15121/SHIELDs and Spies
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SHIELDs and Spies | |
Date of Scene: | 15 June 2023 |
Location: | Metropolis Downtown |
Synopsis: | A group of SHIELD operatives rescue a deep cover agent from Intergang! |
Cast of Characters: | Natasha Romanoff, Hellboy, Stefani Houston, Jane Foster, Richard Stadler
- Natasha Romanoff has posed:
At the nearest SHIELD base, a distress beacon had just been received requesting emergency extraction. Given the -very- short lifetime (rather literal) that such beacons came with, it was a case of anyone available that was close enough to a Quinjet was being sent in.
The location - an underground bunker in Metropolis that some CEO had built in Metropolis during the Cold War to keep up business even after the bombs fell.
What they had to go on - even less infromation. The group - Intergang, a worldwide criminal organization with a reputation for having alien tech. Their agent - a redhead, Doctor Evelyn NEcker, specializing in cybernetics. Our heroes?
In a Quinjet, launching along the Metropolis skyline.
- Hellboy has posed:
Hellboy sort of read the briefing. He skimmed it. Some scientist got went undercover with the bad guys to catch 'em doing bad guy stuff, now she needs rescued. Probably better than if she were undercover and gotten addicted to cocaine while trying to take down the cartel. He may have been watching too much Netflix.
He made a grumble but put out his cigar as requested when he got on the Quinjet.
"Yeah, make me grumpy, that's a good idea, what could go wrong?" he mutters to himself as he flops down in a seat, his giant gun sticking out from under his left arm.
"Hey, I'm Hellboy. How ya doin'?"
- Stefani Houston has posed:
Agent Houston had been one of the last to board the Jet and she'd done so by sweeping in through the open ramp via a puff of black smoke that took shape over one of the open seats. Where was once a coalescing mass of black smoke, formed in to the shape of a young woman dressed in a form fit black suit of high quality materials. She, along with her gear, just appear out of the smoke, which evaporates around her as she settles back in to the Jet's passenger seat. Her right hand goes up to adjust the black military cap that rests on her head, grabbing it by its brim to lift it up, then tug it down again firmly over her scalp.
Stef's head turns right, then left, to look to the others aboard the Jet, her ponytail waving gently behind her shoulders as she offers them all a warm smile upon pink lips.
Then, her eyes drop down to her tablet device that she pulls from the bag in her lap, reading over the details of what lies ahead for this team...
- Jane Foster has posed:
"Emergency extraction? Dibs." Totally not appropriate to call dibs in the line of work, but then again, Jenna Carlisle might as well be Agent Adrenaline Junkie. She taps her fingers and points at her calendar for her superiors to see. Nothing for the foreseeable future except another class teaching the ins and outs of hacking through electronic locks. Sharp shooting is up there on her list of skills. "I'm already packed! I got my go bag!"
Thus, Agent Carlisle gets to be in some august company. She reads the briefing twice, and doesn't count her ICER packs more than twice because that would be overkill. In a smart SHIELD uniform, unlike Hellboy, she's a cool foil. "That's the spirit. When the plan goes south, you'll be ready and on the mark." Those cool grey eyes crinkle and she goes nose down into her briefing papers again.
It totally beats yapping about a mission to Dhaka guarding an ambassador.
- Richard Stadler has posed:
Stadler wasn't an agent. He had no reason to be at the Triskellion aside from the odd consulting job, and he had thought that had been finished (the attack on that airfield in Russia had put the chance of those rogue agents to bed. He was basically back to being a high school teacher. And he really should concentrate on preparing for summer school and the new school year in the fall. He still had the encrypted app on his phone, though, and the alert was the type that beeped loudly and long for him to check. He held up his hand to the conversation he was having to his very cheery friend at her shop in Metropolis; she looked a little bit concerned through her round spectacles as he silently perused the message, shaking his head, and then freezing when he read the location of the AO.
He closed his eyes. He really couldn't keep doing this. He taught biology. That's what he did. And he would have to have a long conversation with himself after this. So he opened his eyes, smiled to his friend's concern. "Sorry. Something... important's come up. I want to do this alone, but, ahh..."
