13915/Some Late Night Russian Comfort Food

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Some Late Night Russian Comfort Food
Date of Scene: 21 January 2023
Location: The Firebird Banya
Synopsis: Casually crossing paths in a Russian resturant/bathhouse.
Cast of Characters: Matthew Murdock, Talia al Ghul, Ash Williams, Audra Meridian, Reed Richards

Matthew Murdock has posed:
The scents of the Russian comfort food were noticeable to Matt Murdock blocks away as he traveled the snowy sidewalks, his cane tapping back and forth behind him as he huddled in a jacket. The nearer he got, the less they had to compete with the other restaurants of Brighton Beach.

Stepping inside, Matt paused to draw in the aromas and let them sift about in his head. Separating the dishes. Ruling out certain ones for quality of ingredients, and in the case of the soup, hygiene. Settling on a dish before he'd even been seated, he waited inside the door for the 20-something behind the desk to say something.

Finally the young man noticed Matt's cane and glasses. "You here for food or a bath?" he asks.

"Food, please. It smells good," Matt replies to the young man.

"Da," the young man replies. "Anya!" he yells, which summons one of the waitresses. He motions towards Matt and then turns his attention back to his phone.

Anya smiles and moves over gently take Matt's arm. "This way and I'll get you seated at a table," she says, Matt giving her a grateful smile as he lets her guide him inside and get him seated near to the bar.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul is there to get somethign to eat. She's not been in the city for a few days while tending to other matters. So as she goes on in, she moves to slide over to take an open seat. One hand going to rub over at a cheek that had some bruises on it over her eye. She's walking slightly pained, even while she moves to glance over the menu after a few moments.
    "Please give me a few minutes to decide what I want. I'll have something to drink first while I decide. Something sweet that you recommend without too much kick to it. And open a tab for me please." She would speak casually, her accent moreso that of someone from California than over on the east coast. Suggesting Los Angeles if one could really pepper it down.

Ash Williams has posed:
    The door opens and in blows ash. Well, actually snow, it just looks like ash, except it is cold rather than hot. And also, Ash. Ash Williams, that is.

    "Colder than a witch's --" The overly loud and booming voice of the man cuts off as he sees there are ladies present. "'scuse me," he says, stomping off the snow from his boots. It might have been more polite to do it outside, but it seems that etiquette is not the man's strong suit. He is not exactly dressed fully for the weather, wearing only a denim jacket and jeans that have seen better days. Possibly yesterday, because the splatter of something resembling ichor seems to be fresh down on one leg, while both seem to have their certain degreeof mud.

    He does, however, move towards a table without further outburst, dropping onto a chair with a dramatic thunk. Leaning back, he picks up a menu and peers at it, his lips moving as he tries to discern what exactly is spelled out before him.

Audra Meridian has posed:
Audra Meridian's work tends to take her back and forth between the cities on a regular basis to monitor the weather patterns of the season, and this evening has found her wrapping up later than usual. In a strong need for something to eat finding a place that's serving hot food and maybe other hot services on the other side of the building is like a godsend. The stormchaser ambles into the resturant with hands in the pockets of her jacket. Takes a moment to look around. Looks active, looks authentic, must be a pretty good place.

She catches the end of someone's loud remark, and stifles a bit of a snicker when she figures out what he censored himself from. "Yeah, it's pretty frosty tonight."

Reed Richards has posed:
Whenever Reed Richards spent an inordinate amount of time locked away in his laboratory... inordinate by his own lofty standards, he had a detoxification routine. He would wash, and purify his body in a pool, sauna, bathhouse, or steam room, and then he would try something new to eat.

He currently going through stage one, sitting in the Russian bathhouse portion, wearing a white towel around his waist, and letting his pores open up, as he relaxed. Though he had to be careful not to relax too much, or else he'd form a puddle on the floor. He leaned his head back, and looked up through the steam.

Alas, his mind was already starting to wander to his next project. It was a good thing that none of the Fantastic Four were telepaths. How did Cyclops and the other X-Men manage it?

