14895/Rogues Gone Wild: Fire and Ice

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Rogues Gone Wild: Fire and Ice
Date of Scene: 21 May 2023
Location: Midtown - New Troy
Synopsis: Two of the more prominent Rogues attempt to rob a technology lab along Metropolis' Avenue of Tomorrow. Things don't go according to plan.
Cast of Characters: Barry Allen, Belinda Gutierrez, M'gann M'orzz

Barry Allen has posed:
The Avenue of Tomorrow is definitely one of hte more popular tourist destinations in a city positively overflowing with them. The sheer variety of technological marvels one can see browsing the various storefronts is truly impressive and while it is those stores and all the glowing lights, signs and billboards that draw most of the eyes, lost behind all that spectacle are those responsible for many of those wonders.

While the big boys might get most of the attention, the LexCorps and HALO Coporation and S.T.A.R. Labs there is a hidden element to the Avenue of Tomorrow. And while storefronts might dominate the ground floors of all the buildings along the stripes, the upper stories of many of those same buildings are occupied by non-descript, much more humble boutique labs working to pump out their own technological marvels, hoping for that breakthrough that elevates them up to the status of the titans of industry that already populate the Avenue in a much more prominent position.

One of those just happens to be Titanronic Electronics. Located above, of all things, a comic book shop, it goes unnoticed amongst all the glitz and glamor surrounding it. Or mostly unnoticed. On this night it has drawn the attention of a pair of individuals. Two people it probably wishes it hadn't.

The hour might be late, but the evening is warm and the assault on the senses is still very much in full swing on the Avenue, signs and electronic billboards still brightly lit and a fair numbero f people still walking the sidewalks, some emerging from the various technological exhibitions that line the streets. But above that quiet comic book shop a duo moves with deliberation and purpose. One raises a gun towards the corner of the hall way, a blast of freezing cold ice shooting out to blanket the security camera there, leaving it frozen. A second quickly follows towards the high-tech biometric lock that seals off the lab and a moment later the door to Titanronic Electronics swings open.

"See? Just like clockword," a hooded figure says with a tight smile for his compatriot, starting to stride through the now open door, unaware that a silent alarm -- just installed -- sends out a signal across police channels.

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
A world away from the serene sands of New Mexico. A lifetime removed from the gentle, somber bliss of home. Sounds and scents and neon fire--! Metropolis, the Brightest City, the City of Tomorrow, a wonder and a jewel and something precious for anyone to see! Day or night, it is like a city that never sleeps. And for yet another moment in her life, Belinda Gutierrez is profoundly grateful for the bus pass that gives her means to travel and visit and explore these strange new places. New York, Gotham, even Paris and Berlin and Latveria-- all explorations and chances to sightsee and visit and expand horizons in more personal ways.

Comic book stores.

"...and I am telling you senor--" comes the words of every ancient Nerd-Geek arguement, ever. "--it is the truth! La Avengers are surely all secretly werewolves, covered by a story conconted from the times of the second World War. The comic books are just ways of telling their stories to the public and people without causing la panica!"

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
The Avenue is certainly a popular destination for all sorts of individuals. And, while the technological marvels would be a draw for most....for one individual, it isn't the main attraction.

At least, for one befrecked redhead.

For M'gann, in her Megan guise, it is the comic shop that is the draw. Oh sure, the technology labs are interesting and all, but It is really only at the comic store that one can really get lost in a character, reading their stories. And, for a shapeshifter, that is really where the interest is at.

The argument of secret lycanthropy catches M'gann's ear, prompting a soft giggle as she peruses through the manga section of the store. Some of the characters have the most interesting wardrobe. "ooo...this looks like fun. Imagine wearing that!"

Who is M'gann talking to? Apparently...no one. But that is not going to stop her.

Barry Allen has posed:
With all the wattage expended out on the street to try and lure passersby into the various electronic shops, the real action is happening just above that much more low-tech comic book store and its handful of customers this evening. In addition to Belindand Megan there are maybe two others in the back of the shop, thumbing through the back issue bins and of course the grizzled proprietor who has run this shop for practically forever, long before the Avenue of Tomorrow was a mecca for those seeking the latest and greatest technological gadgets. He listens to Belinda's arguments, leaning on the counter with both elbows -- and quite frankly looks a little skeptical about the whole thing. But a customer is a customer. "I guess it possible," he says dubiously before he lifts his head towards the redheaded young woman a short distance away. "If you need a hand with anything just hollar," he urges. Probably looking for a sale and not trying to get out of the conversation he's trapped in. Everyone knows werewolves aren't real!

