with curiousity. "Any insight you can give me would be much appreciated."
Abruptly one of the guards steps forward and says sharply, "Lord Kaldrhond may not be spok-"
Only for Yoren to turn quickly and /hiss/ angrily with that raspy voice at the guard, raising a hand and gesturing him back. It's enough to silence the armored man who looks at Thor, then his lord, then steps back into place. Yet the lord answers the question not.
Across the way and in Gunnar's corner, Vintridr has more success as the scout turns to her and says, "In truth, my lady, I know not entirely." His brow furrows as he looks to her, then off toward Sif before back to the Valkyrie. "I arrived and gave my message in the hall with the lord and his court present. Dorin declared the message was received and my duty was discharged. I said I still had a duty to report back any reply. He said there was to be no reply and I was discharged. I said that a lack of reply is still something I should report..." Gunnar's tone is confused, and perhaps a touch insulted. "He disagreed with me and said that Lord Yoren disagreed as well. That I was now discharged from duty. Then he said that as I now was no longer 'burdened' with that oath, that I would enter the service of Clan Kaldrhond..."
Which has Gunnar frowning, "Of course I disagreed. Which is when Dorin asked if I felt I was too good to serve in Northfort. And I said that was not the case at all..."
He exhales, "Which is when they said I had given insult and only way to escape the repercussions was to swear fealty." Gunnar shakes his head and then adds with a scowl, "I did not."
Dorin finally turns, holding a blade in each hand and testing them with an abrupt swing, left then right. Shaking his head he takes up another for his off-hand then nods to one of the attendants beside him. That done he turns and starts to walk into the arena, raising a sword in salute to Sif. "At your leisure, Lady Sif."
A few more steps out into the middle of the courtyard, the dust underfoot kicked up in small clouds around his boots. He gives a nod as he pulls down the visor of his helmet into place then affects a defensive stance.
- Thea Queen has posed:
There is a soft laugh at Frikke's answer, "Ah, answered like a true warrior king, mmm?" a wink.
"Enemies?" Thea blinks once at the young man in that way midgardians do when they don't know much of their customs. "Do you got many up here?" she inquires, casting a look around, "I have heard of trolls. I even saw one once! Huuuggeee one.." she opens her arms wide as if to demonstrate how big they were.
There is another look to where Thor and Lord Yoren are at. "Your great grandpa doesn't seem to like Thor Odinson much..." it's not a question, she then leaning forward a bit as helmet visors are pulled down and the fight gets ready to begin.
- Sif has posed:
The helmet Sif wears does not hide her face from view. Nor does it truly protect the top of the head from a direct strike. Though the 'winged' sides did extend up enough they would help block a blow from any direction except the front. The armor itself was mostly on her upper body. A skirt of white leather strips allowed ease of movement and might interfere with a blow. Then there were armored guards on her legs from the knee down. Perhaps not the most coverage but it worked for her for centuries.
As Dorin chose to use two swords, she gave him a single arched brow. Judging him for this decision when he had seen she had chosen a single blade. In her mind, it reflected poorly on him to attempt to have an advantage in such a way for a formal combat. For a moment, she considered grabbing a second blade. Yet it was dismissed a moment later. She would not give him the satisfaction.
Once he took up the defensive stance, Sif moved forward. More cautious now as he had two blades she needed to be aware of. She brought her blade in, a few test swings to see how he countered and which side he favored. A slow start. A testing of the opponent. Not quite the vigorous attack one might have expected.
- Vintridr has posed:
Vin's eyes widen at Gunnar's explanation. She has no reason to question his words, but the implications...
"... That is..." Not quite rebellion or insurrection, but definitely flirting with both. "... Thor must be informed at once."
She looks around the crowd, then waits until Sif's circling gives the woman a line of sight to her, then makes a discreet gesture with her left hand.
Danger close. Distraction required.
"If fighting breaks out, ward the Young Queen and see her to safe grounds. For now, let us wait for a good moment to return to the Odinson."