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Anya the waitress asks Matt Murdock, "Are you familiar with the menu? If not I can read it to you or make some suggestions?"

Matt gives a pleasant enough smile in the woman's general direction. "I had someone recommend a dish," Matt tells her in his deep, clipped tones. "Though I apologize if I mess up the pronunciation. Some kind of dumplings. Kinkali or something like that?"

Anya's face lights up. "Yes, Kinkali," she says, correcting his pronunciation, but Matt was close.

"And a Bavik Pilsner," he adds. She takes down the order and nods to him. Then realizes he can't see the nod. "Perfect, I'll go put your order in," she says. Meanwhile the bartender is moving over to take orders at the bar.

Matt leans back, focusing for the moment on the voices he hears, not just in the restaurant, but in the rest of the building too. Talia's not-quite-generic accent catches his notice. Though not the voice that he was looking for, a bit of curiosity on his part will keep him checking in on her conversation if she has one.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
For those that can tell the accent is -extremely- well done.. But slightly off. From someone that had mastered it by watching and replicating it, but not quite flawlessly nor had they spent the time to get all the nuances down. Her body expression as well is nearly flawless, but has just as mall amount of things off to it. What is not apparent is -why- she would be remotely acting that way.

But still, drink ordered she goes to look over the menu, "Uh, I hate to say this and sound really uncultured.." She would err, "But what is borscht?"

Ash Williams has posed:
    Leaning back into his seat, Ash kicks up his feet onto the chair opposite him, which much like the rest of his entrance is far from polite. Something drops off the bottom of his boots onto the floor. Probably best not to inquire as to what it is. He does, however, wait patiently until Anya comes over to inquire as to his order.

    Despite having studied the menu for a time, Ash looks no closer to selecting anything. "Uh, can I just do beer, and something meaty?"

    Ever helpful, Anya peers at the man and offers a quiet suggestion. "Steak tarare?" she says softly.

    There is a wrinkle of Ash's nose at her suggestion, but then he nods. "I do love me a good steak. That'll be great." Nothing beats a good, well seasoned, flame broiled steak, right?

    Maybe Anya can tell, maybe she can't. She offers a smile nonetheless, and makes her way back to put in his order. There /might/ be a slight titter in her voice as she tells the backline.

Audra Meridian has posed:
Audra Meridian is not really one to point out the lack of dressing for the season. Considering she's a professional yet she's wearing a leather jacket and a scarf... As she has other means of dealing with the temperatures if she really needs to. But that is neither here or there. She takes a seat for herself and sits to wait the waitress to return. Pulls off a pair of gloves and stuffs them in a pocket of her jacket and picks up a menu. "Let's see what we've got here," she half mutters to herself, not really being familiar with the Russian culinary culture. Other than it being warm and smelling pretty good in here.

Reed Richards has posed:
In his laboratory, Reed Richards was all alone, able to use his computers, interfaces, and study the universe. In the bathhouse, he was surrounded by a few strangers, with no technological distractions, but he could contemplate the universe. It would seem that he had traded one type of isolation for another.

But at least the heat felt wonderful as his muscles relaxed. Though it did seem that, at least for now, the restaurant portion was proving to be far more popular. And just to prove how scatterbrained Reed Richards could be, the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly popped into his mind, and he began to hum the theme tune to it, softly.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Were it not for the training of Stick on how to focus his senses on what he wishes and to block out other stimuli, the life of Matthew Murdock would have been a sorry one. But even now, so many years later - and many of them estranged - there are still some things that make Matt consciously grateful for that training.

Things like the smell coming from whatever fell off Ash Williams' shoe.

Anya crosses the cafe, coming over with Matt's beer, and earning a word of gratitude from him which draws a flirtatious smile and a "you're welcome" in a tone that carries the smile.

Matt takes a sip of it, then removes his jacket finally, revealing the suit he's wearing beneath. It's about the quality of cut that one would expect from a lawyer. But one who works in Hell's Kitchen and gets paid in oranges, tamales, and knitted items about as often as he gets paid in cash.

