15993/Now that we're here
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Now that we're here | |
Date of Scene: | 08 October 2023 |
Location: | Madripoor streets |
Synopsis: | X-Force finds an avenue in for more information from a Lantham Grant. Slowly Madripoor is giving up some secrets. |
Cast of Characters: | Neena Thurman, Cable, Monet St. Croix
- Neena Thurman has posed:
For those who are used to the seasons that actually change, the fact that it's October might be a bit difficult to fully comprehend. The heat, the moist, sticky, damp.. all those words that just describe 'unpleasantly wet' apply here in Madripoor. Why anyone would want to visit here much less live here, well, there are reasons.
Always reasons.
Domino's reasons are varied and it really depends upon the day, the hour, the minute, or whatever her whim might be as to what the current reason may be. This time around, it's not so much 'protect the ruling from a coup' so much as 'they know we're here and we're now targets, duh..'. But, the benefits are still in the lead, so there's that.
For now.
Driving a motorcycle at its top speed through small, side streets with 3 other motorcycles in hot pursuit might actually mean that the benefit/risk ratio might be revisited. Later. Over a beer. For now?
Domino is leaning forward in the handlebars, in a 'halfseat' with her coal-black hair whipping in the wind, and she's twisting back to shoot a proper .45 back at her pursuers. She's got a grin on her face even as she looks forward once more, only to have to pull up the frontend of the bike in order for it to make it up and over a small peugeot. Landing again, the bike spins, it sides, and Domino takes the ride until she can't anymore, and does 'an unintentional dismount'.
- Cable has posed:
Madripoor is not the sort of place that most decent people want to find themselves in. At any time.
But then some might question just how decent a sort of person Cable is, all things considered. So while Madripoor might be almost the stereotypical hive of scum and villainy, it is not without it's uses.
For instance, it is a wonderful place to gather information about any sort of illict activity. It is a pretty decent place to lay low as no one with an ounce of sense would come looking for you here. It is also a pretty good place to blow off some steam. Especially if one's notion of blowing off steam is getting into fights. One is almost guaranteed to end up in some sort of fight in Madripoor sooner or later.
It is also possible to substitute a good chase for a fight too, which seems to be the order of the day this time. As Domino goes whipping through the streets, chased by three similar sleek machines, one might wonder where her backup is? It's a fair question.
In chases -- as in life -- sometimes timing is everything and as those trio of bikes chase after Domino a heavily modified pick-up truck suddenly comes screaming out of a nearby alleyway and blows directly into the rearmost rider, the improvised sheet-metal cow-catcher that has been mounted on the front of the truck sending both bike and rider flying, slamming into one of the buildings lining the street.
The driver? Cable of course, a tight grin on his face.
- Monet St. Croix has posed:
And M is going along as backup. At least not blatantly as backup. She's not -quite- sure what Spot is up to, but it's easy enough to prseume it will involve things exploding and catching on fire. But from her experience that seems almost a consistent on those times she's been out in the field with the other woman.
M is up about fifteen or so meters, flying at a speed to keep up with the motorcycles, coordinating her presence over with Neena telepathically.
Her outfit is dark, and she's surprisingly meshing well into the background. It helps being three or so stories up when the chaos is on the ground and.. It's Madripoor. Is anyone going to bother with somtehing that's not bothering them when they can keep thier head down, run thier own cons, and have to deal with the ninjas that may or may not burst through at any given moment?
Cable is there for the rescue, and Monet is content to for now play the secondary backup. Because it's never going to just be one group of motorcycles after them. Ther will always be more. Cable's vehicle is at least a bit classier than the Punisher's Battle Van
- Neena Thurman has posed:
As the motorcycle continues its high-speed slide, Domino's gaining her feet in a roll, a push-up from a shoulder, and in her hand, that ever-faithful .45. She's not in one place for very long, and her body seems to take in all the tactical information in rapid synaptic fashion, and she moves before she can even think about it. Up onto one of the other parked cars, a DeuxChevaux, and takes a rolled leap up to a window on the second floor.