He looked up, to the wall behind her, simply covered in AR pattern rifles. "Guns, I'm wondering if I can borrow a few things from your stock."
A quinjet, as fast as it was, took time to spool up and make the short trip from New York to Delaware. The shop he was at was no more than one or two miles, and the trick was zipping around and grabbing what he could in a duffle bag, and strapping on what he could in the short drive over. The car screeched to a halt just as he yanked the gas mask over his head and pulled the charging handle back on the 'civilian' SCAR 17S. A little shorter than what he was used to, but it would do the job.
He was very aware this was unorthodox, that he didn't know who was guarding the doors, and he really hope a cop didn't see him right about now.
- Natasha Romanoff has posed:
As the Quinjet flies on down through to go to the insertion point, from along the entranceway to the skyscraper stumps out what looks like a series of three bulky humanoid looking robots that looked like metallic parts sewn together in many flashes of red and jagged crystals along them. They would each twist over to point at the Quinjet heading along by..
Each having in hand a large old school gatling gun thatt they would go to pop up at and go to open fire!
Rick is for now completely unnoticed, even as the trio of huge, strange looking alien units would be moving to engage the Quinjet as it would fly on past! Definitely looked like interpid Agent Junkie would be getting more than her fill in.
- Hellboy has posed:
Hellboy kicks up his feet in the Quinjet and nods to those who come by, giving a frirendly 'How you doin'?" to Stefanie, his massive red hide making a sharp contrast with the clean and mild interior of the Quinjet.
"So, what, we just go in, kick down the gates and go to door lookin' for this doctor chick? I gotta look at that picture again, makes sure I don't punch her on accident or nothin'.
Then he's looking out the window and seeing the robots and the crystals and...
"What the ever-loving f---?!?"
- Stefani Houston has posed:
Stef's eyes were down on her tablet computer during the flight, mostly looking at the Jet's internal readouts that were being broadcast to the tablet's screen. She had looked up to Hellboy when he'd greeted her, but being unable to verbally respond she just smiled at him, raised her right hand and gave it a wobble'y motion before she smiled again and dropped her gaze back to her reading.
By the time they made it to the city of Metropolis, Agent Houston was already seeing the robots from the Jet's camera systems, one of which was displaying them in a black and white heat signature mode. She winces at the sight she beholds upon the screen, and starts to slip the tablet in to the pack on ehr lap. Without much ado, Agent Houston stands up then and moves toward the Jet's armory stash. She slips her backpack over her shoulders as she reaches for one of her rifles that were put aboard by the Quartermaster. She reaches for the SVD Dragunov anti-vehicle rifle, hefting it up over one shoulder, and then turning to reach for one of the hanging grip-handles from the ceiling, she stands by the hatch, waiting to be let loose...
- Jane Foster has posed:
Carlisle runs her hand over her neck and sets aside the briefing, tablet plunked back in its secure spot among the webbing and other equivalent of pockets on a dress. Useful to have a collection of stowaway spaces on the sleek jet cutting a path into secured airspace. The bunker's intriguing enough and she squints a little in trying to get a solid fix on any possible outlet ports in the landscape as they approach. Unlikely but you never know, a drainage cover or a pair of vertical plastic tubes for air circulation could prove useful.
"Going in hot, then," she remarks when the bark of weapons fire sends a continuous stream of death at them. Her grimace tightens as she cinches her Kevlar jacket into place. Bet SHIELD doesn't have biometrics on those big beasts but she dives into the tablet again and starts syncing up a screen to check for a match. "Doom's going to be pissed someone copied his schtick. I don't fancy being minced soon as I go out the door. Hellboy, right? Can you give them a nice hello? I'm Carlisle. I got guns but not--- ooh, she's got them taken care of. Excellent! Thank you, Agent!" Stefanie's all ready to go. The world is on its right axis again.
- Richard Stadler has posed:
'Guns' had the good presence of mind to push her car quickly down the street and out around the block as soon as those robots stepped out of the entrance. Rick figured he was on a bit of a time limit now, between the time she would leave and the time that she would foolishly try to come back with heavier ordnance that had absolutely no legal explanation. Which meant he had to slam himself against a wall, with some concealment from the tunnel visioned mech suits.