Taking another sip, Matt focuses on the sounds of conversation coming from elsewhere in the building. Investigating the trail of shell corporations that own the building in the slums that his client lives in only got him so far. But the final name he found had turned out to be the mistress of a member of the Russian mob. One who a bit more eavesdropping had revealed frequents the Russian baths here on Friday nights in particular. But not knowing his voice yet, Matt is left listening to content to try to find him.

The theme of the Good, the Bad and the Ugly catches Matt's ear. He quietly begins to hum it to himself as well as he continues to listen.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
The Loudmouth gets a look over from Talia, even as she grumbles, "You don't go somewhere Russian and get something like.." THen she looks askance, realizing what she just said a few moments earlier and her face twitches with a 'I deserved that didn't I'. WIth her drink there she goes to take a big pull of it. Oh yes, definitely going to be keeping a tab open. Her body posture is all indicative of this.

Her body language is nearly perfect, but has just a few things off on it that are all too easy to pickup. She is, however, at least now giving some sincere looks over at Ash with a 'do you mind' expression on her face.

Then she's told what borscht is. And stares. "Uh.. Might as well." THe waitress clucks at her and there's some back and forth among the waitstaff of teasing her. But it's in Russian. Which Talia's face indicates she hasn't the slightest clue what is.

Ash Williams has posed:
    Training is something for lesser men than Ash Williams. He prefers to muddle his way through life by muddling. Or mudding. Or, well, whatever it is that was on his shoe. Luckily no one is terribly close. It would be a shame to have to smell that while trying to eat or drink.

    Much like with Matt, Anya brings Ash over a beer. Unlike Matt, whose word of gratitude drew a flirtacious smile from her, it is Anya's bounties that draw a flirtacious smile from Ash. And maybe just a small amount of ogling. "Thanks," he says, demonstrating that he does know SOME manners, even if he chooses not to employ them. He raises his beer in salute to her and offers what he believes to be the appropriate Russian toast. "Das vidanya!" He starts drinking noisily, a less than controlled accompaniment to the tune that Reed has inflicted on Matt.

    Once armed with a beer, Ash takes a moment to look around his surroundings. The toweled scientist looks like a toweled scientist, and that strikes little interest in the Hero. The blind guy? He got over taunting blind people early on in his retail days. Once the cameras showed up overhead, that stopped being profitable. The tense foreign girl? She seems angry. Ash can tell angry. You don't mess with angry. Which leaves Audra. She gets the lion's share of Ash's speculative glance over the glass of beer. A more polite man might be subtle about watching her. A wiser man, too. Ash is neither of those things.

Audra Meridian has posed:
Audra Meridian glances over towards the sauna section for a moment when the humming catchs her attention. Is that... Well it certainly looks like Richards, but the scientist looks like he's actually a bit relaxed so she won't bother him any.

Instead she turns her attention back to her own matters. And perhaps to Ash's benefit has her focus taken by the waitress while he's gawking her way. Hot soup or stew is great for a cold night, so borscht sounds like a fine idea. Beer to drink? Yeah, probably best, she needs to be able to make it back to her rig eventually, but something to ease the evening a bit won't hurt.

Order made she sets the menu back aside as the waitress departs, sitting back and folding her hands behind her head. Yeah stopping in here was a good idea.

Reed Richards has posed:
Reed Richards's humming of the theme from the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, had been soft, but solo. And then, a young woman, quite attractive, and also wearing a white towel, began to join in. He opened up his eyes, and lowered his head, curious at who had joined in.

A bead of sweat ran down from his forehead, into his eyes, and he wiped it, only for a large, burly, and extremely hairy man, to pour water on the rocks, and release a new wave of steam. The man seemed to be positioned between the young woman and anyone else, casting what Reed felt were angry looks at anyone who approached.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Talia's difficulty ordering is caught by Matt. He gives another brief moment's thought to her accent. People trying to get rid of their own accents and speak with another isn't all that uncommon, especially after moving to somewhere like the US. Maybe that's just it.