- Thor has posed:
"No trolls!" Frikke says, eyes bright and his smile brilliant as he shakes his head emphatically. "Though Jotun, yes. Sometimes. Warbands. Dorin has to ride out sometimes since they're poking around. They don't make it here very often."
He looks over at her and the bacon she's eating, grins, then takes another bite of his sausage as if just then remembering it. He adds, "I've only seen them, but others in the past have attacked too." He blinks and furrows his brow, "Oh there were elves once!"
Though he stops there when Thea mentions Thor and his great-grandfather, turning to look across the way toward where Yoren sits he sighs and says, "Yes... but great grampy he doesn't like a lot of people." His eyes lower a little sadly as a few toughts are kept to himself.
On the field of honor, Dorin advanced close enough that the tips of their blades were close enough to clink. Then once Sif engaged he returned the sentiment emphatically. There was the ring of steel upon steel, no flicker nor flash as the blades did not hold the enchantment of some. Yet they were forged and forged well, proof shown in the first few engagements as Sif and Dorin's blades came together over and over.
It was a rough and quick pace, and the Seneschal was aggressive. He would press and try to keep Sif on her back foot, moving forward quickly, both blades whirling to try and find the chink in her guard...
Until they reach the edge of the arena and abruptly he disengages, turning and walking back away from Sif as if doing her the favor of giving her more room to work with as they reset. Such an action causing a gasp to go up from the crowd.
Yoren Kaldrhond leans forward on his seat, gnarled hands digging into his knees as he watches the bout, smirking a little as he watches the back and forth of the match. Nodding to himself he seems satisfied with how things are going. Thor, however, is more looking at the lord.
"As to the relic of Buri's Shield, it really is rather important. I am sure we can come to some kind of agreement." He glances at the guardsman who spoke out, eyes drifting then back. Then he says calmly, "I must insist."
Gunnar listens to Vintridr though his gaze strays to the fight, but when he is given orders by the valkyrie he naturally snaps into focus. A single short sharp nod is given as he takes up one of the blades he had been inspecting and slides it through his belt. At Vintridr's behest his gaze flits over toward Thea and he nods.
"I will do so at once." Then moves to take up position.
- Thea Queen has posed:
A nod is offered as Frikke speaks on the various enemies they have. No trolls though, it makes Thea pout for Frikke's benefit. Maybe she wanted to see them again! Watching Frikke eye the bacon means that Thea offers him some wordlessly before taking another bite. "Elves, eh? Weren't they always the good guys in the fairy tales?" pfftt, midgardians and not knowing about the evil dark elves!
The look Frikke has about grandpa is one she knows well. That look of someone who would like for family to be closer. She smiles gently at him. "I am sure he loves you though." that offered more in reassurance to the young man.
Yet soon enough her eyes go back to the fight, she watching the 'dance' with attention, some amusement on her expression as she watches the fight. No doubt there on who would be the winner.
- Sif has posed:
When Dorin goes on the aggressive, Sif is hard put to get her sword in place each time his weapons move dangerously close. There are blocks, dodges, even a parry as she tried to bring in a return attack of her own. Yet, he brought up that second blade and it kept her from completing the drive forward, forcing her to fall back.
Then Dorin simply stopped, turning and walking away from her. Giving her his back. It was a moment that could be taken two ways.
It could be insult, that he had dismissed her, found her to be a non-threat and didn't mind giving her his back. Or it could be a sign of trust. Putting himself in a vulnerable position and knowing she wouldn't take advantage. The gasp of the crowd could fit either interpretation.
Sif was one to fight with honor so no attack was forthcoming. She did roll her head slightly on her shoulders and gave a brief circle of the sword in her hand as he walked away, as though recovering from the brunt of that violent attack by her opponent. She did catch the motion from Vin in that instant but could not respond openly being the center of attention for so many watchers.
She moved back into the center of the space, following Dorin, then fell into a stance as she waited for him to be ready. Then they would begin anew. This time, Sif was far more aggressive in her attack. Her movements were quick and sure, blade seeking an opening in his defenses. For a few moments, it seemed Dorin was now being pushed back.