A quick look around the corner, noticing their... alien tech, and the way they were armored, and he grimaces, reaching for his phone. Two texts. One to his friend, which simply read, 'STAY HOME.' And then a quick tab to the encrypted SHIELD app, typing out a response.
<<R. Stadler. Onsite, at entrance. Weaponry not viable for defeating armor. Unnoticed. Attempting to infiltrate. Blue long sleeved dress shirt, tactical vest, M50 mask>>
Shit. He let's the rifle hang on the sling, pausing his typing before looking through the vest. Silver duct tape. A quick wrap around, and-
<<Silver ductape around right upper arm. Send you my receipts for this.>>
And with that, he's past cover, cautiously walking behind the suits to attempt to avoid notice, to the entrance, his rifle up and looking for threats. Or a basement entrance.
- Natasha Romanoff has posed:
The robots don't have particularly great accuracy, though the miniguns spewing out thousands of rounds of ammunition means that at least some of them may hit the Quinjet. Those which miss are definitely making a mess of things nearby, but fortunately buildings in the area are reinforced so there's no structural damage. The Quinjet is able to loop about and avoid the worst of the fire, and the trio of robots quickly run out of ammunition. Each discards the minigun, and goes to advance forwards in a rapid stalk!
As Stefanie and Carlisle get themselves upgunned, Hellboy has a front seat to two of the robots going to charge through the air, moving to start blasting up as they would activate built in jetpacks and boosters, flying in pursuit!
The trio of robots have all their attention over on the Quinjet and don't seem to be paying attention over to the entrance. There's a large concrete tunnel going on down - a long, twisting stairwell heading deeper. And going along are several dozen inactive small tread-droids. Six limbs, lots of spikes. Like a child had taken a rollerskate, put legos on it, and thrown it into a busy street.
- Hellboy has posed:
Hellbow rolls his neck, cracking bones forged in the depths of Stygia, and scratches one of his shaved horns. Is he buckled in anymore? No, he is definitely not.
He manages to get a few views of what's happening outside, but frankly, it's chaotic af and he realizes there is, indeed, that big concrete tunnel going down.
"This thing got like a bomb hatch or somethin'? Cause I can just drop down that big hole if ya want. I ain't gonna be much good up here playing Maverick."
- Stefani Houston has posed:
Waiting at the aft of the Jet, Stefanie eyes the hatch as it lowers down... to see the robots using jet jumpers to come up after them. She'd planned on evac'ing immediately, but upon seeing this she rapidly lowers down to one knee, unslings the rifle from her shoulder... and hoists it up.
Readying the giant rifle with a skilled experience, Agent Houston peers through the scope toward the incoming pursuers. Her right hand goes down to the grip, with one finger trailing over the trigger guard before she lips it gently on to the trigger itself. Her sights sweep from one of the targets, to the next, the view right up close and personal with their incoming robotic friends.
She doesn't hesitate either, as soon as she has a shot, she starts taking them.
One. Boom.
Two. Boom!
Three. BOOM!
The mighty Dragunov 'Sinful Butterfly' rifle erupts anti-vehicle fire down toward the metal friends coming up to greet the SHIELD Jet.
- Jane Foster has posed:
Relaying the message isn't likely too necessary, but Carlisle moves through the Quinjet and pulls on goggles to make sure her sight is protected if she has to take to the air. "I'm not a whole lot of good here unless we have another mini-gun tucked away. I'm better with rifles and semi-auto stuff. Take what we got though." The options of the miniature arsenal are many, but she snaps ammo into a pretty MP5, arming it and ready to go. Let Agent Houston be the one with the giant weapon, hers being a little too upfront and personal.
"Still running those schematics, agent, though you have my permission to make a hole in case you don't already have one," she adds with a bit of a grin. "Gonna get wired up and leap?"
- Natasha Romanoff has posed:
The robots are each hit solidly over by the shots from Quiet. Each of them is struck in clean shots. The two ones flying are blasted out of the air like they'd been hit by flak. Each one slams over to the side of the skyscraper, and then skids along towards the ground. The third takes the shot, but isn't as badly damaged as the other two were. They each slam down over into the ground and seem 'stunned' as they go through a reset cycle.
