1350/Ghosted in Brooklyn
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Ghosted in Brooklyn | |
Date of Scene: | 24 April 2020 |
Location: | Brooklyn |
Synopsis: | Crush and Miss Martian drop in on Spidey and they work together to save some people. |
Cast of Characters: | Peter Parker, Xiomara Rojas, M'gann M'orzz
- Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey is singing, again. Badly. Most people can't hear him when he does, but that does not dissuade his exuberance. But is is not channeling Justin Timberlake, Bob Seger, Steve Perry, or even Axl Rose.
Today, it's Daffy Duck.
"Oh, she was an acrobat's daughter...she swung by her teeth from a NOOSE..."
The new job was great, the first paycheck had covered all the bills for the month, and the tests on the Spider-Comm system had all come back green, clear, and strong. By the time the weekend was over, he'd have five complete sets and the dedicated server up and running.
"...but one fateful day, her bridgework gave way, and she flew through the air like a GOOSE...!"
Spider-Man continued to swing along, but stayed alert for the local wildlife. Primarily the criminal breeds.
- Xiomara Rojas has posed:
Crush needs to move. She needs to travel- she's done it for so long that staying in one place for too long feels strange. Even if it's made her very happy, recently.
It still feels wrong- and for the Czarnian, clearly the best choice for letting off steam was beating on people who deserved it. That brought her to Brooklyn, New York with M'gann M'orzz- she's jumping along, truly spectacular leaps as they approach Brooklyn "There's always some dumb bastard in Brooklyn who could use a fist to the face." Xio says, looking towards Megan. "But.. I guess it be easier if we figured out a way to patrol or somethin'?... "
Crush's ear twitches- she's got better hearing than any human. "You hear someone singing?" she wonders over towards Meg as she begins her descent.
- M'gann M'orzz has posed:
Miss Martian is flying along in arcs that mostly keep up with Crush's bounding, although not always /perfectly/ close. "I usually try to sense people's emotion. Fear, anger, those tend to be where people we can help are. ...It is limited to my empathic range, though." Hmmmm. Singing? M'gann's senses aren't quite as good as Crush's, but people talking tend to be pretty 'loud' telepathically as well... Normally the actual specifics are pushed back to avoid overwhelming her, but she now sifts through it, spinning the proverbial radio dial. "...Okay, I do have someone singing fairly close, and there're moving pretty strangely. Big arcs like you, but the points between the arcs are high up instead of on the ground..."
- Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man is smiling under the mask. Nothing can possibly...
To his right, he hears a loud bellow and the crash of masonry.
The smile freezes on his face. "Oh, for the luvva Jim Belushi..."
He fired another webline, then swung wide to head towards the disturbance.
The tall, muscular blonde with the wild hair and the questionable fashion sense threw ANOTHER weak man through the now-open window of the bar. "Just as I thought. NONE of you are man enough for a woman like me!"
<Easy, darling. He should be on the way. Just keep an eye out for that wall-crawling PEST.>
Stunner grinned. <Of course, my love. Anything for you. And when he shows up?>
<SQUASH HIM,> Dr. Octopus replied.
- Xiomara Rojas has posed:
"Arcs? But..." Xio says as she's again in the sky near Megan. "That's kinda weird, right? I guess that's the way we should go." She says, reaching up to take Megan's hands for a mid-air turn- something she just can't do alone. "I'm hearing something from that direction." She says, pointing. Obelus- her chain- coils up from Xio's waist, where she'd been sitting as a belt, to ensure that M'gann and Xio were locked together. She's quite the protective Chain.
- M'gann M'orzz has posed:
M'gann helpfully reaches out and takes Xio's hands, reassuring Obelus with a firm telekinetic whole body lift on her girlfriend as well. The pair accelerate rapidly over to where the telltale emotions of fear and... smugness? Confidence? Well, it wouldn't be /too/ strange if someone was winning a fight- Are coming from. Crush released about fifty feet up, Miss Martian swooping in for her own entrance after. "Stop! If you have to fight somebody, fight us, not them." She gestures towards Stunner's current victims.
- Peter Parker has posed:
Barry had a glimpse of the brick wall that was going to make his wife a widow when he is suddenly caught in a sticky web. He's webbed up, but the other option was being smashed against a brick wall, so, options.
Barry looks up to see Spider-Man, and suddenly realizes JJJ is not just full of it about Spider-Man, but full of about 20 KINDS of it.
Spider-Man steps towards the bar, hearing a lot of inventive redecorating going on, then calls out, "HEY! The party's out HERE!"
His first thought when Stunner rushed out was about his (former) girlfriend, Kara. This woman looked like her...if she had been taking some kind of space-steroids.