Only, he adjusted to her attacks. Compensated for the way she preferred to drive forward. A few times it seemed possible she might hit him but then she would have to defend as the second blade he wielded was brought for a parry. And suddenly she was losing ground again. More slowly but it was happening nonetheless.
Then his left blade was sent her way in a thrust and she quickly blocked. Leaving herself open to that second blade. It bit into her left thigh and there was a splash of blood on the ground as well as red on his blade as she managed to dodge it going too deeply.
And for that moment, Sif looked surprised. Then she schooled her expression to neutrality and continued the fight.
- Vintridr has posed:
As murmurs and shouts accompany Durin's scoring of first blood, Vin slips into the crowd, making her way back to Thor.
"Odinson, a matter requires your attention," she murmurs, with a respectful yet apologetic glance toward Lord Kaldrhond.
- Thor has posed:
"There are lots of different elves though," Frikke says as he imparts this bit of wisdom to Thea, nodding a few times with emphasis. "They live all over the place, in darkness, in light, in the oceans, in the sky. So many elves and I've never seen one." Which has him looking a little sad as he shakes his head.
He waves off her offer of bacon though, but chomps on his own food as he can't help but get an 'ick' face. Since ew, girl germs. But then his eyes are drawn to the fight as they widen and he frowns a little more. When Sif almost reaches the edge of the pitch Frikke says quietly, "I don't want her to get hurt, she's very pretty."
At the drawing of first blood Dorin did step back, the traditional brief cessation of hostility granted when such is drawn. For honor could well be satisfied then if either concerned party spoke up. Yet they did not. Sif continued the fight, moving forward and she was met in turn by Dorin's blades as the weapons would resound ringing upon each other with a steady staccato rhythm.
He was forced to redouble his effort as he fended off the flashing tip of Sif's blade and for a time he is distinctly on his back foot forced to focus on defense. Yet he continues to try and clear her blade from before him, each time she thrusts then slashes he uses one weapon to try and occupy Sif's only for her sword to slide along the edge serpentine and smooth to snap back into line.
Which seems frustrating for the man until with anger he /presses/ forward and the tide shifts yet again.
Only then does Yoren's voice rise as he speaks in a growling raspy tone, head finally turning toward Thor. "The fragment of Buri's Shield is Northfort's. What would you have of it?"
Though it's at that moment that Thor turns and espies Vintridr's approach. He tilts his head to the side and says to Yoren, "Bide a moment, please." And with that he steps around and meets Vintridr giving a nod. "Yes, Vintridr?"
- Thea Queen has posed:
First blood? And Sif on the losing end of it. Now Thea is regretting telling her to delay things! It's all part of the show, right? Well, she hopes so but she can't help but chew on her lower lip briefly at how the fight is progressing. "Her beauty is only matched by her strength in battle.." she tells Frikke with a grin that is more of a reassurance to her than the young Lord.
"But I wouldn't think you would want Dorin to get hurt too. He's a northman like you." She tells him.
Gunnar's approach doesn't really go unnoticed. She looks up at him and offers a brief nod before looking at where Vin and Thor are at..
A fight brewing up now wouldn't be good. And there's a kid here too. She frowns.
- Vintridr has posed:
Vin glances briefly to her left and right - not to watch for threats, but to convey to the Odinson that she does not trust their conversation to be private and will choose her words correspondingly.
"I've spoken to Gunnar for his account. According to his words, the offense he offered was refusing to be released from your service and into that of Lord Kaldrhond."
She speaks casually, as if merely discussing the weather rather than describing a gross breach of accepted protocol bordering on a declaration of insurrection...
- Sif has posed:
Sif was pressed once more.
Dorin was a strong fighter. Skilled. Agile and fast. It was obvious why he chose to use the two sword style, well experienced and deadly as he was with it.
As Dorin attacked, Sif continued to defend. There were attempts at attack but more often than not, she was having to block that first sword then dodge the second. It appeared his defensive strategy was too strong, offering her no opening.
Again, she was being pushed back to the edge of that circle but she managed to shift to the side to avoid an attack by him though the whistling sound of his sword passing a mere inch from her shoulder was unmistakeable.
