14571/Trouble in the Park

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Trouble in the Park
Date of Scene: 31 March 2023
Location: Long Island
Synopsis: Jade tries to stop a gang and makes a new ally!
Cast of Characters: Jennifer-Lynn Hayden, Samuel Guthrie

Jennifer-Lynn Hayden has posed:
For whatever reason, Jennie has always felt drawn towards greenery, somehow it made her feel calmer, at ease. The lighthouse at the end of the island was a serene, picturesque point of interest.

It is also currently being defaced by a group of punks Who look quite drunk as they spray the beautiful historic structure with colourful graffiti, and a bunch of choice distasteful words.

NaturallyJade wants to do the right thing, even if she is woefully green (pardon the pun) as a heroine. "Hey! Stop that!" she warns. But the thugs just laugh and turn on her, pulling out their knives, chains and baseball bats, six of them in total.

Well this should be fun..

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie normally works with the Special Units, but he does put in some time in the uniform, and hitting the beat. It is good for some extra money and also helps him get along better with the guys who do it all the time. So today Sam had picked up a patrol, and is out walking through the park, as he hears something and moves to investigate.

Jennifer-Lynn Hayden has posed:
Oh dear, she sure didn't think this one through..There are way too many of them, coming in way too quickly! And suddenly they are too close, swiping at her with bats and daggers and chains, tripping her up, cutting her shoulder, hitting her head. She is not a trained superheroine and has no idea what she's doing..

"No! Stay back!" she warns, and just like that, her body flares up in a brilliant green glow, sending them flying back as she coughs and gasps in fear, acting in instinct...

But was it too much..?

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie hears the No, stay back, and he is off. He is tempted to jet in, but he is close enough running should get him there in time, at least he hopes so. And thats how the tall blonde police officer ends up coming on scene. He has one hand on his gun but not pulled, more keeping it in place while he ran. He takes a moment to scan the situation to see whats going on.

Jennifer-Lynn Hayden has posed:
With a surprised yell, the punks get blasted to the ground, and its not pretty. One seems to have sprained his ankle, another has bruised his face.

"What the hell?! Who is this green freak?!" two of them leap to their feet, one swinging a chain to trip here up, another pulls out a gun and points it at her.

"Enough messing around greenie, you're gonna pay fir that!"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks to this and having seen this type of thing way to often, and the guy having pulled his gun, Sam does the same and calls out "Put the weapons down, you do not want to do this." He offers, but he does have his gun aimed at the man with the gun first off.

Jennifer-Lynn Hayden has posed:
"What the hell?! the bitch called the cops?! Screw this!!" he pulls the trigger..And shoots..

Jade's eyes widen in fear and confusion at what she has done..She didn't mean to hurt anyone, but it always ends thus way..

"Nonono!! Stop! please!" instinctively she acts within a millisecond, bringing up a protective shield around the blonde cop, not wanting anymore blood on her hands..

But with that injured shoulder, how long can she focus before losing control again?!

The punk continues to shoot at Sam, even as the bullets bounce off the shield, his eyes now turning towards Jade, pausing only briefly to reload..

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie frowns a bit and as the man turns to point the gun at him Sam is turning sideways moving to make himself less of a target and then the woman is getting on front of him to protect him. Sam is wondering if the shield lets things out or blocks, both ways, but as the man goes to reload he says "Drop the shield." trusting she will he is rushing forward to close the gap between him and the man. For just an instant it looks like there is a yellowish field around the man and a roar as he makes a long "jump". He will land with a chop to the man's gun hand, and a punch towards his jaw after he has hopefully disarmed him.

Jennifer-Lynn Hayden has posed:
Jennifer-Lynn Hayden blinks at the cop and nods, managing to actually drop the shield on request, allowing Sam to do his thing. The thug lets out a surprised 'ulp!' his gun flying from his hand and before he can react, he's uppercutted, sending him flying to the ground.

"Woah, dude the cops are here! I didn't sign up for this!" the remaining uninjured thugs look frightened and they turn and flee, leaving the two injured thugs plus the one Sam disarmed to their own devices.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks to the three men, and says "You got to be some of the dumbest...." He sighs and says "Attacking a superhero with guns and melee weapons." He shakes his head a bit and says "Now you two get to spend a few nights in lock up." He says to the two injured ones knowing that goon attacks on heroes seldom see court cases as it is hard to prove and all that. "But you, you shot at a police officer." He says as he is moving to turn the thug over and put the cuffs on him.

Jennifer-Lynn Hayden has posed:
Jennifer-Lynn Hayden's eyes widen as she watches this all play out. She seems scared and confused. Is she under arrest too?

"Im sorry! I didn't mean to..I just wanted to help.." she backs away, but winces still that shoulder wound, which slows her down.

The three thugs make no more attempts to resist, they know when they're beat, although the shooter flares at the Jade girl. "She started it! We were only defending ourselves! You should be arresting her!"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over to the partial vandalism that has been done and the items the guys have on them "Seems you were up to no good." He makes sure the three are secure, and then turns to the woman, and mouths "Head two blocks over and wait for me." He pulls his radio down and makes a call in reporting this and getting someone to come get the thugs.

Jennifer-Lynn Hayden has posed:
The thugs snarl and cuss like no tomorrow but they know when they have been beat. They no longer resist arrest.