Nate's arrival gains a wide grin to match his own ebullient expression (come on, he's having fun!) and yells out, "Hey sailor, going my way?" before taking aim at one of the other riders.
Monet, well.. ninjas? There are always ninjas. While the trio are each others' back-up, of course the bikers chasing Dom through the streets have compatriots. Bullets *ping* at the side of Cable's van, some possibly poking holes and thus, rounds ricocheting around the inside of the cab. There's a nest, Monet...
- Cable has posed:
The pick-up of course has been heavily modified and looks like something more appropriately out of Mad Max then anything that should be driving around the streets of a city.
But this is Madripoor so it should hardly come as a surprise that it draws only slightly more attention then any other vehicle driving through the streets of the city would. And probably less then some high-end sportscar would in this neighborhood might, given that this at least looks like it would likely be a big ol' pain in the ass to steal.
The truck has been armored up with those additional sheets of metal draped over it, but it's not a tank. And there is only so much that one can do to stop heavy assault rifle fire. It's certainly not out of the question that their opposition might have even heavier weapons available to them.
Of course Nate has a trick or too up his sleeve as well, and even as that rifle fire from above starts to make the truck look more like a block of swiss cheese, he throws up those telekinetic shields, keeping any of the rounds from getting close.
"You know it!" he calls back to his long time partner, rather casually reaching over to the other seat. And when his hand returns to view, he is holding his customary plasma cannon there, pointing it out the window and sending a burst of violent green energy screaming towards another of those riders. "Lets motor."
- Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet is flying along parallel to the ground. The threat so far can be handled by Neena and Cable. SHe's as backup if need be. She keeps herself even with the duo and still up about three stories. That's when she goes to pick up over on the.. Nest? No, that's not the right term..
The gaggle? The murder? The pajamas? There's a group of marauders that might as well be flying along the rooftops. At least jumping along it at high speed. Monet can't tell from her position whether they have the signs of the Foot, the Hand, the League of Assassins, or any of the other nigh countless clans of specialized, stealthy murderers that wear pajamas.
<<We have a.. Possible issue.>> She goes to send along the observations down to Cable and Domino.
Pictures of the coming pajama clad assaillants. At least one of them which has a blade as vastly over-proportioned to thier body as Cable's guns sometimes are if Tabby is the one that's carrying one of them. <<Engage or not?>>
- Neena Thurman has posed:
All this because Domino thinks that being 'escorted in' via thugs to see someone is just not her style. To be fair, it's not. So, messages are being sent on both sides; it's just a matter of arriving to an understanding is all.
Lantham Grant. One of the middle-players in Madripoor. Not too high so that he's not in sights, and not low enough to be at least modestly feared.
Domino catches the gun-holes in the side of the van and winces. There's an immediate though fleeting concern for her (inarguably) best friend; he's got it under control. She's got faith in him, though should something happen, this island will be levelled.
Just as Nate is straightening up with his plasma cannon, the albino merc is sliding into the seat, though it's a rather bumpy landing. There's a quick black-lipped grin, and she's up and running towards the back of the van to push open the back. There's an arsenal back there, and pulling a grenade launcher, she's calling up, "Time to target?" Time to visit Lantham!
As for Monet? Heh... a pajama of ninjas work, and as to what body part they're claiming, it's all essentially the same. Bring a sword to a gun fight! "Monet? Hell yeah. Play with 'em until we get to our destination."
- Cable has posed:
While Cable can be patient when required, for the most part he is pretty good at making the most of his time.
So in this instance Domino has barely thrown herself into the passenger side door then Nate is already slamming on the gas, that heavily modified pick-up not exactly barrelling forward with all the additions that have been made to it. Still, by the time sshe manages to retrieve that grenade launcher they are probably moving at a bette clip. And once they get moving, they're pretty hard to slow down with all that extra weight.
"Well, unless we want to bring a whole bunch of uninvited guests with us we might need to take a few extra minutes," Cable admits, starting to barrel down the street once more, still half hanging out the side window so that he can line up his next shot with that cannon so casually gripped in one hand. It's pretty much a given that he is resorting to telekinetic shenanigans to keep that thing level.