The third one's primary optic goes to glow, charging up as it moves to unleash a blast of laser energy up through the air, arcing at the evasive Quinjet in a streak! There would likely be that bomb door that Hellboy was wanting to use!
Richard's hopes are, alas, dashed as he does hear the sounds of spikes and whirrs behind him. Each of those several dozen or so spiked drones suddenly goes to kickstart, each of them curling up into spiked balls like roly pollies - or a particularly murderous hedgehog (not colored blue).. The upside as that they weren't reacting to him! Instead they were racing up the walls up towards hte surface!
Presuming Richard's still going on down, about roughly two stories down is a massive, thick lead and steel reinforced concrete door that's the entrance to the bunker. With.. Dozens and dozens of random locks, dials, and combinations upon it. Looking mroe like something from a fantasy novel than a supervillain lair.
- Hellboy has posed:
Hellboy has the Samaritan loaded up with nothing but high explosive rounds. Maybe not the wisest for a rescue mission, but hey, giant robots, so he was right and you can't blame him.
Once the laser punches an opening in the side of the Quinjet, he winces, "Hey, guess that's one way. Be safe and parachute or somethin', folks. I ain't gonna need one."
And then he hops out of the plane and just plummets straight down said concrete hole. Any robot or drone or device that gets in his way is gonna get a knuckle sandwich from the Hand of Doom.
Hellboy feels his stomach rumble. Not from nerves, though.
"I wonder if there's a good taco place around here," he says as he finally smashes into the ground with a devastating blow from said giant magic fist, resulting in a shockwave in every direction.
- Stefani Houston has posed:
Quiet's eyes watched the robots take her shots, and go down in a blaze of glory. Her stare raises up from her gun a second later to watch Hellboy leap from the Jet. She swept her gaze then to Agent Carlisle before making a Ok-hand gesture.
Then she was smoke.
Agent Houston burst out of the jet in a stream of black smoke that rapidly descended down toward one of the building roofs below the Jet. she wanted to get attention OFF of the Jet, as it was under heavy fire, and the best way to do that was not to be a sniper perched inside it.
The strange Agent reformed in to her Human form upon the edge of the roof's corner, and once more raised her Dragunov rifle up to peer through its scope toward the optical lense of that 'Bot still seemingly in-action.
Once more Stef's right hand went to the trigger, the leather half-glove worn on her palm tightening around its grip as her bare fingertip squeezes the trigger again, now firing directly at what would appear to be the Robot's 'eye'.
Of course, she was no robot expert... beyond the ones she'd destroyed throughout her 40+ year career of this. Sadly, however, Death Robots come in all shapes and sizes!
- Jane Foster has posed:
Promise that Agent Carlisle needs that zipline down and a minichute if the Quinjet is high enough. Anything lower is just a lost cause for trying to bleed speed and does anyone want a pancake-shaped SHIELD agent?
"Right, right, let's not die today." Checking the links, she fires a wire specifically aimed at the skyscraper itself. Embedding deep into concrete or the floor behind a glass window is equally satisfactory, the magnetic octopus-like phalanges springing out adding some security. She's in, and dives, taking Heckler and Koch's finest with her. Time to spin and crash.
She is the most obvious thing to shoot at and the robots might wing her or slay her on the fall. But with a downward trajectory, the goal is hitting the facade of the building and safely dropping down close to the concrete landing pad. If she hasn't got more than cuts on her legs, then she cuts free and swivels with her MP5 ready in hand. The chattery response won't be loud but she gets Quiet and Hellboy tie to go where they go!
- Richard Stadler has posed:
Richard whips around at the sound of spikes going up, and seeing them curl up into balls and start... moving in the other direction. His finger tightens a bit on the trigger of the rifle, before he takes a slow breath, and releases it. Too many to take out at that speed, and it sounded like the people above were heavy hitters. They still bought time for him to move down here. The rifle comes down, and he's moving back down toward the tunnel. Down, down, at least two levels, if he was a judge of bunkers, before he reaches that large door. He looks over it, scanning over the locks, dials... combinations. It was...
He pauses. Who the hell was this place kidding? Were they expecting someone to know a dozen different combinations? Have a ring of keys to get into the place? Security meant keeping vigilance, and so far they had done a poor amount of that. Which meant...