To those watching, it seemed Sif was beginning to labor from the continued forced defense.
- Thor has posed:
"Dorin..." Frikke looks at her and then his eyes lower before he turns back to focus on the fight, his hand falling to the dagger at his hip as he draws it partially and then pushes it back into its small leaden scabbard. Not drawing it or threatening, more like a nervous gesture as he sighs softly. "Dorin is a... strong. Person."
Which might be the definition of damning one with faint praise.
He smiles a little at Thea as he gives a little shrug, then looks across the way. "Oh I... my... Lord Kaldrhond might need me." And as he says that he starts to move through the crowd along the edge of the pitch trying to make his way there, but not too mindful of his surroundings as he slips between people.
Vintridr has Thor's full attention and it's clear that he understands as he nods and accepts the words given. "Indeed. Of course." His tone as well as if they were speaking of such fine weather they are having. "Leaving service."
A glance to the side and then he holds a hand up as if asking for her to stay at his side for the moment. Which is when he turns back to the Lord.
A lord who is smiling as Dorin continues to press the attack, shaking his head as his wizened features leer with amusement. A glance is spared for Thor when he speaks again, it's in a tone that knows that most of the people around them are distracted with the bout, "What is it you want, Odinson? You ask of me so much. What is it you offer?"
"Offer?" Thor says, "For you to do as your oath bids you?"
A scowl flickers over Yoren's features, glancing again at Thor who hasn't even looked at the bout, and has seemed to only have eyes for the older Asgardian.
"Perhaps this then," the younger Asgardian says as he undoes the clasp of his hammer and takes it in hand, the uru weapon making a /whom/ of sound. And suddenly the guards snap to attention, spears lowering and aimed at the Odinson...
Though they hold back as Thor plants the hammer down heavily at Yoren's feet and says, "A wager then!" Loud enough to carry, causing others to look over. "On the bout. Buri's Shield against Mjolnir. What say you?"
Yoren looks surprised as he turns back, eyes the great weapon on the ground before him, narrows his eyes and finally laughs in a rough but ragged voice. Entirely without rasp. "Done."
- Thea Queen has posed:
The motion is taken with concern. Not threatening, but clearly a defensive one. Maybe even a signal of abuse. Thea looks at the young boy for a few moments but only offers an understanding nod at him, letting silence be the answer that she understands. And then the boy is walking off.
Thea gets up to her feet to trail the boy walking through the crowd. Protective. Another glance to the bout happening. And Sif is laboring for breath. Pfffttt, such an actress. "Oh, you minx. Pulling a 13th warrior on them, are you?" she whispers to herself.
See? She has watched some viking movies!
She only gets to hear the last part of Thor's wager, it making her arch her brows.
- Sif has posed:
The next swing came at her and Sif stepped back. Only, she made a mistake. Her ankle twisted as she stepped back and tried to turn in the same motion.
CLANK! Her sword managed to block the second blade coming in but in doing so, she was not able to maintain her balance. She landed on the ground. Giving Dorin the chance to attack, swinging down at her. She rolled to the side, avoiding the first strike. Then back the opposite and trying to capture that blade while avoiding the second.
Dorin was forced to pull back lest he lose a sword. Allowing Sif to roll back up to her feet, holding her sword now with two hands and watching Dorin warily.
A moment later, Dorin was back on the attack, the fight becoming more one-sided in his favor as time passed.
- Vintridr has posed:
Vintridr nods and turns her attention back to the fight, even as she moves so that her back is at the Odinson's shoulder, standing to attention as befits an honor guard.
Her eyes narrow only slightly as she sees the fight's progress, but she remains quiet - and even as she hears Thor lay his wager, her expression never falters, regardless of the sudden questions she wishes to ask regarding the Odinson's sudden defection from sanity.
- Thor has posed:
The boy in red rushes through the crowd with the Young Queen on his trail. She'll see him duck behind a guard, then cross under a carpenter's horse, all as he tries to get across the way as fast as he can. And as he moves he's constantly craning his head, trying to get a view of what happens in the arena. At times he'll bite his lip with concern, but then duck back down to get closer...