"And I figure that coming with extra company would be rude, so I guess we'd better take care of them," the future soldier adds mildly, another deadly green pulse exploding out of his gun towards the onrushing motorcycle, the driver never even having a chance to swerve before being enveloped in that explosion.
The truck passes right on through unphased with only a jostling bump as they runover whatever remains.
"There's the empty lot two blocks up where the new casino is going up. Good place to deal with some ninjas. Unless you think you've got it M?" Cable says, slipping back into the truck just in time, giving the wheel a violent turn. For a moment the vehicle shudders, but then it manages to make that turn, screaming down the alley and smashing through the chainlink fence at the end of it before bursting out onto another street.
Up ahead, the chosen spot for the battlefield unless Monet deals with the distraction first.
Then it's on to Lantham Grant.
- Monet St. Croix has posed:
There's a bit of a doubletake from Monet as she picks up from Neena that this is normal for this city. She goes to grumble along the mental link, even as there's something that's thought in an impolite and inappropraite comment in her mindscape that the other two can get.
At the authorization to engage, Monet goes to dive bomb her targets. Even as she goes to intercept them along the rooftops! She goe sto charge in fists first! And her first attempted target vanishes over ina cloud of smoke, reappearing several meters to her flank. Her mind has time to process 'What' even as two more go to strike a ther! She goes to brace to take it, even as highly electrified melee weapons dig into her! she goes to scream in pain as she's paralyzed and spasms!
Then the ninja on the flank of her goes to hit her wiht a quick palm strike, and the one with the huge sword that's taller than Neena is goes to slash at her as she flies to the side! <<I have the situation under control!>> Monet is not going to admit she's losing to a group of pajama clad hoodlums even as she goes to tear herself free and goes to throw her fist at another as the fist flies through them, an afterimage. She goes to blast out with telepathy and moves to hurl herself at them anew!
Even as a smoke bomb goes down, and the murder of assassins vanishes, leaving her battered, bruised, bladed, and totally not going to mention this in the after action report. <<Threat has disengaged>>
- Neena Thurman has posed:
Cable has the patience of a saint, or rather, of a soldier who can wait for the optimum time to move where it would do the most 'good'. And, he is a man who makes every move count. He has to, and has had to simply to survive, and Domino can completely understand that. In comparison, however, she's a chaos-engine, which to be fair, is the only way she can get her mutant power to fire up and be on point. All of //this// is so she can be revved up and ready for whatever is truly facing them.
Lantham Grant.
"You're so polite," Domino teases. "But, you're right. Too many mouths to feed, and I want all the little canapes for myself." Like it's going to be a civilized meeting? Ha. "Or just fewer guns that could potentially be aimed our way." Okay, more like it.
Domino looks up, putting out a hand to steady herself from the jostling. "How's M doing up there?" Her own psychic connection is tenuous. It's not something she likes, and only truly puts up with it from one person... and only in.. certain moments.
"Let's hit the empty lot. Have M join us there."
Sorry Monet.. your message of the fact that you had the situation under control? One thing that is near impossible to do is to LIE in a mental communication. It's mind to mind... so good luck there!
"If she's okay, it's time to pay a call. I think he might have gotten the message. Assuming the phones work here."
- Cable has posed:
In all fairness the name Lantham Grant does sound like the sort of guy who would serve you canapes even if he planned on sticking a knife or bullet in your back moments later.
And Madripoor has all sorts. This part of the city is right on the board of the rich city center and the slums that surround it, so really he could be either sort of criminal. Who knows? Maybe they will get some decent food afterall.
Though Cable might have a little more faith in some beer and pizza.
"I try to exhibit my good manners every now and then," Cable agrees with that tight smile, tearing through traffic. In some cases literally. He does rearend the back of an unfortunate hybird, that big metal weapon on the front of the pickup quite literally shearing through the back left end of the car, sparks flying as it is dragged along for a moment before spun away.
Cable can be a little hard on vehicles. And not just his own. Though it would be hard to claim that he hasn't mastered the art of defensive driving. And offensive driving for that matter.
