15432/Days of Past Future
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Days of Past Future | |
Date of Scene: | 22 July 2023 |
Location: | East Harlem |
Synopsis: | Cyber-Spider watch Golden Eagle handle things in Spanish Harlem, then chat about legends and quantum physics. |
Cast of Characters: | Miguel O'Hara, Yaretzi Acama
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
It's a little surreal to be here.
A long time...from now (damn time travel, shock you Veeres)...he will live here with his family, even though he had been an affair baby. The house was somewhere along this street here is East Harlem, AKA Spanish Harlem, AKA El Barrio. Even looking down from the roof of this apartment building, Miguel couldn't help overlaying the current landscape with the one he knew.
He looked around, then relaxed slightly. Some things had changed so much...
Well, SOME things didn't change at all.
He looked down to see two men on a motorcycle, gaining speed, the rear rider holding a purse in one clenched hand.
Time to go to work.
- Yaretzi Acama has posed:
Golden Eagle's out 'on patrol'... and, with her eagle eyes, she spots the purse-snatching. She comes down out of the sky, and... just scoops up the motorcycle with both its riders and says. "Now, now, pendejetes... you should know better than that in *this* neighborhood!", she says to them, and flies the motorcycle over to the woman whose purse was snatched. "Now, give the senorita back her purse, por favor", she says, all smiles, then her smile fades and her voice goes flat. "...before I get mad."
The purse is handed back hurriedly, and the men on the motorcycle apologize profusely. With that done, Golden Eagle puts the bike down and lets the men ride away, smiling as she's thanked by the woman and starts floating up into the sky.
It looks like El Barrio has its own superheroine taking care of it, in this day and age... she's not a very well-known hero, though. Someone paying attention to local news would've seen her every now and then, and it's clear she's a *local* hero, one who doesn't travel much, if at all.
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Well...THAT happened.
He even got to fire a webline over at the ledge of another six-story apartment building, and then...A bright light just swoops down out of the sky and just...plucks the motorcycle and potential snatch-and-grabbers off the street. Startled, Cyber-Spider watches as Golden Eagle reads them the riot act and convinces them to not only give back the purse, but also apologize at length before she puts them down and lets them ride off as the almost-robbed woman gives thanks in gratitude before just rising up into the air again, her job done.
Cy-Spi realized after a few moments that he was still holding onto the webline. Well...he wasn't going to need THIS anymore. It was a short-term one, ready to disappear into dust in five minutes, but he didn't want to drop it. It might land and stick to something.
After a few seconds, he simply stuck it to the ledge he was on before sitting back to ponder.
Maybe he should head back up to Gino's in Battery Park. It looked like Harlem was well in hand here. He was getting hungry, and a meatball calzone was starting to sound better and better.
In fact, the more he thought about it, the better it sounded...
- Yaretzi Acama has posed:
Of course, Golden Eagle's eyes are good. She spotted that purse-snatching from up in the sky, right? She also spotted someone up on a nearby rooftop, someone in what looks like a spider-suit. So, the good deed done, she flies up into the air and then over to where Cyber-Spider's at and floats down into his line of sight. "That'll go away, right, like one of Spidey's?", she asks, gesturing at the webline.
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
The guy in the blue suit with the red skull-motif spider on his chest looked at her for a moment before responding, "...Yes. Yes, it will. It won't actually take long, really. My setup's a little different than his..."
Something's bugging him (so to speak). He can't put his finger on it. He couldn't explain it. He ought to be glad she was able to handle it all without him needing to help. Maybe it was because he felt...slow. Like he couldn't react in time before the problem was resolved.
He hoped he wasn't sick or something.
"Don't worry. I'm not going to leave webs like Halloween is next week."
- Yaretzi Acama has posed:
"It'd be kinda cool if you came by around Halloween and left some that'd last a day or two, actually", is the heroine's reply, a grin on her lips as she puts her hands on her hips. "Don't think I've ever seen you around before, but you definitely look like one of Spidey's friends. What should I call you? I'm Golden Eagle", she says, introducing herself. After a moment, she floats over and, from flying, takes a step onto the rooftop as if it's simply second nature for her to being doing so.
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
The spider-senor shrugged. "Sorry. Twenty-four hours is as long as I can manage. You can call me...Cyber-Spider. Or Cy-Spi, if that's quicker."
Thanks, Honey Badger. It's a cool name.
"Nice to meet you, Goldie. I did see the purse-snatchers, but you intercepted them before I had a chance to. You move pretty fast."