Until finally he emerges near the dais and the guards, climbing up onto it to stand beside his grandfather though he looks between him and Thor with his curiousity obvious.
Yet Yoren has no eyes for the lad, now only watching the fight. As Sif starts to flag, the elder smirks a little more, seemingly have no qualms about speaking with the Thunderer now. He tilts his head to the side, stroking his white beard. "A fool's bet, Odinson. Even now your champion is on her last legs."
Yet Yoren scowls abruptly and gestures with one hand, "Look on how she bleeds."
Thor rests his hands on his hips with Vintridr at his side, the pair looking stern. The look he's giving to the Lord of Northfort one of disappointment, anger. Shaking his head he says simply, "I need not. I know Sif will win. For though it was you and your generation that first crossed blades with the Svartalfar, Yoren Kaldrhond, it was mine that was able to defeat them."
It is only then, that Thor turns and looks upon the bout. Only then that he makes eye contact with Sif. And only then that he gives a single nod.
- Thea Queen has posed:
The nod. That is telling.
"Yep, definitely the 13th warrior move.."
Thea wonders if she will have to introduce the Asgardians to that movie. Who doesn't like Banderas anyway?
She does follow the kid over, even if she isn't as nimble to get in all the nooks and crannies. But she does move over closer to the group just in case, looking behind her to check if Gunnar is coming along with her. Getting closer she nods at Vin but remains on the side, watching.
- Sif has posed:
Then with that single nod, everything changed.
Sif's entire stance changed, portraying confidence and ease despite being in a potentially deadly combat. Her movements quickened. No longer was she fighting to keep up with Dorin. In fact, it was almost as though he was in slow motion. And it was as though she knew what he was going to do before he did it. For she had been taking his attacks, giving him that opportunity. Seeing his style.
As he swung the first blade, she brought up hand to catch him by the wrist. Fingers dug into a pressure point there, forcing him to release his hold on the sword. As it fell, she was bringing up her own blade to block his second strike. Then she released his wrist, hand moving so fast it was almost a blur to those watching, catching that falling sword before it reached below waist level.
Suddenly she had two swords and Dorin one. Only, Sif was not finished. She kept her sword against his in the block, then brought her second sword up to slam into his blade. There was a SNAP and the top portion of his blade went flying off to the side, leaving him with a broken weapon.
Sif hooked a foot around his leg, pulling it sharply to herself and putting Dorin on his knees suddenly in the dirt, holding a broken sword.
The Goddess of War stood above him in all her deadly glory, bringing her two swords down crossed, a blade to either side of his neck in a 'scissor'. All she had to do was pull the blades and he would lose his head.
"Concede defeat," she said simply.
- Vintridr has posed:
Vin is clearly in full-on formal proper Honor Guard mode, and doesn't acknowledge Thea's approach with more than a twitch from the corner of her eyes. She remains relaxed and alert in the posture of someone who could - and has - stand on guard like this for hours on end, and still be fresh to move when the sitution changes.
Inwardly, however, she tenses -- while this was as fair and clear a wager as any reasonable man might ask for, she no longer holds faith that the Lord Kaldrhond is a reasonable man, and if he decides that this 'trickery' is an outrage and insult things could go poorly very quickly. Mostly for the Kaldrhond forces, but still...
- Thor has posed:
Gunnar was only moments behind Thea, and each were able to step to the dais quickly, creating a small knot of those who had traveled from Asgard, suddenly all of them together there save for Sif, yet the others close enough to defend each other in case matters take a turn.
For this is the moment. The weight of portent hangs here and it is an almost palpable thing in the air. For the people have gone silent, seeing Dorin their protector on his knees before the Lady Sif. Seeing their lord with his features suddenly horribly stern and with milky eyes filled with rage.
Much hung in the balance as the guards on that dais turned.
Then Mjolnir leapt back into Thor's hand with a soft /whom/ that carried more than it should.
Yoren spoke. And his words were small. Petty. "It is but a trinket. Have it as you wish. I care not."