If the grizzled soldier has any concerns about Monet and her handling of the ninjas he certainly gives no sign of it, regardless of any hint of her struggle is leaking through that telepathic connection. He's pretty good about giving his teammates the benefit of the doubt -- right up until they show that he shouldn't at any rate. He seems to trust that she will get the last of these nagging little barriers to where the need to be.
Speaking of where they need to be, Cable casually has the pickup jump the curb, barrelling right into yet another obstacle -- this time the locked gate that seals off the costruction sight. The barrier meets the pickup and yet again the truck wins to remain the undefeated champion on the day.
Construction hasn't begun and while there are mounds of materials scattered about and pieces of equipment, the area is otherwise wide open -- perfect for dealing with ninjas. Turning the wheel hard and jamming on the breaks, he spins the pickup to a stop, body of the vehicle running parralel to that now open gate.
"They should still work. I didn't knock over any cell towers on my way over, honest," Cable promises with a faint smirk, opening his door and sliding out. "You want the cannon mounted in the back or are you gonna play with that grenade launcher?"
- Monet St. Croix has posed:
Flying along through the air, Monet goes to send back a firm 'situation handled' thought along the mental link. It's coming across as very much in denial that the other two might be amused by - or not. Monet is going to at least keep herself centered now. She wasn't hurt by the short melee, just flustered. Her outfit.. Well, she didn't wear her -really- good ones over to Madripoor. They were going to get ruined anyways, no sense in having something she cared for.
Seh goes to fly down over to meet up over with the two and then goes to scan the area ahead. Not using her telepathy - Cable has tha thandled better than she can, and has far more experience. Instead, Monet is going to use her slightly enhanced senses to try and pick up anything she can over and around.
"Have you considered just using a landline? They have far better reception and are less prone to fritz out when there's something exploding." Them and the semi legendary phone booths which are said to populate dark corners out of the public consciousness.
"This area seems fitting for an ambush." Aww, she's learning!
- Neena Thurman has posed:
It's all about the canapes!
Domino barks a laugh at Cable's defensiveness regarding his manners. The quirked grin remains behind, and those blue eyes are sparkling, clear and bright against the backdrop of the stark black and pale white. "Every now and again. Even here."
Now, she's holding on, leaning out to close the back door once again. Nothing behind them, and there's no way they'll be able to hit them within, not with what she figures he's got going on, that is, a shield. He's good about that when they're in close.
The van isn't built for real offroading, or rather, the shocks and struts aren't, so a grip has to be held a little firmly, though she's not giving up the grenade launcher in the other hand. Not by a longshot.
The crash through the gate and into the construction zone has the albino merc grinning like a fiend; she's having way too much fun for this to be a serious mission. Or perhaps it is because it //is// a serious mission that she's enjoying herself.
The truck spins in a circle, making that 'donut' in the lot, kicking up dirt and debris. Once it's at a full stop, Domino pushes the back doors open and hops out from the back, keeping her back to the side of the truck for cover and protection. "It felt like it. 'Can you hear me now?!'." The grin hasn't abated, however, from the merc.
"I'll stick with the grenade launcher, but not going to lie... that cannon is a tease."
Monet's joining them has Domino grinning at the other woman. "Get with the program, M. Technology just needs to be better is all. Jeez, it's still vulnerable to EMPs." She looks around when M has her comment, and nodding slowly, Domino agrees. "Yup. Also for a counter ambush. But, it may be okay. See?"
After a few minutes, there is a progression of cars, at least a 'progression' as far as Madripoor goes. That'd be... 3 cars.
It's the poor-man's thug cars. Black sedans, though they're older and have seen better days. Mismatched hubcaps, or none at all one tires. Key-scratches across the sides of the doors.. they pull in one by one. The last car must not have an experienced thug-driver in that he doesn't actually park in the path of the exit.
He'll learn.
- Cable has posed:
It's not that the stakes aren't high on this mission.
It's that it's all more personal. Sure, they will probably save lives and do good if they manage all of this. But mainly it is a lot of people gunning for them instead of them trying to save people. In many ways that's just easier. Throwing themselves into harms way is pretty much already second nature to them afterall. Why not just sit back and enjoy the ride? And the many, many explosions that will surely go along with it.