Matt's finger runs over the cold glass of the beer bottle as he continues to listen for signs of the slumlord. He hears a female voice join in the humming. Humming is much more difficult to make out a voice than speaking, though to Matt's ear it could be the man's mistress.

He reaches down to his watch and touches it. The watch announcing aloud, "It is 9:43," not particularly loud, but loud enough others in the area can hear it. Anya is returning with Audra's drink. "Would you look at that. Makes sense to have it read it to him," she says to Audra as she sets the drink down at her table before moving on.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would glance over to the side over at Matt, "YOu seem like a regular here. Do you uh.. Have anything you'd recommend I get next time?" She hadn't 'caught' what the watch speaking meant, as far as her body language indicated.

The sauna steam catches her attention, "Can they -not- blast so much in here? It's a respite from the weather, but I don't need it that bad." She would grumble with the certainty of someone that came somewhere it was always warm, but rarely sunny.

Ash is given another 'what's it to you' glance - despite her having not had a word said to him! Her glaring at him over the distance for no real immediate, discernible reason.

Audra Meridian has posed:
Audra Meridian didn't think too much about the recited time, but when Anya points it out when she brings the stormchaser her drink she lowers her hands and glances sidelong over a shoulder. It takes her a moment to make a connection between what Anya said, the watch telling its own time, and Matt's cane kept near him at the table. "Oh, yeah. So he doesn't have to constantly ask people to check for him," she agrees. "Thank you." She sits back again to take a draw from her drink.

Ash Williams has posed:
"...and Ohio still sucks." Did any ask Ash's opinions on the comparative value of states? No, but he offers it in even cadence following the announcement of the time by Matt's watch. He seems content with himself and takes another long swallow of beer, although he does spare a bit of a gaze towards the hissing sound that came from the sauna. Perhaps that triggered some kind of memory or alarm in him, as he sits up a bit straighter. But seeing that it is only steam, he relaxes a bit.

    That is when Anya returns and sets down the plate of raw meat in front of him. "Uh..." He leans over to peer down at it for a moment, picking up a fork and stabbing it tentatively. Anya stands patiently at the table watching him.

    "Is everything ok?" she asks, politely. Despite likely well knowing that this was hardly what the man had in mind. But that is the price of confidence. And Ash more than makes up for his lack of competence with an abundance of confidence!

    "It just looks..." Ash pokes it again. "Almost still alive." He drags the fork down to slice off a piece, and the picks it up. He turns his head a bit to the side, as if to create more distance between his mouth and the plate, closing one eye as he does so. Anya just watches him, face placid. Then, it seems, Ash resolves something to himself. "Definitely had far worse go in there," he mutters before bringing the fork up and sliding it into his mouth, chewing for a moment on the smallish size sample.

    He tilts his head to the left. And then to the right. And then he looks up at Anya and smiles. "This is NOT awful!" he proclaims, as if rousing endorsement. Her blase expression fails her this time as she rolls her eyes before turning to attend to some of the other patrons, leaving Ash and his pile of raw beef. He picks up another fork fill and then seems to acknowledge Talia's question. Not that it was aimed at him, of course, but he swivels a bit and jabs his fork in her direction. "This stuff is pretty good, if you like meat." Let us not speak of the small glob that flicks off the end of the fork and falls onto the floor during his manuever.

Reed Richards has posed:
Reed Richards, unfortunately, knew nothing of the mistress, the mob, or Bratva, as it was commonly known, beyond the dictionary definition, and historical context. This was Reed Richards after all. He probably knew more about the Bratva than many police officers.

Just, not the current members, their goals, or assets, but historical, he knew that. Not knowing how close he came to an important member of organized crime, he would soon get up, and begin to walk away, as if to head to the showers, where he could clean up, and change for a nice dinner in the cafe and restaurant area of the establishment.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
As Anya passes Matt, she lets him know that Talia's question was addressed to him. The lawyer sets his beer down and turns his head in the direction her voice came from, though misses facing her directly by a few degrees.