He moved the rifle over to grip the butt, moving toward where the vault looked to open, and slammed the riffle butt aganist it. "Open up! They're almost inside!"
Sometimes when the problem seemed insurmountable, you could be helped by sheer stupidity. And it certainly would help that there were the sound of explosions and cracking concrete furthur up the tunnel.
- Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Hellboy hits the ground and is face to face with one of the strange robots. It goes to raise it's hand up and over, even as it moves to charge over in towards him! Arm raised up and over to try and give him an voerhand punch! The other two that had just crahsed into the ground, then gotten up had -just- been knocked down again by the shockwave, sent tumbling down hard even befroe they could stabilize!
The first shots from Quiet's rifle hit it in the face as two eyes shatter! Hellboy's fist meets robot face as something -BREAKS-. It's not Hellboy's fist even as the robot's neck would pop around and -snap- like a twig, twisting 180 degrees!
And then followed up by pinpoint shots from Quiet that hit over the trailing bits of wire and thread that make up the neck as it goes to pop it's way fully off and the robot goes slack underneath the fist, head completely dislocating itself as the robot would cascade over and break to spare parts!
the Quinjet goes to pull a maneuver that in parlance is called 'the Launchpad' when it comes to hitting the ground. Basically at the point you hit the ground, tehre's theoretically enough of the Quinjet left for a bulldozer to pick up - most of the people have enough bits of them left inside functioning to be willing to go out at it.
So Agent Junkie manages to set the Quinjet down with enough parts intact it might even be used to fly again (even if that would involve Hellboy picking it up and throwing it).
The door opens immediately as Rickard gets a duo of dimwits that look like Bebop and Rocksteady sized Gambino thugs wearing fedoras, vastly oversized pinstripe suits and ties. "Dammit! I thought we told you to lead 'em -away- from here!" The upside, the way was open. The downside is that each of those guys was about four or five times as big as Richard was and they might not notice if he shot them.
Quiet has a good overview over of the hole as several dozen revving robotic spike hedgehogs go to race up and out over of the main entrance, zipping along towards anything around!
- Hellboy has posed:
Hellboy catches the punching hand of the robot with the Hand of Doom and starts to squeeze.
"I hope you ain't one o' them robots with a heart and feelins and crap. I hate seein' a robot cry. Well, unless he's an evil robot, which you are, so...guess this is only fair," he says.
Then he crushes that attacking hand into itty bitty bits and brings up the Samaritan. He dumps a high explosive round in the thing's head before throws a few more punches with the Big Fist to make sure it stays down.
"Anybody hear needing rescued?!!" he calls out loudly down the concrete hallway. Yeah, he doesn't go on stealth assignments.
- Stefani Houston has posed:
Perched on the corner edge of a roof, Quiet ejects the magazine from her rifle's ammunition well, then slaps another in to place after pulling it from her chest rig. She charges the weapon again, her eyes once more staring across the distance toward where Hellboy had been, and the cover she'd offered the big red guy by blasting at the other Robots that he wasn't occupied with.
This is when she sees the hedge-hog shaped newcomers coming in to view of her rifle's scope.
She spared one look up over the scope to watch with her natural eyes, then lowered them back down to peer through the scope again.
Stefanie huffed at the sight of the hedgehog bots.
She can't help it, they're kinda cute.
Nevertheless to keep her companions safe from their wrath, Quiet opens fire again with her rifle. Muzzle flash after muzzle flash gives away her location to anyone who might care to search for the shooter, but she doesn't seem to be worried about that in this instance.
Squeezing trigger pull after squeezing trigger pull, the sniper takes aim and lets loose on the cutesy killer hedgehog robots now!
- Richard Stadler has posed:
Stadler smirks to himself behind the gas mask, as he hears the sound of voices and the door open... and that smirk vanishes as soon as he has to start looking /up/ at the huge mobster looking fellows that step out of the door itself. He heard the echoing of that deep voice after the sound of loud, explosive rounds slamming against something. A quick calculation on how fast he would be able to get down there before he was thrown against a wall, or crushed. Possible. Not likely. So.