Upstairs the pair of Rogue's enter the darkened lab, moving past a handful of desks illuminated unly by the light poouring in from the street beyond -- despite the blinds on the windows -- and of course the pilot light from the gun that the second of the two thieves carries. "This better fetch the price you say it will," he growls at the hooded man, a wreath of burn scars marking his bald head. "I don't see why we can't just knock over a bank," he adds with a disgruntled grunt.

"Trust me, we're going to make a fortune on this," the hooded man says with his customary chill, pausing by a heavily reinforced steel door. "Now, just like we talked about," he says, taking a step aside.

"Yeah, yeah," the second of the Rogue's says, bringing that unique gun up in a smooth motion, aimmed at the locking mechanism, a tightly controlled burst of flame leaping forth. And in seconds, a tight hole begins to melt in that reinforced door.

For his part, Barry Allen wasn't exactly on duty this evening. But he was spending it in the Metropolis Police Department's forensic lab anyway. Not the most exciting way to spend an evening for some, but he doesn't exactly live a conventional life. And there's certain advantages in working the night shift. Including the fact that there aren't any others around. Which allows him to work a whole lot faster then might otherwise be the case.

Either way, he still has the police band playing and when the first reports of the silent alarm being tripped at the Titanronic Electronics lab come over the wire he is a virtual blurr of speed, that telltale red costume exploding from his ring as he races towards the Avenue of Tomorrow, weaving in and out of traffic.

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Belinda is sure and certain that this is the Most Important Arguement Ever <tm>, even falling into a barrage of Spanish as she gesticulates wider and wider in front of her (admittedly small) selection of choice comics.

Poor shopkeeper. Midnight and full moonlight bring out all the lunatics.

The girl sighs at last, cheeks faintly pink as she realizes the situation. "Apologies, sir," she manages, dropping back into English with a sheepish expression...

...a pause. She tilts her head, blinking as she casts a glance around. Senses not so sharp as... other form. But sharper still than merely human. Ozone. Plastic. Super-heated wire metal.

"Sir, is something on fire?" she asks, forgetting that scents might not be so strong for human noses yet. "...la electrica?"

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
"Oh, okay!"

The bright and cheery voice is not talking about werewolves. That is a good thing, yes? It might be for the shop owner, who looks to be just a little tired. But, one should expect passionate patrons while in the bastion of all things good and geeky. The Spanish-speaking Belinda would be the least of the shopkeeper's worries.

Back to the manga at hand. Oh...should Megan get it or not? It does have some lovely designs...and the story seems rather captivating. It seems a good idea. Yes, it is a good idea! With a wide smile, the comic is tucked under Megan's arm as she starts for the register.

Only to pause when Belinda speaks of fire. Oh...Fire isn't M'gann's most favorite thing ever and the mention startles her. "Is there something wrong?" Now...M'gann doesn't smell anything...but the curiosity sensed from the Spanish patron is enough for M'gann to question. "Do we need to leave?"

Not without that book of hers paid for, at least.

Barry Allen has posed:
Really, it is probably only the passionately geeky that have kept him in business and the older man probably has a great appreciation for the passionate. Even those who firmly believe that the Avengers must be werewolves. But that appreciation might understandably wane a little later in the evening. He's not as young as he used to be afterall. Still, he at least makes a show of being politely engaged in the discussion, at least until Belinda asks her question.

The possibility of a fire is enough to draw the store's proprietor straight -- comic books and fires really don't mix, kinda like Martians and fire in that respect really -- and he makes a show of sniffing some too, casting a hurried glance around his admittedly quiet shop. "Fire? No, I don't think so. I don't smell anything. There's no smoke," he says, starting to walk out from behind the counter, holding up a hand Megan's way. "No, No, I'm sure everything's fine. I mean, if it was during the day you never know. Got one of those damned labs upstairs from me, working on who knows what sort of abomination. I wouldn't put it past them to start a fire, but they've all cleared out for the night," he offers up, attempting to soothe any nerves for a potential sale. At least until he goes off on his little rant.

