15570/Fist In Your Face

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Fist In Your Face
Date of Scene: 08 August 2023
Location: Downtown New York City
Synopsis: A quick in and out for a fight where Peeg gets back before the ice cream has melted.
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, Karen Starr

Emma Frost has posed:
It was a generally chaotic day over in the City of Dreams - or however one might call it. Karen Starr and Emma Frost were meeting over in a small cafe to discuss some business arrangements. It was hot and humid outside, and Emma had chosen to have the two meet somewhere that had excellent ice cream.

Karen Starr has posed:
Karen is in her civvies at the moment; an expensive women's suit sized to fit her. The business conversation has been good and productive to start with, covering matters between Starrware and Frost Industries. But the shining moment so far is the ice cream. Karen has a sweettooth. And she's got a dish of strawberry in one hand, spoon in the other, as she lightly noms at it. "Good choice."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "Yes, we can get these delivered, but it's not the same when you've had to freeze it for the twenty minutes it takes a drone to bring it over. They're much better when they're fresh. And your company.." Emma's going to muse over on some business details..

Right over along the street there's a loud shriek and a.. Series of twenty foot tall giant nutcracker styled robots are stomping past.

Karen Starr has posed:
Karen nods in agreement, pausing with the spoon in her mouth, and hears the screaming. There's a light *tink* as the blonde bites through the spoon in annoyance, before discretely spitting it back into the bowl, and sighing. "Lovely. Just lovely." She stands. "Going to have to change and take care of this, unless someone comes along here in the next moment or two."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would sigh, "I'll manage it." Emma goes to hold her hand out, "Do be quick, hopefully you can handle this before the ice starts to melt." She goes to fold her hands.. And to anyone watching, there's an illusion of Karen Starr sitting next to her, looking out and just staring at what's going on.

Walking along hte street are an array of nutcrackers and various other holiday sorts of clockwork styled things.

"Time to Roast your chestnuts! It's Christmas in JULLLY!" Never mind it was August.

Karen Starr has posed:
Karen hands over her ice cream, and when the illusion is there, she zips out at super-speed, changing as she goes. The Maid of Might zips back onto the scene, hovering there in front of the robots. "Hmm. Toyman? Or do we have some new Christmas-themed nutjob around?" She asks. She bobs there, twenty feet above the street, looking annoyed. "If you leave, right now, you get to keep your expensive toys. Otherwise, I get to play rock-em-sock-em robots."

Emma Frost has posed:
The group of giant Nutcrackers go to cackle over at Power Girl. "Time to crack the shell! And get to the roasted bits inside!" They go to chant, and move to blast over at her with flamethrowers! Which are blasting napalm jelly at her through some sort of compressed air blaster. Dangerous! ... if she weren't a Kryptonian where at mos tit might muss wiht her hair.

Karen Starr has posed:
Yeah, napalm-level fire isn't really going to go much to a Kryptonian. She gets hit with it, and it might look as if she gets set aflame, but it's really just the fuel burning. She gives a sigh, and does a quick scan with x-ray vision, making sure that the robots are, indeed, robots. Unmanned, with no one in there to hurt if she goes to town on them. Be bad form to punch through their chests if there was a pilot in there.

Emma Frost has posed:
They're automated, running on bulky electronics. Store bought, even. Well, if one could buy in sufficient bulk to make things this size. Probably Toyman. Well, who else would make giant robots going on a rampage singing demented Chrsitmas music?

Karen Starr has posed:
Too many civilians here on a city street. Needs to take them out in a way that isn't going to risk anyone. So, Power Girl takes a deep breath, ignoring the fire around her, and then lets it out, letting a blast of her freezing breath aimed low, aiming to freeze the bots in place. Plus, if they decide to use their flamethrowers, it'll likely be on the ice, which'll just melt it into water. Either way, it should keep them busy for a while.

Emma Frost has posed:
The group has their hands frozen on! They're definitely not going to use those bits anytime soon - until it melts. And each of them then unlocks a large piece of artillery on thier backs that are loaded with some sort of shrapnel round! They go to point over at her at near point blank range, flashing and cackling and calling out.. "JINGLE BELLS/BATMAN SMELLS/" And then attempt to fire!

Karen Starr has posed:
Which...gets what they might expect. The projectiles flatten against Kryptonian skin to no real avail. "Okay. Tired of being Miss Nice Girl." Power Girl says, shaking her head. She took a look at the robots with X-Ray vision; noting the power source probably wasn't hard. So, she punches up the speed, to punch /through/ the robots. Punch in, grab out power source, pull out. Probably the quickest way to stop these things without a risk to the surrounding area.

Emma Frost has posed:
Smash on! Lights off! She's able to quickly smash and bash her way through them. Along hte way with taking out a variety of other booby traps within them and other weapons. Each of the robots in turns promptly goes to collapse down in a slow slosh towards the ground.

Karen Starr has posed:
It doesn't take long, even without using her superspeed. The power sources get crunch-squished and dropped one after the other. Once she's got the robots disabled, she takes a moment to listen and make sure the authorities are almost here. Power Girl's done their work for them, but she's not going to stick around for the cleanup. So, when they're almost gone, there's a sudden barely-visible blur as she superspeeds out, and then there's a flicker inside Emma's illusion as she takes the same position and place it is.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would go to let the illusion slide by. "Good, you didn't let it go cold. It hasn't melted. I do wonder at what point in our lives this sort of scenario became the norm. Does that take something away from it all? Have we just become innured?" She's amused.

Karen Starr has posed:
Karen takes her dish, and purses her lips, letting out just a quick, inconspicuous burst of freeze breath into the dish to firm her icecream back up. "Blame it on the superhero age. Honestly, I'd figured the Avengers would have shown up. Guess they decided it wasn't a photo op." She picks the bowl of the spoon out. "I need a new spoon."

And with that, she'll go to get one, returning to her much more peaceful conversation. And ice cream. Mustn't forget that.