13356/Hey weren't you wearing that...

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Hey weren't you wearing that...
Date of Scene: 14 November 2022
Location: Multi-Car Garage
Synopsis: Sam and Berto catch up on things
Cast of Characters: Samuel Guthrie, Roberto da Costa

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie has been out since the night before. His truck is pulling up the driveway towards the garage, and the doors open to let him pull the truck into his parking spot. As Sam gets out of the truck, those who hung out with him yesterday may notice Sam is wearing the same clothes as the previous day. He streatches a bit as he steps out of the garage fixing to head towards the house.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa walks out of the garage, wiping his hands on a rag, it's unusual for the gate to be opening this early and it's the curious nature of the man that brings him from the garage out onto the driveway to see who it is. He is dressed in oil and grease stained coveralls. He looks over and nods as Sam pulls in, watching him with a bit of curiosity. He smiles and narrows his eyes just a little, "Samuel, you're coming in awfully late young man. You know when the curfew is and you clearly have little regard for the rules and regulations of his august institution... " Roberto stops and looks Sam up and down, then continues in the same somber voice of authority, whether he is mimicking the Prof or Scott isn't quite sure, "And on a personal note, I am a bit, well, miffed Son. Have I not told you to keep an extra bag of clothes in your truck? At least a shirt... " Roberto puts his hands on his hips and shakes his head, "What do you have to say?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie will blush a bit and rubs a hand through his hair, a habit he has had since they were young. "Fell asleep watching movies, and got a go bag in the truck, but didn't want to get arrested for changing clothes on the street, specially, when Ah was just coming back home." He does look Berto over and a brow raises a bit "And Ah do think your manor of dress is more unusual than mine." He says trying to change the subject perhaps.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa's brow is set, this is as buldoggish as the handsome Brasilian gets, but you also know that he had a bone and he will not let it go, "That is true, I am not my fabulously attired always stylish self because I am a giver and an agent of change on multiversal level." He takes the wrench from his other pocket and points at Sam, not threateningly but accusingly, "But you are tring to change the subject and while I will get to talking about myself and what I am doing this is still about you? You feel asleep watching a movie? That is the lamest excuse, since John Travolta used it in Grease. And who were you watching movies with? Tabs was here, so it can't be her... No bruising, so that rules out a few and your dressed for mild weather... " Roberto's eyes go wide and he looks like he saw a ghost or perhaps the ghost of a relationship, "Alexis!" He yells far too loudly, "J'accuse mon frere!" All those French lessons and that really is all he retained, maybe. "Allegra, whatever she is calling herself now! You were at he place? At your place, the compound you... are you back together? Can I heart this ship? Ship this heart? You know what I mean!"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie will smirk a bit at the last bit when he gets the people and the Alexis has him blushing again "Yea, Ah was at our place, her place, the apartment over the dance studio." He clarifies to make it easier. Ah took her some food after Kitty told me you and she ran into her. "We had something to eat, and hung out, her students had given her some Halloween movies as a gift, and she wanted someone to watch them with, so stayed and we watched them and some of the classics. She had never seen Monster Squad."