He reaches on his belt, a quick motion causing a few metal pieces to clatter to the floor, as a cylinder comes up in an arc. "Sorry, I suppose I got different orders. Hold this." He says, as the concussion grenade sails up in slow arc like a baseball. When in doubt, go for the senses, and use his strengths. Like the fact he /was/ a lot smaller than those hulking beasts.
He makes a quick line for the door, his eyes eyes tightly squeezed, free hands moving up to clamp over his ears as the grenade goes off, before opening them again and grabbing the rifle. He was trying to move past them, leaving Mugsy and Lefty down there to be handled by reinforcements.
He was well aware that his survival depended on surprise, speed, and shock, and all three were going critically low.
- Jane Foster has posed:
"Robots haven't earned their citizenship privileges yet, so fire with prejudice!" Carlisle calls after them. She's slower on her feet than a giant demon, a cloud of mist, and most robots. Being low and swift to use walls for cover is useless in a tunnel too, so better yet to take fire at something coming her way. If they happen to be hedgehogs, the cover spray is probably a better approach than plink-plink-plinking away.
Do not pet the deathhogs.
- Natasha Romanoff has posed:
There are still two of the large robots on the exterior that are still mobile and threats. They've lost track of Quiet, but they're aware that there's a sniper. One of them goes to engage Hellboy - but rather than fist to fist, it tries tos tay at range as it goes to charge up it's head blaster, going to try and unleash an inferno of lazer'y doom over at him while he would be finishing off one of it's confederates!
Quiet's rapid shots go to pick up several of the rockin-robot hedgehogs of doom as they would be blown apart by the quick, precise shots from the sniper! They're then going to scatter! Rolling bout in every direction, spikes digging into the sides of the building for them to roll right up along as they go on a search and destroy! ... Filled wiht adorable robot screeches from claws and spikes repeatedly click-clacking.
Agent Carlisle is able to make her way down towards the giant hole in the ground as the murder-hogs scatter ins earch of Quiet (but making noise) and Hellboy is the focus of one of the upright killer-bots (the other of which hasn't yet engaged a target). She's able to poke her head into the entrance to the tunnel - whether or not she goes down of course.
Big Goon #1 goes to 'uh' over, "Hey, why I gotta take.." He goes to catch the grenade over in his hands over to let out an -OW- over as it goes off. "Mah facceee!" Yelling over as his beard would be on fire! The second calls out, "We'ze got interlopers!" ... That they somehow missed over with all the explosions, the fire, and the deployment of killbots. The giant door is however totally open. Richard is able to make his way over on in. As he rushes past them he sees what looks like someone has..
Setup an old school dissection table crossed with a dentist's chair with several blades, buzzsaws, drills, and needles floating over about.
And clamped into it is (of course) their VIP that is barely conscious, has a large bruise on her skull, and is heavily restrained. And two more of those very, very big robots that were brawling outside.
- Hellboy has posed:
The lasers hit and they don't feel great, but for a being attuned to live in the depths of Hell, high temperatures really aren't the way to go. Still, he's annoyed at the attempt.
"Why you gotta be like that, man?" he says.
Then he ducks low and charges in, spearing the robot into the wall and starting to bash it to bits. Yeah, he could keep range like it does, but he doesn't want to wreck the facility any worse and bring it down on their heads.
This time.
Rescue mission, rescue mission, Hellboy.
- Stefani Houston has posed:
Quiet emptied another magazine at the hedgehog bots before the pin clicked to indicate it was emptied. With the rifle cooling, and the little scampering bots on their way to find her, Stefanie vanishes from where she had the rifle mounted.
Two of the hedgehog robots make their way up to her perch, only to pause when they see no sniper, only a rifle... with a green haired troll doll standing beside the rifle, wearing a single black eye patch over its little left eye. The doll's poofy green hair gently flows in the warm summer wind rushing over the rooftop as it stares with a 'Hey, dudes' happy expression at the hog bots.
The bots get little time to investigate the rifle, and the troll doll though, as Stefanie appears behind them in a puff of black smoke. The first is kicked aside with a powerful sweep of Agent Houston's left leg, while the second gets a combat knife inserted ddirectly in to its central housing systems. She stabs that bot down to the ground before she yanks the knife back out of its body, then twists herself around to throw the knife right at the 'face' of the bot she'd kicked aside!