She was also coming out at a dead run, and coming straight for him with a fist cocked back and ready to swing, and a look of murderous glee on her face.
...Hoo, boy.
- Xiomara Rojas has posed:
"Yeah. You look like you'll be fun." Crush says as she lands on the ground easily. She's heavy- the thud she makes when she hits the ground can easily be felt. Obelus slides down her side like a snake, coiling around one fist and then the other- spikey bits pointing forward. A length of chain hangs between Crush's arms- something to catch a weapon in, certainly.
"Don't smell right, though." Xio says with a snort. "Like one of them bullshit ionizer machines."
She makes a leap towards Stunner- trying to get between her and Spidey. "He's a bit small for you, ain't he?!" she says, giving a fang-toothed grin ready to brawl with the muscle-bound blonde.
- M'gann M'orzz has posed:
"And her psychic signature is faint. I think she's too scared of us to actually be here, Crush!" Miss Martian grins, eyes glowing green as she reaches out with one hand, trying to snag Stunner's ankle in a telekinetic grasp. If she can trip the villain, or delay her until Crush can get into position, all the better.
- Peter Parker has posed:
Stunner blinks as two freakish-looking women appear. She smirks at Xio, angling to hit her and send her on a free trip to the moon...
...when something grabs her ankle. It is enough to push her off her step as she recovers. Which means the fist aimed at Xiomara's jaw is only worth ten tons of kinetic force instead of fifty.
Spider-Man winces, but begins getting people out of the area as best he can. He has no idea what they can do, but these people need to get out of here first.
- Xiomara Rojas has posed:
Ten Tons really isn't enough to put a Czarnian down, but it's enough to have Xio's head shift to the side a bit as she takes the hit to the cheek. Hitting Crush, however, was like hitting a steel wall. It was her turn- the 1-2 punch as it were, with Megan's TK move. She steps forward and puts her weight into her own strike- this one aimed at Stunner's midsection. Obelus slides down over in front of Crush's fists. She's not here to kill anyone, after all. "Yeah, well, she's real enough here to cause problems." she notes over to M'gann. "We can track her ass later."
"Right now we gotta help these people and keep her from hurtin' others."
- M'gann M'orzz has posed:
"Okay. You got her handled, or do you want me to keep holding her down?" M'gann reaches out mentally, projecting a general sense of "It's a bad idea to be in this area, I should leave" for everyone except Spider-Man. She got to meet Spider-Man! That's so cool! ...No. Focus. Later. "True. I know what she feels like. So you can punch her lights out whenever!" Hmmmm. A length of pipe from a fallen chain link fence is telekinetically lifted and flattened with a screech, before the martian attempts to turn it into a blindfold.
- Peter Parker has posed:
Stunner is caught off-guard by the blindfold and the physical attack. She cries out as she is hit HARD, she stumbles back...
And then Spider-Man looks up to see her slightly...pixelate. As if slightly out of focus.
<My Love! Two others have shown up...! Do you see them?>
<Yes, I do. This will do for now. We can always try again another time.>
Stunner rips off the blindfold, GLARES at Spider-Man...and then she simply...blinks out, exploding into a shower of glowing particles. For some reason, Spider-Man is hearing the PAC-MAN noise when the ghosts catch up to him.
Stunner is gone...but the damage remains, and now the two women who have stepped in suddenly have no more opponent. Spider-Manis wearing the face of someone who has no idea what just happened, and it is a look shared by the people who are still clearing the area.
- Xiomara Rojas has posed:
Crush frowns, fists still raised as if expecting a sneak attack as she spins a bit in place. "The hell?" she wonders, nose twitching. "Alright, so she ain't a robot, I guess." she remarks as she turns towards the rubble and the rest- "Okay, let's make sure ain't nobody trapped under this mess." she offers, "Kinda anti-climactic, yeah?"
Crush then looks over towards Spider-Man, "You doin' okay over there, Spider-Man?" Everyone knows who Spider-Man is! HE's that rebel in the papers!
- M'gann M'orzz has posed:
"...Yeah, I've got nothing." M'gann blinks a few times, before starting to search through the rubble for signs of life, being careful in how she lifts debris if any living minds are underneath. "And do you have any idea of what that was, Spidey?"
- Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man steps forward, looking around. "Looked like some kind of real-life video game character..." He looked at the bar, frowning. "...but I think we need to get EMS in here. It sounds like she hurt a lot of people." He paused, then said, "Thanks, you two. I think she would have beat me black and blue, minimum." He extends a gloved hand. "You know who I am, but I'm pretty sure I would know if I'd met you before."
