15030/Attack of the Cu Sith
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Attack of the Cu Sith | |
Date of Scene: | 29 May 2023 |
Location: | Chelsea |
Synopsis: | Miguel O'Hara swings by to help John Constantine with a demon dog. John ends up offering to return the favor if Miguel has a hard time adapting to the current times. |
Cast of Characters: | John Constantine, Miguel O'Hara
- John Constantine has posed:
It's mid-afternoon and in Chelsea, New York City, there's a giant hellhound rampaging out through the doors of a brownstone.
This is not _that_ common an ocurrence that the people of Chelsea are unperturbed; but they're New Yorkers. They know that in between the screaming, they need to get the hell out of Dodge.
Atop the back of the large hellhound --easily some fifteen feet long-- is a man in a brown trenchcoat, white shirt, red tie, and black slacks. He has brown hair and is holding on to the black hellhound's hair for dear life, riding it like he's clinging to a bucking bronco at the rodeo.
It does not settle down.
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Well, shock me all to Hell. Hound.
Miguel was making his way around the city of Nueva...sorry, NEW York. Lyla said she needed up-to-date scans for a map that was last updated...76 years FROM NOW.
Miguel was REALLY starting to hate time travel, and Manda Veeres in particular. He hoped the slot was stuck in the Early Cretaceous Period or something.
He was still thinking about how the would be Time Lord got himself "Lorded" when...a giant dog burst out of a nearby house and started running along the street like a rampaging cyberpsycho off his meds.
Well...it looks like he gets to do the hero thing for the very first time...in this period.
A muscular fellow in a deep-blue costume with a death's-head spider symbol on his chest swung towards the dog, wondering about how he was going to have to make thing monster sit, lay down, and STAY...
- John Constantine has posed:
It seems unlikely that this particular canine is going to want to do any of those things.
John Constantine, the man riding the bucking lupine, spots the masked spider-person and lifts a single hand, waving. "HOWDY!" Because that seems appropriate, despite his strong english accent.
"You wouldn't happen to be one of them spider-blokes that loiter in the Big Apple, would you, mate? You got the webb--WHOA!!" The hellhound spins, and it's all John can do to stay clinging.
"Whatever you do, don't spill it's blood!" Beat. "Unless you want more of them running around!"
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
"Well, I am NOW!" the guy in the costume shoots back, then analyzes the animal. Best to get it while it's spinning, out in the open.
As the beast spins around, the forelegs and then the rear legs are covered in webbing. Not the synthetic stuff from web-shooters, though. This is the real deal...with the strength of high-grade steel...
- John Constantine has posed:
As the hellhound's legs start to get webbed up, it slows down. At first, it tears through the thinner strands of webbing, ut as it gets thicker and thicker, the hound starts being able to tear through it less, until he's stuck, tipping to the side and starting to fall.
John scrambles off its back and leaps off, landing with a roll on the ground and then turning to look at it. "The Cu Sith," he tells Spider-Man, "is a parthenogenic Irish lupine demon. If you make it bleed," he explains, "each wound sprouts off a new wolf." Beat. "Just so you know why you can't make it bleed." He brushes his arms a bit as the wolf starts to thrash. "You think you can hold it down while I work some mojo to send it back where it came from?"
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
The tale sounded faintly familiar, but he would ponder it later. Right now they had a ball of furry clawed mayhem to deal with.
The Spider takes a deep breath, then spins a webby blanket for the beast. He actually had enough to cover the whole thing without worrying about running out. In less than a minute, the dog was nicely tucked in, in a bed that would hold for roughly 24 hours if need be.
"Lyla. Picture."
A moment later, the picture of the downed dog demon was saved to storage.
"I don't like weapons, anyway..." He raises a hand in greetings. "You can call me...Cyber-Spider. Spider-Man's already taken."
- John Constantine has posed:
"That's handy. Though I should point out," John begins, as the wolf licks at the webbing it can reach with its mouth, and the webbing starts to _steam_. "Its spittle is acidic. So." John shrugs. He takes a step back. "You keep it busy if it gets out." He starts to move his arms, hands, preparing.
"Cyber-Spider? That's horrible. Just go by Spider-Man. What's he going to do, litigate?"
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Cyber-Spider glances at him. "I'm my own Spider. Besides, I think it works..."
He walks over to the dog, then webs its muzzle, using what leverage he gets to further force the jaws shut before adding more.
He steps back, then points at the hateful eyes. Boy, if looks could kill.
- John Constantine has posed:
"Uh huh," Constantine says, smirking. "Okay, mate." He watches Miguel shut the dog's mouth with more webbing and then goes back to his spell-casting, his hands making a series of motions until the entire hellhound starts to glow with a bright, blue-ish light. "I was trying to fight this sorcerer in Ireland, got shunted here when he summoned the dog. I didn't think he was capable of that kind of complex magic."
It's just idle chit-chat as the dog disintegrates, slowly, leaving behind a small mountain of webbing.