- Richard Stadler has posed:
This was... less then ideal, because speed, suprise, and shock just hit a wall they couldn't surmount... easily. Stadler froze, just for a moment, as he saw the woman strapped to a... dissection table. What in God's name was going on here? Torture? Actual vivisection? What sort of monsters was this .. .Intergang, anyway? He wasn't finding out today, simply because he was either going to die in the next 90 seconds... or speed still had some gas in the tank.
When dealing with armor, and not having anti-armor weapons, one had to work on the soft targets. He had been loaded with armor piercing 7.62 ammunition, and didn't have time to switch mags, so he brought the rifle up, and sighted on what he could; areas those robots could see out of; glass, sensor ports, cameras, radoms. First one, and then the other, advancing as he pulled the trigger in rapid succession, before reaching the chair itself. He quickly made to undo the straps holding her in, and drag her out. "Can you walk!" He yelled out to her, hoping to stir a reaction.
Reinforcements needed to get to that door quickly.
- Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Hellboy has two robots going after him and laying in to him! There's a back and forth brawl going on of fists back and forth as the two remaining sentinels outside go to charge him! A rendition of Rock 'Em/Sock "em Robots is going on as the brawl escalates and Hellboy goes to keep the damage from getting too bad! There are fists back and forth..
And the first head to go off is the cranial unit of Robot #2! The sole remaining one is blasting oafter him with lasers coming from the optic - the same way the other had. But at a much higher intensity! ... Compared to normal, not exactly to the bowels of hell standard.
Quiet is deft and dodgy. And deadly. Her shots, her dance, her quick disappearing and reappearing are taking out the bots in numerous amounts. They have the AI to note that she's repositioning on them but they don't have the capabiltiy to reassess and attack. They're swarmer units - not exactly the brightest bulb in the processor bin. They're picked off by her rapidly one by one as she thins them out. Now it's just her, Hellboy, and the final sentinel unit outside.
The robots take the shots to themselves with just being slowed down. The shots are fast, accurate, and mostly plink off armor without having taken any significant systems damage! The woman slowly goes to stir under the pullings of Richard. "Ugh.." She appears to be trying very hard to avoid vomitting and mostly succeeding. Looking over at the chair she had been put in, heaving, "If it's between walking and waiting, I think I'll walk." Definitely need backup now if they're going to make it out!
Even as those two dunderheads up front that had let him in would be advancing to block his path out..
- Stefani Houston has posed:
Quiet's half-gloved hand wraps around the grip of her knife embedded in the body of the second hog robot that came up on to her perch to find her. She yanks it out, before slipping the knife back in to her quickdraw sheath on her thigh. Quickly moving to snatch up the rest of her gear, the Sniper looks over the ledge of the roof to see another of the lumbering larger robots moving toward Hellboy's position. She rapiedly runs now across the rooftop, jumps on the far edge of its facade, then leaps down to another roof a few feet over and below. Running on the gravel covered rooftop now, she runs face first toward a water tower before she puffs in to black smoke once more... this time the smoke sweeps under the tower to come out on the opposite side again. Stefanie appears in Human form on the other side, clutching her rifle in front of her, with her troll doll hanging by a nylon strap against her right hip, swaying side to side as its owner rushes rapidly.
Quiet drops down on the roof's corner, in a new firing position now that opens up the back of the large robot's head.
She aims down scope once more, moving the reticle over the bot's body, up to its cranium of titanium... and...
The 'Sinful Butterfly' fires once more, blasting the Bot right in the back of its shining metal dome!
- Richard Stadler has posed:
Behind them, two robots that were simply taking rounds without damage. Maybe, maybe, some sensor degradation, but still very combat effective. In front of Rick, two street toughs that were probably bigger than a tank combined.
He took a breath, huffing through his M50, and had one last plan he could try. And now that he had the hostage in front of him, he might actually pull it off. He's got the rifle pointed up back toward the robots, this time firing with one hand, using the sling as support. The other snaps open a case hanging from his belt at the rear, pulling out a second gas mask. "Put that on. Five seconds." He says, his other hand moving to another grenade at his belt. Again, a pin's pulled, a handle flown off, and the device rolled... not toward the robots, but toward the two goons. They might expect another flash bang, and hide ears and eyes this time. Or they might think they can tank a fragmentation grenade, just letting the shrapnel pepper them. But despite how tough they were, CS gas wasn't something you just had the fortitude to shrug off.