And speaking of that lab, that tightly channelled burst of fire carves through the metal door with surprising ease, the temperature of that unique pistol a truly scary thing. In moments there is nothing but a molten puddle of metal dripping down to pool on the ground, even as the vault door swings open revealling the clean room beyond, rows of sealed up drawers hiding away who knows what sort of treasures.

The hooded figure seems to know for one and as the door swings open he walks deeper into the vault without hesitation, stopping at one of the containers near the back. Again that gun comes up and a burst of cold encases the front of the d rawer in a layer of ice. The handle of the weapon is rapped against it a moment later and the solid steel facing of the container simply shatters, letting him pull out the sealed black case with. "Mission accomplished. Now lets get out of here before anyone notices," he says clippedly to his flame-favoring partner in crime.

It's a good plan really, though it has a few flaws. For one, it didn't account for the silent alarm going off. And it certainly didn't anticipate anyone smelling the melting wiring in the comic book shop below.

And of course there is the Flash as well. A blurring streak of red rips up the Avenue of Tomorrow, heading straight towards the comic book shop. Just outside the door the comics that are laid out on display there suddenly go flying as if caught in a sudden windstorm as the Scarlet Speedster tears up the stairway located just beside the storefront's entrance.

"What the hell!" the suddenly distracted propriotor shouts, turning away from the two young woman and starting for the street.

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Belinda's alarm does not diminish with the proprietor's reassurances; if anything, her distraction is more profound, alarm quivering in every inch of her body, it's suddenly-intense concern. The whirlwind of air outside draws her worst fear-- explosion? Auto crash? Manic mimes? Chuffing a hot breath, she sets her comics back on the counter, turning for the front with a sudden, swift lope. First thoughts, feelings, emotions, instincts flare like a searchlight.


Less full-formed thoughts than semi-basic, instinctive responses, the source of the wild feelings races out the front door, a quick glance ensuring-- no wreckage, no bomb blasts, no--

"...que es?" she begins, confusion across Belinda's features.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
Reassurances go only so far. Because, from what M'gann is picking up from Belinda's mind, there is definitely something going on. And, while it is against the rules to read people's minds, for M'gann, the sudden thoughts just jumped out. And...that has her worried. Though, the shopkeeper's attention to calm was helping.

A little.

But, then there was that streak of red, followed by a blast of displaced air. M'gann is familiar with that sort of thing. After all, she has been around Impulse enough. Which means....

"Something's definitely going on!"

And...M'gann is ready to go and help. But first...she puts back her intended purchase. With the shopkeeper outside, it really isn't a good time to buy it anyways and M'gann is only trying to do the right thing. Still, as she rushes to return her comic, she turns to Belinda. "Bet that was a speedster! Something's going on upstairs!"

A superhero sighting at a comic shop? A little cliched, but M'gann is excited. But...now she needs to go help...and find a cozy corner to change without anyone noticing.

Barry Allen has posed:
Ot's all gone according to plan so far. Which is exactly how the hooded Rogue prefers things to go. Make a plan. Stick with it. Profit. It's a good system really and it has served him pretty well over the years. Oh sure, there have been more and more complications in recent years. That outside X-Factor that is difficult to prepare for, at least entirely. But still, a good plan makes things better.

So the pair start towards the entrance way to the lab, prize in hand -- or black case as the, well, case may be. Which, of course, is when the X-Factor arrives. One of them at least. The open doorway is suddenly filled, backlit by the light outside in the hallways, more of a dark shadow there right at the edge of the pool of light. "Snart. Rory. I've been looking to have a conversation with you two. And the rest of your friends," The Flash says.

"Ahhhh shit. So much for your plans," the balding, scarred figure says with a grimace as Mick Rory -- otherwise known as Heat Wave -- brings that fire gun up in a smooth motion and unleashes a stream of flame towards that doorway, temporarily illuminating his old nemesis -- and the rest of the lab facilities for that matter.

Not that Barry is still standing there when the stream of flame arrives of course, already racing into the room, dodging around the flame meant for him. Of course, that doesn't somehow stop that column of fire and it shoots right past into the hallway -- leaving a line of burning plaster as the wall almost immediately goes up, smoke starting to fill the hall.

