15008/Between a Rock and Web Site

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Between a Rock and Web Site
Date of Scene: 26 May 2023
Location: Rock of Eternity
Synopsis: Introductions are made over ice cream.
Cast of Characters: Billy Batson, Sunny Harlow, Julie Power

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson thinks he as everything. Lights, camera, and Sunny is bringing the action. He has moved a slap and stone throne into an area he chose near the HQ of the Rock. He has several wall hanging he used for streaming. He strung a curtain in front of an alcove for wardrobe changes. All he needs is for Sunny to find the portal to the Rock of Eternity and use it the way he set it up. He has no fears on that. Jon used it, and he was magic impaired. He pulls his phone out in case she needs help getting there and waits in a captain's chair he brought. Stone chairs are uncomfortable for humans.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
It didn't take much to take a photo, but it took plenty more to make art...and it took even more to be able to make a career of it. She'd worked on her outfits, she'd sketched designs, she'd done plenty of looks...but now? Well, she had to put together a portfollo beyond the pictures that were gaining her followers on instagram and the like.

After all, she was a design major...and ironically enough? Indestructibelle was far more 'Camera Shy' than Sunny.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson,for his part did research the only way that suggested itself. He went on social media, looked at the various selfies, bth mundane and cosplay, made notes of what he liked. Then looked up, "How do I take pictures of my girlfriend?"
    That went South fast. After clearing his browser history he watched some instructional videos by various models, made notes and then brought his equipment and a battery pack to the Rock, and waited. To say he was enthused doesn't begin to cover it.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Not the best of ideas, that much was to be certain. For the moment however she was busy looking at the jacket with the neon trims, the choker, the punk buterfly clip, even the bodysuit that was meant to complete the cyberpunk image. Another character it seems, and right now she was checking her makeup in a small mirror.

And this was only the start.

"Are you sure this is okay?"

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson shrugs. "Why wouldn't it be? I'm the head Shazam. I'm helping a colleague who does good works all over. Between work, cheerleading, and college you're going to get worn to a frazzle. I don't even know how you make rent and buy text books. Besides, I'm done at Happy High until they hand out diplomas and the younger sibs are all in middle school, Thunderbolt and Pantheon are doing their own streaming. We got a little peace and quiet." He drops to the floor and says, "I learned that you photograph the subject from an upward angle t make them look stronger. Ironic in your case."

Julie Power has posed:
Nobody told Julie about a schedule for the Rock of Eternity, or times that it wouldn't be availeable. Or when Billy would want time there alone. So when Julie pops in with a family box of icecream and bowls. Why? Because summer is coming with fast steps and that is icecream time, duuuh! Appearing with a flash like usual, a moment later the street clothes swap for her costume because why not? "Heeeey! I brought icecream... Anybody here?" she yells from the landing point, walzing further, and then stopping as she notices Billy, a camera, lightning and... someone she doesn't know.

"Wh, hey. You're doing some shoot of sort? Wait... you must be Sunny, right? I mean, I have seen Billy showing around your picture and all! Hey! I'm Julie, or Lightspeed if you want!"

Sunny Harlow has posed:
A little shift, a little grin, Sunny lifts her hands over her head in a stretch before making to sling that jacket over her shoulders and grin before making to start the task of clipping her hair back into symetrical tails. All part of the look it seems, at least for this character. "I mean, eventually I'll have to try stuff that's more original but...that's kinda the other 'me' who gets to wear that."

As for the talk of frazzling? She gives a little 'Pffft' and a grin. "I'm not gonna break down like that! I'm Indestructibelle."

Oh, icecream....and new person!

Sunny blinks, looking up and waving a pinky as she went about fixing her hair. "Heya! I'm Sunny, or Indestructibelle if you like."

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson was about to make introductions. But Julie handled that. Right he handled the family, not the friends of the same. "Julie,. this is Sunny. I'm trying to help her with photos for her website. She dos cosplay and fashion design in general... and this is a new character." Ice cream would be nice but When Billy has a job he doesn't slack or let his mind wander. He takes another look at Indestructibelle.

Well he isn't letting it wander for ice cream! He gets up t get a bowl. Sunny heard ice cream and was off the clock.