"What can I say? If a flatbed mounted machine gun is good, this is even better," the grizzled future soldier retorts with a tight grin for Domino, one hand resting on the side of the truck as he rather casually hauls himself up and over it, landing hard enough to actually shake the whole back of that vehicle.
Yep, definitely need heavy duty shocks. All those modifications and he didn't bother to take care of that. It's possible that Cable might be a little too focused on weapons and armor sometimes. Or it just could be that this was always going to be a throw-away vehicle, as much fun as he might be having with it.
Either way, as Monet rejoins them with mostly her outfit the worse for wear from her encounter, Cable is already taking his place behind that oversized weapon mounted in the back, leaning on it casually and only straightening a little when the first of those vehicles begin to roll onto the site.
"Oh good, company's here. I think we're up for entertaining, even if the place is a bit of a mess," Nate says casually.
- Monet St. Croix has posed:
As the beat up looking vans go to arrive, Monet St. Croix just finally goes to force a sigh from her lips. "They really are operating on a low budget, aren't they? This is pathetic." Wha'ts next? The vehicles having neon advertising on the side to help pay part time to work as taxis? Someone is trying to feel smug again while looking over at them.
"Your show." She would gesture over to Cable and look over at the cars. And then moves to the side where she's partially behind cover. And can leap up and charge over at the vans to give backup, grab Cable or Domino to move them, or pick up things to throw at the arrivals. She's in a ready position. not directly in line of sight, and crouching some to help minimize her profile.
Time to see what the local gang of idiots is up to that's taken them all the way out here.
- Neena Thurman has posed:
It's a strange reason they're there. Helping the government, the devil that is known from the devils that aren't, that is, all these little upstarts that are fighting for primacy. Who knows who is going to come up on top? Machinations and meetings behind closed doors; shadowed allies that may help or hinder, depending upon the price?
They can at least feel good that there's purpose, AND have some fun blowing things up when people get in their way. It's a win-win for X-Force. A handful of mercs versus an entire corrupt island.
They don't have a chance. The island, that is.
The dark colored cars stop, and from the first car, a pair of men in grey suits exit the front. They don't look too comfortable in the heat and humidity, what with jackets and ties. Even Domino isn't wearing her full leathers, instead leaving her arms bared. In the back car, again, 2 exit the vehicle, one guy wiping his brow with the back of his hand before the four of them walk to the car in the center.
From the back, a rather .. nerdy looking guy exits. He's tall, lanky, his hair is thinning and he wears glasses. Very tech-y, and not very.. thuggy.
Domino stands there for a long moment before she breaks out in laughter. The howls rise and it takes her a moment before she's wiping her eyes. "You have got to be kidding..."
Shaking her head, Domino levels her grenade launcher at the middle car and calls out, "Okay. Give. What's going on?"
- Cable has posed:
Look, they don't always show the best form when it comes to the whole winning friends and influencing people.
They are made up of people who, for the most part, prefer to let their work do the talking. It tends to work out for them pretty well. It's hard to argue with their success rate.
Up in the back of that flatbed, Cable definitely has the high ground and if it makes him a little more of a target, that doesn't really seem to bother him very much. Either way, he remains behind that big cannon, offering a pretty big threat all things considered. But he does not simply open fire either.
Oh, Cable won't hesitate to take them out of course, if they give him a reason. But that's not what they're here for, not without cause at the very least.
Either way, Domino set this up and the grizzled soldier is more then happy to let her do the talking. Though like her he can't help but smirk a little when all their show, their efforts to seem intimidate them culminates in... a rather unlikely finally appearance out of that back car, th etechy looking man not exactly inspiring a lot of fear.
While Cable knows that appearances can be deceiving, a little mockery, well times and delivered can make a difference in these sorts of meets.
It can also lead to brutal violence. But he's okay with that too.
- Neena Thurman has posed:
Even Justin Hammer is more intimidating than this guy, and that is saying a whole lot. "Say something that will keep me from blowing up your cars," Domino goes from laughter to complete deadpan in the span of seconds, and the fact that that grenade launcher is being held so steady?