That could be a problem.

"Are you going to do anything to help Snart?" Heat Wave bellows out as he backpeddles deeper into the room, swinging that gun in front of him wildly as that flaming blast begins to carpet the lab in fire.

"Working on it," the hooded Rogue says, turning away from the fight entirely and instead directing his freeze gun towards the nearest window, pelting it with ice. It shatters, the stream of cold continuing to flow until a slide made of ice runs all the way down to the street below, those out and about no longer gawking at the late4st tech marvels in the storefront windows -- and instead watching as Captain Cold and his partner in crime Heat Wave slip down towareds the ground.

Within the comic book shop itself it's not hard to find a deserted corner at least as the owner and the last two customers rush outside to see just what's going on. Nor is it necessary to have enhanced senses to smell that smoke as the presence of fire is definitely no longer a secret, the first wifts of it beginning to waft in front of the store window.

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Belinda quirks towards Megan, concern brightening to delight! Possibly with a 'Squee!'. Speedster = superhero on scene! Concern mixes with excitement and backl to concern as the window above the store bursts outward, eyes widening as the frosty ice-slide bursts into super-chilled being. Even bnefore Heatwave and Cold being their flight from the wrecked, burning lab, Bel is already on the move-- diving for an alleyway, she grimaces briefly at the faint aroma that seems to cling to everything, every city, everywhere.

"Dios," she mutters, sighing forlornly as she tugs her jacket off, tossing it to one side. "I was hoping to test this without...." she begins, shrugging helplessly as she crosses her figners.

Eyes closed. Focus. Tingle. Ignore the tickle on her skin as the most recent and treasured upgrade-- clothes that melt away!-- do exactly that as muscle quivers, skin ripples, bone creaks and crackles and--

The twin Elemental Rogues have followed the icy escape slide down to the street before the announcement of exhilirated joy erupts in a wild howl of utterly animal joy. Euphoria as oversized hands adjust the domino mask on her features. The stride of eight feet of lupine terror emerging from shadowed alleyway. A toothy grin as bright eyes gleam.


"--rrr," the she-monster rumbles, reaching up to press at her jaw, a *crick* announcing the dislocated jaw locking back into place. "Frrrrreeze!"

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
Well....that certainly makes things easier. With the shopkeepr and the few other shoppers heading for the street, while the Spanish werewolf enthusiast herself seemingly ducking down a dark allyway, M'gann has the shop to herself. Not that she intends to remain in there for long. It is just that it is easier to maintain that whole secret identity thing when no one is actually around to see the shift. Which includes any security cameras.

With M'gann, it is nearly instant. She walks around a corner, to a row with limited camera coverage but with an exterior wall. And...simply walks through the wall, out to the street itself. That moment of intangibility is all M'gann needs to shift from Megan Morse to Miss Martian, resplendid with green skin, cape and outfit befitting her. Shades of Martian Manhunter with just a little flare.

And...with the emerging through the wall in Martian mode comes another shift.

M'gann can go into superhero mode herself.

The feet leave the ground, as she takes to the air. High enough to be able to take in the sight of an ice slide, two thieves, and a werewolf? Well...maybe later M'gann needs to ask if the wolf is an Avenger. Wouldn't it just be perfect?

M'gann shakes her head, clearing out the thought. Time to be serious now. She calls down to the two technological terrors. "I would listen to the wolf, if I were you. She seems to mean business." As if the floating green girl isn't enough of a shock, now there are actual lycanthropes in play.

Barry Allen has posed:
Superspeed and ice is not the very best mix in the world. Frictionless surfaces are not Barry's best friend, at least not most of the time. And besides, he does have another pressing concern. Having the Rogue's loose on the street is admittedly not ideal, but neither is letting the building burn down either. So instead of following Captain Cold and Heat Wave out the window, the Flash races back to the hallway and the smoldering fire that's starting to spread there. Arms whirling to fast to see, he begins to suck the air away from those flames, creating a sort of vacuum to stifle those flames entirely.

That's one immediate problem down.

Which of course leaves the bigger of the problems still very much in play. The pair of Rogue's finish their impromptu playdate, regaining their feet as they reach the bottom of the ice slide only to be confronted by the Martian hero and is that... a werewolf? What the hell? Either way the pair doesn't stand on ceremony.