"Oh, not a regular. Just had someone suggest a dish when I mentioned I was coming," Matt says in his clipped timbre that rarely deviates from that somber tone of his. "Kinkali, it's called. Some kind of meat dumpling in a tomato sauce," he tells her.

As Reed leaves the sauna and the door closes behind him, the man that Matt is after turns to his mistress. "What, you want to flirt with old guy?" he says, scowling at her, and drawing a laugh. The laugh is far easier for Matt to identify than the humming was.

Anya returns with his plate of food, allowing Talia to see what it is.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
There's an 'ah' from Talia over in the direction of Matt. "Thank you." She would replyover and then glance in, "The old guy?" She would squint over at Reed then and blink as he would come out. "And I.. Haven't the slightest. But.." She goes to take a chug of the drink, making a face, "In Soviet Russia." She would make a show of wincing at the taste of it, gesturing oer for it to come ot her table.

Then a quick look over at Reed, "Isn't he a bit old for here?"

Audra Meridian has posed:
Audra Meridian can't help but watch the man's introduction to steak tartare. Reminds her of the times she's seen people order 'rocky mountain oysters' on her trips, unaware of what it really is. Though she's not sure if Ash was that ignorant, or if the waitress is trolling him a bit. The attempt to preserve some manner of dignity with the outburst of confirmation gets a faint snicker, before another sip of her drink.

"Not aware if there's an age limit on hot bathes," she comments over her shoulder, only partially noticing the other conversation going on.

Ash Williams has posed:
    It is clear from the look of contemplation on Ash's face that he is trying to come up with a Yaakov Smirnoff line to complete Talia's sentence. But with a mouth full of raw meat keeping most of his attention, he just cannot do it. Although we all know that he is going to wake up at 3:42am, bolt upright from his bed, and scream the best damn line ever out into the empty solitude of his room.

    He settles, instead, for swallowing a healthy portion of the beef and then washing it down with the remains of his beer. Setting the glass down, he takes another survey of the room. Angry girl talking to blind dude. Cute girl talking to angry dude. Russian girl trying to flirt with old dude. He crinkles his face as he tries to do the math on the network of connections going on, but ultimately reaches the one clear conclusion - not enough of it involves him.

    "Maybe if you had a bit MORE steam, she'd forget what your mug looks like and it'd all be easier." Ash grins as he watches the Russian man manage the steam.

    No one accused him of being smart. Ever. EV. ER.

Reed Richards has posed:
Reed Ricahrds would emerge from the bathhouse, freshly shaven, and looking rejuvenated. It was almost as if it took years off his life, although the man was in exceptional shape for a man of his years, except for the temples that is. That was the one thing that suggested his chronological age.

He wore a black shirt, by some Italian designer that Sue had picked out for him, and a blue coat, with dark grey pants. It was very stylish, and perfectly tailored. It was good that he married someone with that kind of fashion sense. If it were up to him, he would probably wear one of his university sweaters, and his uniform. A moment later, he was queuing up to be seated by Anya.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt makes his way through his dish. There are a few more comments back and forth between the Bratva member and his girl. Around the time Matt is finishing the meal, they head for the showers and then go to depart.

Pulling out his wallet, Matt pulls out some money. There's a different spot in the wallet for each denomination of bill, but he pulls out enough to make sure to cover it and leave a tip for Anya.

Rising to his feet, Matt pulls his jacket on about the time that the surly man and his girl are leaving. Time to go hit the cold New York night and follow the couple to find out where the man lives and more about who he is. A vigilante's work hours are never easy. Matt heads on out after giving them a bit of a lead on him to not be too obvious.

Audra Meridian has posed:
Audra Meridian gives a brief nod to Reed when he finally enters the resturant side. Watchs Matt get up to leave, having no idea there's something else at play other than the blind man finishing his meal. "Some people adapt well to a tough life," she observes partially to herself. Then has her attention drawn elsewhere again when Anya brings her meal out.