15220/Like Ice in the Sunshine

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Like Ice in the Sunshine
Date of Scene: 24 June 2023
Location: Central Park
Synopsis: It starts with Ice-Cream in Central park and ends as a picknic of the Shazam Family on the Statue of Liberty!
Cast of Characters: Julie Power, Sunny Harlow, Billy Batson, Audra Meridian

Julie Power has posed:
Summer is fully in swing, the sun burns down on New York City, turning the roads warm enough to possibly bake bread without an oven... well, maybe not that hot, but it is hor enough to liquify ice like you put it on the beach in the sun... without direct sunlight. But then there's the green lung of the town, Central Park, offering not only much better climate, but also the chance to cool off with its smaller ice cream vendors and snack booths.

One of those icecream booths close to one of the fountains is where a rainbow streaks down, Lightspeed landing in the one piece uniform suit and... she steps to the back of the line waiting to get their icy treats.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Summer was here and Sunny didn't seem bothered, after all when you could stand space? You could stand a little heat! Wrapped in her own uniform, one of her more recent designed costumes after the last had been torn apart during her battle with Brainiac, the blonde heroine herself zipped through the air.

Unlike the rainbow girl? She had to back off on her acceleration, coming up to light speed in atmosphere would be like nuking the area...so she'd have to touch down in a more dignified and relaxed manner.

Julie Power has posed:
There was one benefit to being quite limited to the speed of sound (unless she wanted to super stress herself): you don't destroy windows on a regular. Though she had a space worthy costume. Still, the rainbow lingering a few seconds was a good indicator where she touched down. And that she just stood in line for icecream... was obvious.

When the icecream vendor finally came around to her in the line, she eyed the offers, then grinned a little. "Can you manage a mixed extra large scoop with strawberry, orange, Lemon, woodruff, blueberry and purple jam? And then colorful sprinkles?"

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Settling herself down, 'Indestructibelle' made her way towards the cart. Great minds it seems, the blonde bombshell settle down into the line...and might have a few people whispering and pointing as she excitedly made her way up behind Julie only to blink. "Huh...what's woodruff?"

Julie Power has posed:
Julie Power turned and offered a smile it Indestructibelle, then pointing to the green ice on the cone that was taking form. "That's woodruff. Tastes funny and good. Want to try it?" she offers, pulling out her phone to pay via some cash-app and snap a phito of herself with the icecream monstrosity, or a couple more. "Or you want something else? My treat!"

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Sunny Harlow considers for a moment, shrugging for a moment before she turns to the cart to place her own order. Vanilla and strawberry, nice and simple but delicious none the less.

"I'll stick to what I know," she grins, "and I don't think you want me randomly licking yours so..." A shrug, she tilts her head to the side. "Is this a patrol icecream break?"

Julie Power has posed:
Julie Power adding some chocolate sprinkles to the order, Julie pays, because, everything is better with sprinkles, and chocolate fits well with strawberry and Vanilla. "You still can try." she offers, giving a short wink as she tilts the icecream to try and not drop some of the melting product. "Patrol break fits it. Want to have it... there?" she muses, pointing roughly up and to the left, to above a little wooded area that would shield from gazes from below.

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam doesn't have superhuman vision, something he really would like at times. He does have excellent eyesight, 20/10 call it. The streak of rainbow is hard to miss. Sunny s a little more low profile. Coffee in hand he puts on a little speed and comes up short when he sees the other blonde he knows so well. Slowing considerably, he drops down with a wave. then he grabs a coffee from another vendor before approaching. "Morning, Lightspeed, 'Belle. I had to check for bad guys or giant monsters a moment when I saw the two of you. Then I saw the icecream... Great Father Zeus Julie... what is that?" He points at Julie's creation with his coffee (double shot of espresso, almond milk and brown sugar).

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Sunny Harlow says, "I mean, the park works well enough! Otherwise sometimes I like to rest on a rooftop or something like that." She'd say more, but then Shazam arrives and she's waving, the blonde wrapped in one of her capeless and half-jacket costumes after the last battle had destroyed her most recent one. "Hey there," she greets, taking a small lick of her icecream, grinning at her more simple choice. "Creative I think is the word.""