- Yaretzi Acama has posed:
"That's a cool name!", Golden Eagle replies, smiling. Apparently, Honey Badger did come up with a good one. "As for those guys, I just figured I'd better not let 'em have a chance to get up to speed... they'd have been harder to catch, at that point", Golden Eagle says, looking down at the street from up here. "Sorry if I kinda stole your thunder, though", she adds.
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
The man looks to where the bike has disappeared in the distance. "Shouldn't apologize for acting. It's not like I have anything resembling an ego, anyway. I'm just worried that I'm slowing down. I should have acted faster than that, but...maybe I'm just having an off night." He shrugs again, a "What can ya do?" gesture. "Just hoping it doesn't happen again and there's no Eagle to jump in and handle things while I'm stuck in first gear."
- Yaretzi Acama has posed:
"If you got reflexes anything like Spidey's, you'll be fine!", Golden Eagle says with the wave of one hand. "... what brought you out this way, anyway?", she then wonders, aloud. "...and if something's bugging ya, giving you an off night kinda vibe, anything I can do to help?"
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Cy-Spi chuckled. "Ahh, don't worry about me. Fourth-dimensional problems. I'm just...I kinda wanted to check out the neighborhood, see what it looks like."
He leaned forward slightly, looking down at the street, the people walking along the sidewalks, kids playing in a lawn-watering gadget attached to a hose.
"It's a lot different than the one I know."
- Yaretzi Acama has posed:
"Fourth-dimensional...?", the heroine wonders. A few moments pass as she pouts a little in thought. "You mean, like, time-travel stuff?", she eventually questions. She eyes Cy-Spi for a moment. "You don't look like you're from the past -- so you're from, like, the future?"
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Cy-Spi chuckles. "SOME future. Not this one. Never heard of any place called Gotham City, or Metropolis, before I arrived here. So I'm in SOMEONE'S past...just not my own." He chuckles wryly. "If I was from the past, I wouldn't be wearing Unstable-Molecule Fabric. I know THAT stuff is rare even in THIS day and age. I'd probably be wearing a trenchcoat and fedora if I was from the past..."
- Yaretzi Acama has posed:
Golden Eagle grins, nodding her head. "Yeah, probably... and that sounds like some real high-tech stuff!", she says, about the fabric. "...and if you never heard of Gotham or Metropolis, I guess you hadn't heard of Batman and Superman, too?" Hands back on her hips. "They're a couple of my favorites, especially Superman... and Wonder Woman, too! Them and Cap, they're my most favorite heroes", she says, her tone getting just a -little- fan-girlish, and she seems to not have realized she shortened that one hero's name to a simple three-letter appellation.
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Cy-Spi shook his head. "Nope. No one I ever heard of dressed like a bat...no square-jawed giants with a big S on their chest, and certainly no warrior woman from some hidden island." He looks around. "I've read about them, but I doubt I'll ever meet any of them. We don't exactly run in the same circles."
- Yaretzi Acama has posed:
"Yeah, same here", Golden Eagle replies. "I've met Shazam, though... he's okay. Kinda goofy", she says, grinning as she speaks of the hero that way. "... and I met some new guy, calls himself 'Invincible'. Never heard of him before, and he looks young, too -- s'why I figure he's new", she says. "And Spidey, of course... though, I guess he'd make my top faves four, isntead of just three. I guess I kinda lost track of him, 'cause I'm talking to another spider guy", she adds, giggling.
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Cy-Spi's stance gets a little less relaxed. "Yes, I know Spider-Man. Hard not to...in my future else-verse, he's one of the greatest heroes that ever existed. He's...well, he's a LEGEND." He looks around, then adds quietly, "Don't tell HIM that, though. Probably best he doesn't know how big a deal he is...or will be."
- Yaretzi Acama has posed:
"Well, I know stuff about him that you might not know... maybe... I dunno what all someone from the future would know about him, after all", Golden Eagle says, chuckling a bit. "Don't worry. He hears how awesome he is from other people all he time, and he *definitely* don't let it get to his head -- he beats himself up all the time all on his own", she adds, lifting one hand to gesticulate sorta randomly as she speaks.
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
"Best you don't tell me. I don't want to frag anything up for him, or us. His real identity was never revealed, so he is a legendary enigma, as well."
He looked around. "So, he's something of a role model, and a hard act to follow. But I'm trying my best." He looks down at a couple with two kids walking along the sidewalk with energy in their walk. He wondered if his great-grandpapa was down there, somewhere.
"I'm managing, in spite of being an..." He chuckles again. "...an illegal immigrant."