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa nods considering, "Well, I am glad she made it home okay. Never seen Monster Squad? That's a crime, classic movie. I mean it's where I learned most of what I know about monster hunting. Also. one of the earliest examples of a shared universe in cinema. Not as good as the Abbot and Costello meet series, but- you're distracting me again. You are diabolical Samuel Guthrie. What sort of food? You really just watched movies? I feel like you started watching movies, she got scared, jumped into your arms... Sam, if you cannot come clean to your best friend about your romantic exploits, who can you come clean to?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie chuckles and shakes his head and says "Na, food movies and a bit of just being there for one another." He tells him "I had some stuff left over so took her some chicken and the rest, made her some Tetu, her Nona had taught me to make. And not really any really scary parts. Her young students bought them for her." He tells the other man. "Ah have to show her a lot of the classics, she had the whole gotta stay high class up bringing when she was anywhere but at her grandparents in Italy.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa nods slowly, "I see, wining her over through your culinary exploits. That's clever Samuel. You never make me special dishes my Mother taught you... or the head chef Lucien who actually cooked our meals growing up. Oh little kids halloween movies, like Nightmare Before Christmas? Charlie Brown? We need to a Great Pumpkin vigil some Halloween... " Roberto watches you silently for a beat then deadpans, "High class upbringing? Hunh, wonder what that was like."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over and says "Hey you got out from under it when you were still young and had to put up with the rest of us." He tells his friend putting a hand on his friends shoulder. "And as for cooking, she looks much better in her ballet outfit than you look in yours sorry brother." He grins at his friend teasing him.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa sighs, sounding hugely put-upon and nods resignedly, "You gaggle of ragamuffins have always been my cross to bear, the way you dressed and the spoons you used." He shivers before breaking into a grin, "Oh, is that how it's going to be? I told you that soccer has given me big calfs and you promised not to hold it against me, Sam Guthrie." Berto feigns a wounded snifflle, then breaks into a laugh, "Well, I mean if she showing what she looks like in her tights, it's only a matter of time."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks too the other man, and says "Well, she got me back in tights a few times, not last night mind you, but showing the boys in her class, that guys could do ballet as well. " He smirks a bit and says "Speaking of Soccer, told her about your stadium, and might be able to talk you out of some tickets for the kids when it is open.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa headtilts, "As I recall you hated every minute of ballet training? You thought the tight made you look gangly and the positions hurt your feet and knees." He shakes his head, "I'm telling Stevie that you are using her training to abscond with some poor girl's heart. She will be quite cross with you, Sam." Berto waggles his finger half-heartedly, then scoffs, "I am not running a charity here... just let me know how many you need." He is a softee for his friends, don't let his Dad know.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over and says "Hey everything made me look gangly then." He admits. "And Ah wager, Stevie would find it hilarious that Ah am helping teach it now." He admits and adds "And Ah think you are probably running a half dozen charities, Ah know about probably a dozen more that none of us know about." He tells his friend, showing he does know him.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa places his hands on his hips and laughs nodding, "True and, yeah, she probably would. Even harder when she heard you were getting some because of that expertise... she might even win some money from Hank." Roberto considers, he blinks at you as you mention his philanthropic endeavors and stands there for moment not saying anything, "So, you wanted to see what I was working on in the garage?" He turns and moves toward the garage which has three Minis in various states of re-assembly in it. "Say hello to the mini assault vehicles."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie smirks a bit as the other man changes the subject now, but lets him. "Mini assault vehicles?" He asks, and looks over the cars "Was the Italian Job on the movie channel last night?" He asks, but he does follow his friend to check out the cars.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa frowns, "It was... but that is not relelvant, Steph called about a spare part for her car and I got it for her and that reminded me that I had these lying around in a shipping container on the Metropolis Docks, I also had a few containers of ballistic resistant lightwieght armor plating, it's a hightech polymer based armor we were shipping for a subsidiary of Trask Industries that 'fell off a ship" He shows you the air quotes and shrugs, "And some non-lethal artillery my Dad had picked up, well, it wasn't non-lethal when he got it but I did some small mods, it doesn't take much." Berto shrugs. The minis tell a tale of the process as one is nearly entirely rebuilt, massive engine, armor plates, high caliber rotating mini-gun firing rubber bullets and ICE rounds. One has the engine in place and most of the armor and the third has been stripped down but is waiting for the mods. It is a good night's work for one guy and impressive for anyone who didn't have super-strength and his own fingertip welding torch.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over and walks around the car, and says "Looks pretty good, but even lightweight is the armor plating going to effect handling much?" He asks the his friend "Ah figure the larger engine fixes any speed issues, but trust me, turning at speeds, can have it's own problems."

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa smiles and nods, "Yeah, I'm going to reinforce the struts and frames. Generally make the whold undercarriage stronger. Also, jack it up for more ground clearance. Was thinking of asking Forge for a hand. Thought they might be useful when we head into that Alternate dimension Rogue's Dad was talking about."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie hmms and says "You get forge to look at them, might end up as hover cars instead of wheeled." He tells his friend "And alternate dimension?" He seems to have missed something. "Whats going on with Rogue's dad?" He asks his friend and leans against the most intact vehicle listening.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa smirks, "You have a point. Though, I'm not sure that's a bad thing." He considers, "Yeah, apparently there's a rebellion in a near Earth dimension. I think Rogue's Mom is being held captive and her Dad's trying to go in and help the rebels break her free."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods his head a bit and says "Seems like Ah have been so busy have not been keeping my ear to things Ah should. So anything else going on Ah might have missed?

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa considers that, "Well, you heard about X-Corp and the work going on in Bushwick, right? The stadium, I think that's it. Jubilee's a vampire, Yana's married."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie 's brow raises a bit and says "Wait Ah knew Jubes was going to Marry Noriko, but Illy is married, how the heck did Ah miss that, aint seen here in a while but did not think it was that long. He hmmms a bit and scratches his chin "Maybe she did not tell me over the whole alexis breaking up with me?"

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa smiles and nods, "Yeah, she and Stephen. I was a little surprised as well but Yana gonna Yana. Jubes and Noriko? Hunh. Maybe that's what it is. It makes sense, you mean alot to all of us."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie 's brow raises a bit and says "Stephen?" He must be really out of it. To be honest last folks he had heard Illy was dating were both New Mutants.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa folds his arms over his chest, "Sam, where has Yana been living? Stephen Strange? Dr. Strange. Yeah, that seems to be an ongoing thing."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie 's brow raises a bit and whistles a bit and says "Well Ah guess they do have stuff in common, but Ah honestly had no clue they were even talking let along more than that.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa grins, "I mean, I assume they're talking but it might just be physical?" He considers, "I guess it's not that surprising that everyone was sleeping with everyone else. I mean all the time we spent together, what we went through." Berto shrugs.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods a bit and says "Ah guess, so and it may have been me planning the wedding and our trip over to Italy, Ah just was not paying attention like Ah should have ben. Ah will have to work on that some see if Ah can get it sorted out.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa shrugs, "You had a lot going on. We do the best we can. I mean, I've been in Brasil and working overseas . It's hard to stay up to date. with everything."