He's turned around, back to the robots now, his free hand moving to wrap around the VIP, under the armpit. "Sorry." He says, as he half pushes, half drags her through the forming gas cloud, hoping that it would leave them enough time to rush through that door.
- Natasha Romanoff has posed:
One of the robots is going to advance over on Doctor Richard! It's head is glowing over as it's stalking towards him, well immune to anything that he could blast over at it.. Right as there's the silent arrival of Quiet as she goes to appear with the barrel of her weapon at point-blank to processor space, right as the bullet gets fired in between struts of armor.. And goes halfway through the dome in a -boom- as it goes to roll over and slump down, executed from behind!
One of the other ones goes to snap out and tries to lash at Quiet with a fist, missing her quite wildly as it's distracted from pursuit! The shots from Richard go to impact around and act as supression - the goon squad isn't suffering from it, but even they instinctively flinch from bullets going off them. The woman is barely coherent enough to give a nod at Richard, and yanks the mask on hard and cinches it tight.
The shrapnel grenade gives just enough heads up to the group to get out - as for Mugsy and Beefy, it goes off in their faces! There are yells, swears, and apparently their invulnerability doesn't -quite- go so well to things like fine sensory organs by the sheer volume..
He's able to get her out, where the damaged Quinjet that has somehow been reactivated by their crazy adrenaline junkie of a teammate waiting for them to bug on out with.
- Stefani Houston has posed:
After Quiet took that 'killing shot' on that large lumbering bot, she went back in to smoke form, avoiding the retribution of another bot that came to deal with the pesky sniper. Alas, she was gone, once more on the move.
Where to though?
Moments later, and Quiet reforms, built from the 'ground up' by the black smoke until she's there crouched atop the aft of the Quinjet, still wielding that Dragunov rifle, her right eye peering down its scope with her dark ponytail hair blowing in the wind behind her shoulders.
Kiss kiss, bang bang.
Quiet fires another several shots at the hedgehog bots that had been pursuing her, but were now fanning out to try and block her companions from getting to the Jet that was firing up again, Quiet no in a position to cover them as they make for a return to the SHIELD transport vehicle.
- Richard Stadler has posed:
Rick cursed under his breath. That was /supposed/ to have been tear gas! Goddamn it, what... Did Guns hand him he wrong one? Maybe it was one of those different designed ones; he was expecting the fragmentation to be the standard 'baseball' type M67s, but there were other models and why the hell was he thinking about this /now/?
The robot that he was facing had seemed to... explode, and he wasn't quite sure what had happened. He was focused on targets in two directions, and there had simply been a wave of black smoke, flooding around and moving, unlike the grenade he was using here. But the remaining bot was distracted, the two heavies up front were screaming in pain, and then he was past, out the door, dragging the woman forward and grunting with the exertion of his years, an uphill slope, and a hostage. His rifle comes up again, the last few rounds in the clip expended, but oh, hallelujah and hosanna, they actually had a good godamn sniper there to support.
He let the empty rifle hang on the sling, his free hand drawing the pistol at his thigh and firing a few rounds at a hedge hog bot in front, before unceremoniously and regretably throwing the VIP onto the metal ramp of the quin jet. Both hands free, his grip moves to two hands on the pistol, expending round after round into any bot that get's close. "High Value's on board! Go! Go, damn it!"
He /really/ hoped someone had been getting his texts.
- Natasha Romanoff has posed:
The group goes to fling themselves onto the Quinjet, which is rapidly boosting itself away wiht all of them onboard and strapped in. As sirens wail and heroes will be arriving shortly to handle cleanup and lockdown. Now.. Now as they boost away at high speed in the damaged Quinjet with no stealth (beyond the sniper having a rifle miming 'YOU DO NOT SEE US') systems operational..
Now they have some bruises, a lot of expended weapons, several destroyed robots.. And one injured deep cover operative whom is still conscious while she cleans her face off and is strapped in.