Despite the crowds, Mick Rory doesn't hesitate for a moment, that flame gun coming up once more to sweep the nearby street with fire, sheets of flame pouring forth as he begins to pelt the unlikely duo with those waves of heat. "I've about had it with you hero types tonight. You want to step in the fire, feel free," he barks out gruffly, scowl on his face.

Leonard Snart takes a very different course of action, his freeze gun not aimmed at any particular person. Instead he directs it groundward, beginning to ice over the nearby street, turning it into one slick street. The Flash might not be out on the scene harring them quite yet, but again, it seems that Captain Cold is big on being prepared. It seems like it's only a matter of time.

"How about we don't and just say we did," he calls back without ever looking up, still continuing to drift down the street away from Miss Martian and the rather terrrifying wolf woman. And when he pauses it is to do something rather unlikely. The hooded Rogue snatches a nearby teenager from the sidewalk, grabbing him by the arm and pulling him close before ceasing the icy barrage on the pavement below to put that freeze gun squarely up against the temple of the young man.

"How about you two get the hell out of here and stop interfering in our business. Otherwise you can see what it's like when a frozen human head hits the pavement," he snaps.

The Rogue's have a reputation. Gifted criminals. Greedy for sure. And certainly Leonard Snart can be ruthlessly efficient. But they're not killers. Generally speaking.

It seems something has changed though.

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Fire. Burning. Fear. Instinctive terror at the flame balanced against the heart-stopping promise Snart makes as he takes hostage. Across furred, inhuman features in a heartbeat, come and gone in a flurry of emotions. Fangs bare themselves as Silverdane rises to her full height, growling lowly, grimly before she stalks forward, striding with care towards the duo. She stops at the edge of the icy enclosure, head stretching to either side, creaking with a faint crackle.

"Harrrm the boy," she warns, pointing at Captain Cold, "And I will hunt you down. Eat your heart. No rest, ever again! Every shadow... hunting you. Wanting you. Waiting."

Monstrous risk. Be big. Be obvious. Standing in the open, in the middle of the street. Easy target. Silverdane throws her head back, cutting loose with a lusty, savage howl! And one thing she knows for certain:

This is going to hurt. A lot.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
Well, that took a turn.

It is very apparent that M'gann wants nothing to do with that flamethrower of Rory's. It could be that she took to the sky, rather than remaining on the ground. And, it could also be that she is flying in such a manner as to stay out of the flame's path, which might be just a little erratic. But hey, blame it on the flamethrower rather than the flame dodger.

Fire and Martians do not mix. Fire and most everything doesn't mix, true, but for Martians? It's a very big bad thing. It is taking a lot for M'gann to remain engaged.

It is enough so that M'gann doesn't react to the rather graphic scene that the wolf has painted if the teenager is harmed. Because yes, there would have been a reaction otherwise. Instead, it is more that M'gann is trying to concentrate on the ice gun, rather than quipping back. Striving to try to lock up the trigger so he can't squeeze it. But, with Heatwave intent on showing everyone how to really heat up the evening, the concentration is just not there.

"Well, new plan. You let the hostage go and I won't feel inclined to have the two of you take turns singing as the Snow Miser and Heat Miser. Sure the kids would love it."

Big talk from the green one. But...do they know it may be a bluff?

Barry Allen has posed:
It is a fair question to be sure. Mick Rory is not ever going to be mistaken as one of the great thinkers in the supervillain community. He's a Rogue and not everyone can make the cut when it comes to that particular group. But a genius he is not.

Leonard Snart on the other hand is a very different animal. He's smart and cunning. A planner. He very well might have some notion of just what M'gann is capable of and if so, well, he will almost surely won't want anything to do with that. But if either the threat to eat his heart or turn him into a puppet bothers him, the king of cold gives no indication of it, a little smirk playing about his mouth. Goggles cover his eyes, but it's not hard to imagine just how hard and icy that gaze behind the tinted lenses is likely to be.