"There, should be back where it came from." John dusts his palms off. "Easy as pie."
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Cyber-Spider eyed John. "I think we go to different bakeries, choom...but gone is gone, and that's what counts. Glad you could send it back to Hell where it came from." He extended a hand. "Nice to meet."
- John Constantine has posed:
John narrows his eyes. That's a lot of slang he isn't familiar with. But he reaches over and takes Miguel's hand, shaking it once and then widening his eyes. "Oi." He lets Miguel's hand go and grins at the masked Spider-Person. "That's a fair bit'a time displacement there, innit? What is it, eighty years or so?" John Constantine just isn't someone you can get this sort of stuff around, unfortunately. The man's a walking-talking weirdness detector. Magic weirdness, scientific weirdness -- weird is weird. "Trippy."
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Miguel's mouth would drop open if the mask wasn't keeping it in place. For a few seconds, he doesn't speak.
Then, it's, "HOW the SHOCK do you KNOW that??"
He looks around as if suddenly this was all a giant prank and that this was some kind of AV/R construct, but...no. They never get the smells right in AV/R.
- John Constantine has posed:
John lifts his hands and does a little Jazz fingers for Miguel. "Magic. To be fair, I wouldn't've noticed if we hadn't shooken hands. But once you were that close to my general chronological timestamp, the difference was hard to miss. At least you came back far enough that you won't run into your future self... well, not unless you live to be eighty and meet yourself as a baby. Yikes." John seems amused by all this. "Assuming you're stuck here and don't have a way back."
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Cyber-Spider looked around, then pointed to the sidewalk. "Uhm, can we talk someplace a little more PRIVATE, please? I feel a little unchill slinging future detes around in public..."
- John Constantine has posed:
"We can. But I'll point out you're the one in the red and blue bodysuit attracting attention," John says, still smiling. "Me, I'm just another English bloke in a trenchcoat." In late May. "No one's gonna care what I'm saying."
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Cyber-Spider eyes him for a moment, then says, "Fine. Then I guess you won't hold THIS against me."
In the next moment, John finds himself slung over Cyber-Spider's shoulder as he fires a webline and carries him up to the roof of the nearby office building. He does place John back on his feet after they get on the roof, though, before stepping back a few feet. "Sorry. There is a lot of stuff to deal with, and I wanted to do it in relative privacy."
He takes a deep breath. "Based on the current evidence, my theory is that I not only went back in time, I think i went to another universe. There are heroes and villains in this universe I've never even heard of. Like some guy called 'Superman.' Even then, revealing stuff before it comes out as a part of history is almost ALWAYS a bad idea."
- John Constantine has posed:
John gets yanked, but he doesn't seem too concerned. He lands when Miguel puts him down and then dusts himself off, looking at the masked vigilante. "That makes sense. I suspect in general when people 'time travel' they're really just going to other universes where time passes at different rates and that are close enough to their own so that the differences are minimal. Horrifying concept, but much more likely than the idea that paradoxes are everywhere." He frowns. "Big Blue doesn't exist where you're from? Huh. Interesting. So how'd you get here?"
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Cyber-Spider shook his head. "It just sounds so CRAZY. I was going up against a guy, Manda Veeres, who wanted to become a, wait for it, a 'Time Lord.' He put together this device to travel through time and space, collecting people he called 'Companions.' The bad news, he was creating time-space distortions to use against people. He created a portal to go through to someplace, but he...miscalculated. He could be anywhere in time, but the distortion that appeared at his forehead sucked him into it...and I get the feeling that if he didn't fit through the aperture...it MADE him fit."
- John Constantine has posed:
"Time Lord. You sure it wasn't Time Master? Eh, it doesn't matter," John says, waving a hand. "All those time traveling timey-wimey wankers are all the same in the end, egomaniacal." It's a good thing Miguel doesn't know John better or he might see the irony in that. "Any idea how you'll be getting back, mate?"
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
The hero shakes his head. "Not in the slightest. My field is genetics, not quantum physics. I'm more-or-less stuck here. So, gotta make the best of the situation. Which means trying to sort out a life as an illegal immigrant. None of my credentials are going to be valid for another seven decades."
- John Constantine has posed:
Something distracts John; probably some mystical sense or another. But he reaches into his coat and gives Miguel a card. "Well. That's not a great situation to be in, but it could be worse. You could be at a time period where falsifying credentials was difficult." Once Miguel has taken the card, John adds, "I've got to run, mate. But give me a call if it takes you too long to sort yourself, yeah? Number's a private line." And then something happens to the space behind John, as he takes a long step back, slowly disappearing as if stepping through space, though not necessarily time.
(Unless they're the same thing...)
"I hear Spider-Man's a nice bloke, maybe ask him!" And then John is gone.
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Cyber-Spider STARES as the guy just before he vanishes, and then looks down at the card. Then back up at where John used to be.
"...shock me rigid..." he whispers.