She's a whole lot more intimidating.
Lantham Grant, or rather, the man presumed to be him, pulls out a handkerchief slowly to wipe the sweat from his brow. Domino quirks a brow and her head cants, "You're not from around here." It's a statement rather than a question. In a slow exhale, the albino lowers her weapon slowly, even as the man before her keeps his hands where she can see them.
"I wanted to meet you," he begins, his tones a touch nasal. "I heard you were here from others. I thought that.."
"You thought that if you got us, that'd give you some credit," Domino finishes.
"No no," he tries to assure her, everyone, perhaps a little desperation creeping into his tones. "If we worked together. You need me... you.. uh.."
Domino arches her brow again, her head dipping before her hand rolls in that 'keep going' gesture.
The man looks around, quite obviously concerned before continuing, "I know who some of the other real players are, and I can get you to them before they know you're even aware of them."
- Cable has posed:
Well, they have net Kabtgan Grant. And he's a little less than impressive.
But that doesn't mean that he can't do what he says. By all accounts he is a middling player in a city overrun with them. His entrance suggests that he is not without resources, but he doesn't exactly have enough to make a truly splashy entrance. It all feels right at least, and in Madripoor that can be a pretty good indication that things are as they seem.
But it's not a gaurantee.
Either way, Cable steps out from behind that big cannon. Unless they're hiding something pretty damn impressive in one of those cars the soldier from the future can manage well enough with just his telekinesis if required. And, of course, he has his own hand cannon too if things get rough. That's more then enough.
So again he plants one of his hands against some of the extraneous armored plating welded to the side of the pickup and casually hops off the back of that truck, moving to loom beside Domino as they face down their opposites.
Just because the man might be able to do what he says, doesn't necessarily make him their best choice forward. But on this Cable is willing to defer to Domino. She's a little more tied into Madripoor these days. That can count for a lot.
"Well then, I guess you better get to the point then. Before we decide that you're wasting our time," he offers up curtly. He doesn't quite come out and explicit lay out a threat. But then, he probably doesn't have to.
- Monet St. Croix has posed:
This isn't particularly that impressive. Monet is tempted to just probe the man's mind, see what htere is in it, an dthen throw it out. But, that's not her call. And Cable will be far better at it than she would anyways. she goes to cross her arms and resists the tmeptation to lean over agaisnt the construction beams that are near her. THat would be lsoppy and have her stand out too much.
She goes to evaluate the area. Looking for possible threats, vantage points, and other things which would be of use if there's a melee. Large crane with rope, cement mixer, bulldozer.. Dump Truck.. Power shovel.. Front loader.. Steam shovel.. All of them painted a hideously grotesque shade of bright green that's practically glow in the dark levels and garish.
For whatever reason, it just strikes her all the more ridiculous. Going to pay strict attention over to the man that's in for the time of his life from the future soldier soldier and the mercenary mutant that makes her own luck and all the odds in her favor.
- Neena Thurman has posed:
It really is to Grant's credit that he doesn't pee himself when he sees the larger than life man loom towards him, towards them to stand beside the diminuative albino merc. She's scary in her own way, but imposing, Domino is not. Her reputation, however, does claim some very wild things, and after meeting her for even these few minutes, he can believe every single story.
"I-I-I.." the stuttering begins, "I can't do it here. Meet me at Tech Palace at ten tomorrow night, and I'll have names for you."
For those psychics, he pretty much is telling the truth. He's too scared, really, to do anything other than that. (He's a bad liar.)
Domino nods her head once, and exhales, her gaze moving to Cable first, "A day more of free time. I'm sure we can think of something to do."
Monet's watching over them also gains Domino's attention, and she nods her head once. They can go.
"Okay," the albino merc returns to Grant, "We'll know if you try something."
With that.. those in the first two cars escort Lantham Grant back to his car, and each get into their own respective vehicles. As they pull away, Domino looks disappointed,
"I really don't think he's from around here. After this, I think we should get him off the island." Their good deed? It comes from strange locations!