- Yaretzi Acama has posed:
"Hey... all anyone can do is try their best. It's what Spidey does, day in and day out", Golden Eagle says, smiling. She arches an eyebrow, too, at the illegal immigrant comment. "So... go register or however it's done?", she suggests. Clearly, she's not an immigrant, and doesn't really know how it's done. "Heck, I bet there's other heroes out there with the right connections and stuff to make it happen for you under the table, too, if that's what you need?"
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Cy-Spi shook his head. "I have a strong aversion to corporate-backed groups, especially people who would ask about where...and then WHEN...I came from. I've seen how such groups work. Curtain A is experimentation. Curtain B is indentured servitude, and Curtain C is being put in a concrete box so 320 million Americans can sleep a little easier. No thank you."
- Yaretzi Acama has posed:
Golden Eagle nods. "Well, I'm sure there's something you can do about it. I just... don't really know what", she adds, her tone sounding a little apologetic. "... where're you living if you're ... uhm... undocumented?", she asks, sounding like she's not sure how to say it, until she settled for the 'PC' term.
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Cy-Spi glanced around. No buzzing in the brain.
"One of those pay-by-the-week places. Commonly do work as a day-laborer, but came into some cash no one is going to risk prison time attempting to claim it. But I live frugally - the last thing I need is someone asking, 'Hey...wasn't he POOR last week?' I have to be careful spending that kind of money. But until something changes, this is where I am. At least I vacated the homeless shelter in Brooklyn."
- Yaretzi Acama has posed:
What she hears makes Golden Eagle pout, and not the 'thinking' kinda pout. She doesn't like what she heard, apparently. "You really oughta try and find some way to not hafta be hiding like that all the time. Ain't fair that you hafta do so", she says, putting her hands on her hips and putting off airs of being 'in a huff' over what she's heard. "Wish I could do something to help, but, well, I wouldn't know where to even start!", she adds.
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Cy-Spi chuckles. "Not your build, not your code errors. I...wait." He paused, thought, then whispered, "Did I get that wrong, Lyla?"
A delicate female voice responded from somewhere on his suit, "The current version is...not your circus, not your monkeys."
"Right. What she said. Anyway, it's my problem, not yours. I'll manage while hopefully breaking as few laws as possible. But what can I do when my Nueva York ID and Ph.D. won't be valid for another 70 years? I do what I can while doing as little damage as possible."
- Yaretzi Acama has posed:
The interplay makes Golden Eagle giggle. "Both versions are pretty good, even if the first one's kinda computer-geeky", she says. "Do you really have a talking computer?", she asks... then her eyes widen. "Oh my gosh! Is that a *real* AI, like the futuristic ones from the movies?", she kinda gushes.
Then, hearing what else Miguel has to say, she calms down. "Didn't you just say you're not in your past?", she queries, holding up a hand to count on her fingers as she goes on. "One, you never heard of Gotham. Two, you never heard of Metropolis. Three, you never heard of the *big time* heroes that come from those cities. ... ding, ding, ding! You're not in your past, just like you said. How can you 'mess up your future'?"
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Cy-Spi looks to Golden Eagle. "I have no idea where the variables and constants are, and until I can get back to my future, if I EVER do, it seems like a very bad idea to introduce ideas and concepts that pre-date their natural development."
- Yaretzi Acama has posed:
"Dude, if you get back to your future, it's *your* future, not mine. Is doing anything *here* gonna make Metropolis and Gotham, and Bats and Supes, just suddenly appear in your future?", Golden Eagle asks. "Just... relax. I'm pretty sure you didn't go just a simple Back to the Future thing, here. You're, like, in a whole other reality, like when they do time travel stuff in Star Trek. It's a different reality, completely!" She gestures with both hands, this time, still rather randomly but intended to help emphasize the point she's trying to make.
- Miguel O'Hara has posed:
Cy-Spi tries to remain patient. "Gold, my Ph.D. is in genetics, not quantum physics. Trying to imagine all the ways this could end badly is beyond my capability to calculate, and it's a temporal Pandora's Box if I opened it."
He looks towards central Manhattan. "Listen, I need to get going. There are a few things I have to check up on before I have to get six hours of sleep before I have to get up for work." He looks around, then to GE. "I have no doubt you've got Spanish Harlem covered."
- Yaretzi Acama has posed:
"Come by and visit whenever you want, okay?", is Golden Eagle's reply. "And, seriously, think about what I said. You can't change your world's future by living in this one, 'cause it ain't the same world. Ain't about quantum whatevers, it's just common sense!", she says, lifting a hand and waggling fingers as a goodbye wave.