"Mick, light up the green gal. She doesn't much care for fire so turn her into a cinder," he belts out suddenly, lowering his freeze gun away from his chosen hostages head... and instead pointing it towards the rahter scary wolf woman who has made it very plain just what fate is in store for him. "You wouldn't be the first dog to try," he snarks back as the muzzle of his weapon begins to glow before that cold burst of ice leaps forth towards Silverdane.

Heat Wave might be gruff and stubborn, but apparently he trusts his partner because he doesn't hesitate to redirect those sheets of flame heaveward, blasts of fire spewing out above the streets of Metropolis, trying to hunt down the flying Martian. He might be satisfied to keep her at bay, but it very much seems that he is taking the advice to burn her to a cinder to heart. "Hold still you little..." he growls in frustration as he tries to pin down his flying foe and put an end to her.

With the fire dealt with and the building holding the lab and comic book shop no longer in danger of burning down, Barry rushes back out into the street, pausing for just a moment at the foot of the stairwell to take in the situation. M'gann he is familiar with and while it is always a little disconcerting to see an apparent werewolf growling and rushing into the fray, it seems that she's on their side so that settles things as far as the Flash is concerned.

Springing into action, his first step is to deal with some of the gawking bystanders, racing over in a wide loop that avoids the sheets of icy ground and bodily clearing them out of the way, rushing them one after another down the street and out of Snart and Rory's grasp should they choose to try and grab another hostage.

Only then does that red streak rush back over, those arms whirling once more to deflect the sheets of flame away from the flying Martian, snuffing them out before he lunges in with a pair of punches to Heat Wave's jaw, sending the burly man crashing to the pavement.

"Tale out Cold now!" he shouts even as The Flash throws those punches.

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Now it is Silverdane's turn to take advantage of a distraction! Provided by the Flash himself (squee!), the werewolf lunges forward, slavering as she leaps across at the icy villain! Hope is for that instant's hesitation; the icy blast sears her body as it strikes in midair leap. Cold-- cold as frost, as winter, as Hell freezing over. Cold, but bright eyes gleam even as ice erupts and consumes her frame, a werewolf shaped heavy block of ice and fur and living flesh slamming into the startled Cold with a heavy thud.

The icy encasement penetrates even thick fur and muscle, proving that the laws of thermodynamics still claim dominance over the supernatural as the werewolf finds herself barely able to squeak in protest! However, safely and mostly atop the vile Captain. Mostly satisfied with the situation. And the single, sluggish thought.

. o O "...ow. Cold. Ow." O o .

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
If one wanted to see what it was like to try to shoot the duck in Duck Hunt when it was controlled by a player, they would just have to watch Rory. The fact that M'gann is zig-zagging around is solely as a defense mechanism. She is running (well, flying) for her life, just instinctually trying to keep the flames away fro her. There is true fear there, not that M'gann is slowing down to allow anyone to see.

It is only when the Flash connects with the firebug that M'gann finds a moment of respite, which is only for a moment. The fact that the Flash is telling M'gann to go after Cold is not lost on the young Martian. Time to get to work.

Yet, M'gann only started to move when the ice gun finds its target...and Snart, even with all his planning, neglects to calculate the air-speed velocity and trajectory of a frost-laden oversized wolf intent on capture. Needless to say, M'gann didn't have to do much to subdue Captain Cold. The pupsicle was more than enough to handle the task.

M'gann does, however, shift to assist. A quick flick of the fingers to attempt to separate Cold from his weapon, followed by another gesture to prevent Snart from moving. Wonderful thing, telekinesis. Not that M'gann needs to gesture at all, but she has seen too much 80's and 90's film media to not at least enjoy a little gesture to be at one with the force. Whatever force there is.

Barry Allen has posed:
It might not be the most conventional of ways to deal with the situation, but dealt with it is. Heat Wave goes down in a heap and while Snart is quick enough in the draw, it seems that he underestimates the sheer momentum of a werewolf in mid-leap. Those layers of ice coat poor Silverdane from head to toe it's true, but it only makes her that much heaviler. And when she crashes into Captain Cold? Well, simple physics takes over. And it's definitely not on the side of the bad guy this time.

With Snart disarmed, Barry picks his way across the ice rather carefully -- if still swiftly -- in time to pull the teenaged hostage free before both Cold and Belinda go crashing to the ground, racing him up the block to safety before returning in time to keep the ice-cubed wolf woman from crashing to the ground atop Snart.