As for Jade, she blinks in surprise at his words and smiles, nodding her thanks before she runs off in said direction..

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie will wait patiently for the pick up, and after filling them in and getting things set up for the paperwork later, he will continue his patrol, which just as it happens takes him by where he told the woman to wait for him.

Jennifer-Lynn Hayden has posed:
Jennifer-Lynn Hayden is waiting on a street corner, a little bit further into town. She seems rather shaken and her shoulder is still injured, although she has used a scarf to wrap around it as a temporary measure.

Spying the cop from before, she smiles and relaxes. "Hi! thanks fir earlier, sorry to be such a bother..I really did mean to help..Did I mess up..?!"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over to her and makes a soso motion with his hand. He looks over to her and says "Come sit down over here on the stoop and let me look at that shoulder. Sam is not a medic but basic first aid, well when ya run with the people he does it pays to know it some. "First off ya should not have let them get on top of you." He tells her." He is telling her what she did wrong as a hero, not as just getting involved?"

Jennifer-Lynn Hayden has posed:
Jennifer-Lynn Hayden blinks and nods, sitting down..She's used to being wary of people who see her as a mutant because of her green skin but this guy seems trustworthy.

"Wait, are you saying I should have kept walking, minded my own business?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie shakes his head a bit and says "Well maybe, but if your not going to do that, you got to make sure you keep yourself safe. You can make a shield around yourself? those guys should never have been able to lay a hand on you." He tells her. He pulls out a small first aid kit, and cleans and bandages the knife wound.

Jennifer-Lynn Hayden has posed:
Jennifer-Lynn Hayden blinks and nods. "Oh..Yeah I can create shields, I'm really good at shields but sometimes it's hard to think on a split second. "

She winces abut as he works on her shoulder but knows it's fir the best. "So you're a cop huh? That must be pretty scary work..But kind of fun too, right?" she smiles, as if all too eager to jump right back into the frey.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over and says "Well, Ah do it more to help folks than for the fun part." He tells her. He studies her a moment and says "Mind if Ah ask you a personal question?"

Jennifer-Lynn Hayden has posed:
Jennifer-Lynn Hayden smiles a bit at that, "Oh I know, it's just the right thing to do right? But..It can be fun too.." she arches a brow at the question. "Personal question? um I guess so..?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie says, "The guy back there called you a mutant, but you seem a bit unused to your powers, have you just gotten them recently?""

Jennifer-Lynn Hayden has posed:
Jennifer-Lynn Hayden hmms, "I suppose so. I mean, my powers were weaker when I was a teenager, it's only in the past few months they really began to flare..I'm not sure if I'm a mutant or what, really." she grimaces, "Pretty crazy huh?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods a bit and says "Yea, I take it your always Green?" He asks her as he finishes bandaging the shoulder. "Have you lived in New York long?"

Jennifer-Lynn Hayden has posed:
Jennifer-Lynn Hayden smiles and shrugs, "Well, yeah, I guess that's why people always picked on me.." she sighs, "I dunno why I'm green..Maybe I'm related to the Hulk or Beast Boy?" she attempts a weak smile although her joke is lame.

"Hmm-lets see, got put of the orphanage some three years ago, been going low key, picking up odd photography jobs here and there, trying to keep a low profile but kinda hard when your powers suddenly become stronger and you struggle to control them."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie hmms and nods his head a bit to this. He will pull out his card, with name and number on it, lists him as part of Special Investigation Units (NYC's answer to cops to deal with super stuff). He writes a number on it and says "Well if your having trouble with stuff and need a place to stay, they have some decent places with these people. They are based out of Bushwick, and there you may get a few looks for being a pretty girl, but not so much for being a green pretty girl."

Jennifer-Lynn Hayden has posed:
Jennifer-Lynn Hayden blinks, accepting the card with a slight smile and nod. "Thanks! You're not a typical cop. Most cops are more paranoid and critical of green skinned girls."

She chuckles, "I'm okay, I have a small apartment, I get by, but I do need better control if my powers."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods, and says "Those people maybe able to help as well. The people at X-corps. You said you have been doing some photoshoots, in front of or behind the camera?

Jennifer-Lynn Hayden has posed:
Jennifer-Lynn Hayden chuckles, "Oh I mostly do shots of landscapes and occasionally other people. But sometimes I do selfies. I do have a twitter account and I'm a big cosplayer!" she replies cheerfully.

She nods, "X-corps huh? are they related to the Xmen? Do you think I'm a mutant then?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie shrugs a bit and says "I can't say for sure." He tells her, That way he is not lying to her "You know about the X-men?" He asks her a bit surprised, being a bit glad she has not recognized him if she has studied them

Jennifer-Lynn Hayden has posed:
Jennifer-Lynn Hayden shrugs and smiles, "Just that they're mutants or something, and they have this fascination with X's." she nods, pocketing the card, "But thanks for this, I appreciate it, I dunno if I really am a mutant but I'll give 'em a ring if need be..I appreciate your help. By the name my name is Jennifer-Lynn but you can call me Jennie!"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods, and says "Sam Guthrie," He offers his name to her, and says "They maybe able to tell, but even if not I am sure they will try to help ya. A pleasure to meet you Jennie." He offers her a smile.