Julie Power has posed:
"That's a rainbow of Icecream, thank you very much! Also, extra sprinkles." Julie muses, waving back with her free hand. "You should try something like it some time."

"Up on a rooftop... that's a classic! You have a prefered one?"

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam peers at it, lingering on the green substance. Then he says, "I'm drinking lightning, double shot espresso. And... very creative, Lightspeed. If you think she's creative now, you should check her writing out. I have her book. I'll lend you my copy. Also she's episode four of my streaming show. She was a great guest." The comment about rooftops gets a noncommittal, "Yeah rooftops are good. I used to hang around with Fire and Nitro on the head of the Statue of Liberty." He takes a chug of coffee.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"One that people aren't smoking on?" Sunny offers as a suggestion to Julie before tilting her head lightly. "I used to sit up on the crown up there," she nods to Shazam before taking another lick. "But anywhere away from people where we can see the city is nice!'

Julie Power has posed:
"My book?" Julie asks, eyebrows rising a moment, then she shrugs. "The green's woodruff." she notes, then finally takes a lick of her icecream, then almost smacks her forehead. "Ohhh, you mean that manuscript I gave Mary? I never got around to make more from that... eh... you read it?"

"The Crown of the Statue sounds like a good spot. So... why not? Who leads the way?"

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam looks at Julie, then Sunny. He tosses the empty coffee cup in the proper receptacle and then lights out. Fast! "Diiiiiiiiibs..."

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"I'm holding icecream!" Sunny protests as Billy zips off at Mach 'whatever' before shaking her head, taking another lick of her treat and...taking off at a leisurely pace as she continues to fly in the direction. Sure, the crown was a fun place to hang out, but losing her icecream would defeat the whole purpose!

Julie Power has posed:
Julie Power groans as Shazam zipps off. "Me too!" she protests, sighing a moment, before taking another rescue lick and following Sunny at the more leisure pace. "Sooo, you and Shazam, right? Mind sharing how that came to be? Sorry, it's your deal to tell or not but I am curious."

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam cuts the air for a couple of miles. then realizes by now Sunny would have aught him and given him a kick in the behind or similar. He stops, turns around and then realizes his mistake and a little shamefacedly he waits for them, trying to fly casually. <<Watch out for the sonic booms younger brother.>> Zeus chides. <<Mercury was over find of them. And... ice cream is important. Hades always had some for guests.>>

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"Yeah," Sunny muses as they fly, a little laugh and a shrug as they fly along. "We met doing a few rescues and things, my first ever time as Indestructibelle and..." she trails off with a shrug, a little flush to her cheeks before taking another lick of her icecream. "It just sort of happened...kinda...it's still kind of strange for me. You sort of avoid stuff like that if you're worried you could hold a hand too hard and crush it."

Julie Power has posed:
Julie Power nods, offering a smile to Sunny, then chuckles as she offers a hand. "Sounds like a story to tell. A good one. I mean, love always jsut happens, and that's the good of it. And if you try to avoid it... it will crush you all the harder once it comes. So just be open to it, yes?" she notes, taking licks from her icecream in flight. "Besides, Billy is a good boy, and he's not that squishy. I mean, have you seen him getting hit in fights?"

Billy Batson has posed:
Men have a certain male intuition if you will. it's primary functions are 1) avoiding work and 2) finding steak. The third use is less common and dreaded: sensing when females are talking about you. In any case, he flies up to Sunny and offers her a PDA invite, an outstretched hand, respectful of ice cream and her space.

Audra Meridian has posed:
After all the frantic saving-the-day/world adventures in the Savage Lands and in space it was nice to get back to a nice, standard patrol on the lookout for both unusual weather phenomenon and nefarious activities. Sometimes it was just nice to cruise over a city, in what passes for normal as far as the lives of heroes go. It was a nice break.

It was also really boring, and while relaxing kind of dull.

So when Shazam also turned out to be in the area meeting with some others, she was all too happy to tag along and join the gathering. Her flight isn't nearly as extreme in speed as some of the others, but Windrose catches up with little difficulty, waving one gauntleted hand to the others as she throttles her thrusters a little. "Hey everybody."