Leaving M'gann to take care of Captain Cold, Barry struggles to hold the frozen wolf woman up -- he's super fast, not super strong -- even while beginning to rapidly vibrate. Even while standing still he becomes little more then a reddish blur and then those hands start to sink right into the ice. Moments later they fasten up Belinda, pulling her free from her encasement -- though probably chilled to bone.

"Are you okay? That was an incredibly brave thing you did," Barry says, looking at her with some concern.

It's possible there's a mumbled 'please don't eat me' somewhere in there too, under his breath of course.

In the distance, the sound of police sirens testifies to the fact that the MPD is on the way to the scene as well.

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Everything hurts. Not in that "I've been shot!" or "I've been stabbed!" or "I've stubbed my toe!' manner of things, but having all one's body cells strain not to burst.

Thermodynamics. Ice beams. Not fun.

"....never eat you!" Silverdane exclaims under her breath, drinking in the air as she struggles through the chilly, bitter fury clinging to her frame. She braces a firm hand on the Speedster's shoulder (bracing herself, to hide her own quivering stance), exhaling mistily before she draws another, calmer, shaky breath. She squeezes said shoulder with grateful relish, steeling herself to stand stoically-- sparing a glance as she rumbles in satisfaction.

"Never eat anyone," she adds with a soft whisper. Her ears slant back, an apologetic glance as she grins faintly. "....first super villain," she explains quietly. "Too scary?"

Barry Allen has posed:
He has battled the Rogues for a long time and while they might be criminals, might be some of his most capable foes, it is pretty rare that they have been quite so... ruthless. They have always been more concerned with earning a bunk. And never, ever killing anyone. But the coldness in Snart's voice tonight certainly suggested that the rules have changed. For some reason.

"No, I think you were just scary enough. Definitely the appropriate amount of scary given what they were threatening," the Flash replies quietly, more than happy to support her for a few moments given what she's been through. And having a much easier time of it now that she's no longer an ice cube, the remains for Captain Cold's freeze blast crumbling to the ground behind her. "Welcome to the club," Barry offers up with a tight grin.

The first flashing lights begin to appear on the street, though it wouldn't be difficult to miss them given the light show that already populates the Avenue of Tomorrow. With the apparent threat dealt with, the crowds are increasingly streaming back in their direction.

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
The werewolf practically beams with cheer, fangs carefully hidden as he grins. "Gracias," she whispers, tail fanning in undisguised joy at the words. "Er. Thank you, Senor Flash. I am glad, and grateful, to help." She removes her grasp carefully, weak legs strengthening with each calming breath she drinks in. She takes a few seconds to glance about, nostrils quivering. "..No fire?" she asks hesitantly, glancing back to Flash. She glances about again, rumbling with care as she takes a step forward. Only slipping *slightly* as she adjusts her stance for the sulky, rapidly-melting glaze across the pavement. She moves carefully over, retrieving the case and its stolen contents, returning back with growing confidence in her step.

"Perhaps you should return this," she adds, blushing briefly. "Trying not to be... scary. Is difficult, sometimes. Grrmph!"

Barry Allen has posed:
The heavy lifting might be done, but that doesn't mean that the evening is over, at least not for him. Snart and Rory need to be taken into custody, the device they tried to steal needs to be turned over and there is a decent amount of clean up to be done. All in all, Barry is a pretty big believer in doing whatever he can to try and take care of his own messes as much as possible. Maybe the fact that he is part of the same police that would otherwise be left to take care of it is part of that reason.

Part of being there also means taking a little extra time with those that need it. And Silverdane has definitely earned that. Being frozen isn't a joke. And it's definitely not pleasant so the Scarlet Speedster lingers nearby to make sure that she's doing okay. "You're probably right," he agrees with a faint smile. "But keep up the good work, keep doing what you did here tonight and people will learn to look past the obvious," he says quietly, sincerely.

Then he smiles once more, flicks a salute her way before hefting up that case in one hand. He blurs once more and Mick Rory is suddenly slung over one shoulder, raced down the block towards the police cruisers. An instant later the blur is back -- only for a second or two -- before Leonard Snart meets the same fate, dragged off to his looming incarceration.

Not a bad night's work, all in all.