Thor looked to the others, gaze finding Vintridr's and holding for a time before he looks back. Across the pitch Dorin's voice is heard as he calls out, "I yield. Honor has been satisfied."
Enough words given to show contrition as he looks up and meets Sif's gaze. To his credit...he does not swallow. Does not gulp. He endures, taking the ignominy of the moment and maintaining his dignity. No concession beyond those words, as if this is just as the world had to be and he experienced it without truly partaking.
Thor then turned his head to the side, eyes falling upon Frikke then Thea in turn. He lifts his chin, "Young Queen of Midgard," His first time speaking of her in such a way, "Share with me your thoughts on Prince Frikke." A curious question to ask in such a moment, before the gathered court. Yet he does so nonetheless.
- Thea Queen has posed:
Heh? That Thea is asked to come forward to speak of the Prince has Thea side-eyeing Thor for a moment. Where's the 'letting her know beforehand part'?! But she supposes that's just how the Asgardians roll...
So Thea clears her throat, "I have only met the Young Lord for a bit, but it was enough for me to see he has responsibility well in mind. Someone who still dares to dream and expand his horizons but all in the defense of his people, and his liege.." her eyes going briefly towards the great grandpa.
"For there is no doubt where his heart and mind are at." Eyes turning from Yoren to the young man who is standing next to the older Lord.
She finally looking at Thor, "And that is at Lord Yoren's side."
- Sif has posed:
With that, Sif pulled the weapons away so they were no longer a threat. She took the one in her right hand, flipping it around and offering it to Dorin. Then, should he claim it, she would offer him her arm to help pull him to his feet. A warrior's respect given as he had fought well.
Then her attention would be turned back to the dais and those upon it, seeing the Asgardians all accounted for there. She walked that direction but stopped a few feet away, giving a nod to those in power there, simply waiting.
- Thor has posed:
Dorin accepts the blade and the hand up, rising with a slight clink of armor until he gets fully to his feet. He lowers his eyes again in that form of a bow before he steps away and to the side, giving her the respect she deserves as victor.
As Thea speaks both Thor and Yoren watch her, the former with a small smile and the latter with a smirk. Though Thor listens to her words intently, his eyes resting on the young prince in his red with his small dagger. The Thunderer takes a deep breath, looking upon Lord Kaldrhond at his side, then says simply and clearly. "Aye..." For some reason this moment seems to weigh on him.
He exhales slowly and tells Thea, "You have my thanks, and I sense you have keen insight. What do you say to her words, Frikke?"
The youth in red looks nervously at his great grandfather but then answers Thor. "I... wish to do my duty, my lord."
Thor nods again, looking in turn to Yoren. Then he says to the lord, though he speaks of Frikke. "You have grown well, Frikke. Yet it is perhaps time to broaden your education. I would have you come to the Golden City with me to continue the growth of your knowledge. What say you to this, Lord Yoren?"
Only for the elder Asgardian to sit back in his seat, frowning as his pale scalp slips into the early morning shadow. He turns to glower at Frikke, then at Thor before he gestures to the side absently, as if throwing away so much trash. "Take him, he is useless in any case."
Which causes Frikke to instantly wilt.
Only for Thor to nod slowly, as if this confirmed his thoughts. He looked at Frikke for a time, gaze firm. Then nodded to the child as he said, "He may surprise you yet."
With that he turns and looks to the others, resting a hand on Gunnar's shoulder and meeting the man's gaze as he pats him down a little to make sure the man is uninjured. Then he tells the heroes simply, "Come, we have preparations to make."
- Thea Queen has posed:
Now that it seems it won't come to blows Thea relaxes some, leaning over to Vin, "I think we are going to be fine, Vin.." she whispers in a low tone.
As Thor then suggests taking the boy to expand his education there's a nod coming from Thea. Perhaps she expected as much. So she grins over at the kid and gestures for him to come over, "Time to get your pack made, young Frikke." a beat, "Who knows, maybe you will still get to see an elf, mm?" a wink towards the boy.
As the heroes gather she whispers to them, "When we are back to midgard I will have to show you guys a certain movie...."
But for now it was time to continue their adventure.