- Xiomara Rojas has posed:
"I'm Crush, That's Miss Martian." Xiomara offers to Spider-Man- taking his hand with a grin. "Nice to meet you." she continues.
"And yeah, that might be it- smelled like Ozone to me. Not like a person... EMS would probably be smart, but we gotta make sure ain't nobody trapped in a building, neither.
"Miss Martian- we got anyone under there?" she wonders back towards Meg as she looks around and checks the buildings with her own senses- "Not much I can do with all the dust in the air- it's overwhelming the other scents."
- M'gann M'orzz has posed:
"yeah... Two uninjured, three with a bit of pain, five in a lot." M'gann grits her teeth, rubble lifting into the air and floating aside, slowly and carefully to make sure things don't collapse. She sends waves of reassurance at those trapped, along with who she is and that help is on the way. "I need to concentrate. But someone needs to call the police if they haven't already."
- Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man nods. "I've already sent an alert. Someone else called 911 thirty seconds ago." He heads over to the bar area. "I'm seeing them arrive in two minutes. Let's make the most of it, Crush. We need to get these people out to the street. That far wall is load-bearing, and it's damaged."
He paused, then said, "It's...nice to meet you both. Even if we didn't meet under great circumstances, but...I don't often have great circumstances."
- Xiomara Rojas has posed:
Crush nods, looking to the load-bearing wall. She walks over and takes a better look at the building's structural support- then at the building itself. "Yeah. I think I can shoulder it if I gotta." she offers back to Peter, "Meg, I'll make sure this place don't fall down- you get the TK ready to pull rubble out so we can get the people, yeah?" she says over towards her girlfriend as Xio prepares to press herself into becoming a load-bearing wall the moment she's required to. "Unless you guys got a better idea, I mean, we gotta get it done quick, right?"
- M'gann M'orzz has posed:
"Working on it. But if you two can... hold things, that's... one less... to pay attention to." M'gann's already having to split her attention to hold thing s in place, evenly lift, and watch for shifts in the rubble, but she's able to flash Spidey a somewhat tired smile. "It's good to meet you, Spider-Man."
- Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man nods. "Sounds like a plan. You support the wall, our movements are going to cause the kind of noise that can LITERALLY bring the house down."
Spider-Man starts with the closest man, moving a chunk of brick aside to lift him up and carry him clear. "Moving people now...gang way!"
- Xiomara Rojas has posed:
"Alright." Xio says, as her shoulder shifts against the wall- ready to support it with all her fantastic strength. She steps into place the moment the wall begins to fail- and fail it does.
With a grunt, Crush shoulders the weight of the building.
- M'gann M'orzz has posed:
Okay, with the other two helping, things do indeed get a bit easier. Miss Martian can guide Spidey to extract people, and the more injured are moved by her with their broken bones held in place, makeshift splints created from pieces of rubble and bent into shape. The dead body is a surprise, and the teen falters a little, but she soldeirs on until no minds remain in the rubble.
- Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man gets something similar to his Spider-Sense, but it detects people, not threats. It makes things a lot easier, and he wastes no time getting people out.
He does almost trip over the only casualty near the end, and he pauses for a moment. Then he webs up the unfortunate fellow and drags him out in his own ready-made body bag. The only response is a regretful, muttered, "...Damn..." as he pulls the body and the last survivor out.
"Okay, everyone's clear!"
- Xiomara Rojas has posed:
When Crush steps away from the building it'll likely collapse- and collapse it does. She's unhurried though- fully trusting in her physical abilities to protect her from falling rubble. A huge section of wall falling on her and proving her faith well informed- it just shatters around her and she steps onto the street, dusting herself off. "So, I don't really like cops and shit- we should probably cut and run pretty quick."
- M'gann M'orzz has posed:
With everyone clear, M'gann releases her hold on the building and walks over to Crush, pressing close against the other girl's side. "...I don't think I'm up for much talking right now. I'd like to run into you again, though." She gives the wall crawler a weak smile, putting an arm around Crush's side. "Keep being an inspiration."
- Peter Parker has posed:
Him, an inspiration? That's not the reaction he usually gets, but he has been getting it more often. Maybe he should believe it more.
"Right. I'll field the rescue efforts. You two are pretty amazing, yourselves. I appreciate you both stepping in and helping everyone. Including me."
- Xiomara Rojas has posed:
"Eh. You'da been fine." Crush says, "You got all them spider powers. Like.. you can turn into spiders, right?" she wonders over towards Peter, as the chain- Obelus goes *CLANG*. "Oh. That's not a Spider-Man thing?" she asks of the Chain as she heads off with Meg. "Hey, let's go make hot chocolate!"