Sunny Harlow has posed:
A little laugh at Julie's words and Sunny shrugs her shoulders before continuing her licks and giving a shake of her head. "Good boy?" she repeats before shaking her head. "I know he's only a year younger than me but you make him sound like a child!" She'd say more, but Shazam arrives and she gives a little reach to squeeze his hand with a laugh before licking her icecream. "If you make me drop this, I'm throwing you in the bay, you know that right?" she teases.

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam flexes his bicep and squeezes it a little. "I am confident of my chances in a scuffle with you." Then he gently gives her a little peck on the cheek. Ice cream damage averted. Hah. Oh Audra. "Hey Windrose, keeping weather safe and all that? We're heading to the Statue of Liberty to fight crime or something. you're welcome to join us."

Truth is, he saw Sunny fighting those Brainiac Drones and he was not quite as confident now as he was before. And she baked and sewed too.

Julie Power has posed:
"Do I?" Julie notes, laughing a moment as Sunny does, but taking the hint of Shazam rejoining them to drop that part of the topic. "Only when he's not Captain Thunder." Julie still adds, winking a moment.

"And I won't rescue you, for the destruction of Icecream is an atrocity." Then... Windrose joins them and Julie spins around, offering her free hand. "Hey! I'm Lightspeed and you... One of Shazam's friends I guess? Wait..." Turning back to Billy, Julie sends him a mock glare. "This is not a Harem Anime."

Audra Meridian has posed:
Audra Meridian accepts the offered hand and shakes with a grip of someone that's good at working with her hands. "Yeah, got mixed up in the group after a couple of misadventures. Not that I'm complaining. Go by Windrose." A pause, and then a bit of a snicker at the anime harem comment. "I don't think so, that would require him to be the only man." There's his brother, and Franklin, so we're safe. Maybe. "Patrol was what I was going to do so hey, better than having to meander about on my own."

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam watches as Sunny flies off suddenly to fight some crime. "Man, I pity those crooks if they make her spill that ice cream." He shrugs. She's a career girl. In any event they are at the big giant head. He lands and sits and pats an invitation. Too bad he drank all his coffee... Speaking of which...

"Uhm guys? Be right back." He flashes down to the restrooms, which get hit by lightning.

Julie Power has posed:
Julie Power settles on the spiked lady's head, leaning against one of the tips that formed her crown. "The view out here is great." Her rainbow icecream was halfway eaten by now. "Why you pity them? They brought it upon themselves by doing crooky things, right?"
Then she chuckles and gives Windrose a wink. "Do those count? Franklin is like BFF with my little sister and I don't think Freddy counts... that is, I guess Batwing counts. Because besides Franklin, Freddy, him and Batwing I think it's a girls party."

Audra Meridian has posed:
Some people are really into the fighting crime big or small routine. Windrose has been around enough of them by now to be use to the sudden departure to do their diligence. While Shazam has to.. take care of different personal business. Good thing the statue is a tourist attraction and has plenty of bathrooms.

She settles amongst the prongs of Lady Liberty's crown as well. "It is. And in general from an altitude. One of the things I enjoy about figuring out how to use my tech to fly." A pause as she grips the edge frame of her goggles and pulls them up. "That's a fair point. Probably better to not think too hard about it."

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam soon returns after another lightning strike on the restroom and being scolded by a ranger to stop screwing around he flies back up with another coffee. He settles down and sighs. "There was this magic guy, tried to steal the whole statue. Fire and Nitro drove him off... I had to catch it. I did obviously. Oh that sailboat is heeling over... sorry guys, i gotta run. No time for coffee."

Julie Power has posed:
"Well, if there is anything I *really* like, it's flying. And back in the day of Power Pack, I figured out a way to fly with all the powers I held. Still, I prefer being Lightspeed. I mean, the air on the face.... Call me a daredevil, but then you'd put me in the same can as a man clad in red with Tonfas."

Audra Meridian has posed:
Audra Meridian leans against the crown prong at her side to smirk at the other lady. "Hey, my day job is bravely, arguably stupidly for the sake of science chasing tornados, supercells and other weather hazards and study them." She makes a melodramatic general encompassing wave with the other arm. "I know all about the daredevil rush. The rush of air, definitely." Then reachs up to tap a lense of her goggles with a fingertip. "Debris in the eyes, not so much."